




[Insert Issuing Bank’s name](Issuing Bank)issues its Standby

Letter of Credit(Instrument”)as follows:

Type of Instrument: [Insert mance Standby Letter of

Credit, Advance Payment

Standby Letter of Credit, Tender Bond Standby Letter of

Credit, Financial

Standby Letter of Credit]

Instrument No:


Beneficiary: [Insert Issuing Bank’s reference number] [Insert

name] of [Insert address] [Insert ANZ entity name] of [Insert


Underlying Relationship: [Insert reference number and other

information identifying contract,tender conditions or other

relationship between the applicant and the

beneficiary on which the guarantee is based]

Maximum Amount: [Insert currency and amount in words


Place of Presentation: [Insert Issuing bank office address]

Form of Presentation: Paper delivered personally, by courier

or post to Issuing Bank’s Office

Required Documents: [Insert [Not applicable][name

additional document(s)required to support a

demand and specify whether an original or copy is required]]

Required language: Demands, documents and notices issued

or required in connection with

this Instrument shall be in the language of the Instrument

[except for

[name of required document] which will be in the language

of [insert



Issue Date:

[4:] on [Insert DD/MM/YYYY] at the Issuing

Bank’s OfficeAll chargesare for the account of the Applicant

[Insert DD/MM/YYYY] Party liable for charges: The Issuing Bank

irrevocably undertakes to pay the Beneficiary any sum or sums


exceeding in aggregate the Maximum Amount upon

presentation in the form indicated above to the Issuing Bank of

the Beneficiary’s compliant demand together with the Required

Documents(if any)listed s must(i)be marked as

drawn under this Instrument,(ii)request payment of all or part of

the Maximum Amount,(iii)state the respect in which the

Applicant is in breach of its obligations under the Underlying

Relationship and(iv)specify the bank account of the Beneficiary

into which payment is to be made by the Issuing s

and Required Documents(if any)must be received at the Issuing

Bank’s Office on or before the Expiry of the

Issuing Bank will not recognise or pay a demand made after the

Expiry of this notices in connection with this

Instrument must be signed and delivered personally, by courier

or by post to the Issuing Bank’s ts under this

Instrument will be made electronically to an account of the

Beneficiary will return this Instrument to the

Issuing Bank’s Office after it Instrument is subject

to International Standby Practices – ISP98 International Chamber

of Commerce Brochure No 590 and construed and decided in

accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China(PRC,

for the purpose of this Instrument, not including Hong


Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special

Administrative Region and Taiwan)and subject to the jurisdiction

of the courts of the and on behalf of

[Insert Issuing Bank’sname]


ANZ Trade and Supply Chain

[V 2010_08_19] Page 2 of 2



Lessor(hereinafter referred to as Party A): XXX

Lessee(hereinafter referred to as Party B): XXX

Party A and B have, in respect of leasing the legitimate

premises owned by

Party A to Party B, reached an agreement through friendly

consultation to

conclude the following contract under the relevant national

laws and

regulations, as well as the relevant stipulations of the

A will lease to Party B the business premises which is

located at following agreements:

lease term is year, it will be from year))___(day)to(year)___(month)(day).Annual rent(RMB)______

yuan(after-tax). rent should be paid _____(it should be

paid before using the

premises).If Party B doesn’t pay the rent within the

stipulated period of time,then Party A will have the right to

withdraw the there is a big change of the market

rent, the two parties can negotiate to

adjust the the case of such non-A causes as house

removal conducted by the

government and land or houses overall transfer conducted

by Party A, Party B

should move out of the premises in B should pay

Party A the bills for Water and Electricity on the basis of

actual degrees present in water meter and electricity meter

Party B pays the rent in accordance with the

terms of this agreements,Party A cannot affect the normal

business activities of Party B in any shape or

ile, Party B should do business in accordance

with the

Economic and legal responsibility caused by business

activities has nothing to

do with Party two parties should provide

convenience for each other as far as

possible based on the good friendly relations and mutual

the lease term, Party B should keep interior and

outdoor clean and neat, and make full preparation for fire

prevention and prevention of burglary.(The expenses from “be

responsible for general sanitation, green covering and keeping

good social order in a designated area outside the unit building ”

should be payed by Party B.)

