



1. Every year, Barnes & Noble picks the 10 best books of the year, covering all

genres and age groups. If you’re looking for an amazing book to grab before the end of

2021, here are some of the best books of the year.

Cloud Cuckoo Land

This novel is both a historical and futuristic science fiction story that connects five

characters across hundreds of years through their relationship to a book: “Cloud Cuckoo

Land.” The book they find is about a shepherd named Aethon, who longs to be turned

into a bird, so he can live a carefree life forever. As each character finds this book, from a

l5th century kid to a young teen on a futuristic interstellar ship, their stories meet in this

complex yet fascinating read.

Crying in H Mart

When Michelle Zauner was 25, her mother s cancer changed her life forever and

forced her to accept her Korean American identity in a desperate attempt to stay

connected to her mother. As a talented musician, Michelle had previously been divorced

from her cultural roots, but quickly turned to food to keep her mother's memory alive in

this powerful and heartbreaking memoir.


It is a historical, middle-grade adventure novel intended for adolescents. It talks

about a 12-year-old boy named Silas who is woken in the middle of the night to see his

father being taken away by three horsemen. With only his horse named Pony by his side,

Silas sets off on a life-changing mission to find his father.

You Will Get Through This Night

It is a nonfiction read about mental health that offers both a personal and professional

outlook on how to survive the hardest mental health days. Dividing the book into three

chapters — This Night, Tomorrow, and The Days After — Daniel Howell wants readers

to not just survive the hard nights but properly care for our mental health.

1. What do Cloud Cuckoo Land and Pony have in common?

A.Plot. B.Literary form. C.Characters. D.Writing background.

2. Which book is specially designed for teenagers?

A.Cloud Cuckoo Land. B.Crying in H Mart.

C.Pony. D.You Will Get Through This Night.

3. What is the feature of You Will Get Through This Night?

A.It is about psychological health. B.It helps cure physical disabilities.

C.It is a collection of personal stories.

D.It mainly solves sleeping problems.

2. Derek and Shirley walked out of the airport building and into the bright sunshine.

Looking up at the brilliant blue sky and then at the faraway mountains rising above the

swaying palm trees, they couldn’t wait to start their holiday.

A taxi pulled up swiftly and silently. Derek dropped their suitcases into the boot and

joined Shirley in the back seat. “Palm Trees Hotel, please,” Derek said excitedly.

“Certainly, sir,” replied the driver, as he turned around with a flashing white smile. Derek

and Shirley gave each other a puzzled look as the taxi eased smoothly into the traffic.

“Excuse me, er, your face seems very familiar—in fact, you remind us of that famous

film star, but of course, you can’t be.”

Derek and Shirley sat in silent disbelief as the driver explained that he was not a real

person, but a robot made to look like a famous actor. “Rocky” explained that the taxi

company had purchased the latest model of robot drivers since they were programmed to

be safer and more reliable than human drivers. “So, here I am,” “Rocky” continued,

“your first robot taxi driver!”

Derek and Shirley held each other’s hands more lightly. “Relax,” “Rocky” reassured

them, “there is nothing for you to worry about. I can assure you that my driving skills are

excellent. I’m equipped with perfect vision and superior reactions, and I know every

street in the city. I am instantly updated with the latest traffic information so that I can

avoid traffic jams and get you to your destination in the quickest and least stressful

manner. Please sit back, relax and enjoy the journey.”

Derek and Shirley, feeling a little better, leaned back in their seats and closed their

eyes. “And another thing,” “Rocky” added, “my line of robots represents the ultimate (最高典范) in computer technology. I am beautifully designed, made from only the best

materials and subject to the strictest quality checks. Therefore, you are entirely safe with

me. Nothing could possibly could possibly go wrong, wrong… go wrong…”

1. Why did Derek and Shirley feel puzzled when they got into the taxi?

A.Because the driver was a robot.

B.Because the driver was Rocky Overton.

C.Because the driver gave them a big smile.

D.Because the driver looked like a famous actor.

