



关于一些窗帘外贸名词的中英文对照表,热切欢迎增加 中文名称英文翻译

大窗帘panel drapery



窗幔scarf valance


倒三角帘ascot valance

遮光帘shade blind


吊苏 吊球tanssel






金属线metailic thread









水洗标care label sewn-in label

水洗唛washing lable

织标woven label




Window CurtainPeople are not afraid of crowding. Though shoulder to shoulder and close

upon each other's heels, people don't jam together. Like peas in a pod, each one has his own

space, like dusty clouds dancing in the sun, each has his own sphere. However bustling a place is,

families have nothing to do with each other although their windows are face to face. A curtain on

a window, when that thin layer is drawn down, you can easily put the other family into a distance

of a ten thousand miles. Barriers are not disconnections. A curtain doesn't block up the window,

it only increases the distance between the inside and the outside --- a deceiving, tempting

curtain doesn't cover up the window either, only obscuring it --- what an enticing

obscurity! Thus a window fully open doesn't attract attention, whereas a curtain with a fluttering

corner arouses curiosity and conjecture, boundlessly ess may show innocence

and simplicity. However, if we turn the innocence and simplicity into the material and color of a

curtain, the result is a clean, white curtain, pleated with soft gauze, flapping in the breeze, much

more charming than multicolored stuff. If you really want to be naked, you ought to have the

perfect bodies of the Greek deities and the pure souls of angels. Bacon said, "Nakedness is

uncomely, as well in mind as body." When they left the Garden of Eden, humankind understood

the meaning of those words. Therefore naked truth should be somewhat covered. The blazing

sunlight, which ruthlessly beats down on everything in the world, do not leave shadows that

allow one to be mystified, to dream and to hope. Without light clouds and thin hazes sieving the

sunshine and creating a colorful glow, how boring the sky would be!Only in dimness and

obscurity can one dream and give play to the imagination. Distance increases mystery. We are

lost in a boundless remoteness, calling to mind mountains and rivers obscured in mist and clouds,

stars on a dark night, the future in our hopes, a transcendental ideal, celebrities worshipped from

afar, and a "friend" in one's wishful thinking. Similarly, the barrier of a window curtain obscures

and mystifies, inducing endless speculation. Whereas if you the burst through the barrier and

invade the area behind the curtain, I am afraid the naked truth in there may not be an uplifting

Lady of Shalott in Tennyson's poem is fed up with the world in the mirror, so in three

steps she rushes to the window to see the real world. At once her mirror cracks from side to side,

and she has forever lost her happy and innocent self. See,there's a curtain on that window, so

don't go and peep. Better, you hang one out yourself, be it colorful or plain. If you don't want to

stoop to hanging out curtains and can't be bothered with the trouble, feel free to leave your

window wide open. But do respect other people's window jiang written translated

by ha jin.杨绛散文窗帘人不怕挤。尽管摩肩接踵,大家也挤不到一处。像壳里的仁,各自各。像太阳光里飞舞的轻尘,各自各。凭你多热闹的地方,窗对着窗。各自人家,彼此不相干。只要挂上一个窗帘,只要拉过那薄薄一层,便把别人家隔离在千万里以外了。隔离,不是断绝。窗帘并不堵没窗户,只在彼此间增加些距离——欺哄人招引人的距离。窗帘并不盖没窗户,只隐约遮掩——多么引诱挑逗的遮掩!所以,赤裸裸 的窗口不引人注意,而一角掀动的窗帘,惹人窥探 猜测,生出无限兴趣。赤裸裸,可以表示天真朴素。不过,如把天真朴素做了窗帘的质料,做了窗帘的颜,一个洁白素净的帘子,堆叠着透明的软纱,在风里飘曳,这种朴素,只怕比五颜六更富有魅力,认真要赤裸裸不加遮饰,除非有希腊神像那样完美的身体,有天使般纯洁的灵魂。倍根(Bacon)说过:“赤裸裸是不体面的;不论是赤露的身体,或赤露的心。”人从乐园里驱逐出来的时候,已经体味到这句话了。所以赤裸裸的真实总需要些掩饰。白昼的阳光,无情地照彻了人间万物,不能留下些幽暗让人迷惑,让人梦想,让人希望。如果没有轻云薄雾把日光筛漏出五霞彩来,天空该多么单调枯燥!隐约模糊中,才容许你做梦和想象。距离增添了神秘。看不见边际,变为没边没际的遥远与辽阔。



