

犯罪心理Criminal Minds第一季中英字幕剧本


Hi. I'm Heather. Nice to meet you. 嗨,我叫海瑟。很高兴见到你

That's a 2.4 liter 6 cylinder engine with Hitachi sidedraft carbs. 车上装了2.4升的6缸引擎,还有日立侧吸式化油器

That's right. Wanna take a look under the hood? 说的没错。想打开引擎盖看看吗

Yeah! You know your Z. I'm impressed. 当然!你对这车很懂行啊,佩服,佩服

You should have your mechanic check it out anyway. 无论如何还是得机修师检查下

How about I leave you my number and we can set it up? Thank you. 我留个电话给你,我们好办手续。谢谢

So it' right up here. 就在前面那右转

Oh! That was— Hello! There was the right. 哦,应该是。嘿,应该右转才对

Uh, pull over here, and we can try and do a U-turn. 要不就在这靠边停了我们做个大转弯试试

What are you doing? Okay. 你在干什么?好了

Stop the car now. 马上停车

Pull over now! 我说现在就靠边停车

How about Andrew? It's greek for valiant. 安德鲁怎么样?希腊语里是勇敢的意思

Let's Sergio. 我们叫他赛吉奥吧

Ha ha! Please tell me you're kidding. 哈哈!告诉我你是闹着玩的

Butch? How about Donald? 布奇呢?唐纳德怎么样

Hans. No! Wait, wait. Um... 汉斯,不要,等等

Okay. Gideon. Not a chance. 好吧,那就吉迪恩,门儿都没有

It's hebrew. Look what it means. 源于希伯来语,看看什么意思

It's perfect. Gideon Hotchner. 完美极了,吉迪恩·霍奇纳

No. Yes. No Gideon 不行,行。不行,吉迪恩

1940's. He put bombs in train stations and movie theaters. 上世纪40年代,那人在火车站和影剧院里安置

Uh, the mad bomber. George Metesky. Nice. 狂人,乔治·梅特斯基,记性不错

The winners sit. Losers, drink. Cheers. 赢的休息,输的罚酒。干杯

Hold on. Metesky wasn't a serial killer. None of his bombs ever killed anyone. 慢着,梅特斯基算不上连环杀手 他的没炸死过一个人

Well, you think all we do is serial killers? 你以为我们只解决连环杀手吗

we cover the whole spectrum of psychos. 相信我,我们得对付各种各样的变态

We profiled the D.C. sniper, the unabomber. 我们对整个华盛顿特区进行犯罪行为分析

We do terrorists, arsonists 狙击手啦,客啦,还有,纵火犯

Supervisory agents trying to get trainees drunk? 督察探员是想把实习生灌醉吗

Excuse me. 不好意思

Wow. Behavioral Analysis Unit. You work with Gideon? 行为分析组,你和吉迪恩一起工作吗

Were you with him in Boston? 在波士顿时也和他在一起吗

I was supposed to be. 本该是的

Yeah. This is Morgan. 喂,我是摩根

Anyone recognize these faces? 有人能认出这些面孔吗

Victims of the footpath killer. "小径杀手"的被害人

That's what Virginia newspapers are calling him. We refer to him as the unknown subject or

unsub. 弗吉尼亚的报章就是这么称呼他的,我们已将其列为不明嫌犯

I told Virginia We're looking for a white male in his 我告诉弗吉尼亚警方,我们追捕的凶手,是白人,20多岁

who owns an american-made truck in disrepair. Works a menial job. 有辆美国产,破旧的卡车,做着卑微的工作

I told'em when you 我还告诉他们,到他的时候

don't be surprised to hear him speak with a severe stutter. 不要对他严重的口吃感到惊讶

Not to sound skeptical, but a stutter? 无疑质疑您,但口吃是怎么回事

Where'd the murders occur? 凶案发生在哪里

Hiking paths. Isolated. 徒步旅行线路上,与世隔绝

If I'm a killer who has to use an immediate application of overpowering force, even out in the

middle of nowhere, 如果我是个,即便在四下荒无人烟的条件下也要用快速压倒性武力制服对方的凶手

I lack confidence. 那说明我缺乏信心

I can't charm them into my car like Ted Bundy did. 我没法像泰德·邦迪一样用个人魅力骗他们进车

I can't because I am ashamed of something. Excuse me. 我做不到,因为我为某事感到羞耻。对不起

They're calling him the Seattle strangler. 4 victims in 4 months. 他们称他为"西雅图扼杀犯" 。4个月内,4名被害人

He keeps'em alive 7 days. The handle serves as a crank. 他先让她们活7天,那扳手起到 转柄的作用把她们勒死

Allowing him to control the rate of suffocation. 这样他就能控制窒息的速率

To prolong it? To enjoy it. 为拖延过程吗?是为了享受

Seattle's hit a wall? 西雅图那边碰壁了吗

Physical evidence is nonexistent. There are no tangible leads. 没有任何物证,也没有具体线索

And another girl is missing. 而且又一个女孩子失踪了

I looked the case file over. I'll get some thoughts to you asap. 把案卷看完后我会尽快告诉你我的想法

You're gonna be with us in Seattle asap. 你要尽快跟我们去西雅图

22-year-old Heather Woodland. 22岁,海瑟·伍德兰

Before she left for lunch, she downloaded an email with a time-delayed virus attached. 外出午饭前,她从网上下载了一封带有延时病毒的

The killer's virus wiped her hard drive and left this on the screen. 凶手的病毒清空了她的硬盘在屏幕上留下了这个

"For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more. I cannot control myself." 看在上帝份上,在我杀害更多人。之前抓住我,我控制不了自己

He never keeps them for more than 7 days, which means we have fewer than 36 hours to find her.


They want you back in the saddle. 他们想让你干回老本行

You ready? 准备好了吗

Looks like medical leave's over, boss. 看来病假结束了,头

They sure they want me? 他们确定要我吗

The order came from the director. 局长亲自下的命令

Well, we'd better get started. 我们最好现在就动身

Joseph Conrad said,"the belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. 约瑟夫·康拉德说过,不必将罪恶之源归咎于超自然因素

Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." 人类自身足以实施任何恶行

This girl may only have 36 hours to live. 这姑娘可能只剩36小时可活

We're not asking for a judgment of Gideon. 我们要的不是吉迪恩的判断

We want an assessment. 我们需要的是他的评估

We want to know you're there to step in if he can't perform. 我们要你在他无法自持时介入干预

Are we clear? Of course. 清楚了吗?当然

His first victim was 26-year-old Melissa Kirsh. 第一个被害人是26岁的梅丽莎·基尔希

Stab wounds, strangulation. Wait, wait. Back up. Back up. 多处刺伤,被勒死,等等,倒回去

He and then strangled her to finish her off? Other way around. 他用刀刺了她,然后再把她勒死吗,恰恰相反

Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder? 你认为他第二次行凶为什么开始使用腰带

Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe. 徒手掐死一个人并非想象中容易

He tried, probably found that it took So he stabbed her instead. 他尝试了,可能觉得费时太长。所以他转而用刀刺她

And realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood. 然后又意识到要花上几个小时清理血迹

Next time, our boy's got a method—the belt. 于是第二次,他就采用了腰带

He's learning, perfecting his scenario. 他在学习,在完善他的流程

Becoming a better killer. 成为更好的杀手

What did I tell you about the tape? 我告诉过你,别碰那胶带

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! 对不起,对不起,对不起

He never stands with his back to a window. 他从不背对窗户站着

When I was between him and a doorway, he asked me to move. 只要我站在他和门口之间他就会让我闪开

That's hyper vigilance. It's not uncommon in post traumatic stress disorder. 那是高度警觉性,在创伤后应激障碍症中很常见

Just how much disorder are we talking about? 但我们要知道他的病有多严重

Morgan, it's been 6 months. Everything's ok. 摩根,已经过去6个月了,没事了

This is special agent Gideon, special agent Morgan, our expert on obsessional crimes, special

agent Reid. 这位是特别探员吉迪恩,特别探员摩根,强迫性犯罪专家,特别探员里德

Dr. Reid. Dr. Reid, our well, everything. 里德博士。里德博士是我们,万事都在行的专家

And after 2 years busting my butt in this office, I hope you all remember me. 我在这间办公室埋头苦干两年了。希望你们都还记得我

He's willing to travel with the body. 他喜欢带着尸体到处走

Then he drives a vehicle capable of concealing one. 那他就得有辆藏得下尸体的车

1 in 7.4 drivers in Seattle owns an SUV. 在西雅图,7.4个开车的人中就有1个拥有休旅车

Explorer with tinted windows. Explorers rate higher with women. 带有车窗的福特探险家,女性对探险家更为青睐

But how do we know it's his car? Ted Bundy drove a VW Bug. 但我们怎么知道那就是他的车,泰德·邦迪开的是大众甲壳虫

What about a Jeep Cherokee? Jeep's are more masculine. 会不会是辆切诺基的吉普车,吉普车更加男性化

We all know how an unsub feels about asserting his masculinity. 我们都知道不明嫌犯对展现自己的男子气概持什么态度

When did the bureau become involved in the case? 局里是什么开始调查这案子的

After the fourth body. He dumped that one out of state. On purpose. 发现第4具尸体后他弃尸在本州以外的地方。那是故意的

If so, knowledge of law enforcement does suggest a criminal record. 从他对执法过程的熟悉程度来看他肯定有犯罪前科

Or that he watches television. May I? 也可能他是从电视里学来的,麻烦你

So you wanna see our suspect list? 你想看我们的嫌犯名单吗

No, we won't look at a suspect list until after we come up with a profile. 在完成犯罪行为分析之前我们不会看嫌犯名单

It keeps our perspective unbiased. 这让我们的判断不带偏见

When do we sit down with your task force? 4:00. 我们什么时候跟你的特遣小组开会,下午4点

An accurate profile by 4:00 today? That's not a problem. 今天4点前得完成准确的犯罪行为分析,不成问题

Agent Gideon, where would you like to start? 吉迪恩探员,你想从哪开始

Let's start at the site of the last murder. 从上一处抛尸地点开始

So that's Gideon? The Gideon. 那就是吉迪恩,传说中的吉迪恩

The one who caught that guy, Adrian Baal, in Boston. 他逮住了波士顿那个艾德里安·巴力

Yep. That's him. But catching him cost us 6 agents. 没错,就是他, 只不过牺牲了我们6个探员

22-year-old Anne Cushing was found right here. 22岁的安妮·库欣就是在这里被发现的

Nails clipped just like the others. 与其他受害人一样,指甲被剪掉

He wants them to fight back. 他希望受害人进行反抗

But not enough to hurt him. 但又不足以伤害他

And he left the belt around her neck. 他还把腰带套在她脖子上

He's probably in his early 20's. 他应该才20出头

What's your reasoning? 推断的理由呢

Youthful arrogance. 年轻人的傲慢自大

He clothed the body before dumping it. 抛尸前他还给尸体穿上了衣服

That's a sign of remorse. 说明他有懊悔之心

It's not consistent. Look where we are. 但并非一贯如此,看看这是什么地方

His opinion of women is pretty clear, don't you think? 他对妇女的态度显而易见,你不觉得吗

They're disposable. 她们是一次性用品

Why show remorse by taking the time to dress her but then dump her here? 花时间给她穿衣是懊悔的话,为何又抛尸这里呢

Sandy, no, no, no. I'm so sorry. No, it's ok. 山迪别叫,十分抱歉,没关系

It's what we call the Reid effect. 我们管这个叫里德效应

Happens with children, too. 小孩也是这个反应

I'm agent Hotchner. This is special agent Dr. Reid. 我是霍奇纳探员,这位是特别探员里德医生

You look too young to have gone to medical school. 这么年轻就上医学院

They're PhD's. 3 of them. 我拿了3个博士学位

Are you a genius or something? 你是天才吧

I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified-- 我认为智力水平是没法准确量化的

Yes, I'm a genius. 没错,我是个天才

Sandy, you get a lot of attention, don't you? 山迪,你出大风头了,对不

Yeah, Heather loves this dog. 没错,海瑟很喜欢这只狗

I feed her when Heather's away. Usually, she's fine, 海瑟出门时我就喂她,通常她都没事,但是

lately, she won't eat. It's almost like she can sense something's wrong. 她最近却不肯吃东西,似乎能感到有什么不对劲

Not sense. Smell. Our apocrine sweat gland releases secretions in response to emotional stress.


Sandy's worried because she knows you are. 山迪担心是因为她知道你担心了

David, does your sister drive a Datsun Z? 大卫,你妹妹开的是达特桑Z型车吗

No, but she's in the market for one. How'd you know? 不是,不过她正在市面上。你怎么知道的

Come on, Sandy. 山迪,我们走

There's an immediate relationship established between a buyer and a seller, a level of trust. 买卖双方会即时地建立起一种信任关系

If I want to coax a young woman into 若想把一位年轻女子骗进我的车

Offer her a test drive. 就向她提供试驾

Okay, then how about the fact that on one hand, we have 好吧,一方面,我们推断他有偏执型精神病

But the autopsy protocol says what? 但验尸报告怎么说来着

Adhesive reside shows he put layer after layer of duct tape over his victims' eyes. 粘性残留物表明受害人眼部被缠了多层胶带

He knows he wants to kill them, but he still covers their eyes. 他明知会杀害她们,却仍旧给她们蒙眼

He doesn't want 'em looking at him, apparently. 他很明显不想让她们见到自己

Okay, but then he takes the body and dumps it right out in the open, murder weapon nearby. 好吧,可后来他抛尸户外,凶器就扔在边上

Not the M.O. of a paranoid convinced he's being watched or surveilled. 这可不是一个正被看管或监视的偏执狂的作案手法

Paranoid psychosis, but behavior that's not paranoid. 他是偏执型精神病,但行为并不偏执

All right, enough. 好吧,够了

Let's tell them we're ready. 告诉他们我们准备好了

We're ready? 准备好了

Reid. You're good with this? 里德,你没意见吗

We've got a woman who's only got a few hours left to live, 一个女人仅剩几个小时可活

an incomplete profile, and a unit chief on the verge of a nervous breakdown. 犯罪分析未完成,小组的头儿也濒于精神崩溃

They don't call them nervous breakdowns anymore. 现在已经不叫精神崩溃了

It's called a major depressive episode. I know, Reid. 叫作严重抑郁发作,我知道,里德

The unidentified subject is white and in his late 20's. 不明嫌犯是白人,25至30岁

He's someone you wouldn't notice at first. 属于起初不会引人注意的那种

He's someone who'd blend into any crowd. 他能融入人之中

The violent nature of the crime suggests a previous criminal record— 这起犯罪的暴力本性说明他有犯罪前科

petty crimes. Maybe auto theft. 轻度犯罪,也许是偷窃汽车

We've classified him as an organized killer—careful. 我们把他归类为做事有条不紊的杀手,行事谨慎

Psychopathic as opposed to psychotic. 不同于一般意义上的精神病

He follows the news, has good hygiene. He's smart. 他关注新闻,注重个人卫生,很聪明

'Cause he's smart, the only physical evidence you'll find is what he wants you to find. 因为他很聪明,唯一到的物证都是他刻意留下的

He's mobile, car in good condition. Our guess-Jeep Cherokee, tinted windows. 他机动灵活,车况很好,应该是部切诺基,有车窗

The murders have all involved rapes. 所有谋杀案都伴有

But rape without penetration is a form of piquerism, 但并无性器官的插入,是性欲错乱的一种形式

and that tells us he's sexually inadequate. 这表明他性能力不足

Psychiatric evaluations will show a history of paranoia 精神评估显示他曾是个偏执狂

stemming from a childhood trauma— 儿童时期的心理创伤所致

death of a parent or family member. 父母或者是家庭成员的死亡

And now he feels persecuted and watched. 现在他觉得受到了迫害和监视

Murder gives him a sense of power. 谋杀给予他一种力量感

Organized killers have a fascination with law enforcement. 有条理的杀手通常迷恋执法过程

They will inject themselves into the investigation. 他们会参与进调查之中

They will even come forward as witnesses to see just how much the police really know. 甚至会作为证人来打探警方掌握的情况

That makes them feel powerful, in control. 从而感觉自己的强大,一切尽在掌握

Which is why I 所以我认为

in fact, you have already interviewed him. 事实上,我知道,你们曾经审讯过他

Hi. I'm sorry to bother you. 你好,很抱歉打搅你

I'm house-sitting down the street, and when I got back, the door was wide open, 我住在街道那边,回家时,门竟然大开着

and the lights weren't working. 灯也不亮

I feel stupid asking this, but is there someone who might be able to take a look inside with me?