contract is signed by the both parties after

can’t be changed or terminated willfully unless

there is an exceptional so, the party should

inform the other a month in ng not covered in this

contract will be discussed separately by both are

2 originals of this party will hold 1 original(s).This contract shall be in effect after it is (signature): XXXLessee(signature): XXX



2010—2011年 第二学期《国际经贸英语合同写作》考查

08英语一班 解月 学号:29


Lease(hereinafter referred to as Party A):

Lessee(hereinafter referred to as Party B):

In accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and related

provisions, Party A and Party reach this contract on a equal and

voluntary basis, which they, under friendly consultations, agree

that Party A rent its legal ownership of house to B and Party B

lease A’s house and use ty Address

Party A will take its all the house and attached facilities

in__area, Shanghai to rent Party

B in good Space

The registration of rental house area is __square

meters(covered area). term

The lease term will be from __date__month__year to the

__date__month__year,for__ A shall deliver the vacated

house to Party B for use before__month__

1)Amount:The parties agree to the rental will be__RMB per

B will pay

the rental to Party A in the form of__.2)Rental will be paid by

first installment will be paid before__ day__

month__ successive installment will be paid before

the__ day of each

B will pay the rental before using.(If Party B pays the rental in

the form of remittance with the remit date as payment date and

the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.)Party A will issue

a written receipt after receiving the rental.3)If Party B pays the

rent exceeding the time limited for ten days, he will pay 0.5


of monthly rental as overdue fine every day;if Party B pays

the rent exceeding the time limited for fifteen days, he will be

regarded as automatically refund and breaking the

this situation, Party A has the right to take back the house and

take actions against party B‘s t

1)To ensure the safety and good conditions of the house and

attached facilities and the related costs of settlement during the

lease term, party B will pay__RMB to party A as a deposit

before__day__month__ A will issue a written receipt

after receiving the deposit.2)Except as otherwise agreed in this

contract, Party A will return full amount of the

deposit without interest on the day when this contract

expires and party B clears the house and has paid all due rental

and other expenses.3)If party B breaches the provisions of this

contract, Party A has right to deduct the

default fine, compensation for damage or any other

expenses from the case the1

deposit is not sufficient to cover such items, Party B should

pay the insufficiency within ten

days after receiving the written notice of payment from Party

tions of Party A

1)Party A will deliver the house and attached facilities(see the

appendix of furniture list

for detail)on time to Party B for using.2)In case the house and

attached facilities are damaged because of quality problems,natural damages or accidents, Party A will be responsible to

repair and pay the relevant

expenses.3)Party A will guarantee the lease right of the

house, whereas if Party B’s interest is

damaged, Party A will be responsible to compensate party

B‘s tions of Party B

1)Party B will pay the rental and the deposit on time as

stipulated in the contract.2)Party B may add new facilities with

Party A‘s this contract expires,Party B may take

away the added facilities without changing the good conditions

of the

premises for normal use.3)Party B will not transfer the lease

of the premises or sublet it without Party A‘s

approval and should take good care of the

ise,Party B will be responsible to

compensate any damages of the premises and attached

facilities caused by its fault and

negligence.4)Party B will use the premises lawfully according

to this contract without changing the

nature of the premises and storing hazardous materials in

ise, Party B will be

responsible for the damages caused by it

5)Party B will bear the cost of utilities such as telephone

communications, water,electricity and gas on time during the

lease ation and dissolution of the contract

1)Within one month before the contract expires,Party B will

notify Party A if it intends

to extend the this situation, two parties will discuss

matters over the

the same terms Party B has the priority to lease the

premises.2)When the lease term expires, Party B will return the

premises and attached facilities to

Party A within belongings left in it without Party

A‘s previous understanding will

be deemed to be abandoned by Party this situation,

Party A has the right to dispose of it

and Party A will raise no objection.3)This contract will be

effective after being signed by both party has no

right to terminate this contract without another party‘s

ng not covered in this

contract will be discussed separately by both

of the contract

1)During the lease term, any party who fails to fulfill any

article of this contract without

the other party‘s understanding will be deemed to breach

the parties agree that

the default fine will case the default fine is not sufficient

to cover the loss suffered bythe faultless party, the party in

breach should pay additional compensation to the other

party.2)Both parties will solve the disputes arising from execution

of the contract or in connection with the contract through

friendly case the agreement cannot be reached,

any party may summit the dispute to the court that has the

jurisdiction over the contract will be effective after

being signed by both party has no right to terminate

this contract without another party‘s ng not

covered in this contract will be discussed separately by both


1)Any annex is an effective part of this contract, and it has

the same legal effect with the

contract.2)There are 2 originals of this party

will hold one.3)If both parties have other special terms, they will

be listed bellows:

