透明玻璃隔热涂料施工流程 - Curtain Coating 施工工序:



Painting Guide of Transparent Glass Heat Insulation Paint


Curtain Coating


Painting Procedure

1、 玻璃清洁 Glass cleaning

2、 涂料调配 Mixing paint

3、 贴胶纸及回收槽 Stick glue paper and recovery tank

4、 涂玻璃涂料 Curtaining the glass paint

5、 拆除胶纸及回收槽 Tear glue paper and recovery tank

6、 清洁现场 Cleaning surroundings


Glass Cleaning Procedure


Glass Cleaning Tools


Wire wool, Sponge cleaning ball, Cleaning water, Abrasive, Water can, Water barrel, Glass spatula,

Paper knife, Non-woven fabric, Washcloth, Alcohol, etc.


Preparation before cleaning

1、 整理、清洁施工现场(一般直径在一米范围内),适当时允许地面有微量洒水

Clean up the painting place (within one square meter), sometimes need watering

2、 地面无油脂、异物、灰尘

Without grease, dust, smudginess

3、 准备好清洁用的所有工具及清洁用品,整齐摆放

Prepare all cleaning tools and cleaning things, put in order


Glass Cleaning Procedure and Requirement

1、 用手动喷水壶喷洒清水在玻璃表面,玻璃铲刀在玻璃表面从上到下清理顽固异质。

Watering on the glass surface, then clean out the smudginess attached on the glass surface

with the glass spatula.

2、 用玻璃清洁剂喷洒水在玻璃表面,用普通清洁球在玻璃表面从上到下清洁,然后用玻璃雨刮刮除玻璃上的杂物

Use the glass cleanser and cleaning ball to clean up the glass surface, then clean out the

smudginess attached on the glass surface with the glass spatula.

3、 用手动喷水壶喷洒清水在玻璃表面,用玻璃雨刮刮除玻璃面上的水分。重复2次,让玻璃彻底清洁干净。

Watering on the glass surface, then clean out the water attached on the glass surface with the

glass spatula, repeat two times, make the glass clean completely.

4、 让玻璃自然干燥10分钟,用白无纺布加上工业酒精后再擦一遍。

Make the glass natural dry 10 minutes, then use the non-woven fabric and alcohol wipe the

glass again.




Do not painting if the glass has crack.


Explain the factual circs for customers when the glass has abnormity.


Cleaning the glass surface completely.


Cleaning the glass around completely.


Clean up the unconspicuous glass resin attached on the glass surface and around


Mixing the paint


Mixing Tools


Measuring cup, Magnetic force stirrer, Glass paint (A,B group), Filtration cloth for 400 mesh,

filler, Needle syringes


Preparation before mixing


Prepare enough paint and tools according to the project


Procedure and Requirement of Mixing the Paint

1、 将A组份水性涂料倒入量杯并将磁力搅拌器的磁铁放入量杯中,放在磁力搅拌器上均衡搅拌3-5分钟

Put the A group paint and magnetic stick into the measuring cup, the put it on the magnetic

force stirrer and stir the paint 3-5 minutes.

2、 按比例9︰1加入B组份水性涂料继续均衡搅拌8-10分钟

Put the B group into the measuring cup according to the proportion of A:B=9:1 and stir the

two group 8-10 minutes

3、 搅拌完成后,通过400目过漏纱布和漏斗将搅拌好涂料装进施工专用的压力喷壶中并盖上封口。

After mixing, put the mixing paint into the special watering can with the 400 mesh filtration

cloth and filler.


Put the filled watering can 3-5 minutes, then ready to painting.



1、 涂料调配过程中可适当加入1%的蒸馏水,但一定是在加入B组份水性涂料后2-5分钟内一次性完成并继续均衡搅拌;

It can add 1% distilled water when mixing the paint after adding B group 2-5 minutes.

2、 磁力搅拌器不能加热和保温

Do not heat up and heat preserve the magnetic force stirrer.


Keep the 400 mesh filtration cloth wet, cleaning it immediately after using it.

4、 A+B=5公斤标准调配 ,循环施工使用

According to the standard proportion of A+B=5 kg, circular painting.


Stick glue paper and recovery tank




Minitype pump, Container for paint, Plastic pipe, Adjust switch, Flat discharge hole, Foil paper,

Incoming equipment, Art design paper, Glue paper, Incoming tank, Silver paper, Brush, etc.