2. What do we know about the taxi driver “Rocky”?

A.It has the perfect vision and superior reactions.

B.It is the first robot taxi driver in the world.

C.It is instantly updated with the latest news.

D.It has never get stuck in traffic jams.

3. What does the underlined word “reassured” in paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.Threatened. B.Persuaded. C.Surprised. D.Comforted.

4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.Robot drivers are perfectly designed.

B.Robot drivers are able to repeat the words.

C.Robot drivers are not so reliable as expected.

D.Robot drivers are not safer than human drivers.

3. Some people say that the planet is getting smaller, that there are few places left to

explore, and that the age of exploration will be over soon.

I would argue instead that there has never been a greater need to explore. That’s

because the stage for all exploration is the natural world, and nature is experiencing a

rapid decline. It is by exploring that we understand and when we understand we develop

an appreciation for what is found. Ultimately, only the things we appreciate are worth


As the golden age of exploration weakens, so does the richness of life on Earth. It

isn’t just that there are fewer blank areas on the map; it is that wild places and spaces

have been progressively carved up (瓜分). Visiting the Okavango Delta or Kalahari

Desert, for example, no longer implies a self-supported expedition (考察). Field stations

pop up in important national parks and remote sensing by satellite becomes commonplace.

In the next century, I believe we will need larger and wilder areas. We will need the

wilderness, not just for the protection of it, but because it is an important part of the

ecosystems from which we gain our necessities like clean water,food and materials. If

we succeed, then expeditions — brief travels into the wild that seek to answer questions,

monitor populations, and inspire action — will have a renewed sense of purpose. More

importantly, they greatly help the public experience, understand and appreciate nature.

Based on my own research expedition which aims to understand “edge effects” —

how the changes in temperature at forest edges impact animals, I find it important that

today’s scientists continue to spend time in the field. It is here that they begin to

understand how seemingly unrelated environmental interactions influence their study

system. Sometimes, it’s difficult to know which is important to measure until you stand

out there cm the forest edge.

It is the young generation that is the main force to lead the next wave of expeditions.

The measure of their success will be whether there are still well-preserved wild places for

expeditions in the future. Their leadership is needed now, more than ever.

1. What’s the purpose of this text?

A.To call on the public to support the study.

B.To inform us about the reduced biodiversity.

C.To advise people not to travel to unknown places.

D.To suggest understanding nature by keeping exploring.

2. What can we know about the expedition in wild spaces from Paragraph 3?

A.It is difficult for explorers to make progress.

B.It is more accessible with the help of technology.

C.It promotes the development of satellite technology.

D.It requires explorers to take sufficient heavy equipment

3. What does the author realize after his research expedition?

A.The significance of scientists’ field trip.

B.The difficulty of carrying out fieldwork.

C.The need to expand the edges of forests.

D.The influence of his study on the environment.

4. The success of future expeditions will be determined by ________.

A.our knowledge of nature

B.the time spent in the field

C.the preservation of wild places

D.the study system of young generations

4. Researchers at the University of Cambridge carried out a year-long study with

Design and Technology (D&T) year 9 pupils at two London schools. Pupils at one school

spent the year following school lessons while the other group’s D&T lessons used a set of

engineering design thinking tools. Creativity of both groups of pupils was assessed at the

start and end of the school year using an authoritative mental test.

Results showed a significant increase in creativity among pupils at the intervention

(干预) school where thinking tools were used. At the start of the year, the creativity

scores of pupils at the control school were 11% higher than those at the intervention

school, according to data, from the mental test. By the end, however, creativity scores of

pupils in the intervention group were 78% higher than those in the control group.

The research is part of a program called Designing Our Tomorrow and challenges

pupils to find ways of dealing with real-world problems by thinking about the thoughts

and feelings of others. The particular challenge used in the study required pupils at the

intervention school to design an asthma-treatment (哮喘) pack for children. Pupils

were given various “tools”. They were shown data on the number of asthma-related

deaths of children in the UK, and a video about a child having an attack. They also

explored the problem and tested their design ideas by role-playing—for example—patients, family members, and medical staff.