Party A:


Contact address:






The computer application development application

significance and the prospect

of development

Computer science and technology combining of each

subject, improved the research tools and methods, to promote

the development of the the past, people mainly

through experiment and theoretical two ways for science and

technology , calculation and simulation has

become the third approach research computer and the

relevant experimental observations can be combined, instrument

field experimental data record, sorting, processing, analysis and

draw a diagram, significantly improve the quality and efficiency

of experimental er aided design has become the

engineering design of the important means combination,

the aspect of theory, the human brain computer is

outspread, can replace the human brain function and

strengthened the t mathematical rely on paper

and pen computing, now computer became the new tools, such

as math theorem proving the heavy mental work already may, by

computer to complete or partial ation and

simulation, as a new research method, often makes some

disciplines derive new branch example, air

dynamics, meteorology, elastic structural mechanics and

application analysis etc faced by the “dyscalculia”, in a high-speed computer and relevant calculation method, and a

breakthrough started after derive calculation aerodynamics,

meteorological numerical prediction edge branch

computer quantitative research, not only in natural science plays

a significant role in the social science and humanities subjects

also is example, in the census, social investigation and

natural language research aspects, computer is a very effective

er wide application in all walks of life, often produce

remarkable economic and social benefits, which led to the

industrial structure, product structure, management and service

pattern, etc of the the industrial structure in the

computer industry has a view, and knowledge and computer

services industries new er application, have

computer hardware technical ability, software technology ability,

8 bits embedded microcontroller, 32-bit computer system

application ability and good engineering technical ability


course: C series language program design, foundation of

computer network, circuit and electronic technology and single-chip microcomputer principle and application, the sensor

technology, control engineering foundation, visual programming

technology, Linux operating system, answer the art,

graduating in industry measurement device manufacturing

enterprise, the civil electronic manufacture of various types of

enterprises are engaged in the embedded system software and

hardware development work, also can be engaged in industry

measurement and control device, the civil all kinds of intelligent

electrical computer or people learning tools and life

home computer, personal computer, computer

network, database systems and all kinds of terminal equipment,

people can learn all kinds of classes, get all sorts of intelligence

and knowledge, processing various kinds of life issues(such as

booking tickets, shopping, different etc), can even home

and more people work, study and life with computer

will occur directly or indirectly rization of computer

education has become an important short, the

development of the computer and application has is not only a

scientific technology phenomenon and is a kind of politics,

economy, military and social computer

application problems existing in the development of computer

application in China and low level of enterprise informatization

level is low, Internet enterprises and Internet families still less,

information technology application in enterprise and family

enough for the developed countries and

developing countries have very big gap, according to the state

statistical center research, our infomationization ability not only

lagging far behind Japan and other developed countries, also

behind Singapore, South Korea, the Philippines, Egypt, India and

other developing countries;Netizens percentage of the

population of 67%, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany, China 60% to

