
ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 1Conceptual DiagramMXYStatistical DiagramXb1b2b3eY1MYXMConditional effect of X on Y = b1 + b3M

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝ Model 1

Multicategorical M with k categories (PROCESS v2.14 or later)Conceptual bkbk+1b2k-1YDk-1XXMConditional effect of X on Y = b1 + bk+1D1 + +

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝ Model 1

Multicategorical X with k categories (PROCESS v2.14 or later)Conceptual bk+1b2k-1Dk-1MXMConditional effect of X on Y =

{b1 + bk+1M

...bk-1 +

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 2Conceptual DiagramMWXYStatistical DiagramXMb4Mb2b1b3eY1XYWb5XWConditional effect of X on Y = b1 + b4M + b5W

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 3Conceptual DiagramMWXYStatistical DiagramMWXMb4b6MXWXWXMWb2b1eY1Yb5b7b3Conditional effect of X on Y = b1 + b4M + b5W+ b7MW

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 4Conceptual DiagramMiXYStatistical DiagrameMi1MiaibieY1c'XYIndirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai

biDirect effect of X on Y = c'Note: Model 4 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝ Model 4

Multicategorical X with k categories (PROCESS v2.15 or later)Conceptual bieY1Yc'k-1Relative indirect effect of X on Y through Mi =

iRelative direct effect of X on Y =





bic'k-1Note: Model 4 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 5Conceptual DiagramWMiXYStatistical DiagrameMi1MiaibieY1XWXWc1'c2'c3'YIndirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai

biConditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'W*Model 5 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝ Model 6 (2 mediators)Conceptual DiagramM1M2XYStatistical DiagrameM11eM21M1a1a2d21M2b1b2eY1Xc'YIndirect effect of X on Y through Mi only = ai

biIndirect effect of X on Y through M1 and M2 in serial = a1

d21 b2Direct effect of X on Y = c'Note: Model 6 allows up to 4 mediators operating in serial.

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝ Model 6 (3 mediators)Conceptual DiagramM2M1M3XYStatistical DiagrameMeMd21











YIndirect effect of X on Y through Mi only = ai

biIndirect effect of X on Y through M1 and M2 in serial = a1


b2Indirect effect of X on Y through M1 and M3 in serial = a1

d31 b3Indirect effect of X on Y through M2 and M3 in serial = a2

d32 b3Indirect effect of X on Y through M1, M2, and M3 in serial = a1



b3Direct effect of X on Y = c'

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝ Model 6 (4 mediators)Conceptual DiagramM2M3M1M4XYStatistical DiagrameM2eMd32
















eY1XYIndirect effect of X on Y through Mi only = ai

biIndirect effect of X on Y through M1 and M2 in serial = a1


b2Indirect effect of X on Y through M1 and M3 in serial = a1

d31 b3Indirect effect of X on Y through M1 and M4 in serial = a1

d41 b4Indirect effect of X on Y through M2 and M3 in serial = a2

d32 b3Indirect effect of X on Y through M2 and M4 in serial = a2

d42 b4Indirect effect of X on Y through M3 and M4 in serial = a3

d43 b4Indirect effect of X on Y through M1, M2, and M3 in serial = a1



b3Indirect effect of X on Y through M1, M2, and M4 in serial = a1



b4Indirect effect of X on Y through M1, M3, and M4 in serial = a1



b4Indirect effect of X on Y through M2, M3, and M4 in serial = a2



b4Indirect effect of X on Y through M1, M2, M3, and M4 in serial = a1




b4Direct effect of X on Y = c'

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 7Conceptual DiagramWMiXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ibieY1Xa3ic'YWXWConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)biDirect effect of X on Y = c'Note: Model 7 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 8Conceptual DiagramWMiXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ibieY1Xa3ic1'c2'c3'YWXWConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)biConditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'WNote: Model 8 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 9Conceptual DiagramMiWXYZStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ibieY1Xa3ic'YWZa4ia5iXWXZConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ) biDirect effect of X on Y = c'*Model 9 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 10Conceptual DiagramMiWXYZStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ia5ic1'a3ic2'c3'a4ic4'c5'bieY1XWZYXWXZConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ) biConditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c4'W + c5'Z*Model 10 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 11Conceptual DiagramWMiZXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ibiXWZXWXZa3ieY1c'Ya4ia5ia6ia7iWZXWZConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ + a7iWZ) biDirect effect of X on Y = c'*Model 11 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 12Conceptual DiagramWMiZXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ibic1'c2'c3'c4'c5'c6'a6ia7ic7'XWa2ia3ia4ieY1YZXWXZa5iWZXWZConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ + a7iWZ) biConditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c4'W + c5'Z + c7'WZNote: Model 12 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 13Conceptual DiagramWMiZXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ibic1'c2'c3'a6ia7ia2ia3iXWeY1Ya4iZXWXZa5iWZXWZConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ + a7iWZ) biConditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'W

