Customer Loyalty


Customer Loyalty - A Case Study of Po-Jui Yu Culture Communication Co., Ltd.


With the increasing competition in the market, affect long-term customer loyalty has become the

decisive factor in the level of profits. Chinese enterprise managers have to grasp its meaning only

the right to adopt effective strategies to improve customer loyalty, resulting in an invincible

position in market competition.


Customer loyalty is more frequent in recent domestic and international terms of reference, it has

become the pursuit of corporate homogenization of the times one of the main objectives.

Enterprises in the end of the ways to enhance customer loyalty, and how the help of CRM to

improve customer loyalty then?

In recent years, customer relationship management (CRM) in the world to a certain development,

and get a more rational application. Some enterprises will be part of the CRM system

functionality integrated into other management systems; some enterprises to implement the

CRM point solutions, such as sales automation (SFA); part of the enterprises of the financial

marketing, sales and service in one set of CRM solutions. CRM management thinking,

management methods and applications is an important role: in a unified customer database,

based on continued customer loyalty in the customer satisfaction and increase customer profit

contribution rate. CRM to enhance customer loyalty in the process will play an important role,

but not enough only CRM, customer loyalty, improve customer service requires full awareness of

the changes.

1.1 Introduction internship process

When the first day I came into the company, after a simple interview with managers, I’m told that

my work is mainly advertising areas, including poster design, campus publicity, exhibition and so

on. But considering I was fresh and did not leave me any specific tasks, just let me know about

the environment, understand what about the company's situation, including its size, sector,

personnel division of labor. Then I participated in the Coca-Cola advertising poster design, design

process just testing my ability.

Fortunately, one can participate in the design of the company, among its, just training yourself.

However, lack of experience, I failed to make a good design. Later, through the help of the design

director of guidance and colleagues, I made a better program. After two days of running, I’ve

learn about what’s my weaknesses and shortcomings, there’s less opportunity for practical

exercise when I was in the school, the software operation is not enough skilled. But also the

requirements of customers and not be immediately respond.

Through the first two days of work experience, I’ve got basic understanding of the company's

design process.

After a few days, the design task trivial exercise, I learned a lot content never covered in the

textbook. Because the work is contact with customers directly, our work was to ensure customer

satisfaction, of course, not lack of creativity in the same time, but also on its timeliness in the

market. Not to say that creative design will definitely adapt to market competition, which

involves the design and management of the importance of marketing. How to design the market

to achieve the desired effect, first ,we must analysis the markets involved in the analysis , to find

the most appropriate target consumers, market positioning, and then determine the project's

core, all designed around the core concept of behavior begin This way, planning the project does

not deviate from the market.

After a period of poster flyer design, my work expanded from indoor to outdoor, my colleagues

and I went to all the columns poster to university, then in the exhibition site to do the work,

including arrangements for on-site equipment, apparatus, together with the management to do

Good on-site publicity.

Most of our customers to design advertising are very satisfied with the work. However, some

customers feel that there is a lack of place, in practice, I have been with colleagues and

customers have good communication, research the customer loyalty of Jui Yu's. Results of the

study is that most customers are our old customers, old customers to design multiple-site

advertising, also some customers are introduced by old customers, the loyal customers have

given these companies is a big profit. Although we do advertising and has little about marketing

apparently, in fact we are doing marketing, but we are own production, our product is the

advertising program that is creative, of course, cover the whole process of service Therefore, we

also need to increase customer loyalty to improve the enterprise's long-term profits.

Practice gains: There are three major aspects: First, through direct participation in the operation

of enterprises, learn practical knowledge, and further deepen the understanding of theoretical

knowledge, so that theoretical and practical knowledge has been enhanced and successfully

completed the practical task; Second, the actual work to improve the ability of future work for

the employment and made some valuable practical experience; Third, accumulated material for

the thesis and information.

1.2 Topics based on

Customer loyalty research enterprises significance of customer relationship management

strategies have the following main points:

Through loyalty, Help enterprises to form a unified and comprehensive customer contact

channels and customer service capabilities to the enterprise customer, and the relationship

management will be the core elements. Enterprises should be more comprehensive and more

rapid understanding the customer needs and focus on building long-term customer relationships,

build new customer-centric management model, to provide customers with better and more

efficient services, to retain and win more customer loyalty, and enterprises to benefit from the

constantly. This based on customer relationship management and customer services of the core

competitiveness factors, will be fully in the market and the performance reflected. Therefore, by

loyalty, customers can stabilize and improve customer lifetime value.