像丁尼生(Tennyson)诗里的“夏洛特女郎”(The Lady of Shalott),看厌了镜中反映的世界,三步跑到窗前,望一望真实世界。她的镜子立即破裂成两半,她毁灭了以前快乐而无知的自己。




坐垫儿cushion 脚踏 footrest 抱枕 pillows,, 扶手 handrails, 屏包 pillow

product产品 home textil 家纺 bedding 床上用品 quilt 被子

comforter胖被 duvet cove被套 quilt cover 被套 comforter shell壳

sheet set床罩套 flat sheet床罩套 fitted sheet 床垫套 pillowcase 西式枕(美) sham

中式枕(美)housewife pillowcase西式枕(英) oxford pillowcase中式枕(英)university 大学bedskirt床裙 petti skirt床裙(加拿大mattress床垫(toss) pillow 靠垫/抱枕cushion cover 靠垫壳 breakfast cushion 早饭枕 bumper 床帷子table cloth 台布placemat 盘垫runner 长条doily 杯垫oval 椭圆的oblong 长方的square 正方的round 圆的kitchen 厨房oven mitt 微波炉手套pot holder 锅垫hotpot 火锅window 窗window treatment 窗上用品panel 大窗帘子drapery 大窗帘子tieback 绑带tier 小窗帘子valance 帘头swag 三角帘scarf 窗幔Ascot

valance 倒三角帘shade 遮光帘blind 遮光帘Accessory附件trimming饰边tassel 吊苏fringe排苏button扣子stud暗扣zipper 拉索thread 线rayon 人丝线metallic thread 金属线tape

带子ribbon 丝带,缎带lace 蕾丝,花边cord 线绳twist 粗绳elastics 松紧带sequin 亮片bead 珠子label 标签care label 水洗标sewn-in label 水洗标woven label 织标printed label

印刷标签paper sticker 不干胶纸帖law label 法令标barcode 条形码carton label 箱帖carton

纸箱swing tag 吊牌hang tag 吊牌master carton 外箱inner carton 内箱vinyl bag PVC袋handle 提手gusset 加高 folding board 垫板insert 彩卡package 包装casepack 装箱数shipping mark 唛头main mark 主唛side mark 侧唛container 集装箱seal number 封号dimension 尺寸measurement 尺寸design 设计designer 设计者style 风格description 描述ricrac 水浪带association 协会store 商店department store 百货公司speciality store 专卖店discount store 折扣店supermarket 超级市场chain store 连锁店importer 进口商exporter 出口商vendor 卖主,供应商agency 代理商manufacturer 打造商,厂商supplier 供货方factory

工厂mill 工厂retailer 零售商wholesaler 批发商fabric 面料cotton 棉纱织成的布polyester

涤Linen 亚麻ramie 苎麻silk 真丝mulberry silk 桑蚕丝dupioni 双宫绸linen/viscose 麻粘布percale 高纱线支数sateen 缎纹布satin 佳丽缎sheer 透明面料voile 薄纱organdy 薄纱organza 硬纱taffeta 平纹丝织绸corduroy 灯芯绒

faux suede 麂皮绒velvet 天鹅绒flannel 法兰绒denim 牛仔布twill 斜纹布jacquard 提花布brocade 织锦缎dobby 小提花布velour 天鹅绒,丝绵dyed 染布printed 印花flat bed

