

电流载荷(Load current)

In 1.5, 2.5, 4, line 6, 10mm2 will be its cross-sectional area

multiplied by 5 times. In 16, 25mm2 wire can be multiplied by

4 times the cross-sectional area. In 35, 50mm2 wire can be

multiplied by 3 times the cross-sectional area. In 70, 95mm2

wire can be multiplied by 2.5 times the cross-sectional area.

For wire 120, 150 and 185mm2 to its cross-sectional area

multiplied by 2 times

The working temperature of 30 DEG C, 90% load under long-term

continuous flow is as follows: 1.5 mm - 18A2.5 mm - 26A4 mm -

26A6 mm - 47A10 mm - 66A16 mm - 92A 25 mm - 35 mm 120A - 150A

power P= voltage U * current I = 220 V * 18 = 3960 watt

GB4706.1-1992/1998 standard safety regulations of the wire

load current value (in part): copper wire. Copper wire

cross-sectional area. Allow long-term current..2.5 mm (16A ~

25A), 4 mm (25A ~ 32A)..6 mm (32A ~ 40A) aluminum core wire.

The aluminum core wire cross-sectional area. Allow long-term

current..2.5 mm (13A ~ 20A) 4 mm (20A ~ 25A), 6 mm (25A ~ 32A)

For example: ////1, / / / each computer power consumption is

about 200 ~ 300W (1 ~ 1.5A), then the 10 computer requires a

2.5 mm copper wire power supply, otherwise may cause fire. 2,

3 air-conditioning power consumption of about 3000W (about 14A),

then 1 air conditioners you need to separate a 2.5 square mm

copper wire power supply. 3, now housing into the line is

generally 4 square mm copper cable, therefore, at the same time

open the household appliances shall not exceed 25A (5500 watts),

it will be housing the wires replaced 6 square mm copper cable

is useless, because the wire into the meter is 4 square

millimeter. 4, early housing (15 years ago) into the line is

generally 2.5 square millimeters of aluminum, therefore, at the

same time open the household appliances shall not exceed 13A

(2800 watts). 5 household appliances, power consumption is

relatively large: air conditioning 5A (1.2 HP), electric water

heater 10A, 4A microwave oven, electric cooker 4A, dishwasher

8A, 10A washing machine with drying function, electric boiling

water heater 4A in power caused by the fire, 90% is the joint

caused by fever, therefore all the joints are to be welded, no

welding contactor 5 ~ 10 years must be replaced (such as air

switch socket, etc.)................ The long-term current GB

allows 4 square 25-32A6 square

In fact, these are the theory of safety value is greater than

the limit value, the maximum power 2,5 square wire allows the

use of 5500W. is 4 square 8000W square, 6 9000W no problem.40A

digital meter normal 9000W is absolutely no problem. The

mechanical 12000W will not be burned. 00 copper core cable

ampacity standard cable ampacity lips: estimation formula: two

point five multiplied by nine, to go up by a smooth number.

Thirty-five by three point five, both in groups by five points.

The conditions have changed with the conversion, the high

temperature of ten percent off copper upgrade. Intubation root

number two three four, 87 forty percent off full flow.

Note: this section formulas for various insulated wire (rubber

and plastic insulated wire) ampacity (safe current) is not

directly pointed out, "but the section multiplied by a certain

multiple" to that obtained by mental arithmetic. "Two point

five times nine, to go up by a smooth number" is 2.5mm "and

following the various cross-section aluminum insulated line,

its carrying capacity is about 9 times the number of cross

section. Such as 2.5mm 'wire carrying capacity for 2.5 x 9 =

22.5 (A). From the load flow and section number 4mm 'and above

lead multiple relationship is along the line to reach multiple

successive reduction L, 4 x 8, 6 x 7, 10 x 6, 16 x 5, 25 x 4.

"Thirty-five times three point five, both in groups by five,

3.5 times the conductor said is 35mm" carrying capacity for the

section number, that is 35 x 3.5 = 122.5 (A). From the 50mm 'and

above the wire between the carrying capacity and section number

multiple relationship into two two line into a group, followed

by a multiple of minus 0.5. 50, 70mm wire carrying capacity for

the section number 3 times; 95, 120mm wire carrying capacity

is 2.5 times the cross-sectional area of the number, and so on.

"Conditions plus the change in conversion, the high temperature

of ten percent off copper upgrade". The above formula is

aluminum core insulation wire, deposited in the environmental

temperature of 25 DEG C under the condition of the. If the

aluminum core insulation wire surface at ambient temperature

higher than 25 DEG C long area, the ampacity calculation method

can be calculated according to the formula, and then call ten

percent off to use but not the wire; when the copper core

insulation wire, to be slightly larger than the same size of

aluminum and its carrying capacity, can be calculated according

to the above formula method than the wire carrying a line to

increase the flow. If the flow load 16mm 'copper wire, according

to the calculation of aluminum 25mm2. The calculation of cable

ampacity of cable selection (according to the current selection

of cable): wire ampacities and wire section, or material type

and wire laying method and environmental temperature and so on,

there are many factors affecting the complicated calculation.