Richard. Richard, get down here! 理查德,理查德,下来

Are you sure you locked it? Yeah. 你确定锁门了吗,没错

Hello? Hello! FBI! Freeze! Freeze! Get him down! 有人吗,有人吗,联邦调查局,别动,放倒他

Richard Slessman, FBI. 理查德·瑟莱斯曼,我们是联邦调查局的

You are under arrest for 你因涉嫌谋杀被捕了

Emerson said, "all is riddle, and the key to is another riddle." 爱默生说过,万事万物皆为谜团,而解开一个迷的关键是另一个迷

There's no sign of the girl here. We can arrest him with probable cause, 这里没有女孩的踪迹我们能以合理依据逮捕他

but we won't be able to hold him. 但无法继续扣留他

Slessman's been at the top of the suspect list. 瑟莱斯曼是头号犯罪嫌疑人

Is that the mother? 那是他母亲吗

Grandmother. The mother died in a fire when he was 13. 祖母,13岁时他母亲死于一场火灾

Probably not the only fire in his childhood. 他的童年应该不止经历了这一场火灾

Before his Son of Sam murders, David Berkowitz set a multitude of fires. "萨姆之子"连环杀人案之前,大卫·伯科威茨已经实施多起纵火

Exactly how much is a multitude? 多起的确切数目是多少

According to his diary, 1,—88. 根据他的日记,一共是一千四百零,八十八起

Luring him out was your idea, right? Greenway? 引他出来是你的主意吧,还是格凌威的

Elle. I don't send a SWAT team into a house with children. 艾尔的,屋里有孩子,我不会让特警队冲进去

Hotch says your background is in sex offender cases. What can you tell us? 霍奇说你过去是处理性犯罪案件的。你有什么想法

The last 4 murders show he's an anger-excitation rapist. 过去的4起谋杀表明他是一名愤怒兴奋型犯

He'll keep a victim for a couple of days. 他将受害人扣留几天

He probably records or videotapes them so that he can keep reliving the fantasy. 或许进行了录音和录像,这样他就能不断重温幻想

You ok with Hotch being in on the interview? 霍奇参与审讯你没意见吧

I'd like him to lead, actually. Fine. But hold off. 事实上,我希望他来领导,可以,不过悠着点儿

Slessman's done time, and he knows the process. 瑟莱斯曼坐过牢,他清楚办案流程

And all you will get now is a demand for a lawyer. 你们现在去的话,他肯定要求见律师

Hotch, let's check the garage, then show me what you got. 霍奇,我们去检查车库,让我看看你有什么发现

Next time, show a little leg. 下次记得露一露腿

Morgan, the only time you're gonna see a little leg from me is when I'm about to kick your ass.


I still teach hand-to-hand over at Quantico if you need a little brush-up training. 要温习训练的话, 我还在匡提科教徒手对抗呢

I want that opening at BAU. 说真的,我想进行为分析组

You got any advice? Just trust your instincts. 有什么建议吗,相信你的直觉

Well, we got the jeep right. And everything else wrong. 只有车子是吉普猜对了,其他都错了

The bodies had defensive wounds. Richard doesn't have a mark on him. 尸体有防卫性伤痕,理查德身上却没有伤疤

We're missin' something. 我们忽略了些东西

Something's not right about this. 这里有些不对劲

This is a boy' not a man's. Log in password. 这是个男孩的房间,不是男人的。输入密码

No, no—wait, wait! 不要,等等

It's not turning back on. Yeah. And it won't. 没在恢复,是的,没办法了

It was a false password. 密码是错的

What kind of game is it? In China, it's called wei-chi. 这是什么游戏,在中国,这叫围棋

Here we call it "go". It's considered to be the most difficult board game ever conceived. 我们叫作古围棋,被认为是迄今最难的棋类游戏

Chairman Mao required his generals to learn it. 要求手下的大将们都学这个

It also looks like he's playing himself. 看上去他在跟自己对弈

How can you tell? 你怎么知道

This might provide an advantage, actually. 事实上,这也许能让我们有所收获

Go is considered to be a particularly psychologically revealing game. 围棋被认为是一项极利于启迪心智的游戏

There are profiles for every player 每个游戏者都有不同的行为特征

The conservative point counter, the aggressor, the finesser. 保守反击型,侵略型,技巧型

What kind of player is Slessman? 瑟莱斯曼属于哪一种

Extreme aggressor. 极端侵略型

Okay, here we go. 好的,开始

What's the number 6 at the bottom of the screen? 屏幕下方的数字6表示什么意思

Number of password attempts before the program wipes the hard drive. 程序清除硬盘数据之前剩余的密码尝试次数

There could be an email, or a journal in the computer. Something that tells us where Heather is.


Do you think you can break in? 你觉得能破解密码吗

In 6 tries? 就6次机会吗

Try again. Fail again. Fail better. 继续尝试,继续失败,继续让失败变得更加有意义

Samuel Beckett. Try not. Do or do not. 萨缪尔·贝克特,别试,要么做,要么不做

Yoda. 尤达大师

I wanna talk to him. 我要他谈谈

You read my paper. Learn anything? 你看了我的报道,有什么收获

Heirens said a man living inside of his head was the one who committed the murders. 海伦斯说过活在他脑中的人才是犯下谋杀罪行的人

You said he was lying, 你说他在撒谎

That there'd never been an actual case of multiple personalities. 其实根本不存在什么真正的多重人格案件

You have an academic interest in disassociative identity disorder, 你是对分离人格紊乱症有学术兴趣

Or you just planning your defense? 还是只是在准备为自己辩护

You a fan of Adrian Baal's work? 你是艾德里安·巴力罪行的爱好者吗

No. I'm a fan of yours. 不是,我是你的爱好者

They never give you the real facts 知道吗,他们从未告诉你心肺复苏术的真相

That outside of a hospital, it's only effective 7% of the time. 那就是在医院之外,只有7%的成功


Your friend had a 93% certainty of dying, 你的朋友有93%的可能性会死

But you even after you'd broken his ribs, 而你即便在弄断了他的肋骨

Even after his blood was all over your hands. 双手沾满他的血之后, 还在不断尝试

Why don't you tell us where Heather Woodland is? 何不告诉我们海瑟·伍德兰在哪里

Isn't she the girl that went missing a couple days ago? 伍德兰,不就是那个几天前失踪的女孩吗

Get him out of here. 把他带走

He is "isn't she " 他说,不就是那个女孩

If he'd already killed her, he would have said "wasn't she " 如果他已经把她杀了,应该会说,不就是之前那个女孩

She's alive. We don't know for how long. 她还活着,但是不知还能活多久

Is it true what he said about CPR? I mean, I didn't know. 他说心肺复苏术那事是真的吗,我以前真不知道

You want statistics on CPR, ask Reid. 你想知道心肺复苏术的统计数据,就去里德

I wanna know if you're ok. I'm fine. 我想知道你是否还好,我没事

Are you? Think I can't do the job? 真的吗,怕我无法胜任工作吗

I think you can't be 2 different people at once. 我觉得你没法同时扮演两种不同的角

What is it? 怎么了

Conflicts in the profile. 犯罪行为冲突

2 different behaviors. 2 different people. 两种不同的行为,两种不同的人

There's a second killer. 还有另外一个凶手

A second unsub. It's not unusual. Remember Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris? 第二个不明嫌犯。这种情况并不少见。还记得劳伦斯·比特格和罗伊·诺里斯吗

1979. They outfitted a van And murder girls in California. 他们1979年在加利福尼亚州利用事先准备好的货车对女孩进行强暴并杀害

We're looking for someone who fits a similar relationship? 我们要的是跟他们关系类似的人吗

They're not equals. Slessman's smart, but he is a submissive personality. 这两起案子可不一样。瑟莱斯曼很聪明,不过他是屈从性人格

So number 2 is the dominant. Authoritative, arrogant. 那么这第二个不明嫌犯是主导者,不仅掌权,还很自大

Probably not as smart as Slessman. 可能没有瑟莱斯曼这么聪明

He's like the schoolyard bully recruiting a good underling 他就像校园混混,招了个好部下

He'll be protective of Richard. 他不仅会保护理查德

He'll make him feel like he owes him. 还会让他感到有所亏欠

If Richard's been up in the attic fantasizing about being an extreme aggressor, 如果理查德在阁楼里幻想自己是个极端侵略者

This guy showed him how to do it. 这个人就教他如何实现

He helped him take the first step. 帮他走出这第一步

I think we should interview him,use these as pressure 我认为我们该利用这些给他施压对他进行审问

No, no. We need leverage. 不,我们需要到关键人物

A name. From the suspect list? 一个名字,嫌犯名单上的吗

That'll take too long. There's gotta be a faster way. 那个费时太长,应该还有捷径

There is. Here. This might be a little hot. 的确。拿好,可能有点烫手

Mrs. Slessman, I don't think we've got the right guy. 瑟莱斯曼夫人,我想我们抓错人了

I think the person we're looking for might be a friend of Richard's. 我们要的人可能是理查德的某个朋友

Richard never had many friends. You sure? 理查德从来就没几个朋友,你肯定吗

There's gotta be someone. 应该会有一些吧

You've reached Penelope Garcia in the FBI's office of supreme genius. 我是联邦调查局超级天才办公室的佩内洛普·加西亚

Hey, it's Morgan. Need you to work me some magic here. 我是摩根,需要你显显神通

I got a program called Deadbolt Defense. And a girl with only a couple of hours to live, 我手头有一个门栓防护程序,还有一个只能活几小时的女孩

So what do you know? 你觉得怎样

Then you've got a problem. Deadbolt's the number one password crack-resistant software out

there. 你遇到麻烦了。门栓是最棘手的密码型抗破解软件

You're gonna have to get inside this guy's head to get the password. 你要从他本人那里挖到密码

I thought I was calling the office of supreme genius. 你这里不是"超级天才办公室"吗

Well, gorgeous, you've been rerouted to the office of too friggin' bad. 不好,电话被转到"糟糕透顶办公室"了

Thanks anyway. 还是要谢谢你

Well, there was this one young man. 的确有个年轻人

I think his name was Charlie. 我想他好像叫查理

Cross-reference Charlie for the second unsub. 把查理作为第二个不明嫌犯交叉参照

Charlie is probably Charles Linder. 查理可能是查尔斯·林德

He was Slessman's 他是瑟莱斯曼监狱室友

Received a dishonorable discharge from the military. 被军队开除了军籍

He's bigger, tougher. He could have protected Richard in prison. 他是个大块头,很强壮,可能在狱中保护过理查德

Where were they incarcerated? Cascadia. 他们以前关在哪个监狱,卡斯卡底

Less than a mile from here. Let's go. 离这儿不到一英里,出发

My name is Richard Slessman, and I have trouble sleeping. 我叫理查德·瑟莱斯曼,患有失眠症

Okay, what do I do when I'm trying to get to sleep? 好吧,如果我想入睡会怎么办

Guys, a little help. 伙计们,有线索了

We're going through every one of these CD's, scratches, wear and tear. 把所有的CD都查一遍包括有刮痕的,磨损的和破损的

I wanna know which CD he plays the most. Let's go. 我要知道哪张CD,他播放次数最多,开工

We get an address on Linder? It's coming right now. 查到林德的地址了吗,快了

Does senior management want a field assessment on Gideon? 高层会想给吉迪恩做现场评估吗

Don't worry about it. Are they nervous about him being in charge? 别担心,上面很紧张他负责这个案子吗

Aren't you on your way back to Slessman's house to help Morgan? 你不是要回瑟莱斯曼的住所


Do you know why he always introduces me as Dr. Reid? 你知道为什么他总向别人介绍我是里德博士吗

Because he knows that people see you as a kid, and he wants to make sure that they respect you.


What's the address? 地址是哪

Don't think it matters anymore. 我想这个已经不重要了

Winston Churchill said, "The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see." 温斯顿·丘吉尔说过,回首看得越远向前也会看得越远

Anyone who can tell us more about Slessman? 谁能跟我们多说点瑟莱斯曼的事情

Tim Vogel was the security guard covering Slessman's block. 提姆·沃格尔是负责瑟莱斯曼关押区域的安保警卫

That's him over there. I'll get him for you.' 他在那边,我去把他叫过来

That was Hotch. Linder's name came up on a police report. 是霍奇打来的林德这个名字曾出现在警方报告里

And? He's dead. 然后怎样,他已经死了

Car accident, 2 months ago. 死于2个月前的一起车祸

Linder is dead. 林德死了

Too bad you guys came here for nothing. 很遗憾让你们扑了个空

I mean, talk about scum. 我是说,这个林德人渣

I can't remember how many times I put Linder in solitary for causing trouble with us. 我记不清他多少次为惹麻烦被关禁闭

You'd think the inmates would try to stay on our good side, right? 你们觉得犯人们会尽量跟我们和睦相处,对吧

Especially since half our job is protecting them from each other. 特别因为我们的一半工作就是保护他们互不侵犯

You protect them? 你们保护他们

If you're a little white guy? 只要你是小个子白人

Especially in a prison like this. 特别是在这样的监狱里

Linder's 6'4". You talking about Slessman? 林德有六英尺四英寸,你是指瑟莱斯曼吗

Oh, yeah. 是的

Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助

He's a friend of Richard. He protected him. He will feel like he owes him. 他是理查德的朋友保护他,让他觉得有所亏欠

He fits the profile. And did you see them? The keys. 他符合犯罪行为特征,你注意到了吗,钥匙

Hotch, I've just found your leverage. His name is Timothy Vogel. 霍奇,我到了关键人物,他叫蒂莫西·沃格尔

What's he doing? 他在干什么

Lowering the room temp. The cold puts them on edge. 降低房间的温度,寒冷会让他们紧张不安

Okay, so I want an SPD, and I want a Seattle agent in the room. 好了,我需要派一个西雅图警察跟一个探员到这里

I want him to see that we've got every department working on this. And I need some file boxes.


Fill them. I don't care if the paper's blank. 装满它们,装的是白纸都无所谓

And I want you to write the name on the sides. 但在侧面都要写上名字

Whose name? 谁的名字

4 months of investigative work, 4个月的调查工作,1份档案

1 file, And guess what, Richard. 你猜怎么样,理查德

It's not your file. See, we don't care about you. 不是你的档案,我们才不在乎你呢

It's Vogel we want. 我们要的是沃格尔

Oh, come on! I need a password. I need a password. 拜托,我需要密码,我需要密码

What am I looking for? What could I possibly be looking for? 我在什么,我要的会是什么

I've been thinking about the CD's. Oh, Reid, come on. We tried the CD's. 我一直在想是不是CD。里德,得了,我们试过CD了

We gotta find something, or this girl is dead. 我们得有所发现,否则这姑娘会死的

Think we may have missed the obvious. 我想我们漏掉了最显而易见的

What are you doing? 你在干什么

Reid, what made you think of this? 里德,你怎么想到的

It was the only empty case. 这是唯一空着的盒子

All right. I'm an insomniac who listens to Metallica to go to sleep at night. 好吧,我失眠,听"金属乐队"的歌才能入睡

What song could possibly speak to me? "Enter Sandman." 什么歌能说出我的心声?"睡魔来袭"

We found out Heather was buying a used car. 我们发现海瑟当时在买一辆二手车

You know how car salesmen get us to buy a car? 你知道车商在卖我们车时,都怎么耍手段吗

They call it reciprocity. They drop the price, 他们称之为互惠互利,给我们降价

feels like they've done us a favor. We feel obligated. 好像帮了我们似的,我们觉得有了义务

There's a sudden pressure to reciprocate this one little favor. 于是乎,我们突然有种报恩的压力

And it's so powerful that 它是如此的强烈,以至于我们

put a deposit down on a car we're not even sure we really want. 会在一辆都不确定是否想要的车上下定金

So what? So Vogel did you a favor. 那又怎样,沃格尔帮了你个忙

He protected you in prison, and now you feel like you owe him, 他在监狱里保护了你,现在你觉得欠他的

and you need to protect him. 你需要来保护他了

Guys like Vogel learn in the schoolyard 沃格尔这样的人,没出校门就知道

which kids to bully and which kids to protect, 哪些孩子能欺负,哪些孩子得保护

and he's got you convinced that you owe him so much 现在他让你深信,你对他亏欠良多

that you'll go to jail for him. 以至于宁愿为他坐牢

Richard, I'm here to remind you something. 理查德,我是来提醒你

You owe him nothing. 你什么都不欠他的

There's something wrong. 有点不对劲

We gotta pull him over. I can feel it. 我们得让他靠边停车,我有直觉

You wanna know the word repeated more than any other in your file? Impatient. 你知道你档案里出现最多的是哪个词吗?急躁