平网印花rotary 圆网印花yarn dyed 织布check 格子布gingham 织格布floral 花布stripe 条纹布plain weave 简单纹路布rayon 人棉nylon 锦纶chenille 雪尼尔tulle 网眼布

mesh 网眼布netting 网眼布chambray 小伙子布canvas 帆布georgette 乔其纱chiffon 雪纺纱non-woven 非织造布honeycomb 蜂巢布waffle 华夫格 fleece 羊毛,摇粒绒 tencel 天丝modal 莫代尔lycra 莱卡chemical fibre 化学纤维man-made fibre人工制造纤维synthetic

fibre 合成纤维natural fibre 自然纤维warp 经丝weft 纬丝yarn count 纱线支数数thread

count 密度embroidery 绣花technique 工艺applique 贴布patchwork 拼布cutwork 扣锁battenburg lace 百带丽quilting 绗缝hand quilting 手绗 machine quilting 机绗 computerized

quilting 电脑绗 sew 缝 cut 剪 finish 收拾整顿 iron 整烫 satin stitch 绷针 chain stitch 刷针 chain embroidery 锁链儿绣 ribbon embroidery 丝带绣 machine embroidery机绣 chenille

embroidery刀切瓣 crewel work 雪丽绣 platform 床裙的面 skirt/drop 床裙的裙 split corner

开叉式拐角 pleated corner 对脸折拐角 ruffle 自由折 box pleat 对脸折 seam 接缝 seam

allowance 缝头 hem 卷边 face/front 面 back/reverse 底 filling/batting/wadding 填充物棉子 flap 舌头 overlap 大压小 header 上库库 rod pocket 下库库 side hem 侧卷边 bottom

hem 底卷边

top hem 顶卷边 overlock 锁边 blanket毛毯 stitch needle 针 opening/closure开口

button closure 纽扣封口 zipper closure 拉索封口 hidden zipper 暗拉索 flange 飞边 scallop

荷叶边layout 布局 scatter 分散的 horizontal 程度的 vertical 垂直的 cuff/.hem 西式枕的复边 overlay 笼罩物 joint 接缝 office 办事处 namecard 名片 business card 名片 电话

电话 phone/call 电话fax 传真 meeting 集会 hotel 旅馆 programme 项目 project 项目

order 订单 purchase order(.O.)订单 training 培训 presentation 推介 negotiate 谈判

approve/confirm 明确承认 production 出产 bulk production 批量出产 mass production 大规模出产 manager 经理 general manager总经理director 董事,主管 lightbox 灯箱 labdip

烧瓶样 strike off 印花布的挂钩样 handloom 手织样system 系统 flight 航班 forwarder 货代 consolidator 集运公司、人 logistics 后勤 payment 付款payment term 付款前提

inspection 查验 audit 审查,验厂 list 一览表,详细登记单 namelist 名单defect 缺陷

facility 设施 customer 主顾 buyer 买方,买手 compliance 笃守 source 资源,研发cost 成本 price 价格 quote 报价 quotation 报价 quota 配额 duty 税 freight 运费 commission

佣金distribution center配货中心 review 查看 shipping 出运 delivery 发货 red seal 红封样

booking 预订 update 更新 download 下载 upload 上载 submit 提交,当面送交 contact

接洽,接洽人 register 注册 cubic meter 立米米 square meter 平方米 foot 英尺 inch 英寸

centimeter 厘米 ounce 英两gram 克 kilogram 公斤 file 文件 attachment 附件 catalogue

目录 warehouse 仓库 standard 标准quality 质量 quantity 数量 team/group 组,队

sample 样品 comment 意见 change/amend 更改exclusive 专门 logo 标志 picture/photo

图片 finish后处理 pre-treatment前处理 content成分bleach使变白 width 幅宽 fabric

weight面料克重 construction社团结构 screen网(平网/圆网印花) mercerize 如丝般光彩的 sanforize预紧缩 preshrink 预紧缩 shrinkage 缩水率 grey cloth 坯布 piece goods 坯布

