仁爱版八年级下册英语期末试卷 (1)



二、阅读理解(20 小题,每小题10分,满分40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按要求做题。注意:请把答案填涂在答题卷相应位置。

1.(10分)Gina is a young graduated from the university three years ago,but she still

lived with her parents these week,she moved out of her parents ' was

excited and her parents can 't watch her all the time and she can do things

the same time,she met a lived with her parents for more than 18

parents used to cook for her,so she never learned to cook first,she went out to eat a

lot,but it was too expensive and she didn't make much she has to cook by herself,because it' s a cheap way when she spends some time studying how to cook .

She planned to make fried is healthy and easy to ,she put a pan on

the stove and turned on the she put some oil on the the oil was hot,she

put the cabbage into the stirring the cabbage around quickly,she Covered the pan

with a lid and four or five minutes later,it was tried it and found it

very was so proud of herself that she decided to make tomato soup next time.

(1)How long might Gina live with her parents?

about three years.

about eight years

over eighteen years.

(2)Why was Gina afraid when she moved out of her parents' place?

e she didn't have a job.

e she didn't have money.

e she couldn't cook by herself.

(3)What does the underlined word "stirring" mean in Chinese?




(4)What does the second paragraph mainly talk about?


Gina cooked the fried cabbage.

Gina cooked the fried cabbage.

Gina cooked the tomato soup.

(5)What's the best title of the passage ?

's first job experience.

's first cooking experience.

's healthy living habits.

2.(10分)I was lying in bed yesterday afternoon after a big wasn't anything

interesting on book I was trying to read seemed boring,y I put the

book down,closed my eyes,and let myself take a nap.

Suddenly,I felt a little and wet tongue lick my eyes opened and I saw our dog

Luck standing there and looking at me.I smiled and touched her a while,I got up

and we went sun was breaking through the clouds and warmed the cool air.I

laughed as I ran with her around the yard.

She smiled the grass when the wind blew we went back inside,I threw a ball

to her,and she brought it back to me she jumped up on my bed and took a nap of

her seemed like even while she was resting,she never found life boring.

Luck's life is always full of her life,there is time to nap and time to

is time to sing,to listen to the news,and to is time to smell the flowers

when the wind blows lightly,but there is no time to be thinking about Luck's life,I know we only get a certain amount of time to live and that we shouldn't waste a second of it.

Word Bank

nap 小睡

tongue 舌头

lick 舔

second 秒

(1)Why did the writer take a nap?

e he had a habit of having a nap.

e he felt tired after lunch.


e he found nothing interesting to do.

(2)What happened when the writer went outside?

dog jumped up on his bed.

weather became better.

dog licked his face.

(3)How did the writer feel after walking his dog ?




(4)What did the writer do with his dog according to third paragraph?

smelled the flowers.

lay on the grass.

played a game.

(5)What can we infer from this passage?

writer learned a lot from his dog.

is something wrong with Luck's tongue.

doesn't like playing with a ball at all.

3.(10分)Do you want to be slimmer?Here are some fashion can help you feel


Don't wear pants if they have lines from left to lines make you look fatter

especially when you have a heavy build.

Wear dark is many people 's favorite color because dressing in dark colors

can make you look are different dark have many other choices

besides blue seems good and navy is not bad,either.

Choose a sure there is more than one color in the one color,especially light color,may make you look much er,two or three colors are


Don't believe the size on the sometimes are different in different make

sure you try on different sizes to get the best 't wear something if it is too small for

you,because it can make you look a lot bigger than you are.


Usually jeans are boys and girls ' careful of back pockets can

make your bum look bigger,but others can make it you are shopping,choose

jeans with right ne wants to be young,beautiful and slim,so choose the right

style to make you look best.

Word Bank

build 身材

navy 藏青

tag 标签

bum 屁股

(1)If you are fat, .

't wear pants if they have lines

't wear pants if they have lines from up to down

't wear pants if they have lines from left to right

(2)What kind of shirt can make you look thinner?

is more than one color in the shirt.

is more than three colors in the shirt.

is more than one color in the shirt and two or three colors are enough.

(3)When you choose your jeans,you should .

the jeans with right pockets.

some jeans without pockets.

some jeans with two pockets.

(4)The writer mentioned kinds of fashion tricks.