You wanna stop him, you give me a reason. 你想制止他,给我个理由

His behavior. When we left him, he was nervous, unsettled. 他的行为,我们离开他时,他非常紧张不安

But now he's stopping at every stop sign. He's using his blinker at every turn. 可现在,他每个停车标前都会停车,每个转弯处,都用转向灯

He's slowing at yellow lights. 他还在黄灯前放慢了速度

This is not someone who is rushing to kill and dump a body. 这不是一个赶去杀人弃尸的人会做的事

Okay. Do it. 好吧,照你说的做

FBI. Put your hands up where we can see them! 联邦调查局,举起手来,让我们能看见

Put your hands through the window now! Now! 把你的手放到车窗外,快

All right, with your left hand I want you to open the car door from the outside. 好,我要你用左手从车外开车门

Get out! 出来

It's not him! Where is he? Where is he? 不是他,他在哪,在哪

Where's Vogel? I don't know! Vogel在哪,我不知道

What are you doin' driving his car?! 你怎么开着他的车

He came up to me in the garage after our shift ended. 我们交班后,他来车库到我

He asked if he could borrow my truck. 问我能否借我的卡车

What kind of truck? He's dumping the body. 哪种卡车,他是要去弃尸

What's the make? What's the make?! Dodge! Dodge Dakota! 什么型号,什么型号,道奇,道奇达科他型

Gideon, Heather's alive. How do you know? 吉迪恩,海瑟还活着,你怎么知道的

'Cause we're watching her right now. 因为我们正看着她

Hotch, he's gonna kill her. He's heading there now. We need a location. 霍奇,他要杀了她,他已经赶过去了,我们需要知道位置

I don't have enough time to get it out of him. 要安抚他的情绪,我时间不够

Find something, Hotch, or that girl is dead. 想想办法, 霍奇,不然那姑娘就会死

Morgan, can you show me the last 12 images lined up next to each other? Yeah. 摩根,能把最后12幅画面并排显示出来吗?好

Right there. Right there. You see that? The light bulb hanging from the wire? 在那儿,就在那儿,看见没,电线下面吊着的灯泡

Yeah, what about it? 看见了,怎么了

It's shifting positions like it' 它在变化位置,就像在摆动

like the earth is tilting. 就像地面发生了倾斜

Not the earth, doc. The ocean. 不是地面,博士。是大海

She's on a boat? Where? 她在船上吗,在哪里

It's a pier or a dock. 是个码头或船坞,要是在海上

He wouldn't be able to transmit the webcam image from the middle of the ocean. 他就不能用网络摄像头传输图像了

You're sure about this. It's the best we got, Hotch. 你十拿九稳吗,这是我们的最佳假设了,霍奇

Even if we're right, getting the exact location's on you, my friend. 即便我们是对的,到准确位置也靠你了,朋友

What is it you always ask Garcia? 你总跟加西亚说的那句话是啥来着

To work me a little magic. 给我显显神通吧

Just to let Gideon's talking 就是来跟你说一声,吉迪恩在跟沃格尔谈

and Vogel's nailing you to the wall. 沃格尔把责任全推在你身上

Yeah, whatever. 是么,管他呢

He said it was your idea to keep the girls on a boat. 他说把那姑娘安置在船上是你的主意

He's talking, Richard. Reciprocity. 他开口招供了,理查德。礼尚往来

Tell me where she is, and we make a deal. 告诉我她在哪,我们做个交易

Is it a dock? A pier? 是个船坞吗?还是码头

It's a shipyard. Allied shipyard. 是个造船厂,联合造船厂

Reid, he's inside. 里德,他在里面

Get Elle on the phone. 让艾尔接电话

Listen to me. You need to wait for backup. If we wait, the girl is dead. 听我说,你们得等增援,我们干等着,那姑娘就死了

And if we had waited in Boston—I can't. 当初我们在波士顿等了的话,我做不到

You told me to trust my instincts. 你告诉过我,要相信我的直觉

Stop! Stop! Get back! 住手,住手,退后

I'll shoot her. I wouldn't. 我会打死她,换我就不会

If I were you, I'd aim the gun at me. You shoot the girl, you got nothing. 我要是你,会拿指着我。打死姑娘,你什么好处也捞不到

back! Shoot me instead. 退后,开打我吧

Come on. What, are you a lousy shot? 得了,你法逊毙了吗

50 feet away. You got a perfect shot. Shoot me. 50英尺,完美的射程,打我啊

You think I'm stupid? I think you're an absolute moron. 你觉得我傻么,我觉得你是个彻头彻尾的呆瓜

I know all about ya, Tim. 你的事我一清二楚,提姆

You're at the gym 5 times a week. You drive a flashy car, 你一周健五次身,开辆很炫的车

you stink of cologne, and you can't get it up. 香水用得发臭,而且你还硬不起来

Not even viagra's workin' for ya. You know what that tells me? 伟哥对你都不起作用,你知道那说明了啥么

That tells me you are hopelessly compensating, and it's not just in your head. 那告诉我,你在绝望的平衡,不只是精神上的

It is physical. 还是肉体上的

What did the girls call you in high school? 高中时女孩们怎么喊你的

What'd they come up with when you fumbled your way into some girl's pants, 你摸进某个女孩内裤时,她们怎么说的

and she started laughing when she got a good look at just how little you had to offer? 她看见你那玩意儿有多小时,开始大笑起来吧

Shut up! Short stack? Very little Vogel? 闭嘴,短管子,还是沃格尔

I got it. Tiny Tim. 我知道了,是小弟弟提姆

Gideon! You ok? I'm fine. 吉迪恩!你还好吗,我很好

Go look after the girl. 去照顾那姑娘吧

So what kind of report do they want on him? 关于他,他们想要份怎样的报告

I suppose whether he's fit to be a field agent. 我在想他适不适合干外勤探员

You know, Haley and I were looking at a baby names book. 你知道,哈莉跟我正在看给婴儿取


Guess what Gideon means in hebrew. 猜吉迪恩在希伯来语里什么意思

Mighty warrior. Appropriate. 伟大的勇士。恰如其分

So what are you gonna tell them? 你打算怎么跟他们说

What would you say? 你会怎么说

Gideon saved her life. 吉迪恩救了她一命

That's good enough for me. 对我来说已经足够了

You and Haley pick the baby's name yet? 你跟哈莉选好婴儿的名字了吗

It' Haley liked the name Charles, 很搞笑,哈莉喜欢查尔斯这名字

but, all I could Manson. 可我嘛,却只想到,曼森

Then there was Henry. Lee Lucas. 还有亨利,李·卢卡斯

Uh... Jeffrey. Dahmer. 杰弗里,达莫

There's just too many of them. 他们无处不在

Kind of hard to feel good about catching one when you know there are 50 more still out there.


How's your report going? 你的报告进行的如何

Didn't think you could hide that from an old profiler, now, did ya? 你没以为能躲过一个老分析师的法眼,对吧

You know, you saved that girl today. 要知道,你今天救了那姑娘

You can feel good about that. It is good. 你该引以为豪,是不错

It's a good thing. 是件好事

Nietzsche once said, when you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you." 尼采曾说过,当你长久凝望着深渊时,深渊也在回望着你

I'll take this. 我要这个

Have a n-i-n-nice day. 祝你今天愉快


Previously on Criminal Minds. 《犯罪心理》前情回顾

Anyone recognize these faces? 有人认得这些面孔吗

Victims of the Footpath Killer. 这些都是"小径杀手"的受害者

That's what Virginia newspapers are calling him. 那正是弗吉尼亚报纸对他的称呼

We refer to him as the "unknown subject" or "unsub." 我们称他为不明嫌犯

I told Virginia P.D., they're looking for a white male in his 20's. 我告诉弗吉尼亚警方,他们要的是一个,20多岁的白人男子

Who owns an american-made truck, works a menial job. 此人开着一辆国产卡车,从事底层工作

I told 'em when you find him, don't be surprised to hear him speak with a severe stutter. 我告诉他们见到凶手时,不要对他严重的口吃感到吃惊

Have a n-i-n-nice day. 祝您一,一天,愉快

The gun. Ta-take out the gun. 。把,把,把掏出来

Th-throw it. Any particular direction? 扔,扔掉,朝哪个方向扔

Who-who are y—who are you? Who are you?! FBI. 你,你,你是谁?你是谁?你到底是谁?联调局的

T-t-t-take out your w-your w-wallet. 拿,拿,拿,拿出你的钱,钱包

Wh-what-what do you kn-what do you know? 什,什么,你知道什,什么?你都知道些什么

About you? Or about the people who you've murdered? 关于你的事吗?还是那些被你害死的人

I know a lot about you. 我知道很多你的事

I know how you do it. 我知道你如何作案

I know you can't stop. 知道你欲罢不能

And I know something that no one's ever been able to tell you. 还知道一些你闻所未闻的事

I know why you stutter. 我知道你为什么口吃

Weren't you a little bit worried he might just shoot you? 难道你一点也不担心他会开吗

I was a lot worried. 很担心

But how did you find him? 那你是怎么到他的呢

I was just stopping for gas. 我当时只是停车去加油

I walked into that store, and I saw pieces of a profile 我走进那间商店,看到了与大概一年前

that I'd given to Virginia P.D. almost a year ago. 我为弗吉尼亚警局所作的侧写图,相类似的场景

Truck in disrepair, a disheveled young man, severe stutter. 破损的卡车,衣衫不整的年轻人,患有严重口吃

James Reese once said, "There are certain clues at a crime scene which, By their very nature, 詹姆斯·瑞斯博士曾说过,犯罪现场中的某些蛛丝马迹,就它们自身的性质

Do not lend themselves to being collected or examined. 是不容易收集起来检测的

How does one collect love, rage, hatred, fear? 一个人又怎么能收集起爱情,愤怒,憎恨和害怕呢

These are things that we're trained to look for. 搜集这些就是我们受训的目的

So anyone else would have just seen a guy who stutters, 所以别人看到的只是一个口吃者

but you saw the Footpath Killer. Right. 而你却能够看穿他是"小径杀手"。对。

But sometimes these guys are still found by just dumb luck. 不过有时到这些人,也是全凭狗屎运

Berkowitz was caught because of a parking ticket. 伯考维茨,是因为一张违规停车罚单被逮住的

Except the cop who caught him wasn't staring down a shotgun like you were. 但是抓他的警察不像你这样,面前有杆猎

This is true. 这倒不假

This is also a good time to stop. 先到此为止吧

Thank you, sir. Thank you. 谢谢您,长官,谢谢

Okay, I'm curious. 好吧,我很好奇

Why'd he stutter? 他为什么口吃

You're on your way to becoming part of the behavior analysis team now, Elle. 你即将成为,行为分析组的一员了,艾尔

You tell me. 你来告诉我

Check. Checkmate 3 moves. 将军,三步将死

You know you'll beat him when you start learning. 什么?你只要肯学,就能赢他

Learning what? To think outside the box. 学什么,超越常规进行思考

Question for you. Shoot. 问你个问题,说

The Footpath Killer, why did he stutter? "小径杀手",他为何会口吃

Come on, Elle, we've all asked him, and he won't say. 行啦,艾尔,我们早问过了,他不会说的

He wants us to figure it out. 他要让我们自己悟出来

Okay. I'm up for a challenge. 好吧,我接受挑战

Good, because these go to you. 很好,这些交给你了

Special agent Jennifer Jareau, JJ if you like. 我是珍妮弗·詹若探员,叫我婕婕好了

Elle. Greenway. Highest number of solved cases in Seattle 3 years running, 艾尔,格凌威,在西雅图连续三年破案最多

Specialty in sex offender cases. 专长是性侵犯案件

Not bad. Well, I'm the unit liaison. 不赖嘛。我是联络官

My specialty is untangling bureaucratic knots. 专长是上下疏通"官节"

You'll probably be talking to me a lot. My door's always open, 以后你可能会时常跟我联系,随时欢迎

Mostly because I'm never in my office, 因为我一般都不在办公室

So just call me on my cell, okay? We'll talk. 有事就打我手机,稍后再聊

Did you watch it? 看过了吗

Yeah. Think everybody should see it. 是的,应该让大家都看看

BAU team, can you meet me in the conference room, please? 行为分析组,请到会议室开会

I need to show you something. 给你们看点东西

This is from the Phoenix office, 凤凰城警署传来消息

Bradshaw College in Tempe, 6 fires in 7 months. 坦普市布兰德肖大学,7个月内发生6起火灾

Who recorded it? 谁录的带子

A student with a digital camcorder. 一个学生用数码摄像机录的

He was watching a fire in the building across from their dorm. 他当时正在看对面宿舍的火灾

The other person you'll see is his roommate, 20-year-old Matthew Rowland. 另一个人是他的室友,20岁的马修·罗兰

This is crazy. Hey, Mac, get over here. You gotta see this. 不可思议,麦克,快过来,快看

The building's on fire. Bro, you getting this? 那栋楼着火了,哥们,你拍到了吗

Is that the kid? Yeah, that's him. 就是那个孩子吗?对,是他

Relax, man. There's always fires during Rush Week. 别紧张,哥们,大学联谊会招募周发生火灾是常事

Yeah, but that's pretty big. What building is that? 话是没错,可是这火势很猛,那是哪栋楼

Dude, over here. Check this out. What is it? 哥们,过来看看这是什么

I don't know, but it's coming underneath the door. 不知道,不过是从门底下进来的

Is someone in the hallway? Hey, someone's trying to get in. 有人在走廊里吗,有人要进来

Hey, man, you should get away from there. 哥们,离远点

Oh, my god! It smells like gas. 天哪,像是汽油的味道

Oh, god! God! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! 天哪,救命,天哪

Put me out! Oh, my god! Oh, god! Help! 把火扑灭,天哪,救命

Einstein once said: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. 爱因斯坦曾说过想象力比知识更为重要

Knowledge is limited. 知识是有限的

Imagination encircles the world." 而想象力则囊括整个世界

There are 2 common stressors for a serial arsonist. Loss of job, loss of love. 对连环纵火犯来说,通常有两种诱因:失业,失恋

When was the first fire set? 第一次纵火是什么时候

March. Uh, the next one was in may, 三月,第二次是五月

And the third one wasn't till september, 第三次是九月

Then 2 weeks later there were 3 in one night. 两个礼拜后一晚上三场火

He's speeding up. Fire's are closer together. 嫌犯作案频率加快,时间间隔越来越短

Hey, Reid, you got a statistic on arsonists? 里德,你有关于纵火犯的统计数据吗

82% are white males between 17 and 27. 82%是17至27岁的男性白种人

Female arsonists are far less likely, their motive typically being revenge. 女性纵火犯很少,最典型的动机是出于报复

Sounds like our boy's a student. 看来这家伙是个学生

Don't be so sure. 先别那么肯定

You rely too much on precedent, you never allow for the unexpected. 你过于依赖先例,就考虑不到万一

If he went from setting one fire to 3 in 2 weeks' apid escalation. 他从一次到两个礼拜三次。迅速升级

He's gone from the power to damage a building to something far more satisfying. 他已经从毁坏一栋楼升级到,更能满足他的东西了

The power over life and death. 即掌握生杀大权

Who we talking to first? Dean of students, Ellen Turner. 我们先和谁谈?系主任,埃伦·特纳

No badges. I don't want to satisfy the unsub's need for attention 取下,我可不想让不明嫌犯得知,此案已引起联调局关注

by letting him know he got the FBI here. 而正中他下怀

Try not to look official. Try to look less official. 别官腔十足。尽量别表露身份

Obviously, I'd rather be meeting you under different circumstances. 我宁愿在其他情况下与你们见面

This is fire inspector Zhang. 这位是防火监督员,小张

This morning the chemistry department reported 今早化学系报告说

several bottles of highly flammable chemicals missing. 几瓶高度易燃化学品不见了

I'm prepared to evacuate this campus. Thank you. 我已经准备好疏散学生了,谢谢

That brings with it its own problems. 那样就会带来麻烦

You might evacuate the arsonist as well. 你可能连纵火犯都疏散出去了

Then the case goes unsolved, the campus is reopened, but the fires start up again. 案子悬而未决,然后学校重新开放,火灾会再次出现的

Hotch, Gideon, hold on a second. 霍奇,吉迪恩,稍等

You said the chemicals were missing today. 你说化学药品今天不见了

It says here that one of the previous fires 据说之前的一场火

was set with diesel fuel that disappeared from the grounds keeping facility. 是由环管处丢失的柴油引起的

How long after it disappeared was the fire set? One day. 丢失之后多久发生了火灾?一天

If he's holding to 如果照这样的规律

Who's to say the next fire won't be today? 谁敢断言下次火灾不会就在今天呢

Door was locked. 门当时是锁着的

Matthew Rowland and his roommate watched as the doorknob turned against the lock. 马修·罗兰和他的室友,眼看着门把手转动了