Procedure and Requirement of Sticking Glue Paper and Recovery Tank

1、 玻璃两边框架粘贴专用胶纸

Stick special glue paper on glass frame both sides.

2、 玻璃上面框架粘贴专用美工纸

Stick special art design paper on the top glass frame.

3、 玻璃下面框架粘贴专用收料槽

Stick special incoming tank on the underside glass frame.



1、 粘贴部位无气泡

No air bubble on the stickup place.

2、 粘贴部位间隙大小误差不得大于1毫米

The size error of stickup place is not more than 1 mm.

3、 粘贴胶纸与玻璃接触面应在2毫米范围内

The glass interface and stickup glue paper should within 2 mm bound.

4、 粘贴胶纸后一定要用塑料刮刀收理粘贴部位

Use the glass spatula to clean up the stickup place after sticking the glue paper.

5、 玻璃下方框架粘贴专用收料槽,四周应稳固无气泡

Stick special incoming tank on the underside glass frame, it should fixing and no air bubble.


Procedure of Curtaining the Glass Paint




Special watering can


Preparation before painting


Procedure and Requirement of Curtaining the Glass Paint

1、 将调配好的涂料过滤到专用喷壶加压

Filtrate the mixing paint into the special watering can.

2、 向喷壶内加压,并静置2-3分钟;

Adding pressure for watering can, the put 2-3 minutes.

3、 用干的白无纺布将玻璃表面再抹擦一次

Clean up the glass surface again with the dry non-woven fabric.

4、 左肩背涂料喷壶,右手持,大母指控制栓

Take the watering can on the left shoulder, hold the spray gun with the right hand, control the

gun bolt with the thumb.

5、 试,头放置玻璃左边底部(长1.5米以下玻璃)或玻璃左边中部(长1.5米以上玻璃)大拇指缓慢开动栓,头均匀缓慢向上部移动至上部美工纸处;

Test the spray gun, put the gun mouth on the bottom of left side of glass (less than 1.5 meter

height glass) or on the middle of left side of glass (more than 1.5 meter height glass), open the

gun bolt slowly, then move the gun mouth to the top of the glass.

6、 均匀、缓慢、平滑向玻璃右部移动至玻璃最右部,头停留、紧靠玻璃最右部框架2-3秒钟后向玻璃右边底部均匀、缓慢、平滑移动,目测涂膜无流到之处应将头移至该处补(涂料)直到整块玻璃完全均匀涂上涂料为止。

Move the gun mouth to the right side along the top of glass surface symmetrically and slowly,

stop the gun mouth on the right top side of glass 2-3 seconds, then move to the right bottom

side of glass, check the coat and mend it if there any place does not paint until glass surface

all coated symmetrically.

7、 涂料涂层完成后控制栓,将专用喷壶放置地面,

Control the spray gun bolt after finishing painting, put the special watering pot on the ground.

8、 仔细观察涂膜玻璃上是否有可疑物体及杂质,如有用灰尘夹子清除可疑物体或杂质,

Check the coated glass carefully, if there have any impurity and dust, clean out it with clamp.

9、 完成涂膜20分钟后,清除玻璃保护粘贴胶纸和收料槽并清洗干净,有序依次摆放,

Clean out the glue paper and recovery tank after 20 minutes when finish the painting.

10、 其他玻璃继续按以上施工流程有序涂膜,直到所有玻璃完成涂膜。

Use the same procedure to painting for other glass until all glass be painting.



1、 玻璃涂膜补(涂料)应控制在1分钟内

Mend the coat should within 1 minute.

2、 玻璃涂膜清除可疑物体应控制在1分钟内

Clean out the dirt attached on the glass surface during the painting should within 1 minute.

3、 头不得面对玻璃上面的美工纸

Spray gun mouth does not face to the art design paper stick on the glass frame.


The incoming tank can be clean out within 3-4 minutes in some special conditions, do justice

to the paint flow.

5、 施工流程适宜弧形玻璃、异形玻璃

The painting procedure also suitable for the arc glass and abnormity glass.

6、 协调施工前,应多次演示,达成默契

Before painting, different construction persons should do enough practice and manage to


7、 始终保持同时、同方向、同速度涂膜

Keep the same time, same way and same speed when painting.

8、 确保施工现场安全

Insure the safety for construction place.