*Model 13 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 14Conceptual DiagramMiVXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Miaib1ieY1XVMiVc'b2b3iYConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai

(b1i + b3iV)Direct effect of X on Y = c'Note: Model 14 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 15Conceptual DiagramMiVXYStatistical DiagrameMi1MiXVaic3'c1'c2'b1ieY1XVMiVYb2iConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai

(b1i + b2iV)Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'VNote: Model 15 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 16Conceptual DiagramMiVXYQ

Statistical DiagrameMi1Miaib1ieY1Xb2c'YVQb3b4ib5iMiVMiQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai

(b1i + b4iV + b5iQ)Direct effect of X on Y = c'*Model 16 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 17Conceptual DiagramMiVXYQ

Statistical DiagrameMi1MiXVXVQaic4'c1'c2'c3'c5'b2ib3ib1ieY1YXQMiVMiQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai

(b1i + b2iV + b3iQ)Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1' + c4'V + c5'Q

*Model 17 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 18Conceptual DiagramMiVQXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Miaib1iXVQMiVMiQb2b3b4ib5ib6c'eY1Yb7iVQMiVQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai


+ b4iV + b5iQ + b7iVQ)

Direct effect of X on Y = c'*Model 18 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 19Conceptual DiagramMiVQXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Miaib1iXVQXVXQVQXVQc2'c3'c4'c5'c1'eY1Yc6'c7'b2ib3ib4iMiVMiQMiVQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai


+ b2iV + b3iQ + b4iVQ)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c4'V + c5'Q + c7'VQ*Model 19 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 20Conceptual DiagramMiVQXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Miaib1iXVXVQMiVc1'c2'c3'b2b3b4ib5ib6ieY1YMiQVQMiVQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = ai


+ b3iV + b4iQ + b6iVQ)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'V

*Model 20 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 21Conceptual DiagramWMiVXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ib1ieY1Xa3ic'YWXWb2b3iVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i + a3iW)(b1i + b3iV)Direct effect of X on Y = c'Note: Model 21 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 22Conceptual DiagramWMiVXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ia3ic1'c2'b1ieY1XWXWYc3'b2b3iVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i + a3iW)(b1i + b3iV)Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'WNote: Model 22 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel.

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 23Conceptual DiagramWMiVXYZStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ib1ieY1Xa3ic'Yb2b3iWZa4ia5iXWXZVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i + a4iW + a5iZ)(b1i + b3iV)Direct effect of X on Y = c'

*Model 23 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 24Conceptual DiagramWMiVXYZStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ib1ieY1Xa3ia4ia5ic1'c2'c3'c4'b2c5'Yb3iWZXWXZVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i + a4iW + a5iZ)(b1i + b3iV)Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c4'W

+ c5'


*Model 24 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 25Conceptual DiagramWMiVZXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ib1iXWZXWXZa3ieY1c'Ya4ia5ia6ia7ib2b3iWZXWZVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ + a7iWZ)(b1i + b3iV)Direct effect of X on Y = c'*Model 25 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 26Conceptual DiagramWMiVZXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ib1iXWa2ia3ia4ic1'c2'c3'c4'c5'c6'a6ia7ic7'eY1YZXWXZa5ib2b3iWZXWZVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ + a7iWZ)(b1i + b3iV)Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c4'W + c5'Z + c7'WZ*Model 26 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 27Conceptual DiagramWMiVZXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ib1iXWa2ia3ia4ic1'c2'c3'eY1YZXWa5ib2b3ia6ia7iXZWZXWZVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ + a7iWZ)(b1i + b3iV)Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'W

*Model 27 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 28Conceptual DiagramWMiVXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ib1ieY1XWXWa3ic1'Yc3'c2'b2iXVVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i + b2iV)Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'V*Model 28 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 29Conceptual DiagramWMiVXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ib1ieY1XWXWa3ic1'c2'c4'c3'c5'Yb2iXVVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i + b2iV)Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c4'W + c5'V*Model 29 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 30Conceptual DiagramWMiVXYZStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ib1ieY1Xa3ic1'YWZXWa4ia5ic2'c3'b2iXZVXVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i + a4iW + a5iZ)(b1i + b2iV)Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'V