(2) loyalty to the company's customer relationship management, strategic decision-making

capacity and the overall plan will play an important role in the protection and promotion. Loyal

repeat customer transactions, it is appropriate to establish a long-term business with customers

special deals partnership will help companies develop long-term plans to establish multi-level to

meet customer needs cost reduction practices. Because of the relatively fixed customer groups

can help companies reduce market uncertainty, easy for customers to conduct effective

information and data analysis, business analysis and strategic decision-making support. Between

various departments within the enterprise through this on the overall management of the

business process can strengthen communication and cooperation to ensure the overall planning

of the implementation and enforcement, but also reduces the management cost.

(3) by improving and improving their internal culture, loyalty will promote the enhancement of

core competitiveness of enterprises. Increase customer loyalty means that all the staff must focus

on the customer the center of the coordination, cooperation, and stressed the consolidation and

integration of team spirit, so that business management processes and mechanisms of major

changes; highlighted the managers and employees initiative, enthusiasm and creativity will help

enterprises to look beyond established and continuously advance the entrepreneurial spirit,

improved the basic conditions for the development of the enterprise itself and the core


2 on the customer loyalty

The definition of customer loyalty, different scholars have different views. Service management

academics Brown (1952) think that customer loyalty is a behavior, is that customers to buy a

certain brand of product consistency; Jacoby and Kyner (1973) think customer loyalty is an

attitude, preference, make customers of a time to generate ongoing repeat purchase behavior;

Engle and Blackwell (1982) defined loyalty as within the consumer at a time, one or several brand

preferences, attitudes and behavioral responses; Oliver (1997) that loyal customers despite the

impact or promotions in the context of temptation, remained committed to the future will

continue to buy their preferred product or product portfolio.

From the above studies scholars can be seen, the early ideas for customer loyalty has focused on

repeat purchase behavior, and later even some of the points stressed the attitude of mind, the

role of preferences, emphasizes the emotional loyalty based on repeat purchase behavior

Recognizing that customer loyalty in the performance of the existing acts, but also emotional role,

scholars have also found that the depth of loyalty is divided, and there are different levels.

Third, the basic incentive for customer loyalty

1. Product and service quality

From the behavior point of view, customer loyalty is the first performance of repeat purchase,

re-buy the premise must be recognized consumer products and services, product quality and

service quality is the foundation for building customer loyalty.

2. Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is the theorists put forward earlier to explain customer loyalty in a theory

that satisfaction is an important factor in customer loyalty. Many foreign theoretical and

empirical studies have confirmed that customer satisfaction and customer loyalty has a strong

positive correlation, the most representative is expectancy theory, but it was also found that

many customer satisfaction is high and the low level of loyalty, performance as loyalty to a

certain level, regardless of how to improve the satisfaction level, but essentially the same loyalty.

3. Customer value

顾客价值理论评价顾客满意仅仅是顾客的一种购买后的感受,是一种心理状态。 Theoretical

evaluation of customer satisfaction, customer value is only one customer after buying experience,

is a state of mind. 顾客价值理论认为,顾客忠诚是由价值驱动,而非满意驱动,顾客满意只能使该品牌产品进入顾客下次购买集合而已,但不能保证顾客的重购。 Customer value

theory, customer loyalty is value driven, rather than the satisfaction drivers, customer satisfaction

can only make the brand products to customers to buy the next set only, but can not guarantee

that customers re-purchase. 因此企业要使顾客忠诚,必须深入了解顾客的价值观,然后向顾客提供最符合其价值观的产品。 So companies make customer loyalty, we must better

understand customer values, and then provide the customers with products that best meet their


4. 转换成本 4. Switching costs

转换成本是指顾客重新选择一家新的产品或服务供应商时的代价,不仅包括货币成本,还包括由不确定性引发的心理和时间成本。 Customer switching costs is to re-select a new product

or service provider costs, including not only monetary costs, but also the uncertainty caused by

the psychological and time costs. 转换成本的高低对于维系顾客忠诚有着直接影响,特产品或服务的不可替代性能够大大增强顾客忠诚度。 For the maintenance of high and low

switching costs have a direct impact on customer loyalty and special products or services can

greatly enhance customer loyalty is not irreplaceable.

In addition, customer trust, social norms and situational factors also affect a variety of customer


A differential analysis of customer loyalty, and is classified in this basis, targeting customers;

(1) acts of loyalty and attitudinal loyalty

Behavioral loyalty (36.71%) and attitudinal loyalty (21.52%), the gap between the number of

large (15.19%), which is the formation of sustained buying power than a small part of a special

feeling from the brand, most from some of External factors, combined with the characteristics of

80 post-consumer apparel, clothing itself factors (style, quality, price), promotional activities,

store environment, service quality and others will form a recommendation to buy such power.