Nicholl, Senior Lecturer in Design and Technology Education, said, “When I taught

D&T, I didn’t see children as potential engineers. who would one day contribute to the

economy—they were just people who needed to be ready to go into the world at 18.

Although teaching empathy (同理心) has been part of the D&T National Curriculum for

over two decades, this study suggests it is still a missing link in the creative process, and

vital if we want education to encourage designers and engineers of tomorrow.”

1. What can we learn about the control group?

A.They used thinking tools.

B.They didn’t take D&T lessons.

C.They followed standard courses.

D.They got higher creativity scores twice.

2. Why do researchers give pupils various “tools”?

A.To develop their empathy.

B.To test their creativity levels.

C.To help them understand asthma.

D.To inspire them to solve problems.

3. What is Nicholl’s attitude to current D&T teaching?

A.Appreciative. B.Doubtful. C.Objective.

4. Which can be the best title for the text?

A.Empathy Is Missing in the Creative Process

B.Empathy Improves Creativity in Pupils

C.Pupils Should Empathize with Others

D.Teaching Kids Empathy Is a Must



5. Green exercise is a term used to describe any type of physical exercise that takes

place in a natural environment rather than in a health club or gym. 1 . Instead, it

relies on the use of natural means of taking part in activities that improve strength and

endurance with as little reliance on equipment as possible.

2 . For example, some consider a truly natural exercise experience requires that

the individual wear clothing only made from natural fibers. Others consider barefoot

running or walking with a big arena to be more desirable than running or walking with


A slightly different approach to green exercise puts more stress on the fresh air,

sunshine and involvement with the natural world, rather than the equipment or clothing

used during the exercise. 3 . Similarly, climbing a mountain using standard

equipment and protective clothing would also be considered a green exercise.

Many consider green exercise helps to reconnect human beings with the natural

world. The interaction with nature helps to lower people's blood pressure, refresh their

mind, and actually improve their self-esteem. 4 .

Not everyone believes that the green exercise is more beneficial than working out in

a health club or gym. 5 . Meanwhile, the use of fitness devices may result in more

challenging workouts which help strengthen the heart and lungs in ways that more

simplistic exercise in a natural setting would be difficult to manage.

A.A green gym uses as little equipment as possible

B.Spirits are also believed to be positively affected

C.Opinions on what truly green exercise means differ

D.Green exercise includes a range of activities exposed to nature

E.So riding a bicycle in the forest can be called a type of green exercise

F.It usually doesn't use fitness equipment that is normally found in a gym

G.Some point out that many health clubs are built to make full use of natural light


6. “The silence is killing me,” I thought as I locked my phone, hoping a new message

would light up the screen. After 27 messages, two phone calls and a voicemail, I’d just

sent my final text to the person who _________ to be my best friend at college.

The two of us met freshman year and, since we _________ almost all the same core

classes, rapidly became inseparable throughout college. We _________ stayed up

together for studying, and were each other’s partner for late-night pizza runs. Then one

day after graduation, she suddenly _________ responding, apart from claiming she

“didn’t have enough time for herself”. That breakup was the most _________ I’d

experienced. After four years of building such a _________ relationship, I thought I’d at

least receive a(an) _________ for why she wanted to end things. _________, I received

only a brief, indirect message about self-care and-what hurt me most-a(an) _________.

Over the past few years, the concept of “drawing boundaries” has __________ in the

pop psychology. Discussions of cutting people off and protecting your

energy__________ dominate social media. And after nearly three years in __________,

the ways the Covid-19 pandemic has __________ many of us to reevaluate our

relationships with others show up everywhere in pop culture.

The __________ of self-care are fairly obvious: by prioritizing our own well-being,

we’re able to engage in emotional healing, build confidence, __________ anxiety and

simply rest. However, an extreme focus on self-care can lead to a(an) __________

perspective of the world in which we always put ourselves first, even when we’re in the

wrong. This doesn’t just __________ us-it can have real, painful consequences for the

people around us.