The carrying capacity of various wire can usually be found in

the manuals. But the use of formulas with some simple arithmetic,

can be calculated directly, without look-up table. 1. formulas

of aluminum core insulation wire carrying capacity and section

10 under five multiples of 100, two, 25, 35, four, three,.70,

95, two and a half times. Through pipe, temperature, eight or

nine fold. Add half bare. Copper is upgrade.

Description formulas for various section carrying capacity

(ANN) is not directly pointed out, but with the section

multiplied by a certain multiple representation. This will be

our common wire nominal section (mm2) are arranged as follows:

1, 1.5, 2.5, 4, 6, 10, 16, 25, 35, 50, 70, 95, 120, 150,

(1) pointed out that the first sentence rhymes aluminum core

insulated wire carrying capacity (ANN), according to the times

of calculation section. The formulas in Arabia digital said the

conductor section (mm2), Chinese characters digital times. The

formulas of section and multiple relationships arranged as

follows: 1 to 1016, 2535, 5070, 95120 > > > > > five times four

times three times two times two times now and then control

formulas more clearly, as "10 under five" refers to the section

below 10, carrying capacity is five the number of times the

value of the cross section.

"100 two" (read 100 two) refers to the section of ampacity is

two times more than 100 section numerical. Section 25 and 35

is the boundary between the four and three times. This is the

formula 25, 35, four realms "". While section 70, 95 to two point

five times. From the above arrangement can be seen: in addition

to below 10 and 100 above, the wire section is in the middle

of each of the two specifications are of the same kind of

multiples. For example, aluminum core insulation wire,

temperature ampacity calculation is not greater than 25 DEG C:

when the section is 6 mm, as load flow is 30; when the section

is 150 mm, as load flow is 300; when the section is 70 mm, is

the carrying capacity for the 175. From the above arrangement;

also can be seen: with the cross-section ratio increases, at

the junction of multiple changes, the error is slightly larger.

For example, section 25 and 35 is the boundary between the four

and three times, four times the range of 25 genera, which

according to the formula for the 100 count, but according to

the manual for the 97 and 35; instead, according to the formula

is 105, but the look-up table for the 117. But this did not

affect the use of. Of course, if a few chest, in the lead section,

25 do not make it full to 100, 35 is slightly more than 105.

It is more accurate. Also, the location of the line 2.5 square

mm five times in the beginning, in fact more than five times

(maximum 20 above), but in order to reduce the power loss in

the wire, usually are not so much to the current manual, only

12. (2) three is behind the formulas for processing conditions

change. "Wear tube, temperature, eight or nine fold" means: if

the laying (including groove plate, wire laying is a protective

sleeve layer, exposed, after calculating the unknown), call

twenty percent off; if the ambient temperature is above 25

degrees Celsius, then play the ten percent off calculation, if

both laying, and temperature more than 25 DEG C, call ten

percent off call twenty percent off, or by a simple thirty

percent off computing. About the environmental temperature,

according to the Regulations refers to the highest average on

the hottest summer temperatures. In fact, the temperature

change is, in general, it is not a large current carrying

conductor. Therefore, only for some warm or hot workshop area

more than 25 degrees more, before considering a discount. For

example, aluminum insulated line in different conditions

calculated download traffic: when the cross section is 10 mm

in the tube, then load flow is 10 x 5 x 0.8 40 one; if the

temperature is loaded flow is 10 x 5 x 0.9 45 one; if the pipe

and high temperature, then load flow 10 x 5 x 0.7 one 35. (3)

for the traffic load of bare wire, pointed out that "bare plus

half" formula is calculated after the half. This refers to the

same section of bare aluminum and aluminum core insulation wire,

can increase the carrying capacity of half.

For example, the calculation of ampacity of bare wire: when the

section is 16 mm, while the load flow is 16 x 4 x 1.5 one 96,

if under high temperature, then load flow is 16 x 4 x 1.5 x

0.9=86.4. (4) for the current carrying capacity of copper wire,

copper is pointed out that the formula upgrade ", is about to

cross section copper wire sequence level, and then calculate

the corresponding condition of aluminum. For example, section

35 square mm bare copper wire environment temperature is 25 DEG

C, ampacity calculation is: according to the upgrade to 50

square millimeter of bare wire is 50 x 3 x 1.5=225. For cable,

not introduced in the formula.