Painting Procedure of glass without installing


Procedure of Cleaning Out the Glue Paper and Recovery Tank


Procedure and Requirement of Cleaning Out the Glue Paper and Recovery Tank

1、 清除玻璃框架上面粘贴美工纸

Clean out the art design paper stick on the top glass frame

2、 清除玻璃框架两边粘贴胶纸

Clean out the glue paper stick on the top glass frame both sides.

3、 清除玻璃框架收料槽

Clean out the recovery tank stick on the underside glass frame.

4、 清除玻璃框架外的保护

Clean out the protection attached on the glass frame.



1、 裁纸刀沿美工纸、胶纸与玻璃接触面划开

Rip the art design paper and glue paper with the paper knife.

2、 清除美工纸、胶纸应控制速度,缓慢清除

Clean up the art design paper and glue paper slowly.

3、 保持人体头部与玻璃涂膜距离

Keep distance between human body and glass coat.


Cleaning Surroundings

1、 清洁整理玻璃涂膜周围现场

Clean up surroundings.

2、 清除施工中的一切无用杂物

Clean up the sundries during painting.

3、 还原移动的物体原样或按用户要求摆放

Put the objects according to the customers.


Painting Guide of Transparent Glass Heat Insulation Paint


Brush Coating


Painting Procedure

1、 玻璃清洁Glass cleaning

2、 涂料调配Mixing paint

3、 涂玻璃涂料 Brush the glass paint

4、 清洁现场Cleaning surroundings


Glass Cleaning Procedure


Glass Cleaning Tools


Wire wool, Sponge cleaning ball, Cleaning water, Abrasive, Water can, Water barrel, Glass spatula,

Paper knife, Non-woven fabric, Washcloth, Alcohol, etc.


Preparation before cleaning

4、 整理、清洁施工现场(一般直径在一米范围内),适当时允许地面有微量洒水

Clean up the painting place (within one square meter), sometimes need watering

5、 地面无油脂、异物、灰尘

Without grease, dust, smudginess

6、 准备好清洁用的所有工具及清洁用品,整齐摆放

Prepare all cleaning tools and cleaning things, put in order


Glass Cleaning Procedure and Requirement

1、 用手动喷水壶喷洒清水在玻璃表面,玻璃铲刀在玻璃表面从上到下清理顽固异质。

Watering on the glass surface, then clean out the smudginess attached on the glass surface

with the glass spatula.

2、 用玻璃清洁剂喷洒水在玻璃表面,用普通清洁球在玻璃表面从上到下清洁,然后用玻璃雨刮刮除玻璃上的杂物

Use the glass cleanser and cleaning ball to clean up the glass surface, then clean out the

smudginess attached on the glass surface with the glass spatula.

3、 用手动喷水壶喷洒清水在玻璃表面,用玻璃雨刮刮除玻璃面上的水分。重复2次,让玻璃彻底清洁干净。

Watering on the glass surface, then clean out the water attached on the glass surface with the

glass spatula, repeat two times, make the glass clean completely.

4、 让玻璃自然干燥10分钟,用白无纺布加上工业酒精后再擦一遍。

Make the glass natural dry 10 minutes, then use the non-woven fabric and alcohol wipe the

glass again.




Do not painting if the glass has crack.


Explain the factual circs for customers when the glass has abnormity.


Cleaning the glass surface completely.


Cleaning the glass around completely.


Clean up the unconspicuous glass resin attached on the glass surface and around


Mixing the paint


Mixing Tools


Measuring cup, Magnetic force stirrer, Glass paint (A,B group), Filtration cloth for 400 mesh,

filler, Needle syringes


Preparation before mixing


Prepare enough paint and tools according to the project


Procedure and Requirement of Mixing the Paint

1、 将A组份水性涂料倒入量杯并将磁力搅拌器的磁铁放入量杯中,放在磁力搅拌器上均衡搅拌3-5分钟

Put the A group paint and magnetic stick into the measuring cup, the put it on the magnetic

force stirrer and stir the paint 3-5 minutes.

2、 按比例9︰1加入B组份水性涂料继续均衡搅拌8-10分钟

Put the B group into the measuring cup according to the proportion of A:B=9:1 and stir the

two group 8-10 minutes

3、 搅拌完成后,通过400目过漏纱布和漏斗将搅拌好涂料装进施工专用的压力喷壶中并盖上封口。

After mixing, put the mixing paint into the special watering can with the 400 mesh filtration

cloth and filler.


Put the filled watering can 3-5 minutes, then ready to painting.