49% only 3.5%.Domestic computer application development is

not balanced, regions informatization index 20 times vary,

Internet users and computer size in the eastern and western

regions, and Taiwan region difference, Taiwan Internet users have

5.4 million, the netizen percentage of the population of 26%,

networking host 85 million, the enterprise has a 50% yourself in

developing electronic commerce for e-commerce enterprise less

than 10%.China's information industry is not completely satisfy

informatization development and computer application on the

hardware and software product demand, product

technical level and localized market penetration, major

application engineering and large application system USES

software and hardware product mainly rely on foreign companies,

transformation of scientific and technological achievements slow,

system integration, information service level should be further

enhanced, computer application related standards, norms, and

neither need to be er application, information of

the market economy and policy legal environment remains to be

perfect, there is lack of effective technology economics policies

promote information technology is widely applied, the

information organization, leadership and management system is

yet to be perfected and strengthen the market management, the

relevant laws and regulations, social credit system has not been

fully set up, electronic commerce development need market

environment still is not rise management system,

mechanism, management concept and organization of still can

not adapt to the requirements of market economy, game lack of

knowledge, some leadership to information technology

application to the importance and urgency of inadequate

rise using information technology, high

and new technology is still lack of internal drive, human, financial

and material work is weak, information

technology talents especially know both of information

technology and understand industry business technology

compound talents more lack, broad worker information

consciousness and information technology application

knowledge lack, worker presses for improving cultural

computer in the popularization and application of

social fields will be rapid development area informationization,

city information, community information will accelerate

g, Shanghai, guangdong pilot experience will

further promote informatization in the scientific concept of

development, will be built, led by some informatization

demonstration provinces, cities, and areas, urban communities

and villages and towns, the 2010 national regions, small and

medium-sized city information will be rapid

utility, public service and other public domain informationization

been al and educational health, social

insurance, social security, public transport, water heating power

supply system, community service and other public domain will

widely applied information technology, key application

engineering and gold-lettered series digital Olympic victory

completion, public domain informationization level will have a

new stage, feed, clothe and shelter for the people provide good

environment and service

information technology in the home, and promote the

development of family igent building, the

village promotes gradually, the telephone, mobile phone,

information home appliances, home computer further

popularization, make information technology entered the family

and personal life, promote the development of

informationization family information appliances digital,

intelligent, home theater, home office will gradually popularizing,

family the development of informationization will greatly

improve the quality of life.中文译文:






计算机应用,具备计算机硬件技术能力、软件技术能力、8位、32位嵌入式微计算机系统应用能力以及良好的工程技术能力的复合型人才。主要课程: C系列语言程序设计、计算机网络基础、电路与电子技术、单片机原理与应用、传感器技术、控制工程基础、可视化编程技术、Linux操作系统接术等。学生毕业后可在工业测控装置制造企业,民用电子制造各类企业从事嵌入式系统的软、硬件开发工作,也可以从事工业测控装置,民用各类智能电器的维修工作。










博士 Porter 博士ha Porter 章节目标:  根据前面的概念明确人机工程学因素和设计过程相联系的那部分的需要; 当尝试为人民大众设计汽车时指出常见的错误思想; 证明那种可以将人机工程分析并且并入设计过程的方法; 举例说明怎样实现这个设计过程以及它的发展前景.9.1 介绍



 潜在的拥有者和使用者或许没有精确地预测他们体型的大小和身体的比例或者他们的操控能力这些方面;

 座位的设计者在驱动机构的设计上花很少的心思。结果导致使用者或许忍受少许长期的不舒适和严重的健康问题,比如腰椎间盘突出和发生碰撞事故时受不必要的伤害。


在开发一种新型汽车的过程中,许多制造商采取传统的程序是连续的并且可以简单地描述为由内而外的设计。一直以来认为外部款式首先服从在车内适合工程要求(Tovey 1992)。设计一款新型汽车一种可替代的方法是由外而内的设计(Porter&Porter 1998)。这种方法将促进开发汽车时更加明确的集中在购买者驾驶室内的问题。例如,所设计汽车乘坐者的体型,数目和年纪,还有他们最舒服的姿势的细节,视线和表皮触感,这些将帮助定义驾驶者们将会对汽车内空间内的要求。不要忘记像比如购物、高尔夫用品、宝宝椅和宠物这些物品对空间的要求。控制装置和显示器将被设计围绕在这些人知道的在他们手、脚、和视线可触及的范围内。汽车的外观需要同时适应人体和工程。成功的设计和在形成过程中强加约束(代表性的有时间、花费和法律)还有取得无论在哪儿都可以行得通的最佳折中有很大联系。



直到最近,许多汽车公司没有一个正规的机构在设计和开发汽车的过程中去识别和解决人体工程学的问题。正如下面插图描述的八个基本的错误,这种情况的原因可能包括几个关于人体工程学的使用和价值的错误概念。Pheasant在1996年提出前五条错误,Porter and