Sometimes it can feel __________ for us to remove ourselves from conflict or

discomfort under the mask of __________. However, walking away from these

relationships without a real conversation actually__________ us and our loved ones of an

opportunity for growth.


A.tried B.used C.happened D.promised


A.signed up for B.looked forward to C.took advantage of D.kept up with


A.occasionally B.barely C.routinely D.finally


A.suggested B.regretted C.delayed D.stopped


A.unforgettable B.special C.boring D.painful


A.fragile B.romantic C.close D.formal


A.comment B.explanation C.apology D.complaint


A.Otherwise B.Instead C.Meanwhile D.Therefore


A.letter B.excuse C.experience D.silence


A.exploded B.disappeared C.survived D.changed


A.hardly B.permanently C.accidentally D.consistently


A.harmony B.charge C.separation D.competition


A.caused B.required C.persuaded D.expected


A.effects B.benefits C.origins D.characteristics


A.reduce B.express C.create D.share


A.open-minded B.objective C.conservative D.twisted


A.disturb B.impress C.hurt D.support


A.easier B.cooler C.calmer D.warmer


A.co-operation B.guidance C.self-care D.friendship


A.reminds B.robs C.convinces D.warns


7. 阅读短文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

During the summer holiday I had the chance to visit Pingtang County, Guizhou

Province in southwest China. It’s 1 experience I will never forget.

Traveling to Guizhou by high-speed rail from Beijing, I 2 (astonish) at the rapid

change in scenery from skyscrapers to beautiful tree-filled mountains 3 (rest) under

a clear blue sky.

Upon arrival, I visited the Pingtang International Experience Planetarium, which

displays China’s 4 (remark) achievements in science and space technology. The

Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) there is the largest one

of its kind in the world. To visit FAST, visitors are not permitted 5 (bring) any

electronic devices due to security measures. So they must record this once-in-a-lifetime

moment with their hearts and minds.

6 (truth), my favorite part of the trip was my personal interaction with the local

community. Following the instructions, I worked on two community farms, went hiking

and swam 7 a fresh community river alongside fish. I was educated on the regional

history of the Miao people 8 culture is rich in fashion, food, pottery and music. After

this adventure, my 9 (appreciate) for Chinese culture has snowballed. While I am

content living and working in Beijing, Pingtang County in Guizhou has opened my eyes

to the endless positive 10 (possible) China has to offer.


8. I send you my warmest ________ (祝贺) on your success. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

9. Young Einstein was fascinated by physical and mechanical ________ (现象). (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

10. You can only buy the magazines ________ (订阅) to in advance. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

11. Tony opened the letter of admission from Peking University, ________ (颤抖) with

excitement. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)

12. ________ (任命) as president to the department, Eric held a family get-together to

celebrate it. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)


13. He received the news of his father’s sickness with great_________(anxious). (所给词的适当形式填空)

14. It can be ________(benefit)to share your feelings with someone you trust.(所给词的适当形式填空)

15. While Tom’s very good at science, his brother is ________ (absolute) hopeless. (所给词的适当形式填空)

16. The little boy ________ (panic) when thinking about the punishment he might get

from his mother. (所给词的适当形式填空)

17. Considering that he didn’t have the potential ________ (conduct) the research well,

the boss fired him. (所给词的适当形式填空)


18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,(从第11处起)不计分。

More and more people attach great importance relationships in career success. Being

polite is the first but most important step to develop good relationships among friends.

Polite word can be easy yet very powerful in your daily life.

Always saying “please” and “thank you” will make your friends feeling more

comfortable and more willingly to offer help when necessary. We all know that one

man’s success is based on what he deals with people. Always being grateful to others

people’s kindness and show your gratitude through the words you say. The more support

you win from other people, the more faster you will move towards your goal.

Remember, being polite cost nothing but it’s worth a million dollars.


19. 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Allen打算近期来中国进行为期5天的旅行,让你为他推荐一、二个城市作为旅行目的地。请你给他回信,内容包括:

1. 推荐城市;

2. 推荐理由;


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯;

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Allen,



Li Hua

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