


学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________


1.Miss Liu is my English teacher. ________ is tall and thin. ( )

A. He

B. Her

C. She

答案: C


他,B 她的,C 她,根据刘小是位女士,又作句子的主语,代词要用人称代词主格 she,故选 C。

2.My father was thin ten years ago, ________ now he’s strong. ( )

A. but

B. and

C. so


答案: A

解析:句意:我的爸爸十年前很瘦,但是现在他很强壮。根据句意前后两句话应是表示转折关系,因此应用转折连词 but,选项 A 但是,选项

B 和,选项 C 因此,故选 A。

3.温暖的 w _ _m ( )

A. ar

B. er

C. or

答案: A

解析:根据所给中文释义和字母,可知该题考查形容词 warm,所缺字母为 ar,故选 A。

4.We ______ spit on the ground. We should keep our school clan.

( )

A. should

B. must

C. mustn't


D. could

答案: C

解析:句意为我们不能随地吐痰。我们应该保留我们的宗族。随地吐痰这件事应该是禁止,故用 C。

5.Helen is good at ________. She has ________ lessons after school.

( )

A. dance; dancing

B. dancing; dance

C. dancing; dancing

答案: C

解析:句意:海伦擅长跳舞。放学后她有舞蹈课。擅长 be good at 后边跟名词、代词或者动名词,此处应该为动名词 dancing,舞蹈课

dancing lessons,固定搭配。故选 C。

6.Tom likes cars. He enjoys ________ model cars of all kinds. ( )

A. collects

B. collected


C. to collect

D. collecting

答案: D

解析:句意为汤姆喜欢汽车。他喜欢收集各种型号的汽车。enjoy 后应该接动名词,故选 D。

7.Lingling often _____ her homework after dinner. ( )

A. does

B. did

C. do

答案: A

解析:句意:玲玲经常晚餐后做她的家庭作业。A 做,第三人称单数形式;B 做,动词过去式;C做,动词原形。根据 often 可知句子是一般现在时,主语 Lingling 是第三人称单数,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,故选 A。

8.当你想说“新年快乐”,应该怎样表达:( )

A. Happy new year!


B. Happy birthday!

C. Happy Children’s Day!

答案: A

解析:A 新年快乐!B 生日快乐!C 儿童节快乐!A 选项符合题干语境,故选


9.Mr Green ________ a letter ________ his friend last night. ( )

A. writes; for

B. wrote; to

C. is writing; to

答案: B

解析:句意:昨天晚上格林先生给他的朋友写了一封信。write a letter

to sb 给某人写信,根据时间last night 可知该句是一般过去时,write

的过去式为 wrote,故选 B。


A. where

B. what


C. who

D. with

答案: D

解析:A 在哪,B 什么,C 谁,D 和,ABC 都是疑问词,D 是介词,故选 D。

11.—____________ are they doing? ( ) —They are watching TV.

A. When

B. What

C. Which

答案: B

解析:句意:他们正在做什么?他们在看电视。问什么用 what。对应

B。A 什么时候,C 哪个,均不符合语境。故选 B。


A. her

B. she


C. their

答案: B

解析:A 她的,B 她,C 他们的/他们的/它们的,AC 是形容词性物主代词,B 是人称代词主格,故选 B。

13.I'm hungry. Please bring me some _________. ( )

A. kites

B. cakes

C. boxes

答案: B

解析:句意:我很饿,请带给我一些______。A 风筝,B 蛋糕,C 箱子。因为饿了,B 符合题意。故选 B。

14.—I’ll go on a trip to Australia for my summer holiday

tomorrow. ( ) —_______!

A. Well done

B. Have a good trip

C. Good luck


答案: B

解析:明天我要去澳大利亚暑期旅行。Well done 做的好;Have a good

trip 旅行愉快;Good luck 好运。选项 B 更符合语境。故选 B。

15.Frank, look at that _____. ( )

A. set of key

B. a set of key

C. set of keys

答案: C

解析:句意:Frank,看那串钥匙。a set of……一串,key 是可数名词并且有了指示代词不能用冠词,故选 C。

16.There are two glasses ______ water on the table. ( )

A. for

B. of

C. in

答案: B


解析:句意:桌子上有两杯水。two glasses of water 两杯水,固定搭配,故选 B。

17.Before there many whales, but now there not many. ( )

A. was; is

B. were; are

C. were; is

答案: B

解析: 暂无解析

18.—What does your father do, Amy? ( )—My father is a .He

always goes to other countries.