This shows that in the current apparel industry, brand loyalty manifested in acts of consciousness

more loyalty, many companies the process of brand marketing, the attitudes and behavior when

both imbalance and this imbalance most inclined to act , the more often received only a

one-time corporate market, future market access but also costs more to pay again. This requires

that companies should strive to be balanced, while sales of brand building, long-term perspective

to look at the market and develop brand loyalty.

(2) vulnerability and the potential loyalists loyalists

Loyalty and the potential vulnerability of the large number of loyalists (35.44%), this part of the

group in brand loyalty "marginal" Most of them have the brand loyalty of some or most of the

conditions, should be business enough attention and vigilance, because they are easy to positive

factors (such as good manners, promotions, etc.) are transformed into the impact of brand

loyalists, while yet more easily by a number of negative factors (such as quality problems, the

higher price compared to other brands, etc.) under the action of degradation as disloyal person.

In this regard, companies can build brand fashion image, building brand personality features in

strengthening the corporate culture, improving the relationship between enterprises and

customers, improve the store's environmental quality and quality of service marketing to improve

the attitude of those fragile loyalty loyalty degree, this part of the vulnerable loyalists into brand

loyalty, consolidation of the market (Figure 2); Likewise, through appropriate pricing strategy,

promotions, take seasonal demand, strengthen brand positioning to improve the behavior of

potential loyalty loyalty , the attitude of loyalists into brand loyalty, and further develop the


3 Jui Yu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Overview

二 Two 、博芮公司简介 , Po-Jui Yu Company

Jui Yu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. is a brand planning, visual image design; advertising gifts,

advertising design, advertising, publishing and media proxy; event planning, meeting planning,

exhibition produced for the integrated company. To the overall image is also a design and import

company, brand development strategy formulation and implementation of enterprise culture for

the business areas of local enterprises, the integration of planning with a strong advantage.

Jui Yu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. has been actively developing the market, continuous

improvement, based on culture-related industries, is committed to the development of

communication and development of Chinese culture. The company's service concept is the basic

"people-oriented, sincere as before." Meanwhile, the company has an experienced, creative,

enthusiastic, dedicated team of design and planning, thorough and effective market research firm,

complete series of modern equipment and perfect customer service system, maintaining its

continuous pursuit of excellence in attitude , to maximize the company's sharp market insights

and efficient dissemination of power, to help customers easily deal with changing even for a

moment of modern China, is dedicated to companies and individuals to provide professional,

personalized, international visual marketing services, successfully for many clients image design

and product marketing campaign.

"Be professional company, creating the industry brand" is beginning to go rather Jui Yu Yu spread

the pursuit, the company has a group of young and passionate and full of creative high-quality

professionals. With the market demand, respect each client's investment, keep their promises,

the times, the courage to compete and achieve mutual benefit and cooperation partners, to

create a brilliant goal.

ui Yu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. main business services:

1. Brand Visual Communications Planning: CIS system planning, VIS logo design, website

construction, the internal magazine editors, film and television production.

2. Brand Integrated Marketing Planning: brand strategy positioning, brand operators planning,

advertising, public relations and marketing integrated marketing plan 。 .

3. Planning the implementation of large-scale activities: market research, event planning,


4. Media Strategy Service Executive: Communication promotion strategies, advertising creative

and production, media planning and execution.

Jui Yu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. has maintained management humane, workflow, service

and standardized management concepts. People-oriented, excellence, mutual benefit and

cooperation partners. Clients gain the market, the market to win customers for services for profit.

Strive to become the brand of visual communication and brand consultancy and integrated

marketing expert.

4 博芮文化传播有限公司顾客忠诚度现状 4 Jui Yu Culture Communication Co., Ltd. Customer

Loyalty Status

4.1 现状 4.1 Status

针对顾客忠诚度,博芮公司有制定缜密的常客计划 For customer loyalty, Jui Yu

companies have developed careful frequent flyer program

如何提高常客计划实施效率以培养顾客忠诚,毫无疑问制定缜密的、与顾客需求相匹配的常客计划是必不可少的。 How to improve the implementation efficiency of loyalty programs to

cultivate customer loyalty, there is no doubt that careful development, and customer demand

match frequent flyer program is essential. 常客计划的制定必须包含关键的两点。 Frequent

flyer program development must include the key points.

( 1 )客户信息。 (1) customer information. 常客计划为收集客户信息呈现了一个宝贵的机会。 Customer loyalty programs for the collection of information presents a valuable opportunity.