1、 涂料调配过程中可适当加入1%的蒸馏水,但一定是在加入B组份水性涂料后2-5分钟内一次性完成并继续均衡搅拌;

It can add 1% distilled water when mixing the paint after adding B group 2-5 minutes.

2、 磁力搅拌器不能加热和保温

Do not heat up and heat preserve the magnetic force stirrer.


Keep the 400 mesh filtration cloth wet, cleaning it immediately after using it.

4、 A+B=5公斤标准调配 ,循环施工使用

According to the standard proportion of A+B=5 kg, circular painting.


Procedure of Brush the Glass Paint




Sponge piece, Coating implement, Coating tank, Coating frame, Incoming implement


Preparation before painting

1、 将调配好的涂料过滤到专用喷壶加压

Filtrate the mixing paint into the special watering can.

2、 向喷壶内加压,并静置2-3分钟;

Adding pressure for watering can, the put 2-3 minutes.

3、 用干的白无纺布将玻璃表面再抹擦一次

Clean up the glass surface again with the dry non-woven fabric.

4、 用无水酒精内外磨擦施工工具、涂料槽、涂料架、涂料收料器

Use the alcohol to wipe all the tools, coating tank, coating frame, incoming implement.

5、 将海绵条均匀地装入涂料器内;

Put the sponge into the coating implement

6、 将喷壶内的涂料压至涂料槽内,涂料深度以涂料器厚度为宜;

Put the mixing paint into the coating tank, the depth of paint should equal to the height of

coating implement.

7、 仔细观察涂膜玻璃上是否有可疑物体及杂质,如有用灰尘夹子清除可疑物体或杂质,

Check the coated glass carefully, if there have any impurity and dust, clean out it with clamp.

8、 其他玻璃继续按以上施工流程有序涂膜,直到所有玻璃完成涂膜。

Use the same procedure to painting for other glass until all glass be painting.


Procedure and Requirement of Painting the Glass Paint

1、 双手轻握清洁后的涂料器的两端,将涂料器轻轻放入涂料槽中,待涂料器上的海绵浸泡在涂料槽中5分钟左右;

Put the coating implement into the coating tank, make the sponge attached on the coating

implement dip in the coating tanks about 5 minutes.

2、 将浸泡后的涂料器上下积压3至4次,让多余的料回收

Press the dipped sponge 3-4 times, recovery the redundant paint.

3、 保持身体与被涂玻璃间的适当距离,用涂料器中的海绵斜面接触玻璃表面, 自上而下将涂料器缓缓滑动,用力匀衡,速度匀衡;

Keep the proper distance between the body and glass, make the sponge touch the glass surface,

move it from top to bottom slowly, keep the same power and speed.

4、 等海绵中的涂料涂完时,重复第一、第二步、直至所有玻璃涂完为止

When the paint contained in the sponge finished, repeat the 1 and 2 steps until all glass are




1、 装入涂料器的海绵条应保持表面平整,无褶皱现象,装入后涂料器外的海绵条应剪除,保持与涂料器同等长度;

Keep the sponge surface flatness, when it is installed on the coating implement, the length of

it should coincide with the length of coating implement.

2、 玻璃涂膜清除可疑物体应控制在1分钟内;

Clean out the dirt and dust attached on the coat surface within 1 minute.

3、 涂料槽每次所装涂料不宜过满或过少,以海绵恰可浸入为宜,视所涂玻璃面积,可适当增加涂料槽中的涂料;

Put the proper paint into the coating tank, not too more or too less, it should be according to

the glass area.

4、 施工完成后湿膜表面呈云雾状态或条纹不均匀状态(正常),3至5分钟自然成膜后表面涂层晶莹剔透

After painting, the glass surface will form the mist and stripe state, and it will become

transparent after 3-5 minutes.

5、 协调施工前,应多次演示,达成默契

Before painting, different construction persons should do enough practice and manage to


6、 始终保持同时、同方向、同速度涂膜

Keep the same time, same way and same speed when painting.

7、 两次取料的涂膜连接处应保持同等厚度,自然过渡;

Keep the same thickness in the joint of painting two times, make the transition naturally.

8、 确保施工现场安全

Insure the safety for construction place.


Cleaning Surroundings

1、 清洁整理玻璃涂膜周围现场

Clean up surroundings.

2、 清除施工中的一切无用杂物

Clean up the sundries during painting.

3、 还原移动的物体原样或按用户要求摆放

Put the objects according to the customers.

本文发布于:2024-09-22 06:47:42,感谢您对本站的认可!



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