High voltage cable directly buried, it can be directly used for

the calculation of multiple first formulas. For example,

current carrying capacity of 35 square mm high-pressure steel

clad aluminum core cable buried for 35 * 3=105. 95 mm is about

95 * 2.5 = 238. The zero line of the three-phase four wire system

in cross section, usually selected as the phase section of about

1/2. Of course not less than the minimum allowable section

according to the requirement of mechanical strength. In

single-phase circuit, due to the load current through the zero

line and the line of the same, so the zero line cross section

should be the same as the phase section. The type name of the

scope of application of YJV copper core PE insulated PVC

sheathed power cable for laying indoors, in tunnel and in the

pipeline, the cable can not bear the pressure and mechanical

force. VLV YJV22 aluminum core copper conductor XLPE insulated

steel tape armored PE sheathed power cable for laying indoors,

in tunnel and cable buried in the soil, can withstand the

pressure and other external force. VLV22 VV32 PVC insulated

steel wire armoured PVC sheathed power cable for laying indoors,

in mine cable can withstand considerable tension. VLV32 VV42

PVC insulated steel wire armoured PVC sheathed power cable for

laying indoors, in a mine, the cable can withstand considerable

axial tension. VLV42 ZR-VV PVC insulated PVC sheathed flame

retardant power cable for laying indoors, in tunnel and in the

pipeline, the cable can not bear the pressure and mechanical

force. ZR-VLV ZR-VV22 PVC insulated PVC sheathed flame

retardant power cable for laying indoors, in tunnel and cable

buried in the soil, can withstand the pressure and other

external force. ZR-VLV22 ZR-VV32 PVC insulated fine steel wire

armored PVC sheathed flame retardant power cable for laying

indoors, in mine cable can withstand considerable tension.

ZR-VLV32 ZR-VV42 PVC insulated steel wire armoured PVC sheathed

flame retardant power cable for laying indoors, in a mine, the

cable can withstand considerable axial tension. ZR-VLV42 type

of cable is composed of eight parts: first, use the code - not

for power cable, control cable for K, P for signal cable; two,

insulation code Z paper, X rubber, V PVC, YJ cross-linked

polyethylene three, conductor material code standard for

copper, aluminum L; four, the internal layer of code - Q lead

package, L aluminum clad, H rubber, V PVC sheath five, D code

derived no dropping, P dry insulation; six, outer layer code

seven, special product code TH TA dry wet tropical, tropical;

Eight, rated voltage unit KV cable type SYWV (Y) SYKV, cable

TV, broadband network cable structure: (coaxial cable)

anaerobic single round copper wire + physical foaming

polyethylene (insulation) + (tin wire + Al) + PVC (PE), 2 signal

control cable (RVV cable, RVVP shielded wire) applicable to

building intercom, burglar alarm, fire control, automatic

meter reading engineering 3, RVVP copper conductor PVC

insulated PVC sheathed shielded flexible cable voltage

300V/300V 2-24 core use: instrument, intercom, monitor and

control the installation of KVVP: 4, PVC sheathed braided

shielding cable use: electrical appliances, instrumentation,

power distribution equipment signal transmission, control,

measurement, 5 RVV (227IEC52/53) PVC insulated flexible cable

use: household appliances, small Electric tools,

instrumentation and power lighting, 6 RV, 7 RVS, PVC insulated

cable is suitable for connecting RVB small household electrical

appliances, electric tools, instruments, meters and power

lighting cable 8, BV, BVR PVC insulated cables use: used in

electrical equipment and power meter, according to the 9 KVV

PVC insulated control cable used in Ming Dynasty fixed wiring:

electrical appliances, instrumentation, power distribution

equipment, signal transmission, control and measurement of RVV

KVV RVVP and KVVP RVV and RVVP difference: inside the line for

multi strand thin copper wire composed of cords composed of RV

line. KVV and KVVP inside the line for the hard line single

strand copper composition, composition of BV line. AVVR and

RVVP: difference between things, just name internal section

less than 0.75 mm for AVVR greater than 0.75 mm is equal to the

name of RVVP. SYV SYWV and the difference is: SYV video

transmission line with polyethylene insulation. SYWV is the RF

transmission line, physical foaming insulation. Used for cable

television. RVS and RVV 2 core difference: RVS dual core RV wire

twisted, no outer sheath, for radio connection. RVV 2 core cable

repeater, a sheath, used in power supply control signal R is

connected by a flexible cable (wire), soft structure. V - PVC

insulation. V - PVC insulated PVC sheathed flat - V (flat). S

twisted pair. A tin or silver plated. F high temperature

resistant P P2 copper shielded braid shield P22 - Y - type

prefabricated steel tape armoured, generally omitted, or FD -

polyolefin sheathed category code, a branch cable. The Ministry

of construction standards will be issued by FZ, in the same YJ

XLPE insulated PVC insulation or sheath of V - ZR - NH - type

flame retardant refractory WDZ halogen-free flame retardant

WDN low smoke halogen-free fireproof

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