信息来源既可能是一目了然的,又可能是含蓄隐晦的,而后者逐渐成为公司揭示隐蔽的客户需求和客户机会时更为重要的依据。 Sources of information can be both a glance, it may be

implicit obscure, which has become the company revealed the hidden customer needs and

customer opportunities based on the more important. 通过采集数据、分析理解行为模式、发现新机会,并把这些信息转化成客户观念,明确管理,使整个公司从中受益。 By collecting

data, analysis to understand patterns of behavior, discover new opportunities, and customer

information into these concepts, a clear management benefit the entire company. 常客计划不仅仅是一项营销项目,应用这项计划除了可以获得客户并保持客户的忠诚度外,还成为公司业务发展的推动力。 Frequent flyer program is not just a marketing project, the application of

this scheme can get a client and maintain customer loyalty but also to become the driving force

of business development.

( 2 )需求差别。 (2) differences in demand. 公司为适应常客个体的需求还应该显示出他们的灵活性,设想类似价值层的客户有类似的需求是非常错误的。 In order to meet the needs

of frequent individual should also show their flexibility and vision similar to the value of a similar

level of customer demand is very wrong. 采用马斯洛需求层次理论为基础,博芮公司首先建立高层常客的一般需求和特殊需求,然后针对每一个特殊需求,设计差别对待方案。 Maslow's

hierarchy of needs with the basis of Jui Yu companies first establish the general demand for

high-level regular and special needs, and then for each special needs, the design differences in

treatment programs. 实施常客计划,博芮公司可以真正创造的“魅力”远胜于“抽象货币”所能买到的。 Implementation of the frequent flyer programs, Jui Yu companies can really create

a "charm" far better than "abstract money" can buy.

常客计划的实施,使顾客感受到尊重和优待以及忠诚的逐渐形成,并为航空公司客户持续稳定增长做出贡献,实现真正意义上的“双赢”。 Frequent flyer program implementation, so that

customers feel the respect and privileges as well as the gradual formation of loyalty, and

sustained and stable growth for the airline customers to contribute to realize the real "win-win."

总之,一个忠诚的、与企业保持长期关系的顾客可以为企业带来更多的利润,这种利润不仅来自于这些顾客本身,还在于由他们为企业带来更多的新顾客。 In short, a loyal, long-term

relationships with corporate customers can bring more profits for the company, which profits not

only from the customers themselves, but also in the enterprise by them to bring more new

customers. 顾客忠诚应是企业追求的重要目标,顾客忠诚是企业战胜竞争对手的一个好手段,是企业取得可持续发展的必要条件。 Customer loyalty should be to pursue the important goal

of the enterprise, customer loyalty is a good business over competitors means an enterprise to

obtain the necessary conditions for sustainable development.

4.2 Problems

The loss of existing customers

Some senior managers often surprised and said: "Not long ago the relationship with customers

was all right, while 'style to' the change, and really do not understand." Losing customers has

become the embarrassment faced by many enterprises, most of them also know that customers

will lose a huge loss, may need to re-develop 10 new business customers to be up.。 But when

asked why the loss of corporate clients, many bosses on a look of confusion, talking about how to

prevent, they are hit home.

Customers can not be effectively meet enterprise customers often lead to the loss of the most

critical factor. In general, the enterprise should be the following aspects to block the gap churn.

Customers seeking a higher quality of products and services to customers if we can not provide

quality products and services will not end customer satisfaction with their upstream providers,

not to build higher customer loyalty.

Business presence in the competition competitors poach their customers, beat his opponent, to

attract more customers, it is necessary to provide customers with more than the competition,

"Customer Delivered Value" products, so in order to improve customer satisfaction and increase

the possibilities of cooperation both in depth.

5 countermeasures to improve customer loyalty

Improve customer loyalty solutions to the problem:

(1) adhere to the customer-centric approach. 企业以顾客为中心, Enterprise customer as the

center, 将顾客作为重要的战略性资产来管理,通过对顾客进行系统化的研究,从而改进对顾客的服务水平,提高顾客的忠诚度,对不同价值的顾客实施不同的对策,为企业带来长期稳定的利润。 The customer as an important strategic asset management, through the

conduct systematic research on customer, thus improving customer service Shuiping, enhance

customer loyalty degree, on the different value of measures of different customers Shi Shi, a

long-term stability for the enterprise Dai Lai profits. 企业高层和经营管理人员必须树立、坚持、实践这一理念,才能达到竞争制胜,快速成长的目的。 Corporate executives and management

personnel to establish, uphold and practice the concept in order to achieve competition winning,

fast-growth. 海尔的大地瓜洗衣机就是典型案例。 Haier washing machine is a typical case of a

large sweet potato. 农村消费者反映,海尔的洗衣机洗地瓜时,经常阻塞出水道。 Reflect the

rural consumers, Haier's washing machine when washing sweet potatoes, often blocking the

waterway. 市场需要,就要开发。 Market needs, we must develop. 于是,既可以洗衣服,又可以洗地瓜的洗衣机应运而生。 Thus, both the laundry, washing sweet potatoes in the washing

machine can also emerged. 尽管大地瓜洗衣机的销量不大,但却真正体现了产品开发以顾客为导向的理念。 Although sales of washing machines is not large sweet potatoes, but it truly

reflects the product development and customer-oriented philosophy.