But the unsub couldn't get in. 但是不明嫌犯无法进来

So he pours the accelerant into the room from the hallway. 所以他从走廊把燃料倒进室内

Which means he couldn't see the fire. 也就是说他看不到火

But he could hear Matthew Rowland screaming. 但他能听到马修·罗兰的叫喊

Yeah, but not for long. He would have left quickly. 对,但时间不长,他肯定要迅速离开

Yeah, to avoid being spotted. It doesn't make sense. 对,以免被发现,说不通

Pyromania as a mental disorder may just be a simple myth, 作为精神障碍的纵火癖,可能只是一种简单的假想

But we do know from precedent that serial arsonists derive pleasure from pathological

fire-setting. 但是依照以往先例判断,连环纵火犯能从病态的纵火中,获得快感

Sex and power. 性和权力

But a serial arsonist wouldn't just set a fire and walk away. 但连环纵火犯不会作完案就离开

He needs to experience it. 他需要体验过程中的快感

So why would he set a fire he couldn't watch? 为什么要放一把他看不见的火呢

He turned the water off just before the fire. 纵火前他关掉了水阀

The last 3 were set with these. 最后三起是用这些引发的

2 devices, simultaneous ignition. 2个装置,同时点火

There was no device used on Matthew Rowland. 马修·罗兰一案没用什么装置

Unsub set that one manually? 不明嫌犯手动操作的吗

He wanted to be there to enjoy the kid's death. 他想留在那里,享受那孩子的死给他的快感

Not necessarily. 未必

Well, if the target was Matthew Rowland, Then why set the other 2 fires? 如果目标是马修·罗兰,为什么又放另外两把火

The motives for arson are relatively simple. 纵火的动机比较简单

There's vandalism, crime concealment, and revenge. 故意破坏,隐匿罪行,政治动机,利益,或是报复

We interviewed Matthew Rowland's roommate. 我们问过马修·罗兰的室友

He said Matthew was very well-liked. 他说马修人缘很好

No reason for revenge. What about vandalism? 没有报复的理由,故意破坏呢

No. The fires are too sophisticated, 不会,火灾设计精巧

and if he's trying to make a political statement, 如果他试图表明政治立场

he's not being too clear about it. 那这个立场也没表达清楚

There's an underlying strategy in this case. 此案另有隐情

Matthew, firefighters, injured victims. 马修,消防员,伤员

To the unsub, they're not people. they're objects. 对于不明嫌犯来说,他们不是人类,他们是,他们是目标

More like, Uh... Chess pieces. Exactly. 更像是,像棋子。正解

I want to set a dormitory fire. 好吧,我想在宿舍纵火

Where would I start? In the basement. 该从哪里下手呢?去地下室

The upper levels would be fuel. 这样上面的楼层将成为燃料

Then why did I start on the third floor? Oh, god! 那我为什么要在三楼纵火呢?天哪

Because it wasn't the building I wanted to set on fire. 因为这并不是我想要焚烧的大楼

The timer sets the road flare, 定时器控制着导火线

which then lights the chemical mixture inside the canister. Simple. 点燃了容器中的化学混合


Yet sophisticated in its simplicity. 简单其外,精密其中

I mean, there's a meticulous construction to it. 我的意思是,它的结构精密

Chemical accelerant could mean chemistry student. 化学催化剂可能意味着,嫌犯是化学系学生

Could also mean chemistry professor. 也可能是化学系教授

Mmm, I say student. 我觉得是学生

You need self-confidence to lecture in front of a classroom 在一间坐满,30名学生的教室里讲课

Full of 30 college kids. 就得有自信

Arsonists are socially incompetent. 纵火犯缺乏社交能力

This guy doesn't go on dates. 这类人不去约会

He doesn't go to parties. He doesn't feel comfortable in front of groups. 不去聚会,在人中觉得不自在

And, of course, he's a total psychopath. Course. 当然,他是个十足的精神病。当然

Think we'll get a lead from the hotline? No. 你认为我们能从中,获得线索吗?不

If you don't mind my asking, why then did you set up the number? 如果你不介意,我想问问那你为什么还要设这个号码呢

Well, serial arsonists enjoy manipulating authorities. 连环纵火犯热衷于牵着警方鼻子走

They like to communicate, explain themselves. 他们喜欢交流,为自己正言

I'm not waiting to hear from a tipster or witness. 我可不是等着听线人或证人的情报

You're waiting to hear from him. Yeah. 你在等他来电话,是的

All right, office hours. I have my own homework to do. 好了,现在是办公时间,我有事要做

Thank you, professor Wallace. No problem. 谢谢,华莱士教授,不客气

We don't want a stampede on our hands 我可不想在我们管理期间,发生仓皇奔逃事件

because the exits out of the campus block so quickly. 校园出口很快会被堵得水泄不通

Now, we have staging areas, and we must utilize 我们设立了集结待命区,必须利用每个可能的

agent Gideon? Agent Gideon. Agent Gideon? 吉迪恩探员,吉迪恩探员,吉迪恩探员

Everybody out of the building! Go! 大家快离开这栋楼,快

What is it? 怎么了

Look out! Clear the whole building! Clear it! Now! 小心,疏散整栋大楼,马上

Come on! Help me! Help me! 快点,救命,救命

Get off of me! There was a teacher! 放开我,那还有个老师

Let it go! He's already dead. Let it go. 算了,他已经死了。别管了

He might be here watching. 他可能在这里监视着

Yeah. Take pictures as many as you can. You got it. 是的,尽可能多照点照片。明白

The professor's name was Wallace? 教授的名字叫华莱士

It's a terrible loss. He was one of 我校痛失一名良师啊,他是那样的一位老师

Um... he knew how to make a difference. 他知道如何做得与众不同

Gideon, we've got police and security interviewing everyone in that building. 吉迪恩,警察和保安,正在询问楼里的每一个人

How long will it take to finish evacuating the campus? 疏散整所大学要花多长时间

This is a college of 10,000 students and faculty. 这所大学拥有,一万名学生和教职工

Well, there's another problem with evacuating. 疏散大学师生还带来另外一个问题

You mean, we might accelerate the unsub's timeline. 你是说我们可能会,促使凶手缩短犯罪时间

Let's round everybody up. 我们把人都聚集起来吧

Dean Turner? Hi, I'm Jeremy. 特纳主任吗,我叫杰里米

I'm one of the research assistants at the science department. 我是科学系的一名助理研究员

We were talking, and, uh, we'd like to help. 我们讨论过了,我们想提供帮助

The best thing you can do right now is just stay 你现在该做的事就是待在

we know how he did it. 我们知道他是怎么做到的

We've been at this all night, and we've got nothin'. 我们花了整晚时间研究这个,毫无进展

Look at these expressions. 看看这些表情

We got fear, a touch of horror, even a little bit of panic. 有害怕,有恐惧,甚至有些惊慌失措

Where's the guy gettin' off? 嫌犯溜哪里去了

When asked about his motives, Peter Dinsdale said, 彼得·丁斯德,当他被问及作案动机时曾答道

"I am devoted to fire. Fire is my master." 我献身于火,火是我的主人

Okay, so who was our boy's master? 好吧,那谁是嫌犯的主人呢

10,000 and one has a serious fascination with fire. 一万多名学生中,有一个人对火极度迷恋

Fire starting is one third of the 纵火是谋杀三大初征之一

an early predictor of adult disassociative criminal behavior. 是成年异常犯罪行为的早期征兆

If we looked in his childhood, we'd probably find all three. 如果我们深入了解他的童年,这三大初征可能都得到

and cruelty to animals. 尿床,虐待动物

Absent or abusive father, trouble with the opposite sex, 缺失父亲角或是实施家暴的父亲,与异性交往困难

chronic low self-esteem-M.O. would be dynamic. 长期患有自卑心理,作案手法会多种多样

Evolvings, fire setting escalates, they thrive on panic, fear. 会伴有进化,纵火行为升级,他们喜欢恐慌和害怕

It's just the standard profile of a serial arsonist. 这便是连环纵火犯的标准行为特征

Based on hundreds of interviews. Based on precedent. 基于数百次采访,基于先例

Everything the unsub should be, according to research. 不明嫌犯应有的特征,都是基于调查

We're off the mark. 我们跑题了

Because of the 2 missing elements. 因为缺少了两个元素

Sex and power, the 2 motives that drive a serial arsonist. 性与权力,此二者是,驱使连环纵火犯行凶的动机

And without 'em, we do not have a profile. 没有这两样,我们无法完成侧写

Uh, sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. 抱歉,我不是有意吓你

I'm just, um, I'm campus patrol. 我只是,我是校园巡逻队的

I'm supposed to ask for your I.D. Sure, sure. 我能看一下你的身份证吗?行,可以

You're one of those FBI guys. 你是联调局的人

Like a profiler, right? 侧写师,对吗

Like, one look at a crime scene, 是不是看一眼犯罪现场

you can tell what kind of shampoo a killer uses? 就可以辨别出杀手所用的洗发水

You sound skeptical. 听起来你很怀疑

Uh, maybe a little. 或许有点吧

Your girlfriend thinks you're gonna break up with her. 你的女朋友认为你要和她分手

You're kidding, right? 你在开玩笑吗

Well, you keep adjusting your necklace. 你一直在调整你的项链

That tells me you're not used to wearing one 那告诉我,你不习惯佩戴项链

or somebody else probably bought it for you, bought it recently, 或者是别人买来送给你的,最近买的

and the chinese symbol on it means "forever yours." 上面的中文符号意思是,"爱你一生"

Take care of yourself, all right? 照顾好自己,好吗

Reid. Since you're more their age, 里德,既然你比他们年长些

why don't you do the talking? 何不就由你来问话呢

Ahem. Hi-hi, guys. Uh, my name's, uh, Dr. Spencer Reid. 大家好,我是斯宾塞·里德博士

I'm a, uh, agent with the-the BAU, 我是一名行为分析组的探员

the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, 联调局的行为分析组

which, um, it used to be called the BSU, the Behavioral Science Unit, 过去被称作行科组,即行为科学组

but not anymore. They changed it to the BAU. 现在不这么说了,改称行为分析组了

Um, it's part of the NCAVC, the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime 它隶属于国家暴力犯罪,行为分析中心的一个分支

which is also part of this thing called the CIRG, 同样也隶属于"特应组"

the Critical Incident Response Group, and 即特别事件应急小组

what he's trying to say is we'd love to know how you can help us. 他想说的是,我们想知道你们可以如何协助我们

May I, please? Thank you. 我来拿可以吗,谢谢

See this? Drill a hole in the side, 看见了吗,在侧面打一个洞

fill it with gasoline or whatever's good and flammable. 用汽油或是其他的易燃物填充

Turn the light on. Boom. 开灯,砰

That is what went down, didn't it? 就是它引发的火灾,不是吗

The stuff's all over the net. 那种材料网上到处都是

Wanna know how to make a Molotov Cocktail that sets itself on fire? 想知道自燃型瓶装,是怎么制造的吗

Potassium, and normal sugar. Sugar-sugar, which is-not exactly plutonium. 钾,硫磺,还有普通的糖。糖,糖--不像钚

You could get this stuff anywhere. 这些材料随处可得

Sugar from the supermarket. 超市可以买到糖

But you don't need to be a chem major to know that. 不需要是化学系学生就可以知道

Do you think it's a chem student? 你们认为是化学系学生所为吗

You wanna know what I think? 你想知道我怎么想的吗

it would be a good time to take the semester off. 我认为,本学期该结束了

Hold on. You need a key to get it movin' after 10:00 P.M. 等等。晚上十点后,需要钥匙才能让它动

So what are you still doin' here? 那你还待在这里做什么

I can't leave. We got projects. 我不能走,我们有课题

You know how to solve the 3 Body Problem? 你知道如何解答"三体问题"吗

Computing the mutual gravitational interaction between the earth, sun and moon? 计算地球,太阳,月球之间的,相互引力影响

Do you have any idea how many people called me today 你知道今天有多少人打电话给我

with absolute certainty that our arsonist is a firefighter? 非常肯定地说纵火犯是消防队员吗

Like, yeah, I saw Backdraft. Uh, let me call you right back. 我看过《烈火雄心》我一会给你回电话

This came into the hotline about 5 minutes ago. 这是大约五分钟前打进的热线

You've reached the FBI tip hotline for the Bradshaw College fires. 你已经进入布兰德肖大学火灾的,联调局报警热线

"Karen. I do this for Karen." 凯伦,我做这一切都是为了凯伦

"Karen. I do this for Karen." Play it again. 凯伦,我做这一切都是为了凯伦,再放一遍

The call came from the office right next to Wallace's 这是在着火前5分钟

5 minutes before the fire was started. 从华莱士隔壁办公室打来的

Play it again. 再放一遍

"Karen. I do this for Karen." Again, louder. 凯伦,我做这一切都是为了凯伦,再放一遍,大点声

"Karen. I do this for Karen." 凯伦,我做这一切都是为了凯伦

What is it? I'm not sure. Somethin' about it. 怎么了?还不确定,这里面有问题

Is this tape clean? 这盘带子没做过手脚吗

I can put it through some audio filters. 我可以给它做音频过滤

Look, we need as close to the real voice as you can get, 我们需要得到最接近真实的声音

and anything that might be in the background. Can you do it? 还有背景音,你可以做到吗

Ok, you know how on Star Trek 好吧,你知道《星际迷航》中

when Captain Kirk asks McCoy to do something totally impossible, 当柯克舰长让麦考伊,做一些不可能的事情

and McCoy says, "damn it, Jim, 麦考伊说,"该死,吉姆

I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker?" 我是个医生,不是个魔术师"

Hey, what are you tellin' me, not to expect a miracle? 你是在告诉我,不要期待奇迹吗

No, I'm saying I'm not a doctor. 不,我是说我不是医生

That's my girl. 不愧是我的马子

These are all the women on campus with the first name Karen. 这些就是大学里所有叫凯伦的女孩

A lot of Karens. Hmm. 好多叫凯伦的

What if the unsub is one of the students leaving? 如果凶手正是这些,正在离校的学生中的一个呢

No, he's not done yet. 不,他还没做完

He's not goin' anywhere. Keep thinkin'. 他哪里都不会去。再想想

You mean, out-outside the box? 你是说,超越常规进行思考吗

That's what Morgan's always telling me. 摩根常这么跟我说

He says that's why I can never beat you at chess. 他说这就是我在象棋上,总赢不了你的原因

Well, he's probably right. 他很可能是对的

But, I mean, in this situation, what exactly is the box? 但是,在当前情况下,常规是什么呢

The standard profile of a serial arsonist. 就是连环纵火犯的标准行为特征

If everything you know goes in the box, what's left? 若你已知的规律都陷于常规,那常规之外还剩下什么

What you don't know. The unknown. 那些你还无从知晓的,未知的思路

Sometimes you have to get creative. 有时你必须另辟蹊径

Even if you think it's utterly unlikely, you have to think of things nobody else thought of. 即便你觉得这完全是天方夜谭,你必得想人之未曾想

Like a stutter. Yeah, exactly. 比如想到结巴,完全正确

Thank you, Karen. Karen number 7. 谢谢,凯伦。这已是第七位凯伦了

You know, there's gotta be a faster way to do this. 肯定还有种更快捷的方法出她

How about we just change the first question to 不如我们把第一个问题换成

"have you recently dated a homicidal pyromaniac?" 请问您最近是否跟,纵火杀人狂约会过

Speaking of questions, you figured out yet why the Footpath Killer stuttered? Nope. You? 说到问题,你想到"小径杀手"口吃的原因了吗?还没呢,你呢

I know that embarrassment makes a stutter worse, 我知道羞愧会让口吃加重

and that when you're flustered, 再加上慌张

it's more difficult to control the articulatory musculature of the face. 会更难以控制脸部的关节肌肉