greige 坯布 calender 砑光 coating 涂层 resin 树脂 emboss 压花的 sanding 磨光soften

柔软 seersucker 泡泡纱 wash 水洗 launder.(动词) 洗涤 laundry.(名词) 水洗 woven 梭织的,机织的 knit 针织的 felt 毛毡 mattelasse 凸纹布 plush 长毛绒 terry 毛圈布

cashmere 开士米,山羊绒 wool 毛的 test 测试 test request form 测试申请单 test report

测试陈诉 test result 测试结果 color fastness 牢度 dry crocking 干磨 wet crocking 湿磨

hand wash手洗 dry clean 干洗 machine wash 机洗 flammability阻燃性 appearance

retention 外观长期性 dimension stability 尺寸稳定性 comforter胖被 duvet cove被套 quilt

cover 被套 comforter shell被壳 heet set床单套

flat sheet床单套 fitted sheet 床垫套 pillowcase 西式枕(美) sham 中式枕(美)

housewife pillowcase西式枕(英) oxford pillowcase中式枕(英) bedskirt床裙 petti skirt床裙(加拿大) mattress床垫

(toss) pillow 靠垫/抱枕 cushion cover 靠垫壳 breakfast cushion 早餐枕 bumper床帷子

tablecloth台布 placemat 盘垫 runner长条 doily杯垫 oval椭圆的 oblong长方的 square正方的 round圆的 oven mitt微波炉手套 pot holder锅垫 panel大窗帘 drapery大窗帘

tieback绑带 tier小窗帘 valance帘头 swag三角帘 sca**窗幔 scot valance倒三角帘 shade遮光帘

blind遮光帘 Accessory附件 trimming饰边 tassel 吊苏 fringe排苏 button扣子 stud暗扣zipper拉链 thread线 rayon人丝线 metallic thread金属线 tape带子 ribbon丝带,缎带lace蕾丝,花边 cord线绳 twist粗绳 elastics松紧带 sequin亮片 bead 珠子 label标签

care label水洗标 sewn-in label水洗标 woven label织标 printed label印刷标签sticker不干胶纸帖 law label法律标 barcode条形码 carton label箱帖 swing tag 吊牌 hang tag吊牌

master carton外箱 inner carton内箱 vinyl bag PVC袋 handle 提手 gusset加高folding


垫板 insert 彩卡 package包装 casepack装箱数 shipping mark唛头 main mark主唛

side mark 侧唛 container集装箱 seal number封号 dimension尺寸 measurement尺寸

design 设计 designer设计者 style风格 description描述 ricrac水浪带 association协会 store


department store 百货公司 speciality store专卖店 discount store折扣店 vendor卖主,供应商agency代理商 manufacturer制造商,厂商 supplie*供货方



纺织原料 textile raw materials 天然纤维 natural fibre 化学纤维 chemical fibre 植物纤维 vegetable fibre 纺织纤维 textile fibre 人造纤维 man made fibre 动物纤维 animal fibre

罗纹针织物 rib knit fabric 双反面针织物 purl fabric 长毛绒针织物 high pile knitted

fabric 提花针织物 jacquard knitted fabric 多梳栉经编针织物 multi-ba* **bric


2.填料 棉花 cotton 人造棉 artificial cotton 喷胶棉 polyester wadding 丝棉 silk

wadding腈纶棉 acrylic staple fibre 羽绒 down

3.线、扣、拉链 线 thread 棉线 cotton thread 丝线 silk thread 尼龙线 nylon thread 装饰线 ornamental thread 钮 button 四目扣 four-hole button 装饰纽扣 decorative button 异形扣 special-shaped button 塑料扣 plastic button 玻璃扣 glass button 子母扣,四合扣 snap

button拉链 zipper 尼龙拉链 nylon zipper 涤纶拉链 polyester zipper 双头拉链 zipper with

double sliders 装饰带 fashion tape 罗纹 rib


产品彩风格/Color and style of the products 产品结构分类/Product structure

classification套 件 主 题 / themes of each set 产品生产规格 / Production specification 专卖店陈列 / stand alone displaying 产品需求比例/Proportion of products demand 产品风格