( 2 )建立全面的顾客数据库和完善的顾客关系管理系统。 (2) the establishment of a

comprehensive customer database and improve customer relationship management system.

为了获得顾客的忠诚,应该建立详实有效的顾客资料数据库。 In order to obtain customer

loyalty should be to establish detailed and effective customer information database. 通过数据库来追踪顾客的交易情况,并利用数据库技术开展广泛的统计、分析和数据挖掘,可以有效地度量顾客的忠诚度。 Through a database to track customer transactions, and extensive use of

database technology statistics, analysis and data mining, can effectively measure customer loyalty.

企业和顾客接触点决不应该来自单一的顾客和服务人员的联系,这种狭窄的接触会使企业易于受信息失真的干扰,并产生不准确的判断。 Business and customer point of contact should

never come from a single contact customers and service personnel, which will narrow the contact

information distortion enterprises vulnerable to interference, and produce inaccurate judgments.

只有通过完善的顾客服务系统,加强与顾客的交流,珍惜与顾客建立的感情,才能真正倾听到来自顾客的声音。 Only through complete customer service system, strengthen exchanges

with customers, build customer value and feelings, can we truly listen to the voices from


( 3 )定期开展顾客忠诚度调查及其评估。 (3) regularly carry out surveys and assessment of

customer loyalty. 顾客忠诚度高的公司在了解顾客需要的变化方面往往都有较大的投入,时时刻刻追踪了解顾客的需求和不满,并采取相应的改进措施。 Companies with higher

customer loyalty in the understanding of customer needs change, often have greater input,

always follow up on customer needs and grievances, and to take corresponding measures. 顾客忠诚度调查应定期反复进行,调查的结果将直接影响企业策略的各个方面,并对企业的盈利产生巨大的影响。 Customer loyalty survey should be repeated regularly, the survey results will

directly affect all aspects of corporate strategy, and corporate earnings have an enormous impact.

如贝因咨询公司的顾问在《哈佛商业评论》( Harvard Business Review )的文章中所言,顾客流失率为零的企业其盈利性极高。 If Bein, a consultant in the "Harvard Business Review"

(Harvard Business Review) of the article said, the loss rate of zero corporate customers of its high

profitability. 他们认为,如果顾客流失率降低 5 %,那么信用保险企业的利润将增长 25 %,银行企业的利润将增长 85 %。 In their view, if the customer loss rate reduced by 5%, then the

credit insurance company profits will grow 25%, Bank of corporate profits will grow 85%. 企业应以零顾客流失率为目标,定期开展顾客忠诚度调查及其评估。 Enterprises should be goal of

zero customer loss rate, regularly carry out surveys and assessment of customer loyalty. 通常采取最常用的调查和评估方法包括经理层与顾客的个人接触、销售人员对顾客的访问、以及企业对顾客抱怨所做的分析等其它形式,这保证了企业在决策时能尊重顾客的意见。 Usually

take the most commonly used methods of investigation and assessment, including managers of

personal contacts with customers, sales staff on customer visits, and business analysis, customer

complaints made by other forms, which ensure the enterprises decisions will respect the views of

customers .

( 4 )建立内部员工的培训和交流系统。 (4) establishment of internal staff training and

communication system. 人们常说“ 员 工是企业最重要的资本” , 然而却很少有人能真正理解忠诚雇员对于企业的意义。 The phrase "the staff is the most important capital," yet

few people truly understand the meaning of loyalty to employees for business. 在创新制胜的知识经济时代,员工的忠诚奉献已成为企业求发展的关键。 Winning the knowledge economy in

innovation, employee loyalty has become a key business development. 企业的人力资源作为知识和技能的载体,已经成为创造价值的最根本的因素。 Corporate human resources knowledge

and skills as a carrier, has become the value of the most fundamental factor. 忠诚的雇员对于企业,往往意味着更高的利润和生产率,更加完美的品牌和社会形象以及更加稳固的顾客资源,因此意味着更大的收益。 Loyal employees for businesses, often means higher profits and

productivity, more perfect image of the brand and the social and more stable customer resources,

means more revenue.