A. teacher

B. fisherman

C. businessman

答案: C

解析:句意:你的爸爸是做什么的?我的爸爸是一个____,他总是去其他国家。由句子可知爸爸是一名商人,故选 C。


19.当你想问附近有商店吗?用英语怎么说: ( )

A. Is there a shop near here?

B. Is that a shop?

C. Is there a bus stop near here?

答案: A

解析:A 附近有商店吗?符合语境。B 那是一家商店吗?不符合语境。C 附近有公交站吗?不符合语境。故选 A。

20.—Did you have a dream? ( ) —____________

A. Yes, I do.

B. No, I did.

C. Yes, I did.

答案: C

解析:句意:—你有梦想吗?—_____ 该句为 Did 引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答为 Yes, I did. 否定回答为 No, I didn’t. 故选 C。



1.—Will Mike stay in New York for a week? —No, he _____ (will).

答案: will not/won't

解析:句意:—迈克会在纽约呆一周吗?—不,他不会。句子为 will 引导的一般疑问句,由句中的No,可知为否定答语 No, he will

not=won't,故答案为 will not/won't。

2.not, this, ID, her, is, school, card ( )

答案: This is not her school ID card.

解析: 暂无解析

3.Helen _____ (pick) many apples on the farm last week.

答案: picked

解析:句意:海伦上周在农场摘了很多苹果。last week 是一般过去时的标志词,动词 pick 用过去式 picked,故答案为 picked。

4.was, there, library, no, my, old, school, in ( )

答案: There was no library in my old school.

解析: 暂无解析

5.My sister ______ (喜欢吃糖果), so she is a little fat.


答案: likes eating sweets

解析:句意:我妹妹喜欢吃糖果,所以她有点胖。喜欢吃糖果 like

eating sweets,该句是一般现在时态,主语是第三人称单数,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,故答案为 likes eating sweets。

6.Bobby is talking about ______ (他的旅行计划).

答案: his travel plans

解析:句意:鲍比正在讨论他的旅行计划。他的旅行计划 his travel

plans,故答案为 his travel plans。

7.Sometimes we can’t find a zebra crossing, so we can wait on

the _____.

答案: pavement

解析:句意:有时我们不到斑马十字路口,所以我们可以在______等待。根据句意可知该空填pavement 人行道,故答案为 pavement。

8.The kid doesn’t feel good. Let’s take him to the h_____.

答案: hospital


解析:句意:孩子感觉不舒服。让我们送他去____。根据句意和首字母,可知考查单词 hospital 医院,名词,这里为可数名词单数,故答案为


9.She didn't have any friends here last year. (变成肯定句)

She ______ ______ friends here last year.

答案: had some

解析:句意:去年在这她没有任何朋友。变为肯定句去掉助动词,一般过去时,故 have 用过去式had,将 any 改为 some,故答案为


10.heavier, my, is, yours, bag, than ( )

答案: My bag is heavier than yours.

解析:heavier 更重的,my 我的,is 系动词,yours 你的,bag 包,than 比,根据所给的句号可知这是一个陈述句,根据所给的词义可知句子意思为我的包比你的更重。

11.Some scientists say robots can help people do some cleaning

in the f_______.

答案: future



in the future。故答案为 future。

12.The question is so hard, but Jack has the right a_________. He is


答案: answer

解析:句意:这个问题很难,但杰克有正确的 _____。他很聪明。这里需要一个名词来说明杰克有正确的什么,结合题意和首字母 a,应填解决办法 answer,故答案为 answer。

13.He wants to be a football _____ and _____ in the World Cup.


答案: player;play

解析:句意:他想成为一名足球运动员在世界杯踢足球。由句中 a 可知后应加可数名词单数形式,根据句意应是成为足球运动员 player,想要做某事 want to do sth,在世界杯踢足球应用动词原形 play,故答案为


14.What a ____________ (友好的) boy !

答案: friendly


解析:句意:多么友好的男孩啊!根据句意和中文释义,可知该空应填形容词 friendly,友好的。故答案为 friendly。

15.you, have, a, Did, holiday, nice (你假期过得好吗?)

答案: Did you have a nice holiday

解析:you 你/你们,have 有,a 一个,Did 助动词,holiday 假期,nice 美好的,根据所给问号可知句子是疑问句,根据所给单词词义可以连成句子:你假期过得好吗?故答案为 Did you have a nice holiday?


1.亲爱的同学,哪位家人是你心中的“超人”?请写一写,分享一下。要求:包含基本信息和过去的一件趣事;基本信息包含职业、外貌、个性、爱好、能力、上班或上学使用的交通工具;过去的趣事包含至少两个句子;词数不少于 60。



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