You sound like Reid. 你的口气真像里德

You did not just say that. 你不会只是说说而已吧

Obviously, somebody's been doin' their homework. 显然,某人早就展开调查研究了

I still have no idea what causes a stutter. Karen. Number 8. 我还是想不通是什么导致口吃?第八位凯伦

Hey. I didn't scare you again, did I? 不会又吓到你了吧

Um, sorry. This is one of the buildings on my patrol. 不好意思,这栋教学楼也是我的巡逻范围

Just lookin' at the board. The 3 Body Problem. 只是看看公告牌。三体问题

You know what it means? Uh, no. No idea. 你知道是什么意思吗?不知道

It's physics. It's one of the great mathematical mysteries. 是物理学,最大的数学谜题之一

You broke up with her. No more necklace. 你跟她分手啦,不戴项链了

Yeah, I kinda wanna date someone else. 没错,我看上别的人了

What's her name? Brian. 她叫什么名字?布莱恩

Oh. Well, that's, uh... that's a pretty good reason. 嗯,这,这个...真是个不错的理由

Did she take it all right? Yeah. 她能接受吗?还行

Yeah, other than telling me that homosexuality's a sin, 她只是跟我说,同性恋是一种冤孽

and that I'm going to incur the wrath of God. 还有我会遭受上帝的惩罚

The wrath of god. 上帝的惩罚

Okay, gorgeous, I've put this thing through every audio filter I've got. 大功告成,我已经把录音经过各种音频过滤

There's only one thing I can tell you for sure. 有一件事我可以确定

This guy isn't saying "Karen." It's more like "Ka-rown." 这个家伙并非在说"凯伦"。他更像是在说"卡伦"

Garcia, what the hell is Ka-rown? 加西亚,"卡伦"是什么鬼东西

If I figure it out, does it earn me a night of passionate lovemaking? 如果我查出来了,能不能拥有一个激情之夜呢

Most definitely, with Reid. 当然,宝贝,你跟里德做吧

Bye. Hey, Reid. Garcia says it's not "Karen." 挂了。里德,加西亚说不是"凯伦"

It's actually somethin' more like-Charown. 事实上更像是...卡伦

Charown? Charown. 卡伦,卡伦

"I do it because of Charown." That's hebrew. " 我做这一切都是为了卡伦"。这是希伯来语

It's god's word in anger. Yeah. 是上帝的盛怒之词,没错

The motive is now religious? 现在他的动机定性为宗教意图了吗

Well, you know, in a lot of religions, god is related to fire. 在很多宗教之中,上帝与火是密不可分的

Well, Brahman is fire in hinduism, and the jews see God as a pillar of fire, 在印度教中婆罗门即为火,犹太人视上帝为圣火柱

and christians worship god as a consuming fire. 还有基督教视上帝为烈火

Okay, so we're lookin' for a theology major. 行,我们现在要神学专业的学生

Maybe he's punishing the other students for their sins. 可能他在惩罚其他学生的罪孽

I don't want this. 我可不想这样

What-what's the most sinful place on campus? 哪里是大学里最罪孽深重的地方

Come on, Elle. When I was in college, that was everywhere. 得了吧,艾尔,我读大学时整个校园处处罪孽深重

A fraternity? A campus bar? 大学联谊会吗,还是校园酒吧

No, 'cause that's not consistent with the previous targets. 不对,这跟之前的被害目标不符

What about the idea of baptism by fire? 会不会是烈火的洗礼

Aren't we all supposed to be tested through fire in Revelations? 在《启示录》中,我们不是都应该通过烈火考验吗

Look, it's good, it's good, but let's please do not jump to conclusions. 听着,想法不错,可是不要急于下结论

Religion might be a part of it, but it's not necessarily the prime compulsion. 宗教可能只是部分动机,但不一定是纵火冲动的首要根源

Gideon, rush to conclusions, jump to conclusions. Who cares? 吉迪恩,过早下结论,急于下结论,管他呢

We are running out of time. 我们没时间了

Compulsion. 纵火冲动

This is crazy. Hey, Mac, get over here. 不可思议,麦克,快过来

You gotta see this. The building's on fire. Bro, you getting this? 快看,那栋楼着火了,哥们,你拍到了吗

Get out of the way! We should call campus security 别挡镜头,我们得通知校保安

Relax, man. There's always fires during rush week. 别紧张,哥们,大学联谊会招募周发生火灾是常事

Yeah, but that's pretty big. What building is that? 话是没错,可是这火势很猛,那是哪栋楼

Dude, over here. Check this out. What is it? 哥们,过来看看这是什么

I don't know, but it's coming underneath the door. 不知道,不过是从门底下进来的

Is someone in the hallway? Hey, someone's trying to get in. 有人在走廊里吗,有人要进来

Hey, man, you should get away from there. 哥们,离远点

Oh, my god. It smells like gas. 天哪,像是汽油的味道

Help! Oh, my god! Oh, my god! 天哪,救命,天哪

Hold on, man! 挺住啊,哥们

Outside the box. 超越常规进行思考

Keep thinkin'. It's like chess. 继续思考,就像是下象棋

Don't look at just the next move. Try to look 3 moves ahead. 别只想着下一步怎么走,试着想下面三步

This is crazy. Hey, Mac, get over here. 不可思议,麦克,快过来

You gotta see this the building's on fire. 快看,那栋楼着火了

Bro, you getting this? Get out of the way! 哥们,你拍到了吗,别挡镜头

Should call campus security. Relax, man. 得通知校保安,别紧张,哥们

There's always fires during rush week. 大学联谊会招募周发生火灾是常事

Yeah, but that's pretty big. What building is that? 话是没错,可是这火势很猛,那是哪栋楼

Dude, over here. Check this out. What is it? 哥们,过来看看这是什么

Dude, over here. Check this out. What is it? I don't know. 哥们,过来看看这是什么?不知道

There's always fires during rush week. 大学联谊会招募周发生火灾是常事

Yeah, but that's pretty big. Dude, over here. Check this out. 话是没错,可是这火势很猛,哥们,过来看看这是什么

3 times. 三次

"Professor Wallace. Tuesday, 3:00.""华莱士教授,星期二,三点"

I know why the profiles never fit. 我知道为什么侧写总是不对劲了

You were right to tell Morgan not to rely on precedent. 你让摩根不要参考先例是对的

The fires thus far have been completely task oriented. 以往的纵火案都是有目的性的

So once they're set, the unsub is done? 因此一旦纵火,嫌疑目标即可锁定

Exactly. The unsub is not a classical serial arsonist. 没错,这个不明嫌犯不是典型的,连环纵火犯

He's someone who uses fire because of a completely different disorder. 他是因为截然不同的心理失调,而需要纵火

Which is? An extreme manifestation of OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. 何种心理失调?一种非常明显的强迫症,强迫性神经失调症

He does everything in 3's, and if I'm right, he'll have to kill again. 他做任何事情都要有3,如果我推测的没错,他必须再开杀戮

There's a form of OCD called scrupulosity. 强迫症的一种表现是多虑症

Religious obsession and compulsion. 宗教强迫症

An obsessive fear of committing sin, 强迫性地对犯下罪孽产生恐惧

which creates so much anxiety that he's compelled 由此产生的焦虑促使他被迫

to do something to ease that anxiety. 去做一些事情来缓解这种焦虑

Like setting fires. 例如纵火

Where's the behavioral evidence? Right here. 这一行为表现的证据呢,在这

All right. Remember the night of the 3 fires? 记得连续三起火灾的那个晚上吗

We saw the doorknob turning against the lock. 我们看到门把手在转

But he's not trying to get in. He's compelled to turn the doorknob 3 times. 可是他不是想进去,他强迫自己转门把手三次

Well, what about the fires? 那其他的纵火案怎么解释

The first ones were single fires. 第一起火灾是单独发生的

If the unsub was OCD, shouldn't they have all been in 3's? 如果嫌犯有强迫症,不是应该有三起吗

They were in 3's. A trinity of 3's. 它们也是三,三位一体的三

The first fire occurred on March third. 第一起火灾发生在三月三日

3:00 P.M., third day, third month. 下午三点,第三天,第三个月

It's that convergence of 3's that causes the overwhelming anxiety. 这三个三的汇聚导致了过度焦虑

Obsessive compulsives ease the anxiety by performing the compulsion. 通过实行强迫行为来缓解强迫症

What about the other fires? Professor Wallace? Office number 3. 那么另几宗纵火案呢,华莱士教授的那宗呢?三号办公室

I checked for more patterns of 3's. His class was onTuesdays. 我查到更多的"三模式"。他的课都在每星期二

Third day of the week. 每周第三天

Matthew Rowland was in that class. 马修·罗兰也上这堂课

It was his third class of the day. 是他一天里的第三堂课

If we looked into each of the fires we'd find a lot of patterns having to do with 3's 如果我们仔细看看每一起纵火案,我们都会发现"三模式"

because our minds are incredibly adept at seeking out patterns. 因为我们的头脑擅长寻规律

But to the unsub, once that pattern hits, bam-he sets a fire. 但对不明嫌犯来说只要符合这模式,他就会纵火

But if the target was always people, why did no one die in the first few fires? 但如果他的目标总是针对人,为什么在最初的几起纵火案中,没有人员伤亡

They were failures. 那些都是败笔

Up until Matthew Rowland. 直到马修·罗兰那次

What is it? I think I know who it might be. 怎么了?我想我知道是谁了

And it's not a he. It's a she. 而且不是他,而是她

Clara Hayes. A chemistry student. 克莱拉·海斯,化学系学生

I'll get you her records now. 我现在就把她的资料调出来

First get campus security out and find her. 先让校保安去她

She could set her next fire within hours. 她会在几个小时内再次纵火

Okay, got it. Her apartment's off campus. 收到,她的公寓在校园外

But how is he sure it's this girl? 他怎么确定就是这个女孩

When I was talking to her and her classmates, 当我在向她和她同学问话的时候

I noticed something-a ring on her finger. And she kept turning it. 我发现她不停地转手上的戒指

At intervals? Of 3. 间隔多少?三次

And she counted off the ingredients of a light bulb bomb. 还有她在报出灯泡成分时

Potassium, sulfur, and normal sugar. Sugar. Sugar. 钾,硫磺,还有普通的糖。白糖,白糖

And the word "sugar." 那个词"白糖"

Yeah. And she kept repeating it. Once she started, she couldn't stop. 对,她不停地重复,一旦她开始就停不下来

Yeah, it's palilalia. It's the involuntary repetition of words. 是语言重复症,不自主地重复某些话

Howard Hughes had it when his OCD worsened. 霍华德·休斯,强迫症恶化时也有这个症状

Clara and her classmates were working on a project about gravitational pull. 克莱拉和她的同学,正在研究一个关于万有引力的课题

The 3 Body Problem. 三体问题

No one in here. 里面没人

Oh, you gotta be kidding me. OCD? 开什么玩笑啊,强迫症

I'm thinking more like OMG. 我觉得更像"额滴神"

OMG? Oh, my god. 什么"额滴神"?就是"我的天啊"

"A fire is kindled in my anger, and shall burn into the lowest hell." Deuteronomy. 以我满腔怒火,直烧到阴曹地府,圣经《申命记》

"And again the fire of heaven came down and killed them all." 而天堂之火从天而降,将把他们全部吞噬

"I do this for Charon." That's Charon. 我这么做都是为了卡伦,这就是"卡伦"

That's the greek mythological Ferryman of the dead. 这就是希腊神学中冥界亡灵之摆渡者

It's also the name of Pluto's only moon. Paradise lost. 这也是冥王星唯一的卫星的名字。《失乐园》

"Moloch, horrid king, " besmeared with blood of human sacrifice and parents' tears." 莫洛克神,可怕的国王"用孩童祭品的鲜血及双亲的泪水涂抹"

Moloch was the demon sun God of the Canaanites. 莫洛克神是迦南人的魔鬼太阳神

In order to keep from incurring his wrath, 为了免受他那雷霆之怒下的天谴

the people would sacrifice their children to him by burning them alive. 人们要活活烧死自己的孩子,祭献给他

16-year-old survives inferno. 16岁的火灾生还者

The mother Ellen Hayes called it a miracle. 她母亲埃伦·海斯称,这是个奇迹

"My daughter was tested by God. "我的女儿通过了上帝的考验"

He tested my child and she came through blessed.""他考验了我的孩子,而她将得到祝福"

Look at the house number. 333. 看看门牌号。333号

Hey, Morgan, you know what magical thinking is? 摩根,你知道什么是魔幻思维吗

Obsessive thoughts. 强迫性思维

It's like a superstition. It controls them. 就像是迷信,会控制人心

Kinda like step on a crack, break your mother's back. 就像"脚把裂缝踩,妈妈背折断"

Except she actually believes it. 除非她真的相信这些谬论

God tested her with fire, and now when three 3's 上帝以火考验了她。现在当三个3

three 3's show up around 三个3在别人身上出现时

God tells her to test them. 上帝喻示她要考验他们

Security's checking the science building. 保安正在检查科技楼

Well, where else would she be? 那么,她还会在其它什么地方呢

We need to find the next pattern of 3's. 我们得到下一个"三模式"

Hey, we're lookin', man. 霍奇,我们正在,伙计

I don't think she would have left behind a day planner that says "set next fire here" written in it.


I under-wait till you see this place. Uh, Morgan? 我明白...在你看到纵火地点前就等着吧。嗯,摩根?

I'll call you back. 我回头再打给你

There must be 30 homemade bombs in here. 这里起码有三十个自制

Morgan, seal the building get everybody out of there and walk away. 摩根,封锁大楼,疏散那里的所有人

We need to send our people into every building 我们需要派人进到每幢楼里

and have them start pulling fire alarms. Please, go. 让他们拉响火警,拜托了,去吧

A map of the campus. 给我份校园地图

We need to find anything and everything having to do with the number 3. 我们得到所有,与数字3相关的东西

Where's the blueprint? 蓝图在哪里

Hell no, I'm not leaving. 没门,我才不离开呢

I have too much to do. All right. 我还有很多事情要做,好吧

I bought one of those mini halon fire extinguishers. 我买了个那种迷你卤代烷灭火器

They started selling them at the bookstore. 他们已经开始在书店里销售了

It's pretty morbid, right? 很变态,对吧

Hey, I'm about to get into an elevator, so I'll probably lose you. 我马上要进电梯了,所以可能会没信号

All right, bye-bye. 好的,再见

You got the science building? 你到达科技楼了吗

All the corridors and stairwells are clear. 所有的走廊和楼梯,都已经检查过了

The elevator closet's checked. No elevators are in service. 电梯已检查完毕,没有电梯在使用中

It's not gonna start. 启动不了了

Don't you have the key? 你不是有钥匙吗

I put it back on the hook in the office. 我把它挂回到办公室里了

Aren't you supposed to be able to hear the emergency call button? 你们没听说过紧急呼救按钮吗

Maybe it's broken. Or turned off. 可能是坏了或被关掉了

I say we pry open the doors. 不如我们把门撬开

You can't pry 'em all the way open. 可是不能把门完全打开

It's a safety precaution. 这是出于安全防范

Maybe we can try yelling for help. 也许我们可以试试大声呼救

That's the fire alarm. 那是火警警报

Jason, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. 杰森,等等,等下

Clara Hayes is very likely a good person. 克莱拉·海斯很可能是个好人

Someone who never wanted to do anyone any harm, like any other rational person. 从来不是有心伤害别人,就像其他有理性的人一样

But there's nothing rational about obsessive compulsive disorder. 但对于强迫性神经失调症的人来说,根本无理性可言

Research suggests OCD involves problems 研究表明强迫症涉及到

in communication between the frontal of the brain and the orbital cortex. 大脑前叶和眶额大脑皮层间的,联络障碍

Plus deeper structures. The basal ganglia. 还包括更深处的组织,脑部基底核

You can't reason with her because you can't reason with a physiological problem. 你不能和她讲道理,因为你不能和一种生理疾病讲理

She's not setting these fires because she wants to, but because she has to. 她纵火不是因为她想做,而是因为她不得不做

What are you trying to say? 你想要说明什么

Don't try to convince her to stop, because you won't be able to. 别试图劝她停手,因为你只会白费唇舌

That's it? It won't go any further? 只能打开到这程度了吗,再也开不了了吗

I told you, it's a built-in safety precaution. 我告诉过你,这是内置的安全防范措施

Help! Somebody help us! 救命,来帮帮我们

Hello? Somebody help us! 有人吗,来帮帮我们

Please, somebody, we're trapped down here. Somebody help us! 求求你们,有人吗,我们给困在这儿了,来帮帮我们

Clara! Clara, thank god. It's all right. 克莱拉,克莱拉,谢天谢地。没事的

Clara, go back to the office and get the elevator key. 克莱拉,回办公室去把电梯钥匙拿来

It's okay. I'm here to save you. 没事的,我是来救你们的

Go-go get the key, Clara. The elevator key. 去,去拿钥匙,克莱拉,电梯钥匙

Clara! Clara, wait! Clara! Get the key! 克莱拉,等等,钥匙,克莱拉,去拿钥匙

Is this building on fire? Clara? Not yet. 这幢楼着火了吗,克莱拉。还没呢

It's clear up here. Anything? Nothing. 这里都没问题,你那里呢?什么都没有

No girl, no smoke, no fire. 没有女孩,没有烟,没有火

Where did she go? 她去哪里了

Maybe she's getting the key. 可能她去拿钥匙了

I don't know. 我也不知道

What is she doing? Someone coming to help? 她在做什么,有人来帮忙了吗

I'm here to help. I'm here to save you. 我就是来帮忙的,我是来拯救你们的

God chose you. 上帝选定了你们,选了你们...选了你们...