Style of the products 典雅 CLASSIC 精致 FANCY 舒适 ELEGANT 春夏产品彩 Main color of

the products in Spring and summer 秋冬产品彩 Main color of the products in autumn and


产品高贵彩 COLORS FOR HIGH-END PRODUCTS 春夏季各类产品贡献销售额结构比

印花/ Print Programs 绣花 / Embroidered Programs 提花 / Jacquard Programs 蕾丝 /

Lace Programs 婚庆 / Wedding Sets


采用精梳纯棉面料, 纱线粗细达40支以上, 纱支密度达200针以上, 经丝光-缩水-三防处理,印染工艺采用环保染料. 运用大网,平网印染技术.

Fabric requirements: pure cotton quality

Total yarn count over 60 Total density of warp&weft over 200 mercerized finish to reduce

shrinkage - waterproof, wrinkle-free, anti-static finish - printing and dyestuff used are

environmental friendly - rolling print technology,

盖被绣花 Fully embroidered throws

枕边绣花 Embroidered pillow cases

被面绣花 Embroidered duvet covers

面料要求 纱线细腻 面料柔软 图案精致

Fabric used will be fine and smooth - soft - exquisitely patterned

被套:duvet cover

有边枕套:pillow shame

无边枕套:pillow case 床单:sheet 床裙:bed skirt 盖被:throw 套件:set series 产品组合:product combination 被芯:duvet 睡衣:pajamas 抱枕:cushion 小件产品:basic set

床笠:fitted cover care label:洗水唛 sticker:吊牌


里料 lining 面料fabric 平纹 taffeta 斜纹 twill 缎面 satin / charmeuse 绡 lustrine 提花 jacquard 烂花 burnt-out 春亚纺pongee 格子 check 条子 stripe 双层 double-layer 双 two-tone 花瑶 faille 高士宝koshibo 雪纺 chiffon 乔其 georgette原料 涤纶polyester

锦纶nylon/polyamide 醋酸acetate 棉 cotton 人棉rayon 人丝viscose 仿真丝imitated

silk fabric 真丝silk 氨纶spandex / elastic / strec / lycra 长丝 filament 短纤 spun 黑丝black

yarn 阳离子 cation 三角异形丝 ******** profile 空气变形丝air-jet texturing yarn 超细纤维 micro?fibre 全拉伸丝 FDY (full drawn yarn) 预取向丝 POY(pre-oriented yarn) 拉伸变形丝 DTY(draw textured yarn) 牵伸加捻丝 DT (draw twist) retailer零售商 wholesale*批发mulberry silk桑蚕丝 voile薄纱 organdy薄纱 organza硬纱 taffeta塔夫绸 corduroy灯芯绒 faux suede麂皮绒 plain weave平纹布 rayon人棉 nylon尼龙 chenille雪尼尔 chambray青年布 canvas帆布 georgette乔其纱 chiffon雪纺纱 non-woven非织造布 honeycomb蜂巢

布 waffle华夫格 fleece羊毛,摇粒绒 tencel天丝 modal莫代尔 lycra莱卡 chemical fibre化学纤维 man-made fibre人造纤维 synthetic fibre合成纤维 natural fibre天然纤维 warp经丝

weft纬丝 yarn count纱支数 thread count密度 embroidery绣花 technique工艺


patchwork拼布 cutwork扣锁 battenburg lace百带丽 quilting绗缝 hand quilting手绗

machine quilting机绗 computerized quilting 电脑绗

本文发布于:2024-09-22 08:33:39,感谢您对本站的认可!



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