*Model 30 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 31Conceptual DiagramWMiVXYZStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ic1'c2'c3'a4ic4'a5ic5'c6'c7'b2ib1ieY1Xa3iYWZXWXZ VXVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i + a4iW + a5iZ)(b1i + b2iV)Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c4'W + c5'Z + c7'V

*Model 31 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 32Conceptual DiagramWMiVZXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ia3ic1'b1iXWZXWXZeY1Ya4ia5ia6ia7ic2'c3'b2iWZXWZVXVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ + a7iWZ)(b1i

+ b2iV)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'V

*Model 32 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 33Conceptual DiagramWMiVZXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ia3ic1'c2'c3'c4'a4ia5ia6ia7ic5'c6'c7'c8'c9'b2ib1iXWZXWXZeY1YWZXWZVXVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ + a7iWZ)(b1i

+ b2iV)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c4'W + c5'Z + c7'WZ + c9'V

*Model 33 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 34Conceptual DiagramWMiVZXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ia3ic1'c2'a4ic3'b1iXWZXWXZeY1Ya5ia6ia7ic4'c5'b2iWZXWZVXVMiVConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a4iW + a5iZ + a7iWZ)(b1i

+ b2iV)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'W + c5'V

*Model 34 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 35Conceptual DiagramWMiVXYQ

Statistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ic'a3ib2b3b1iXWXWVQeY1Yb4ib5iMiVMiQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i

+ b4iV + b5iQ)

Direct effect of X on Y = c'*Model 35 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 36Conceptual DiagramWMiVVXYQ

Statistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ic1'a3ic2'c3'c4'c5'b2ib3ib1iXWXWVQeY1YXVXQMiVMiQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i

+ b2iV + b3iQ)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1' + c4'V + c5'Q

*Model 36 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 37Conceptual DiagramWMiVQXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ic'a3ib2b3b4ib5ib6b7ib1iXWXWVQeY1YMiVMiQVQMiVQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i

+ b4iV + b5iQ + b7iVQ)

Direct effect of X on Y = c'*Model 37 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 38Conceptual DiagramWMiVQXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia3ia2ia1iXWWXb1ieY1c1'c2'YVc3'QXVXQc4'c5'c6'c7'b2ib3ib4iVQXVQMiVMiQMiVQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i

+ b2iV + b3iQ + b4iVQ)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c4'V + c5'Q + c7'VQ*Model 38 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 39Conceptual DiagramWMiVQXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ic1'a3ic2'c3'b1iXWXWVeY1Yb2b3ib4ib5b6iVXQMiVMiQVQMiVQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i

+ b3iV + b4iQ + b6iVQ)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1' + c3'V

*Model 39 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 40Conceptual DiagramWMiVXYQ

Statistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ib1ic1'c2'a3ic3'b2b3XWXWVQeY1Yb4ib5iMiVMiQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i

+ b4iV + b5iQ)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1' + c3'W

*Model 40 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 41Conceptual DiagramWMiVVXYQ

Statistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ic1'c2'a3ic3'c4'c5'c6'c7'b2ib3ib1iXWXWVQeY1YXVXQMiVMiQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i

+ b2iV + b3iQ)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1' + c3'W + c6'V + c7'Q

*Model 41 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 42Conceptual DiagramWMiVQXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ic1'c2'a3ic3'b2ib3ib1iXWXWVQeY1Yb4ib5ib6ib7iMiVMiQVQMiVQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i

+ b4iV + b5iQ + b7iVQ)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1' + c3'W

*Model 42 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 43Conceptual DiagramWMiVQXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia3ia2ic3'XWWa1ib1ic2'c1'eY1Xc4'YVc5'QXVXQc6'c7'c8'c9'b2ib3ib4iVQXVQMiVMiQMiVQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i

+ b2iV + b3iQ + b4iVQ)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1'

+ c3'W + c6'V + c7'Q + c9'VQ*Model 43 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

ndTheGuilfordPress⃝Model 44Conceptual DiagramWMiVQXYStatistical DiagrameMi1Mia1ia2ic1'c2'a3ic3'c4'c5'b1iXWXWVeY1Yb2b3ib4ib5ib6iVXQMiVMiQVQMiVQConditional indirect effect of X on Y through Mi = (a1i

+ a3iW)(b1i

+ b3iV + b4iQ + b6iVQ)

Conditional direct effect of X on Y = c1' + c3'W + c5'V

*Model 44 allows up to 10 mediators operating in parallel

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