(5)In the passage,we know that .

people believe the size on the tag

is the same in all shops

of people choose their dress by the size on the tag



Customs on Eating

Food in China and western countries is has about five thousand years'

e people may spend half of their time on choose food very

only use fresh materials to make example,they only eat fresh

e people have a lot of ideas for can cook a chicken in over twenty


(1) .Western countries,like England or America,don't have fresh food because

they buy their food from only sell stored materials. (2) They are

unhealthy for people' s n people are very good at making desserts and

can make very good cakes and chocolates.(3)

In China,when people invite others for a meal,they would pay for the meal,but it' s not

the same way in western counties.(4) They won't be happy if you pay for them.

Another difference in eating is that: (5)

Chinese people only have three meals in a western people may have

usually have afternoon tea when they would have fruit or cakes with cheese.


n people also prefer fast food like hamburgers and chips.

Chinese food is very popular around the world.

western countries ,people will think you only invite them but don't need to pay for them.

food are very sweet and can make people fat quickly.

e people use chopsticks but western people use knives and forks.

三、完形填空(15 小题,每小题15分,满分15分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其填涂在答题卷相应位置。

5.(15分)When Sean was only a 5﹣year﹣old boy,his father's friend Paul once(1) the

little boy home in his police was interested in the car,the lights and the

decided to be a hero like Paul.

However,a high school English teacher(2) his believed that he had


a true gift for (3) and should not waste time being a police followed his

teacher(4) and finally he became a reporter for a the years,he

changed several jobs but(5) made him really ly,he had never really

given up his childhood(6) to become a policeman. "I feel like a loser," Sean

was(7) and lost 25 pounds in a few months.

For a long time,Sean sent emails for a job as a police was no

morning,Sean checked the email box as usual but he found an unexpected email in his

it possibly(8) this time?

Phoenix was in great need of police officers and one of Sean's old friends(9)

him, "Do you still want to be a police officer?"

"Phoenix was a city 500 miles from(10) home, "said Sean. "But there ,at least,is a(11) that I can realize my dream."

In order to pass the test to enter the police academy,Sean(12) began training,setting a daily running rule of a mile and a half.(13) Sean passed the written exam and

completed the physical last,Sean finished his education in the police academy.

The following year,Sean got a prize(14) his excel﹣ lent job. "It took me 35

a promise is a promise, " Sean said. "I did just proves that it's never too(15) ."

Word Bank

reply 回复

realize 实现

academy 学院

promise 许诺

prove 证明



















(13) that case

(14) of







the end

d of





e of



much,only,they,how,be,regular ,two,in,or,keep

Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is important for and(1) should we eat to be healthy?

First,we need to have enough food,never too much(2) too food must

be clean and we should cook it(3) a right way.

(4) ,it' s very important for us to have different kinds of ,meat,fish,eggs,milk,fruit and vegetables(5) all necessary parts of a good gives

us ,fish,eggs and milk help our bones and vegetables make us(6)


Third,we should eat(7) .It' s said that half of the students don't have breakfast

regularly or don't eat anything at all in the is bad for(8) fact,a

good breakfast (9) us strong.

In short,we should not(10) eat enough good,healthy food but also regularly.


第二节阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。(5 分)


Different Uniforms

People wear uniforms for different students wear school uniforms at school to

show good ghters wear special coats and helmets to protect themselves(1)

heat and falling rs wear green clothes to protect themselves in the forest.

When officials dress(2) their official uniforms,they look we see

airline pilots wearing uniforms at the airport,we believe that they know how to fly the

we have a car accident on the street and we see a police officer in uniforms,we know we can

get help from him or doctors wear uniforms,(3) is easy for patients to find

,their uniforms are(4) clean that they can stop the spread of diseases.

Different uniforms show different it's necessary for us(5) know different

uniforms in our daily life.



did you think of it

,I'd love to

lucky you are

D.I'm going to watch a fashion show

will it start

and where shall we meet

sounds interesting

A:Hi, are you going to do this Saturday morning?

B:Hi,Lucy. (1) .

A:A fashion show? (2) .

B:It will start at 9:00 in the know there was a fashion show last week.

A:Did you watch it ?


B:Yes,I my mother watched it with me,too.

A: (3) ?

B:It was a great people decide to have another fashion show this Saturday

you like to go with me?