Clara? Father, Oh, my god! 克莱拉?耶稣,圣子...哦,天哪

Holy ghost. Clara, listen! 圣灵,克莱拉,听着

It's gasoline! 是汽油

Stop it, Clara! Listen! 住手,克莱拉,听着

Security's sure that they've cleared the science building. 保安确信他们已疏散了,整栋科技楼里的人

The guards made sure all floors are empty and no elevators are in service. Hold on. 保安确信所有楼层的人都已疏散,没有电梯在使用中

You need a key to get it moving after 10:00 P.M. 在晚上10点后,你得用钥匙才能让它运作

Clara? Put it down, Clara! 克莱拉?把它放下,克莱拉

I'm still looking. Focus on the girl. 我还在,集中在那女孩身上

She's failing out. This was gonna be her last semester. 她不及格,这是她最后一学期了

That's the stressor. What else? 这是紧张性刺激,还有呢

She was a researcher in the science building. 她是在科技楼的一名研究员

We know that. They've already cleared the science building. 我们知道,他们已经撤空了科学楼

The third floor of the science building is under construction. 科学楼的三楼正在装修

I'm on my way. 我这就过去

Clara. I have to do this. 克莱拉。我不得不这样做

You know it's not rational, Clara. 你知道这是不理智的,克莱拉

You were trying to tell me. 你以前也这么试着告诉过我

God chose me to be tested, 上帝选中了我来接受考验

and now he's chosen them. If I don't do this, something terrible will happen. 现在他选中了他们,如果我不这么做,可怕的事情就会发生

What's gonna happen, Clara? 会发生什么事呢,克莱拉

A flood? An earthquake? You know this isn't rational. 洪水,地震,你知道这是不理智的

I know. I know. I know. 我知道,我知道,我知道

Then resist. I can't. 那就克制它。我办不到

Clara? Clara, listen to me. Clara, don't. 克莱拉,听我说,克莱拉,不要

They must be tested. God' 他们必须经受考验,上帝的惩罚...

Clara, you told me it was a chemistry student. 克莱拉,你告诉过我,是个化学系的学生干的

You left the message about Charon. 你留下了关于"卡伦"的信息

You want to stop. 你想要停手

Father, Holy ghost. Clara, stop! 耶稣,圣子...克莱拉...圣灵,克莱拉,住手

God chose them. 上帝选中了他们

I thought you said not to reason with her. 我还以为你说过,不要和她讲道理

Get us out of here. 把我们弄出去

You know, I figured it out. The stutter. 知道吗,我搞清楚了,关于口吃的成因

You know why the Footpath Killer stuttered? 你知道那"小径杀手"为什么会结巴了吗

When you and Hotch were talking earlier, that's when I got it. 你和霍奇早先在谈话的时候,我就明白了

He said he was just trying to stall Clara. Right. 他说他只是试着拖住克莱拉。对

Well, that's it, isn't it? The Footpath Killer. 那就是了,不是吗,"小径杀手"

You were just trying to stall him. 你那时也是在试着拖住他

You said, "I know why you stutter" because you were buying time. 你说,我知道你为什么会口吃,是因为你在争取时间

You were stalling. But you don't really know why he stuttered. I don't? 你在拖延。但你并非真的知道,他为什么会有口吃?我不知道吗

I looked it up. No one does. 我查过了,没人知道

There are some theories about a neurological basis. 有一些是基于神经学上的理论

But they're just theories. 但那些都只是理论

What really happened in the convenience store? 在那便利店里到底发生了什么事

I'll tell you what I do know about a stutter. 让我告诉你我所确知的,口吃者的事情

I know how to provoke one. 我知道怎么惹怒他

The key. 钥匙

13. We only found 6. 十三个人。我们只到六个

Are you impressed? Yeah. 是不是瞠目结舌了,是的

I didn't know you could count. 我不知道你还能数数

Our profile said you'd be too stupid. 我们的侧写形容你蠢得无可救药

We also said you'd be a chronic bed-wetter. 我们还说你应该是个长期尿床的人

You- y- yo- What? Th- th- the cam- 你...你...什么?那...那相...

I don't know what you're trying to say. 我不知道你想要说些什么

You take the cam- the cam- the c- the cam- 你拿上那...那相...相...相...

I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're trying to say. 很抱歉,我不知道你想要说什么

You take-you take the cam-the cam- the cam- 你拿上...你拿上那相...相...相...

Say it. The ca- Say it. The ca- 说出来。相...说吧。相...

Just spit it out. The cam- Come on! 痛快说出来...相...来啊

Faulkner once said, "Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.


Try to be better than yourself. 试着超越你自己吧

Check in 3. Not bad. Checkmate. 三步将死。不赖啊。将军

Don't worry, you're gettin' there. 别担心,你会有青出于蓝的一天


The forecast, plenty of sunshine through today with seasonal temperatures. 天气预报,今天阳光普照

We should reach our normal high of about 82 degrees by this afternoon. 气温到午后会达到正常的82华氏度

Look for clear skies tonight with a low near 70. 晚上晴空万里,最低70华氏度

Increasing cloudiness tomorrow, sticky and humid at 20% chance of showers. 明天多云,湿热,有2成的可能性有时有阵雨

Clurman! Why didn't you return my calls, Gil? 克莱门!怎么不回我电话,吉尔

Come on, Joe, give me a break. 拜托,乔,饶了我吧

I'm late for a meeting. 我开会要迟到了

I left messages on every line. 我在你每个电话上都留了信息

I even talked with your assistant. 甚至过你的助手

Look, I've been really busy, ok? 听着,我一直特别忙

We have a meeting scheduled tomorrow. 我们明天安排个会议

We'll talk then. That's right, we will. 到时再谈。好的,就这样

You blow me off again it's gonna get ugly, 你要再耍我,有你好看的

and I won't be so understanding next time. 下次我就不会这么通情达理了

Clurman's was the second bombing this morning, 克莱门的爆炸案是今早的第二起了

both in residential neighborhoods in palm beach. 均发生在棕榈滩居民区

Homeland Security been notified? 通知国土安全局了吗

And ATF. In addition to a profile, they want a threat assessment. 还通知了ATF,除了侧写外,他们还要威胁等级评估

Is the media onto it? 媒体介入了吗

Of course. JJ's keeping tabs on that. 当然,婕婕在密切跟进

What do we know about the bombs? 的情况了解了多少

Morgan hooked up with ATF. 摩根在和ATF沟通

They're sending pictures of bomb fragments as they find them. 他们正在发碎片的图片

Pipe bombs. Packed in cardboard boxes. 土制钢管。装在硬纸箱里

Package bombs. Sent through the mail? No. 包裹。邮寄来的。不是

The other picture in your hand is of the switch that ATF found. 你手里的另外一张图片,是ATF发现的开关

Same mechanism for both bombs, mercury-activated. 两个构造相同,由水银触发

What does that mean? 什么意思

There are contacts to a detonator on either end of a bent tube full of mercury. 在充满水银的弯管两头有触点可连接到

What it means is all you have to do is to tilt the package to detonate it. 也就是只要倾斜包裹即可引爆

So they couldn't have been sent through the mail. 所以不可能通过邮寄

The bomber had to deliver them himself. 客必须亲自寄送

Exactly. Strange way to commit an act of terrorism. 正是,奇怪的方式

Why go to all this trouble to kill just a few people? 大费周张只杀几人

Let's recommend not raising the terror alert level for now. 目前还是先别提升预警级别

No reason to spread panic. 没理由让大众恐慌

We got news. 看新闻

This is just a local channel, but the coverage is everywhere now- 这只是当地频道,但现在已被到处播出

CNN, FOX, MSNBC, Al-jazeera, you name it. 能想到的电视台都在播出

So much for not spreading panic. 现在想不散布恐慌也不成了

According to doctors, he's badly injured, 医生说,他伤势严重

but in stable condition in the I.C.U. 但在重症监护室,暂时稳定

Now, neighbors say that they heard a blast at about 10:30 this morning, and police arrived. 周边人说今早,他们大约10:30听到一声巨响,警察赶到...

If DHS doesn't raise the terror alert now, they'll look weak. 如果国土安全局现在不提升,预警级别,他们会显得无能

Make sure Homeland Security knows that this is everywhere. 确保国土安全局知道这到处在播

I just felt that! 感觉到了

Are you all right? Is everyone all right? 你还好吧,大家都好吧

Let's meet at the airstrip in 20. 20分钟后机场见

This is live, I repeat this is live. 现场直播,重申这是现场直播

Yeah, what's up? 什么事

Hotch, listen, they're gonna be sending us bomb fragments by this afternoon. 霍奇,听着,他们会下午发来碎片

I'm the only one with an ATF background. 我是唯一有ATF背景的

So if you'd like me to stay behind and supervise the bomb profile, I'm on that. 如你想让我留下来跟进爆炸案案情分析,我愿意

Morgan, you wouldn't be afraid to be out in the field with a bomber, now, would you? 摩根,你不再害怕出外勤处理了,对吗

You know maybe it's not the bomber that I'm worried about. 你知道我担心的不是

I thought we were past all that. 我原以为这一切都过去了

Hotch, Boston sent Gideon into a posttraumatic tailspin. 霍奇,波士顿那起爆炸案,曾让吉迪恩陷入创伤后的阴影

How do we know that won't happen again? 怎么能保证不再发生类似情况

Morgan, I tell you what. 摩根,我跟你讲

Why don't we concentrate on profiling the bomber, and not Gideon? Copy that. 为什么我们不集中精力在上,而不是在吉迪恩上。了解

Samuel Johnson wrote, "almost all absurdity of conduct arises from the imitation of those whom

we cannot resemble." 塞缪尔·约翰逊曾写道,几乎所有荒唐的行为均源于模仿那些我们不可能与之相象的人

Bombings occurred within 3 miles of each other. 爆炸均发生在,彼此相邻3英里的范围内

First victim was a 74-year-old widow, Barbara Keller. 第一个受害者是74岁的寡妇,芭芭拉·凯勒

2 hours after that, Clurman got hit in his driveway, and 45 well, we all saw that.


Jill Swenson, 34-year-old housewife who lived across the street from Clurman. 吉儿·斯温森住在克莱门街对面的34岁家庭主妇

Of the 3, only Clurman survived. 三人中,只有克莱门生还了

Was there any connection between the victims? 受害者之间有联系吗

One. Clurman was a partner in a $10-million condo development deal 有一个,克莱门是一个1千万公寓项目的合伙人

in which Keller was an investor, 而凯勒正是投资人

and a few weeks ago, the whole deal went bust. 几周前,整件事黄了

Went bust how? 怎么黄的

Geologists discovered that the land was on methane, 地质学家发现地下有甲烷

the condos never got built, the land became worthless, 公寓不可能建,土地变得一文不值

and Clurman lost a lot of people and a lot of money. 克莱门失掉了大量客户和金钱

So maybe one of them was mad enough to take aim at Clurman. 也许其中有人气得针对克莱门

No, let's not get ahead of ourselves. 别,别妄下定论

It's a little too early to theorize about motive. 现在推断动机还为时过早

Then where do we start? 那我们从何下手

From the beginning. 从头开始

What do we know about bombers? 我们对客有何认识

Mostly male, loners, history of criminal activity. 大多数是男性,独居,有暴力史

About 50% of all bombings are actually a product of vandalism. 大约半数的爆炸行为是为了破坏公物

And more often than not, bombers end up accidentally blowing themselves up, 通常客会不小心炸到自己,一命呜呼

so the first suspects you always look for in the bombing case are the victims. 所以在爆炸事件中,受害者是第一嫌疑人

Clurman was the only male. 克莱门是这里唯一的男性

Losing a large business deal like that could be a powerful stressor. 搞砸这么一大桩买卖会受极大的刺激

Well, then there's the crime scene. 还有犯罪现场

Clurman was the only victim who didn't get hit at his door. Why? 克莱门是唯一没在家门口,被炸的受害者。为什么

What was different about this one? 这个有什么不同

Before Clurman passed out, all he told cops at the time was that 在克莱门晕过去之前,他一直对警方说的是

he saw the package sitting on the stoop outside his kitchen door. 他看见包裹在厨房门前的走廊上

Why didn't he take it in? 他为什么不拿进去

Why didn't it go off until he got to his car? 在他到达车前怎么没炸

It's like 50 feet away. 有50英尺之远

Joe Reese, one of Clurman's investors, was here before the bomb went off. 乔·里斯,克莱门的投资人之一,爆炸前就在这

The cops have ruled him out as a s suspect, 警察已经排除他的嫌疑

but he said he saw Clurman get in the car with the package. 但他说看到克莱门带着包裹到车

So maybe Clurman wasn't receiving a bomb at all. 也许克莱门根本不是在接收

Maybe he was on his way to delivering one. 也许他是要去寄送

But he drops it or tilts it, and it goes off by accident. 但他让掉落或者倾斜了,导致了意外爆炸

I'd like to talk to Clurman. 我想和克莱门谈谈

In the meantime, let's get a warrant to search his house. You have a package. 同时,申请搜查令搜查他家。你有个包裹

Don't worry. Had a police escort all the way from palm beach. 别担心,从棕榈滩,一路有警察护送过来

Ok, right on time 来得正好

Thanks, man, I got this. 谢谢,伙计,我来吧

These are my bomb fragments. 这是碎片

We can start putting this bad boy together. 可以开始让其复原了

Why bother? 何必这么麻烦

Don't you just look at the pieces for prints and stuff? 难道不是只看看碎片上的指纹之类吗

Garcia, what are you doing in the FBI? 加西亚,你在联邦调查局做什么的

I didn't get into medical school? 我没考进医学院

Why does that not surprise me? 我怎么不觉得奇怪呢

Ouch. That's what my father said. 讨厌,我老爸就那么说的

All right, I'm about to teach you something, so pay attention. 好了,我要教你点东西,注意了

Oh, it's like school. 像在学校似的

Look, how these things are put together can tell you how the unsub thinks. 如何让这些复原能告诉你,不明嫌犯是怎么想的

You sound like Gideon. 你的口气真像吉迪恩

Ok, ouch. 讨厌,别说了

You think it's bull? Ok...all right. 你觉得是胡扯,好吧。好了

You see that section of pipe? Yeah. 看管子的那部分。好

That right there used to be part of the cap. 这部分曾是盖子的一部分

It screwed onto these threads right here. 通过这些螺纹,盖紧管子

But, see, here's the thing- it had to be done very carefully 问题是这样的,必须非常小心操作

because even if one tiny grain of powder 因为在他工作时

go onto those threads while he was working, 即使一丁沾到了螺纹上

that little bit of friction would have ignited the bomb. 那一丝摩擦就会引爆

Boom! Boom! Boom! 嘣,嘣,嘣

See you later, unsub. 永别了,嫌犯老兄

Now, he didn't have to use a powder that fine. 他不必那么精细地利用火药

He didn't have to use threaded caps, 他不必用带螺纹的盖子

and he didn't even have to use a steel pipe, that would be whole lot safer if he hadn't. 他甚至可以不用钢管,如他不这样,会安全很多

But the bomb wouldn't have been nearly as deadly. 但也就不会这么致命

So what does that tell you about our unsub? 从中让你了解到不明嫌犯什么

He's one sick puppy? 他是个变态

To say the least. One sick puppy that aims to kill. 至少,是个想要杀人的变态

Not scare, not vandalize, or make some kind of political statement. Kill. 没有恐吓,没有肆意破坏,没有政治性声明。只是杀人

Where's your team right now? 你的搜查小组在哪

Down in the garage. 在车库

After they finish the garage, make sure they check the attic. 等他们搜完车库,让他们再检查一下阁楼

Agent hotchner? Yes, sir? 霍奇尔探员,是我,先生

Detective Morrison, palm beach P.D. 莫里森侦探,来自棕榈滩警察局

I'm lead on the case. 我负责这个案子

Nice to meet you. 见到您很高兴

This is agent Greenaway. 这位是格凌威探员

Agents Reid and Gideon are at the hospital. 里德和吉迪恩探员正在医院里

I think you met agent Jareau at the station house. 我想你在警局已经见过了詹若探员

Oh, yeah, she's taken over the place. 是的,她已经接管了那里

She does that. 她很在行

ATF hasn't found any hard evidence yet, just some kitchen timers, tape recorders, and electrical

switches. ATF还没到确凿的证据,只有一些厨房定时器,录音机和电开关之类的东西

Yeah. It is amazing how many household items 是啊。真令人惊异,有这么多家居用品

count as potential bomb-making materials. 能作为潜在的制造材料

Hello? 您好

Excuse me! 抱歉

Mrs. Clurman. 克莱门太太

What's going on here? 这发生什么事了

Mrs. Clurman, my name is special agent Aaron Hotchner with the FBI. 克莱门太太,我是特别探员亚伦·霍奇尔,联邦调查局的