( 5 )维护好客户关系。 (5) to maintain good customer relations. 以往在企业营销活动中,有相当一部分企业只重视吸引新客户,而忽视保持现有客户,使企业将管理重心置于售前和售中,造成售后服务中存在的诸多问题得不到及时有效的解决,从而使现有客户大量流失。

Marketing activities in the past, a considerable part of the business is only concerned about

attracting new customers, but neglected to maintain existing customers, the enterprise will be

placed in pre-sales and sales management focus, causing many problems that exist in service are

not promptly and effectively solution, so that great loss of existing customers. 然而企业为保持销售额,则必须不断补充“新客户”,如此不断循环。 However, in order to maintain sales

business, you must continue to add "new customer", so cycles. 这就是著名的“漏斗原理”。

This is the famous "funnel theory." 企业可以在一周内失去 100 个客户,而同时又得到另外

100 个客户,从表面看来销售业绩没有受到任何影响,而实际上为争取这些新客户所花费的宣传、促销等成本显然要比保持老客户昂贵得多,从企业投资回报程度的角度考虑是非常不经济的。 Companies can lose 100 clients a week, while they get another 100 customers, from

the face of it has not been any impact on sales, but in practice is spent for these new customer

advocacy, promotional and other costs to maintain than clear customers much more expensive,

from a business point of view of return on investment level is not economical. 因此,以“漏斗”原理作为制定企业的营销策略的指导思想,只适应于传统的生产观念以及产品观念和推销观念为主导的时代。 Therefore, in order to "funnel" principle as a corporate marketing strategy to

develop the guiding ideology, only to adapt to the traditional production concept and product

concepts and marketing ideas for the dominated era. 如今,买方市场情况下,产品同质化程度越来越高,同时,由于科学技术的发展,产品本身的生命周期也是越来越短,很多企业推出的营销策略和手段也大同小异,消费者已变得相当理智,所以对客户进行维护和售后的服务非常必要。 Today, the buyer's market conditions, the increasing degree of product homogeneity,

the same time, science, technology development, product life cycle is getting itself in a short,

many companies launch marketing strategies and Shouduan are similar, consumers Yi become

very sensible, so maintenance and after-sale customer service is essential. 下面我们具体分析下如何维护客户: The following detailed analysis on how to safeguard our customers:

一、了解客户需求 First, to understand customer needs 我们与客户合作一定要追求双赢,特别是要让客户也能漂亮地向上司交差。 We must pursue a win-win cooperation with clients,

especially clients can make a beautiful cross to the boss. 客户服务,就是与顾客建立一种关系,并使他们感到满意, Customer Service is to establish a relationship with customers, and to their

satisfaction 然后继续和你做生意。 And then continue doing business with you. 随着现代商业的飞速发展,客户服务变得越来越具挑战性。 With the rapid development of modern

commerce, customer service is becoming increasingly challenging. 要想让客户满意,就要了解客户的需求,尽力满足,甚至要超过客户的期望值。 To get customer satisfaction, we must

understand the customer's needs, try to meet, even exceed customer expectations. 那么,如何了解客户的需求呢? So, how to understand customer needs? 首先,仔细、周到的观察必不可少。 First of all, careful, thoughtful observation is essential. 从事客户服务的员工必须密切关注顾客的一举一动,不仅是顾客们说了些什么,还有他们的身体语言,这些都可以帮助其判断客户对服务的满意程度。 In customer service, employees must pay close attention to

customer's every move, not just what customers say, but their body language, which can help

determine customer satisfaction with the services. 一种更直接地了解客户需求的方法是向他们询问。 A more direct understanding of customer needs is to ask them. 许多公司都在不断改进客户服务方式,在每一次联系时都会问:如何让您更满意? Many companies are constantly

improving customer service practices, when in contact would ask every time: how to make you

more satisfaction? 怎样给您更多的帮助? How to give you more help? 第三种方法是关注竞争对手的做法。 A third approach is concerned about the competition. 如果竞争对手的客户服务在某方面已经超前了,那就意味着,你的客户今后会提出更高的要求。 If a competitor's

customer service has been ahead in some, and it means that your customers will be higher

demands in the future. 你也必须作出相应的调整,以追赶竞争对手。 You also have to make

corresponding adjustments to catch up with competitors. 既然如此,为何不成为市场的领导者,在客户服务上先行一步呢。 That being the case, why not become a market leader in customer

service one step ahead then.

二、尊重客户 Second, respect for customers 每个人都需要尊重,都需要获得别人的认同。 Everybody needs to respect all people need recognition.