A: (4) .And we can also invite Mary to go with us.

B:Great idea!I' m sure that she will like it.

A: (5) ?

B:Let's meet at our school gate at 8:

A: you then.

六、 书面表达(满分20分)

9.(20分)"赠人玫瑰,手留余香"。为了弘杨"奉献爱心,助人为乐"的校园文化,你们学校正在举办一系列的公益活动。假如你和同学们正在为下周的校园美食节做准备,你们计划把八年级同学的集体生日派对也安排在那里,希望现场能筹集一些资金来资助贫困的孩子们重返校园。请你以" A Special School Food Festival" 为题,用英语写一篇短文,描述一下你们的活动计划和愿望。80词左右,可适当发挥。



A Special School Food Festival



二、阅读理解(20 小题,每小题10分,满分40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按要求做题。注意:请把答案填涂在答题卷相应位置。


【解答】(1)C.细节理解题。根据She lived with her parents for more than 18 years.她和父母一起生活了18年多。可知Gina和父母一起住了18年多。故选C。

(2)C.细节判断题。根据Her parents used to cook for her,so she never learned to cook before.她的父母过去常为她做饭,所以她以前从未学过做饭。可推断出Gina搬出父母家时担心,因为她自己不会做饭。故选C。

(3)B.词义猜测题。根据When the oil was hot,she put the cabbage into the stirring

the cabbage around quickly,she Covered the pan with a lid and waited.油热的时候,她把卷 9


(4)A.段落大意题。根据First,she put a pan on the stove and turned on the she

put some oil on the the oil was hot,she put the cabbage into the stirring

the cabbage around quickly,she Covered the pan with a lid and waited.首先,她把一个平底锅放在炉子上,然后打开炉子。然后她在锅上放了一些油。油热的时候,她把卷心菜放进锅里。在快速搅拌卷心菜后,她用盖子盖上锅盖等待。可知第二段主要讲述Gina是怎么做炸卷心菜的。故选A。

(5)B.最佳标题题。通读全文,根据First,she put a pan on the stove and turned on the

she put some oil on the the oil was hot,she put the cabbage into the

stirring the cabbage around quickly,she Covered the pan with a lid and waited.首先,她把一个平底锅放在炉子上,然后打开炉子。然后她在锅上放了一些油。油热的时候,她把卷心菜放进锅里。在快速搅拌卷心菜后,她用盖子盖上锅盖等待。可知文章讲述了Gina搬离父母家后,第一次自己做菜的故事。故最佳标题应为:Gina的第一次烹饪经历。故选B。



(1)C.根据There wasn't anything interesting on book I was trying to read

seemed boring,y I put the book down,closed my eyes,and let myself take a nap.电视上没有什么有趣的节目。我想读的那本书似乎也很无聊。最后我把书放下,闭上眼睛,让自己打个盹。可推断出作者因为不到有趣的事情做,所以打了个盹。故选C。

(2)B.根据After a while,I got up and we went sun was breaking through the

clouds and warmed the cool air.过了一会儿,我站起来,我们出去了。太阳穿过云层,温暖了凉爽的空气。可推断出当作者外出时,天气变好了。故选B。

(3)B.根据I laughed as I ran with her around the yard.我笑着和她在院子里跑来跑去。可推断出作者遛狗后感觉很开心。故选B。

(4)C.根据After we went back inside,I threw a ball to her,and she brought it back to me



(5)A.根据After thinking about Luck's life,I know we only get a certain amount of time to

live and that we shouldn't waste a second of it.在考虑了Luck的一生之后,我知道生命是有限的,我们不应该浪费每一秒钟。可推断出这位作者从他的狗身上学到了很多东西。故选A。


【解答】(1)C.细节理解题。根据 Don't wear pants if they have lines from left to

lines make you look fatter especially when you have a heavy build.可知如果你很胖,就不要穿从左到右有线条的裤子。故选C。

(2)C.细节理解题。根据Only one color,especially light color,may make you look much

er,two or three colors are enough.可知选择衬衫时,选择有2﹣﹣3种颜的衬衫能让你看起来更瘦。故选C。

(3)A.细节理解题。根据When you are shopping,choose jeans with right pockets.可知选择牛仔裤时,应选择有合适口袋的牛仔裤。故选A。