What are you doing in my house? 你们在我家干什么

There's a copy of the warrant on the table. 桌子上有份搜查令副本

I know that this is hard to believe, 我知道这让人难以置信

but we just need to cover all of our bases. 但我们查案得滴水不漏

We need to make sure that your husband was not involved in any way. 我们得确定您丈夫没有任何犯罪嫌疑

Involved? My husband's in the hospital with his leg blown off. 犯罪嫌疑,我丈夫正躺在医院里,腿被炸飞了

What are you talking about?! 你们到底什么意思

Mrs. Clurman, there are some questions that your husband needs to answer, 克莱门太太,有几个问题需要您丈夫回答

and the sooner that we talk to him and clear him, 越早和他谈,越早澄清他的嫌疑

then the sooner we can find whoever's responsible. 就能越快到真凶

Agent Hotchner? We've got something. 霍奇尔探员,到些东西

We found this buried on the back of that shelf. 我们发现这个埋在架子后面

Mrs. Do you know anything about this? 克莱门太太,你知道这事吗

What can you tell us about the package, Mr. Clurman? 能说说包裹的事吗,克莱门先生

I thought I knew what it was. 我原以为我知道那是什么

Pot for an orchid. I collect them. 兰花花盆,我收集它们

I ordered the pot through the mail. 我邮购了那花盆

Why didn't you take it inside? 那为什么不拿回家

It was for my office. 是要放在办公室里的

I was going there anyway. 我正要去那

Thought I'd take it with me. 想着能顺便捎带过去

That's the last thing I remember. 我最后就记得这些了

You had an argument with Joe Reese. Do you remember that? 你和乔·里斯有过争执,还记得吗

Joe was there? 乔当时在吗

He was angry, he accused you of blowin' him off. 他很生气,他说你放了他鸽子

Any reason he'd want to hurt you? 他会不会要加害你

Joe? No. 乔,不会

I mean, he's a confrontational guy, 我的意思是,他是个直性子的人

but if he wanted to kill me, he'd just beat me to death. 如果他想杀我,直接打死我就好了

A lot of people were angry about that deal falling apart, 那桩生意黄了,很多人都很生气

and they were angry at you. 而因此怪罪于你

How did that make you feel? 你怎么觉得呢

I felt awful. 糟透了

I thought those condos would make a lot of money for a lot of people, myself included. 我原以为那公寓能为人们赚不少钱,包括我自己

I thought that geologist was legit. 我原以为那个地质学家是正牌的

He didn't even take samples. 他甚至都没采样

He scammed us. 他把我们都算计了

All those investors who lost 那些钱打了水漂的投资者们

Barbara. 芭芭拉

Barbara Keller? 芭芭拉·凯勒

The first victim. 首位受害者

What about her? 她怎么样

It's just such a shame. 真让人惭愧

Such a nice lady, you know? 她是个好人,知道吗

It was such an easy sale. 很爽快的一桩买卖

Sometimes I felt like I took advantage of her 有时我觉得是占了她便宜

because she was old and lonely. 因为她是个孤寡老人

Now she's dead. 现在她死了

I feel terrible. 我觉得糟透了

What is it? 怎么了

Ah, my foot! 我的脚

Get you something. 我去叫人

This isn't our guy. 他不是我们要的嫌犯

His answers were coherent even while he was sedated. 即使他打了镇静剂后,回答问题依然清晰明了

He's got a sense of humor, 还很幽默,有同情心

Not to mention he has a hobby unrelated to bomb-making. 更别提他的爱好和制造,风马牛不相及了

This is nothing like a typical bomber profile. 一点都不符合典型狂人的侧写

What about the materials we found? 那到的材料呢

Well, we'll see if the fragments match at the bomb scene, 会查下是否和爆炸现场的碎片一致

but I doubt they will. 但我估计应该不会

Ok. 好的

Look at this. 看看这个

This is their nephew in Texas. 这是他们在德克萨斯的侄子

And according to Mrs. Clurman, 据克莱门太太所说

he was staying with them for a month and left last week. 他和他们住了一个月,上周才走的

Mercury switches are a little sophisticated for a 12-year-old kid. 水银开关对一个12岁的孩子来说,有些复杂了

I'm not saying he's the unsub, 我没说他就是不明嫌犯

but boys his age like to blow stuff up. 但这个年纪的孩子,很可能会搞出点什么来

I'll call Morrison. 我会打电话给莫里森

He'll contact local P.D. in Texas 他会联系德克萨斯当地警局

and pick up the kid and talk to him. 到那男孩,和他谈谈

You know, a watched bomb never assembles. 盯着看,它们也不会自己组装起来

I'm down to the last few pieces, and for the life of me, 就剩最后几片了,估计我这辈子

I can't figure out how they fit together or if they fit together. 也搞不懂如何组装,或是否可以组装起来

They might not even be part of the bomb at all. 它们甚至可能都不是的一部分

What's the big deal? 有什么大不了的

You got most of it. 你已经弄好一大半了

I'd give you a B-plus. 是我就给你打个B+

Thanks. 谢谢

The big deal is it could be part of his signature. 重要的是,这可能是他犯罪行为特征的一部分

Ooh, signature. Like a sign of the zodiac, that kind of thing? 特征,就像"黄道十二宫"之类的象征符号,对吗

Yeah. Yeah, just like that. 对,没错,就像那样

I was serious. I really wanted to learn that time. 说真的,那时候我还真想模仿一下呢

Signature's the thing that they get off on, 所谓犯罪行为本质特征,是他们乐此不疲的本源

like a flourish. 像是一种炫耀

You know, a certain kind of pipe, a certain mix of powders. 这种特制的管子,特制混合的火药粉

Like the Unabomber. 手法像"邮件客"

he always used something wood in his bombs. 他总会在里放些木制的东西

I mean, I don't know. 我是说,我不知道

These guys, they think they're artists or something, 这些家伙自以为是艺术家之类的

so they sign their work. 所以要为自己的作品做上记号

And you think by putting these last pieces together, 你觉得如果把最后这些组装好

you might find the signature? 就会摸透犯罪行为本质特征吗

Yeah. 是的

See, sometimes the design itself is unique, 有时那些记号的设计是独一无二的

so once we do put it all together, 所以当我们组装好的时候

we can compare it to other exemplars in our evidence database 可以和证物数据库中其他样本对比

and see if the bomb was built by somebody we may have already come across. 看看这是否,系我们的老对手制造的

What? 什么

If there was another piece 如果还有另一片这样的碎片

no, I tried that. It doesn't fit. 不,我试过了,配不上去

No, it could have been part of a longer rod 不,它可能是一根长棍的一截

that fit through the top and went all the way through. 正好从头穿下去,贯穿到底

Tetris. 俄罗斯方块

Damn it. 见鬼了

What? Did I mess something up? 怎么了,我搞错了吗

No. No, no, Garcia. 不不不,加西亚

You nailed it. 你说到点子上了

I know who built this bomb. 我知道是谁制造这个了

The guy's doing life in federal prison. 这家伙正在联邦监狱坐牢

Morgan e-mailed these over. 摩根通过,把这些发了过来

The three on the left are the bombs from yesterday. 左边三个是昨天的

The one on the right's from the evidence room at Quantico. 右边的那个是匡堤科证物室里的

They are all identical. 它们一模一样

They are made with steel reinforcement rods. 都是用钢铁棒加固的

Adrian Bale. 艾德里安·贝尔

Who? 谁

He held our agents in a standoff in Boston last year. 他去年在波士顿曾一度,和我们的探员陷入僵持

He took out 6 agents and a hostage with one of his bombs. 用一枚,就干掉了6名探员和1名人质

So you're thinking he's behind this? 所以你觉得他是幕后主使

Possibly, but he's in prison. 可能吧,但他在监狱里

He's got kind of a cult following, almost like Manson. 他有些信徒似的追随者,就像曼森

It could just be a copycat. 很可能是模仿之作

There's one way to find out. 有一个办法可以查明真相

Let's put the screws to this guy. 我们去给他施加压力

No, no, no. Bale's too smart. 不不不,贝尔太聪明了

If we want information from him, we have to handle him carefully. 如果我们想从他嘴里套话,得小心应付

Even then you have to assume that road will lead nowhere. 即便这样,也要做好此路不通的准备

You're saying the connection to Bale doesn't help us at all? 你是说和贝尔接触根本无济于事吗

No. I'm just saying let us handle Bale. 不,我只是说我们要搞定贝尔

Look, we just heard from local Texas P.D. 我们刚从德克萨斯当地警局得到消息

You were right about Clurman's nephew. 关于克莱门的侄子,你说对了

He admitted the bomb stuff was his, 他承认材料是他的

which is great for the Clurmans, 这对克莱门一家是好消息

but it leaves us with zero suspects. 但这样一来我们没有任何嫌疑人了

So what do you suggest my men do now? 那你说我的人现在该怎么办

Proceed from the profile. 从侧写着手

I didn't know we had a profile. 我不知道我们已做过侧写了

We're dealing with a bomber. 我们的对手是一名客

We're talking about someone who's non-confrontational. 他没有火爆的直性子

If you bumped into him in a cafe, he'd apologize. 如果你在咖啡馆撞上他,他会道歉

Even if it wasn't his fault. 就算不是他的错

We would classify this bomber as highly organized, 这个客做事井井有条

based on the meticulous design of his bombs. 基于的精确设计

It means above average intelligence. 说明他智商超常

He probably has a skilled job, a trade, 他可能做得是技术活

one that allows him to work alone. 某种能让他单独作业的工作

That's how he was able to make a sophisticated device 所以他才能神不知鬼不觉地

without raising suspicion. 制造出精密的

Furniture maker, jeweler, et cetera. 家具工,珠宝匠,诸如此类

Background in explosives? 有制造的背景吗

No, not necessarily. 不,这倒未必

You're thinking about a type who likes to blow things up. 你所想的那类人是喜欢玩爆炸

Gives them an emotional or sexual release. 以此在情绪和性方面得到发泄

Death's secondary. 死亡倒是其次

Then what's this guy doing? 那么这个家伙呢

Murdering. 意在谋杀

Bombs-just weapons. 只是武器

And these attacks, they are not random. 这些袭击都不是随机性的

Well, how do you know that? 你怎么知道

The process of elimination. 排除法

We know bombers fall into a discreet number of 客按作案动机

categories according to motive. 可以分为几类

There's the terrorist whose aim is to spread fear. 比如是为了制造恐慌

We'd expect him to strike in a populous area like a subway. 通常会选择在人多的地方下手,比如地铁上

There's the politically motivated bomber. 也有想表达政治立场的客

He makes a statement by choosing a symbolic target 会选择具有象征意义的目标,来表明立场

like an abortion clinic. 比如堕胎诊所

Then there's our unsub. 还有就是我们的不明嫌犯

He made bombs designed to kill and he chose his victims 他制造就是为了杀人,他自己挑选受害者

specifically by placing the bombs at their stoops. 将放在他们家门廊上

That tells us he has a direct motive. 这告诉我们,他有直接的作案动机

Statistically he bombs for profit or to conceal a crime. 总的来说他制造爆炸,是为了金钱利益或是掩盖罪行

And it tells us how we're going to find him- 这也提示了如何到他

through the people he killed. 就要从他杀的人为出发点

Somewhere among the three victims there is a direct motive. 这三个受害人中有个直接作案动机

Keep digging. Thanks. 继续深入调查,谢谢

Any questions, we'll be around. 如果还有疑问,随时问我们

You'll be around. I'll be in prison. 问你可以,我就要去监狱了

Somebody's got to talk to Bale. 我得去贝尔谈谈

Detective Morrison, how's it going? 莫里森探员,还顺利吗

We're combing through all the investors in the land deal, 我们调查了土地交易的所有投资人

got a couple of suspects who fit the profile. 到几个符合侧写的嫌犯

We're going to talk to them. 要去和他们谈谈

Ok. Well, if you need anything, just let us know. 好,有什么需要尽管开口

Right. 行

How we doing? 怎么样了

Frustrated. 很失败

I can't see why anyone would want to kill 我想不通为什么有人要杀

a little old lady who collects cats and coins. 喜欢养猫和集钱币的老太太

Unless somebody wanted the coins. 除非有人想要那些钱币

I spent a good chunk of my childhood 我童年时费了很大劲

looking for a 1944 penny worth thousands. 一枚价值上千的,1944年版一便士

Yes, I was a little bit of a nerd. 是,我是有点呆

Is that so surprising? 很奇怪吗

Not to me. 我不觉得

Morgan? 我是摩根

I just got the lab results from the powder residues on the bombs. 我刚拿到火药残片的化验结果

Ammonia nitrate, potassium chloride, and aluminum powder. 硝酸氨,氯化钾,还有铝粉

Nobody uses that mixture, Hotch. 没人用这种混合物,霍奇

Nobody but Bale. 除了贝尔

That's right. 没错

And the closer I look at these things, the more they're the same. 而且我越是仔细看这些,就觉得越相似

Same weld pattern, same switch assembly, same thread sizing. 一样的焊接方式,开关组合和螺纹规格也一样

It's weird, man. 这太奇怪了,伙计

This guy's not building bombs, he's forging them. 这家伙不是在制造,他是在仿造

That's the other reason I'm calling you. 这是我打电话给你的另一个原因

Bale wrote addresses on his packages in block letters with blue ink. 贝尔用蓝墨水的大写印刷体,在包裹上写地址

I'm thinking our guy's doing the same. 我想我们要的人和他如出一辙

Ok. I'll set up a press conference, make sure the public knows. 我去召开记者招待会,确保民众知道这消息

Thanks, Morgan. 谢了,摩根

Excuse me. 失陪一下

Look, obviously Bale burned us pretty bad. 显然贝尔把我们弄得焦头烂额

We just want to make sure if we're in a position 我们只想知道

to make a deal with him that you guys are willing to do it. 你们是否愿意和贝尔做个交易

Well, I think that's premature. 我觉得这还为时过早

We're not even sure if Bale's involved yet. 我们都还没确定贝尔是否涉案

What if he is? 如果他确实涉案了呢

You're sure you want to deal with a guy 难道你真的想和

who took out 6 of our agents? 一个杀了我们六名探员的人做交易

Half of Florida is in a panic. 半个佛罗里达州都已人心惶惶

There might not be another choice. 也许没有别的选择了

There has to be. 一定有

Bale, you have a visitor. 贝尔,有人来访

you know why I'm here? 你知道我为什么来吗

This guy in palm beach, right? 为了棕榈滩那家伙,对吧

The palm beach bomber. 那个"棕榈滩客"

Somebody's got to give him a better name. 该给他取个更响亮的名号

He uses your bombs, your designs. 他用的是你的,是你的设计

Well, he should be careful. 那他可得当心了

Those things are dangerous. 那些东西很危险


you can't fool me. 你别想和我耍花招

If you're involved in this in any way and you do not help me, 如果你与此案有关,而且不帮我

I will make your life even worse than it is now. 我会让你生活得更糟

Oh, but no, actually, 事实上,你错了

I can fool you because I fooled you before. 我能耍你,因为我以前就耍过你

And now there's another me out there, watching, waiting. 现在外面有另一个我,在虎视眈眈

We have new information about the palm beach bomber. 我们得到了关于,"棕榈滩客"的最新消息

In addition to placing the bombs in plain brown packages, 除了被放在,普通的棕包裹中以外

we have reason to believe that the bomber may hand write 我们有理由相信客将地址

the delivery addresses on a plain white label. 手写在普通白标签上

Mommy, when's daddy coming home? 妈妈,爸爸什么时候回来

He's got to get the beach house ready for the next renters. 他必须要为下一个房客,准备好海滨别墅

He'll be back tomorrow. 他明天回来

...Be examined carefully, 请小心检查

especially if you don't recognize the return address. 特别是当你不认识寄件地址时

Have you unpacked your suitcase yet? 你的手提箱打开了吗

No. I'll go do it right now. 没有,我现在就去

With your help, 有您的帮助

we should be able to prevent any further casualties. 我们才能避免进一步的人员伤亡

Thank you for your vigilance. 感谢您能提高警惕

You were more ruthless than I expected. 你比我预想的还要残忍

If you hadn't pushed that button, 如果当时你不按下按钮

you might've had a chance at parole someday. 也许你还有假释的机会

Yeah. 没错

You know, I've thought a lot about that day, 你知道吗,我经常想起那一天

and there's one thing I still can't understand. 有件事我始终不明白

You trusted me. Why? 你当时很信任我,为什么

I never trusted you. 我从不信任你

You listened to me. 你听了我的话

I made an error. 我犯了个错误

I calculated you wouldn't do it, and you did. 我以为你不会那么做,但是你做了

Whatever you think, I'm gonna walk outta here, and you never will. 随你怎么想,我能走出去但你永远也不行