对于客户给予的合作,我们一定要心怀感激,并对客户表达出你的感谢。 For customers

for their cooperation, we must be grateful, and express your gratitude customers. 而对于客户的失误甚至过错,则要表示出你的宽容,而不是责备,并立即共同研究探讨,出补救和解决的方案。 For customer errors and even mistakes, they have expressed your tolerance, rather

than blame, and immediately study together, to find remedies and solutions. 这样,你的客户会从心底里感激你。 In this way, your customers will thank you from the bottom of my heart.

四、信守原则 4, Obeyed 一个信守原则的人最会赢得客户的尊重和信任。 Abide by

the principle of one person most likely to win the customer's respect and trust.


Because the customers know and meet a need is not unconditional, but must adhere to certain

principles in the meet. 只有这样,客户才有理由相信你在推荐产品给他时同样遵守了一定的原则,他们才能放心与你合作和交往。 Only in this way, customers have reason to believe that

you only recommend products to him in the same comply with certain principles, they can rest

assured that with your cooperation and exchanges.

比如,适当地增加某些服务和培训是可以接受的,但损害公司、客户甚至别人利益的要求绝不能答应。 For example, due to increase in some services and training are acceptable, but

the damage to the company, or other interests of the client can not agree. 因为当你在客户面前可以损害公司或别人的利益时,他会担心他的利益也正在受到威胁。 Because when you are

in front of customers could harm the interests of the company or others, he worried about his

interests are under threat.

( 5 )品牌建设 (5) Brand Building

( 1 )企业网站中的网络品牌建设 (1) business website building a network brand

企业网站建设是网络行销的基础,也是网络品牌建设和推广的基础,在企业网站中有许多可以展示和传播品牌的机会,如网站上的企业标识、网页上的内部网络广告、网站上的公司介绍和企业新闻等有关内容。 Web Site construction is the basis of network marketing, brand

building and promotion of the network is the foundation of the enterprise site can display and

dissemination of many opportunities for the brand, such as the corporate logo on the site, the

page's internal network advertising, company website describes the content and business news.

企业网站所必不可少的要素之一— — 域名与网络品牌之间也存在密切的关係。 Corporate

website one of the essential elements - - between domain names and Internet brand there is a

close relationship. 由于英文(或汉语拼音)域名与中文品牌之间并非一一对应的关係,使得域名并不一定能完全反映出网络品牌。 Since English (or pinyin) and the Chinese brand name is

not one correspondence between the relations, making the domain name does not necessarily

completely reflect the network brand. 这是中文网络品牌的特点。 This is the Chinese Internet

brand features. 一个中文品牌可能并非只对应一个域名,如康佳集团,中文商标为 A Chinese

brand may not only correspond to a domain name, such as Konka Group, the Chinese trademark

「康佳」,其英文商标为「 KONKA 」,那么康佳的汉语拼音所对应的域名也将对康佳的网络品牌有一定影响,但汉语拼音「 kangjia 」所对应的中文并不是惟一的,除了康佳之外,还

有「康家」等也有一定意义的词彙。 "Konka" and its English trademark "KONKA", then the pinyin

Konka domain name corresponding to the network will also Konka brand has a certain influence,

but the Pinyin "kangjia" corresponding to the Chinese is not the only, In addition Konka, there are

"health house" and other words also have significance. 这也为网络品牌推广带来一定的麻烦,同时也出现了域名保护问题。 This brand promotion for the network to bring some trouble,

there has also been the domain of protection. 儘管从用户网站访问的角度来看,一个域名就够了,但实际上,由于域名有不同的后缀(如 、 、 、 .biz 等),以及品牌谐音的问题,为了不至于造成溷乱,对于一些相关的域名採取保护性注册是有必要的,尤其是知名企业。 Although the site visit from a user point of view, a domain name is enough, but in

fact, due to a different domain name suffix (eg. Com,. Net,. Cn,. Biz, etc.), and brand homonym

problem, in order not to The resulting muddy mess, some related to the protection of domain

name registration is necessary, especially well-known enterprises. 但对于过多的保护性注册,也增加了企业的支出,这些网络品牌资产虽然也有其存在的价值,但却无法转化为收益。 But

too much protection for the registration of business spending also increased, although the brand

equity of these networks has its own value, but could not translate into revenue.