(4)B.细节理解题。根据't wear pants if they have lines from left to dark

a sure there is more than one color in the 't believe the

size on the you are shopping,choose jeans with right pockets.可知作者共提及了五种着装技巧。故选B。

(5)C.推理判断题。根据 Don't believe the size on the tag.结合作者的建议及实际生活可知,有些人是相信标签上的尺寸的,故A选项错误;根据Sizes sometimes are different in

different stores.可知在不同的商店,尺寸有时是不同的。故B选项错误;故选C。



(1)B.根据前句"They can cook a chicken in over ten ways.他们可以用十多种方法烹调鸡肉。"可知说的是中国菜,结合选项,应说所以中国菜在世界各地都很受欢迎。故选B。

(2)A.根据后句"They are unhealthy for people's body.它们对人们的身体不健康。"可知说的是垃圾食物,结合选项,应说西方人也喜欢快餐,如汉堡包和薯条,故选A。

(3)D.根据前句"Western people are very good at making desserts and can

make very good cakes and chocolates.西方人非常擅长做甜点和巧克力。他们能做出非常好的蛋糕和巧克力。"可知说的是甜食,结合选项,应说这些食物很甜,能使人很快变胖,故选D。


(4)C.根据前句"In China,when people invite others for a meal,they would pay for the

meal ,but it's not the same way in western countries.在中国,当人们邀请别人吃饭时,他们会自己买单,但在西方国家却不是这样。"可知说的是请客,结合选项,应说在西方国家,人们会认为你只邀请他们,但不需要付钱。故选C。

(5)E.根据前句"Another difference in eating is that:饮食上的另一个区别是:"可知说的是餐具,结合选项,应说中国人用筷子,而西方人用刀和叉。故选E。

三、完形填空(15 小题,每小题15分,满分15分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其填涂在答题卷相应位置。


【解答】(1)C。考查动词。guided引导;carried携带;drove驾驶;句意:当Sean还是个5岁的小男孩时,他父亲的朋友Paul曾经开着警车把他带回家,根据句中"in his police


(2)B。考查动词。kept保持;broke打破;supported支持;句意:然而,一位高中英语老师打破了他的梦想。根据后文"She believed that he had a true and should not

waste it being apoliceofficer."可知,老师认为Sean不应该浪费才华做一名警察,所以此处表示老师打破了他做警察的梦想,故选:B。

(3)C。考查动词。listening听;singing唱;writing写;句意:她相信他有写作的天赋,不应该把它浪费在当警察上。根据后文"finally he became a reporter for a newspaper."可知,Sean去报社工作了,所以是写作方面的天赋,故选:C。

(4)A。考查名词。advice建议;choice选择;decision决定;句意:Sean听从了他老师的建议,最后成了一家报社的记者。根据"and finally he became a reporter for a newspaper."可知,此处表示Sean听从了他老师的建议,故选:A。

(5)C。考查不定代词。something某事物,多用于肯定句;anything某事物,多用于否定句和疑问句中;nothing没什么;句意:这些年来,他换了好几份工作,但没有一件事让他真正高兴。根据后文"I feel like a loser."可知,没有一份工作能让他开心,故选:C。

(6)A。考查名词。dream梦想;life生活;idea想法;句意:事实上,他从来没有真正放弃他童年的梦想成为一名警察。根据前文"However,a high school English teache broke

his dream."可知,成为一名警察是Sean的梦想,故选:A。

(7)C。考查形容词。happy开心的;excited激动的;sad伤心的;句意:他很伤心,几个月就瘦了25磅。根据"I feel like a loser."可知,Sean觉得自己是个失败者,所以他很伤 12


(8)A。考查形容词。different不同的;strange陌生的;interesting有趣的;句意:这次会有所不同吗?根据前文"For a long time,Sean sent emails for a job as a police

was no reply."可知,Sean试过很多次,但是都没有回复,所以此处表示"不同的",故选:A。

(9)C。A.考查动词。called打电话;visited参观;emailed发邮件;句意:Phoenix非常需要警察,Sean的一个老朋友给他发了。根据"but he found an unexpected email in

his box"可知,此处表示"发邮件",故选:C。

(10)B。考查物主代词。his他的;my我的;her她的;句意:Phoenix离我家有500英里远。根据says Sean可知,此处是Sean自己说的话,表示"我的",故选:B。