人类具有可适应性,但是最终的调查显示人类的适应性还不够。作者进行了几项研究去调查曝光出的驾车和因为身体不适和生病而请假的报告之间的联系。调查结果清楚的显示高里程(小于25000英里每年)驾驶者(大约有百分之六十到百分之八十的人经常经历轻微的背部不舒服的问题)主要抱怨轻微的背部问题。在Gvi and Porter于1995年对600名英国普通大众进行的调查中发现和在过去12个月内行驶少于5000英里的低里程驾驶员由于靠垫问题而请假,且请假的平均天数只有3.3天相比,高里程驾驶员因为背部不舒服问题而请假的平均天数是22.4天。在把驾驶车当做工作的一部分的人中,与那些一周驾车时间少于10个小时,由于背部问题而请假的平均天数是8.1天相比,那些一周驾驶时间超过20小时的人,因为轻微的背部问题而请假的平均天数是51.3天。因为轻微背部不适而请假的量是因为生病而请假的量的六倍还多。

几项其他的研究也证明长时间驾驶和出现轻微的背部疼痛有着清楚的关联。这一点在几项具有代表性的调查中都有体现,它们是Frymoyer于1983年,Damkot于1984年对美国男性做的调查,Walsh于1989年对英国男性做的调查和Pietri于1992年对法国职业驾驶者做的调查。Kelsey and Hardy 于1975年进行的一个美国成年人的个案对照研究也表明一个曾经有一份花费他一半或是更多他的工作时间来驾驶的人,这个人比平常人多三倍的可能性得腰椎间盘突出。依据由轻微背部问题到恶化成腰椎间盘突出所引起的从身体不适到病假的标准,长时间驾驶和逐渐流行的轻微背部问题之间的联系已经被建立。有趣的是,这些研究中的几个研究已经报道了,当长时间驾驶车比有一半的工作时间驾车更好,这两者之间的联系最强烈(Porter

and Gyi,1995)。Porter在1992年发现,在驾驶里程内和汽车提供自动变速箱时(自动变速箱的好处来自于姿势的约束性和固定性的减少),对于那些高水平适应性的车,很少有轻微的背部问题或者因病






只使用直觉获得最舒适的折中是不可能一直成功的,特别是当汽车设计者和工程师的个人偏见和喜好与那些广泛而多样的消费者不完全适合时。女性驾驶者会遇到的问题,例如方向盘太近,当把座位往前调时容易触及踏板。同样的,踏板的设计或许没有考虑到女的喜欢穿高跟鞋驾驶的事实;安全带没有调节充分,引起脖子或者胸部的皮肤磨损;操控把手的设计没有考虑长的手指甲(Thompson 1995).为了去量化这些问题,最近一个关于小的家庭尺寸的车的调查显示,有42%的女性认为踏板不舒服,25%的女性抱怨安全带的位置

(Petherick and Porter,1996)。这些数据为证明反复改正设计直到最终满意的需要提供了清楚的必要的反馈。








9.3 汽车制造业的人体工程学







人体工程学家和大学保持好的联系并且参与到大学的研究项目中。一个公司没有人体工程学家时,数据资源总是过期并且使用者评估数据很少被管理。人体工程学家必须到和那些需要人体工程学信息的人进行交流的方法。一般而言,人体工程学信息的描述是数字的和枯燥的。这种形式的信息或许很适合人体工程学者和机械师,但是有充分的证据证明它不适合于大多数的设计者(Porter and Porter,1997)。设计师们被训练进行视觉上的信息交流,在所有情况下,与设计师进行接触的人体工程学家必须学习用这种方式进行交流。例如:将数字数据转换为可视数据;制作CAD平面图来展示边界区域,CAD图直接储存在设计师们使用的软件中;在黏土模型上做标记去传达设计推荐值;使用所有在设计展示中常见的和探究设计理念可视化的多媒体工具。9.4用人体工程学的方法和工具去改善驾驶室





SAE J826

H-point(ISO 6549)

SAE J1100


SAE J1100

H-point 旅行路径

SAE J1517


SAE J941

眼睛活动范围(ISO 4513/BS AU 176)

SAE J1052


SAE J287

手控制达到信封(ISO 4040/BS AU 199)

相应的国际标准和英国标准以插入的成分在描述之后给出。这些以及其他相关的标准在Roe(1993)中有详细的描述,他们也可以在SAE Handbook(1996)中被发现。这些标准在全世界的汽车工业中构成了基础的驾驶室标准。与汽车内显示和控制设计,视线,镜子设计,震动和热环境这些相关的都有相应的标准。可以在Peacock and


Sanders and McCormick(1992)


Peacock and Karwowski(1993)


Defence Standard 00-25




Campbell et al.(1998)





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