( 2 )广告中的品牌推广 (2) ad branding

网络广告的作用主要表现在两个方面:品牌推广和产品促销。 The role of online advertising

mainly in two aspects: branding and product promotion. 相对于其他网络品牌推广方法,网络广告在网络品牌推广方面具有针对性和灵活性的特点,可以根据行销策略需要设计和投放相应的网络广告,如根据不同节日设计相关的形象广告,并採用多种表现形式投放于不同的网络媒体。 Compared to other methods of network branding, online advertising network branding

has targeted and flexible features, marketing strategies can be designed and put in the

corresponding online advertising, such as the design according to different festivals related to

image advertising, and multi- kind of put in a different form of online media. 利用网络广告开展品牌推广可以是长期的计划,也可以是短期的推广,如针对新年、情人节、企业年庆等特殊节日的品牌广告。 Carried out using online advertising to promote the brand can be a long-term

plans, it can be short-term promotion, such as for the New Year, Valentine's Day, the enterprise

special holiday celebration Deng brand advertising.

( 3 )搜寻引擎行销中的网络品牌推广 (3) search engine marketing in the Internet branding

搜寻引擎是用户发现新网站的主要方式之一,用户通过某个关键词检索的结果中看到的信息,是一个企业 / 网站网络品牌的第一印象,这一印象的好坏则决定了这一品牌是否有机会进一步被认知。可见,网站被搜寻引擎收录并且在搜寻结果中排名靠前,是利用搜寻引擎行销手段推广网络品牌的基础。这也说明,搜寻引擎的品牌行销是基于企业网站的行销方法。

Search engine users find new Web site is one of the main users through a keyword search to see the results of the information, is a business / website

network brand's first impression, the impression is good or bad is decided that A brand is a further opportunity to be known. Visible, the site is a search engine

and your ranking in search results front, is the use of search engine marketing tool to promote the network branded basis. This also shows that the brand

search engine marketing is based on the corporate website marketing methods. With the increasing competition in the market, affect long-term customer

loyalty has become the decisive factor in the level of profits. Chinese enterprise managers to grasp its meaning only the right to adopt effective strategies to

improve customer loyalty, resulting in an invincible position in market competition.

搜寻引擎行销中的品牌推广是搜寻引擎行销的层次中的第二和第三个目标层次,即在主要搜寻引擎中获得好的排名并且提高用户对检索结果的点击率。在网络品牌的层次中,则属于第二层次— — 网络品牌的信息传递。搜寻引擎行销的层次和网络品牌的层次两者研究的问题侧重点不同,因而表现形式有一定的差异,但两者实质是一样的。搜寻引擎行销研究的是信息传递的一般过程中的用户行为,而搜寻引擎行销中的网络品牌则仅考虑搜寻引擎检索与网络品牌之间的关係。


Search engine marketing to promote the brand in search engine marketing is the level of the second and third objective level, which in the main search

engines to get good rankings on search results and enhance the user's click rate. Brands in the network hierarchy, belong to the second level - - Network

brand messaging. Search engine marketing the brand level and the level of network problems between the two studies focused on different forms which have

some differences, but both essentially the same. Search Engine Marketing research is the general process of information transmission in the user behavior,

search engine marketing in the Internet search engine brand will only consider the search and the relationship between the network brand.

Internet search engines use the main form of brand promotion in the main search engines, including registration information, search engine optimization,

keyword advertising, search engine marketing FAQ. This brand usually does not require specialized instruments, whereas in the development of web site

promotion, search engine promotion strategy for products, while taking into account the demand characteristics of the network brand, a "fight bandwagon"

approach can achieve their goals. This is a higher search engine marketing requirements, but also increased the combined effect of search engine marketing.

6 结论与讨论



参考文献 References

[1] 计建 : 品牌忠诚度行为 - 情感模型初探 [J]. 外国 经济 与管理 ,1999(10)

[2] 罗子明 : 消费者购买行为的测量指标 [J]. 北京商学院学报 ,2000(7)

[3] 瞿艳平程凯 : 论品牌忠诚度 [J]. 江汉 论坛 ,2007(6)

[4] Bob Hartley, Michael W. Starkey: The managementof Sales and Customer Relations(1996)

6 Conclusion and discussion

Loyalty Marketing is the key to a clear definition of enterprise marketing objectives, well-designed customer experience to guide the behavior of target

customers, making it continue to buy long-term customers, and on this basis, the increasing share of customer wallet.

Loyalty Marketing is the core of well-designed customer experience, and through the marketing execution to achieve the desired results. Therefore, if the

companies wish to enter a new market or want to boost the current through the marketing product sales, companies need to design a different marketing

experience to attract target customers to select the company's products, not to buy competitors. Customer loyalty ladder at different stages, but also need to

design different marketing programs, and various sales and service experience.

References References

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[2] Luo Ziming: Measurement indicators of consumer behavior [J]. Beijing Institute of Technology, 2000 (7)

[3] Qu Yanping Cheng Kai: On the brand loyalty [J]. Jianghan Forum, 2007 (6)

[4] Bob Hartley, Michael W. Starkey: The managementof Sales and Customer Relations (1996

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