Here's what I think. 我是这么想的

Sending those agents into that warehouse, 派那些探员进入仓库

it just doesn't make sense. 这可没什么道理

I mean, I've read your books. 我是说,我读过你的书

I had all those things- what did you call it? 我知道那些东西,你怎么叫它来着

Um... a homicidal triad. 谋杀三大初征

I even came from a broken family, classic sociopath, 我来自一个破碎的家庭,是典型的反社会分子

so when I had the chance to kill 6 agents plus a hostage, 当我有机会杀六名探员,外加一名人质的时候

I mean, just because I gave myself up 我是说,我向你自首

doesn't mean that I was finished with those people. 不代表我会饶了那些人

I still had the remote. 我还有遥控器呢,你

you should've known that. 你应该想得到的

And the emotional release I would feel by pressing 按下那个按钮会让我有种快感

well, that was just a little too overwhelming to pass up. 就是有点难以自控了

Why didn't you search me before sending those agents in? 你派探员进去之前,为什么不先搜我身呢

Why didn't you do your job, agent Gideon? 为什么你没尽职,吉迪恩探员

Mommy, there's a present for you. 妈妈,有一份给你的礼物

Present? 礼物

What does it look like? 什么样子的

It's brown with blue letters. 棕盒子,写着蓝的字

Can I bring it to you? 我拿给你好吗

No! 不要

Keep holding on, baby. 坚持住,宝贝

The first thing we gotta do is to get mother out of there. 我们首先要让母亲离开

OKay 好

You gotta it! 明白

Just keep holding on, ok? 一定要坚持住,好吗

But it's heavy. 可是好重啊

Oh, I know, I know, 我知道,我知道

but you're doing such a good job. 但是你很了不起

Ok, everything's gonna be ok. 不会有事的

No, nobody over there. 不,那边没人

I don't want to scare the little girl. 我不想吓着那小姑娘

Just a few more minutes. 再等几分钟就好

Hear that? We're almost there. 听见了吗,就快好了

It's heavy, I can't hold it. 好重啊,我拿不动了

Yes, you can. 不,你能行的

You have to step back, ma'am. 夫人,你得退后

I am not leaving my daughter. 我不离开我女儿

You need to trust me. 你要信任我

Ok, sweetie, don't move, ok? 亲爱的,别动,好吗

Don't move, sweetie. 别动,亲爱的

I'm gonna come up to meet you. Steady. 我会帮你的,拿稳了

You're such a good girl. Just a few more seconds. 真是个好孩子,马上就好了

You're doing great, sweetie. Ok. It's slipping. 你做得很好,宝贝,要掉下去了

Go go go. Come here, baby! 快走,快走,过来,宝贝

Get here Ma'am. 过来,女士

Bale might be part of this, but he's not in control of it. 贝尔可能参与其中,但他不是主谋

If he were, he would've taunted me with specifics. 如果是他,他会用案情细节来嘲弄我

So what's our next move? 那我们下一步怎么做

I let Bale know the unsub's using his designs. 我告诉贝尔,不明嫌犯在用他设计的

Bait. 诱饵

Yeah, exactly. 没错

If Bale wasn't part of it before, 如果贝尔之前没参与过

he'll sure want to be part of it now. 他现在也一定想参与了

I'm gonna stay behind and monitor his mail, calls, visitors, 我打算悄悄监视他的邮件,电话和访客

any contact that he has with the outside world. 所有他和外界的联系

Good. Even if he doesn't know the unsub, 很好,就算他不知道不明嫌犯

he may want to try to contact him. 他可能会试图和他联络

I might have something. 我发现了点线索

Barbara Keller was having trouble insuring some coins she bought. 芭芭拉·凯勒在给她的硬币保险时,遇到了点麻烦

The insurance company thought they might be fake. 保险公司认为硬币是假的

So the insurance company's blowing up annoying clients? 所以保险公司就想,把这烦人的客户炸死吗

What if someone sold her the fake coins? 如果另外有人卖给她假硬币呢

She's on to him, he shuts her up. 她上他了,他想灭口

Were these coins valuable enough to kill over? 为了这些硬币值得杀人吗

She told the insurance company 她告诉保险公司

she thought they might be worth $12,000. 硬币价值1.2万美金

All right. Do you have any idea who sold her the coins? 好吧,知道谁卖给她的吗

No, but she had an appointment with a coin dealer scheduled- 没有,但是她和一个硬币贩子,


I'm guessing to challenge the insurance company's appraisal. 我猜她是要对保险公司的估价,表示质疑

A guy named david walker. 那人名叫戴维·沃克尔

So maybe he can help us figure out who sold her the coins. 也许他能协助我们搞清谁是卖家

Office of Supreme Genius Puzzle Solver. 超级天才解疑办公室

Do you have a riddle for me? 有疑难杂症要解决吗

I found out Bale has been accessing the internet 我发现贝尔一直绕过监狱图书馆

by getting around a fire wall that's set up on a prison library computer. 计算机的防火墙接入互联网

The guy even has an e-mail address. 这家伙甚至有一个

Wow. Sneaky bastard. 哇,这还挺狡猾

Yeah. He's headed for the library right now, 是啊,他现在就在去图书馆的路上

maybe to contact the unsub. 可能要联系那个不明嫌犯

Is there a way to possibly monitor his keystrokes 可以在他上网时

while he's online? 监听他的键盘动作吗

I can send him a virus, 我发给他一个病毒好了

but he'll have to open the e-mail for it to work. 但是必须他打开电邮才能有效

Let's do it. 就这么干吧

What do you want in the subject line? 标题栏中写点什么

Let's think. 想一想

Something that'll make him open it. 让他感兴趣的事情

Yeah. He's impotent. 对,他有阳痿

Something that'll make him feel in control. 发点让他感觉有控制欲的东西

I got something. 有了

Now this guy's number. 这人的号码

He's visited 6 porn sites in the past half hour. 过去半小时内浏览了6个站

Anything else? 其他的呢

Hold on 稍等

He's posting to a message board. 他在一个留言板上留了言

"Naughtyhobbies. Net. "

Looks like some sort of site for bomb enthusiasts. 好像是一个爱好者网站

"To all my friends out there, beware. They are onto you." 我的朋友们,多加小心,你们被盯上了

We need the names of everyone who's been on that message board 给我过去一个月在留言版里

in the past month. 留言的所有人的名字

186 e-mails. 186个电邮地址

Through the ISPs, we were able to track down the names and 通过网络服务商可以查到名字

some of the addresses, 还有部分人的地址

but none of them were in palm beach. 没人在棕榈滩附近待过

How about occupations? 职业呢

It wasn't a required field, 不是必填项

so really, only about 1/3 filled it in. 所以,只有三分之一的人填了

Well, the unsub takes pride in his work. He would fill it in. 这名不明嫌犯自视甚高,他肯定填了

Right. Let's see. We have 也是,我看看

"trucker, physician, antiquities dealer, 卡车司机,内科医生,古玩商

store owner, " 店主,护理员

wait. 稍等

Antiquities dealer? 古玩商

Yeah, why, what is it? 怎么了

Personally, I couldn't think of anything 我觉得,没什么比硬币

more boring than coins and old papers. 旧报纸更无聊的事了

Are you single? 你是单身吗

Yes. 是的

I have a word of advice. 给你提个建议

Don't marry the first guy that proposes. 不要嫁给第一个向你求婚的男人

I wanted a pool table back there, 我想在这放个台球桌

but david insisted on making it his workshop. 但是戴维非要用来做工作室

Hey, Reid. Ok, shoot. 里德,请讲


Elle. 艾尔

I got to call you back. 我打回给你

What's he up to now? 他现在又要干什么

It sounds like a car. 是车的声音

I hope he's not committing suicide. 我希望他不是想自杀

I won't be able to collect life insurance. 我就不能得到保险金了

Yeah. 请讲

Elle, it's him. It's Walker. 艾尔就是他,是沃克尔

Get out of the way! 快让开

You ok? 还好吧

Yeah, I'm all right, but Mrs. 我很好,但是沃克尔太太

yeah. Guy's a real peach. 是啊,真是个大美女

Morrison's got a county-wide search out for the car. 莫里森已经全郡范围搜索那车

Uniforms are going to try to find out where his haunts are. 警员们正在寻他常出没的地方

An ATF should be here any minute. ATF人员马上就到

Sure you're all right? 确定你还好吗

Mrs. Walker said her husband spent most of his time in the garage. 沃克尔太太说他的丈夫,大多数时间都在车库里

Let's check it out. 我们去查查

Well, we got the organized part right. 嫌犯做事井然有序,这点让我们猜对了

What's this? 这是什么

I've seen these. It's for electroplating. 我见过这些,电镀用的

Look at the date on the coin. 看硬币上的日期

It's half-gone. 只剩一半了

He was using this to build up the metal 他用这些制作硬币所用金属

so he could change the dates on the coins. 因此他能篡改硬币上的发行日期

To increase the value. 为了让硬币升值

Exactly. 没错

Like what he did with Barbara Keller's coins. 芭芭拉·凯勒买的硬币,就是这么炮制出来的

Look over here. Check this out 过来看看

"The best. " 牛人

This is why he chose to use Bale's design. 这就是他选择贝尔设计的的原因

He was working on something. 他在做什么东西

Make sure Morrison tells your officers 确保莫里森提醒你们的人

that this guy is smart, dangerous, 这个家伙老奸巨猾,极度危险

and has absolutely nothing to lose. 并且是个亡命之徒

You ready to do some work? 又有活干了,准备好了吗

Why not? I haven't slept this week. 当然,我一周没睡了

I might as well give up eating, too. 连吃饭的空都省了算了

Oh, poor baby. 哦,可怜的小孩

Try not to let the tears hit the paper. 眼泪不要滴到纸上哦

Gets a little messy. 别弄花了

Hmm. Really. 嗯,是啊

These are emails from Bale's account. 这是贝尔邮箱里的邮件

Reid forwarded them to me. 里德发给我的

What are we looking for? 要什么

Right now this guy Walker's in the wind, 目前沃克尔仍图谋不轨

so we gotta look at him from every angle, 所以方方面面都要彻查

see if we can figure out his next move. 猜出他接下来要搞什么鬼

Signature behavior. 犯罪行为本质特征

If Walker got bomb-making tips from Bale, 如果沃克尔从贝尔那学做

then maybe he got tips on staying clear of the cops. 也可能学会了如何躲避警察

Ha! Somebody's been taking notes. 哈,某人学有长进了

Medical school, schmedical school. 医学院,"怨学你"

Don't hurt yourself, Garcia. 别逼自己了,加西亚

Now find me something. 现在帮我查查看吧

So far, nothing from the search. 目前,没有线索

What do we know about Walker? 我们掌握了沃克尔哪些资料

He's a quiet career criminal. 它是一个低调的专业罪犯

Spent 4 years in prison 在他20出头的时候

for a series of forged checks 因为伪造支票

when he was in his early 20s. He's now 46. 被关了4年,他现在46了

Past 18 years, 过去的18年里

he owned a store which sold coins, maps,and historical documents. 他有一间卖地图,硬币和历史文献的小店

We raided the place as soon as you gave us Walker's name. 一查到沃克尔,我们就立刻搜了他家

Most of his inventory was fake, 库存的东西大部分是假的

forgeries valued in the millions. 伪造品加起来有几百万

But the walls had started to close in on him. 但他也快被揭穿了

We talked to some of his clients, 我们和他的几个客户谈过了

and he was in debt up to his ears 他负债累累

and promising stuff he didn't have time to forge. 连没空去的东西也一口答应了

Then Barbara Keller found out that the coins he had sold her were fake. 芭芭拉·凯勒发现她的硬币是假货

She threatened to out him. 她威胁要告发他

And if she had, all the 如果她这么做了

forgeries would have been discovered. 他的行为就公诸于众了

He would have done 20 years. 有可能会被关20年

So he had to shut her up? 所以必须要杀她灭口

He planted all those bombs just to kill one little old lady? 费那么大劲就为了杀一个老太太

Yeah, and to throw us off, he made it look like it was much bigger than it was. 是的,还有就是向我们炫耀,故弄玄虚

You hear me? I said stop now! 听到了吗,我说停下来

help me. 救救我

Everyone back-now. We need bomb squad in here. 每个人退后,我们需要拆弹专家

it's not me. 求你了,不是我干的

Don't come any closer. 不要上前

Put your hands up and walk slowly back out. 举起手来,慢慢退后

I can'T. He'll kill me. 我不能,他会杀了我

Who will? 谁

I don't know. 我不认识

He held a gun to me, 他用威胁我

put this on me. 把绑在我身上


you'll know who he is. 你们知道他是谁

What does he want? 他想要如何

A helicopter. And passport. 直升机和护照

He's watching. 他在监视着

Once he gets what he wants, 当你们满足了他的要求时

he's got instructions to defuse the bomb. 他会告诉如何拆弹的

Walker's close by. 沃克尔就在附近

Let's get snipers around the perimeter. 快,在周围布防狙击手

Get snipers on the roof. 在楼顶上布防狙击手

Ok, we understand. We're not gonna leave you. 我们了解,我们不会丢下你不管的

take it off. 请你,拆了它吧

We need to figure out 我们要先搞清楚

how the bomb's put together first. 是怎么组装的

Tracy, you're in. 崔西过来

This is a really sophisticated device. 真是太精密复杂了

It looks like it was probably made by a master bomb maker, 绝对是一个高手做的

which means tampering with any part of it could set it off. 触动它任一部分都可能会引爆

Isn't there some way to just cut the whole thing off him? 没办法把从他身上拆下来了吗

Not without cutting these wires. 那先要把这几根线割开

See how they're threaded all around the collar? 看它们怎么在领口缠绕的

They could be booby trapped, 可能是陷阱

or there could be a hidden secondary trigger. 或者是一个爆炸引发器

How do we find out? 我们怎么能知道

Without knowing how it's put together, it's gonna take a while. 不知道组装方式,拆弹要有一段时间了

I'll have to x-ray it, try to figure out which are the real triggers, 我得拍X光片,到真正的触发装置

I don't think there's enough time. 但是,时间不够

What do you mean? 你是什么意思

There's a timer. 上面有个计时器

We've only got about 3 hours left. 我们只剩3小时了

What is it? 什么意思

We need to go outside. 我们到外面去

No! 不

He said he'd kill me if I went back out. 他说如果我出去就会杀了我

He made sure I told you that. 他让我一定要告诉你这一点

Then we need to isolate you. 那我们必须立刻把你隔离

Why? 为什么

There's nothing you can do? 你们什么都做不了吗

Is there anything? 究竟有没有

I don't get it. 我不明白

If this guy's a hostage, 如果这个人真是人质

then why hasn't Walker tried to negotiate with us? 为什么沃克尔不和我们谈判

Maybe he's scared or maybe he hasn't 可能他害怕

figured out what his next move is yet. 也可能不确定下一步怎么做

We got a bead on Walker. Sniper spotted him in his scope. 已确定他的所在位置,狙击手已瞄准沃克尔

He's sitting in an office building across the street. 他在对面的办公大楼里

It looks like a storage room with a small window facing us. 像是个储物室,有扇小窗正对我们

We could surprise him. 我们可以突袭他

Good idea. If he feels cornered, he might give himself up. 好主意,要是他觉得无路可退,可能会选择投降

Why do you say that? 你为什么这么说

Because bombers are generally cowards. 因为客通常都是懦夫

I'll take a team in and we'll go in through 我会带一队人

the back of the building. 从大楼后门进去

This feels wrong to me. 我觉得不对劲

Why would Walker let himself be found so easily? 为什么沃克尔让我们这么容易到他

He wants to be found. 他就是想被发现

Why? To negotiate. 为什么,谈判

But then we lose the element of surprise. 那我们就没法突袭他了

Hopefully, we catch him off guard, 但愿我们让他措手不及

he may give himself up immediately. 他可能会立即投降

If not, we take a hard line 如果他不,我们就采取强硬手段

本文发布于:2024-09-23 02:33:07,感谢您对本站的认可!



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