(11)C。考查名词。discussion讨论;check检查;chance机会;句意:但至少在这里,我感觉到了重生。根据was I felt reborn,"可知,此处指有再一次机会去实现自己的梦想,故选:C。

(12)B。考查副词。busily忙碌地;quickly迅速地,slowly慢慢地;句意:为了通过考试进入警察学院,Sean很快开始训练,规定每天跑步1.5英里,根据In order to pass the test

to enter the police a cademy,可知,Sean收到邮件之后就迅速开始为了考试而准备,故选:B。

(13)B。考查介词短语。In that case在那种情况下;In the end最后;So far到目前为止;句意:最后,Sean通过了笔试,并完成了体能测试。根据"Sean passed the written exam and

complete d the physical test."可知,Sean做了一系列准备,最后通过了考试,故选:B。

(14)C。考查介词短语,ahead of在……前面;instead of 代替;because of因为,其后加名词/代词/动名词;句意:第二年,Sean因为出的工作而获奖。根据其后"his excellent


(15)A。考查形容词。late晚的;long长的;short短的;句意:它只是证明了永远不会太迟。根据It tookme35 a promise is a promise."可知,成为警察实现小时候的梦想花费了Sean35年,但是实现梦想永远不晚,故选:A。






(3)in.考查介词。根据句意:食物必须干净,我们应该用正确的方法烹饪。in a ....way,用...样的方法,故填in。



(6)more.考查形容词。根据句意:水果和蔬菜使我们更健康。more healthy更健康的,和不吃以前比,所以要用比较级,故填more。




(10)only.考副词。根据句意:简言之,我们不仅要吃足够好的健康食品,还要有规律地吃。but also不但..而且,故填only。

第二节阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。(5 分)



(2)in.考查介词。句意:当官员们穿着他们的官方制服时,他们看起来很重要。根据dress,可知为短语"dress in+衣服",表示穿着...样的衣服。故填:in。

(3)it.考查代词。句意:当医生穿制服时,病人很容易到他们。分析句子,可知为形式主语"it is+形容词+for do sth."对于某人来说,做某事是怎么样的。故填:it。

(4)so.考查副词。句意:此外,他们的制服如此干净以致于可以阻止疾病的传播。根据 14


(5)to.考查不定式。句意:因此,我们有必要了解日常生活中不同的制服。分析句子,可知为形式主语"it is+形容词+for do sth."对于某人来说,做某事是怎么样的。故填:to。



【解答】(1)D.根据下文中的"A fashion show?"可知,此处应该是指Lucy要去看一场时装秀,选项D"我要去看一场时装秀。"符合题意。故选D。

(2)E.根据下文中的"It will start at 9:00 in the morning."可知,此处应该是李明问Lucy时装秀什么时候开始,选项E"什么时候开始"符合题意。故选E。

(3)A.根据下文中的"It is a great success."可知,此处是李明问Lucy觉得上周的时装秀怎么样,选项A"你觉得怎么样"符合题意。故选A。

(4)B.根据上文中的"Would you like to go with me?"可知,是Lucy问李明是否愿意一起去看时装秀。再根据下一句"And we can also invite Mary to go with us."可知,李明愿意和Lucy一起去看时装秀,选项B"是的,我很乐意"符合题意。故选B。

(5)F.根据下文"Let's meet at our school gate at 8:"可知,此处是李明问Lucy见面的时间和地点,选项F"我们什么时候在哪里见面"符合题意。故选F。

六、 书面表达(满分20分)


In order to help poor children back to school,there will be a food festival in our school next


in order to do sth为了做某事。


At the same time,all the schoolmates who have the same birthday in Grade 8 will have a

birthday party together.与此同时,八年级将所有有相同的生日的同学将有一个生日聚会。



A Special School Food Festival


In order to help poor children back to school,there will be a food festival in our school next

week. 【高分句型一】At the same time,all the schoolmates who have the same birthday in

Grade 8 will have a birthday party together.【高分句型二】Now my classmates and I are busy

preparing for this special school food festival.(活动的目的及内容)

First,we will discuss the time and the place with each ,we will make a poster to

let more people know the purpose of the we're going to prepare all kinds of food

and birthday cakes as many as possible.(活动的准备工作)

All of us hope the food festival will be successful so that we can raise enough money for

the poor children.(总结全文)


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