



Geology and Landscape

Most people consider the landscape to be unchanging, but Earth is a dynamic body, and its

surface is continually altering-slowly on the human time scale, but relatively rapidly when

compared to the great age of Earth (about 4,500 billion years). There are two principal influences

that shape the terrain: constructive processes such as uplift, which create new landscape features,

and destructive forces such as erosion, which gradually wear away exposed landforms.

Hills and mountains are often regarded as the epitome of permanence, successfully resisting

the destructive forces of nature, but in fact they tend to be relatively short-lived in geological

terms. As a general rule, the higher a mountain is, the more recently it was formed; for example,

the high mountains of the Himalayas are only about 50 million years old. Lower mountains tend

to be older, and are often the eroded relics of much higher mountain chains. About 400 million

years ago, when the present-day continents of North America and Europe were joined, the Caledonian

mountain chain was the same size as the modern Himalayas. Today, however, the relics of the

Caledonian orogeny (mountain-building period) exist as the comparatively low mountains of

Greenland, the northern Appalachians in the United States, the Scottish Highlands, and the

Norwegian coastal plateau.

The Earth's crust is thought to be divided into huge, movable segments, called plates, which

float on a soft plastic layer of rock. Some mountains were formed as a result of these plates

crashing into each other and forcing up the rock at the plate margins. In this process, sedimentary

rocks that originally formed on the seabed may be folded upwards to altitudes of more than 26,000

feet. Other mountains may be raised by earthquakes, which fracture the Earth's crust and can

displace enough rock to produce block mountains. A third type of mountain may be formed as a

result of volcanic activity which occurs in regions of active fold mountain belts, such as in

the Cascade Range of western North America. The Cascades are made up of lavas and volcanic materials.

Many of the peaks are extinct volcanoes.

Whatever the reason for mountain formation, as soon as land rises above sea level it is

subjected to destructive forces. The exposed rocks are attacked by the various weather processes

and gradually broken down into fragments, which are then carried away and later deposited as

sediments. Thus, any landscape represents only a temporary stage in the continuous battle between

the forces of uplift and those of erosion.


The weather, in its many forms, is the main agent of erosion. Rain washes away loose soil

and penetrates cracks in the rocks. Carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the rainwater, forming

a weak acid (carbonic acid) that may chemically attack the rocks. The rain seeps underground

and the water may reappear later as springs. These springs are the sources of streams and rivers,

which cut through the rocks and carry away debris from the mountains to the lowlands.

Under very cold conditions, rocks can be shattered by ice and frost. Glaciers may form in

permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying with

them huge quantities of eroded rock debris. In dry areas the wind is the principal agent of

erosion. It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby wearing

them into yet more sand. Even living things contribute to the formation of landscapes. Tree

roots force their way into cracks in rocks and, in so doing, speed their splitting. In contrast,

the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments together,

thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind.

Paragraph 1: Most people consider the landscape to be unchanging, but Earth is a dynamic

body, and its surface is continually altering-slowly on the human time scale, but relatively

rapidly when compared to the great age of Earth (about 4,500 billion years). There are two principal

influences that shape the terrain: constructive processes such as uplift, which create new

landscape features, and destructive forces such as erosion, which gradually wear away exposed


1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following statements is true of changes in Earth's


○They occur more often by uplift than by erosion.

○They occur only at special times.

○They occur less frequently now than they once did.

○They occur quickly in geological terms.

2. The word “relatively” in the passage is closest in meaning to (2)

○ unusually

○ comparatively

○ occasionally


○ naturally

Paragraph 2: Hills and mountains are often regarded as the epitome of permanence, successfully

resisting the destructive forces of nature, but in fact they tend to be relatively short-lived

in geological terms. As a general rule, the higher a mountain is, the more recently it was formed;

for example, the high mountains of the Himalayas are only about 50 million years old. Lower

mountains tend to be older, and are often the eroded relics of much higher mountain chains.

About 400 million years ago, when the present-day continents of North America and Europe were

joined, the Caledonian mountain chain was the same size as the modern Himalayas. Today, however,

the relics of the Caledonian orogeny (mountain-building period) exist as the comparatively low

mountains of Greenland, the northern Appalachians in the United States, the Scottish Highlands,

and the Norwegian coastal plateau.

3. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the mountains of the Himalayas?


○Their current height is not an indication of their age.

○At present, they are much higher than the mountains of the Caledonian range.

○They were a uniform height about 400 million years ago.

○They are not as high as the Caledonian mountains were 400 million years ago.

4. The word “relics” in the passage is closest in meaning to(3)





Paragraph 3: The Earth's crust is thought to be divided into huge, movable segments, called

plates, which float on a soft plastic layer of rock. Some mountains were formed as a result

of these plates crashing into each other and forcing up the rock at the plate margins. In this

process, sedimentary rocks that originally formed on the seabed may be folded upwards to altitudes

of more than 26,000 feet. Other mountains may be raised by earthquakes, which fracture the Earth's

crust and can displace enough rock to produce block mountains. A third type of mountain may

be formed as a result of volcanic activity which occurs in regions of active fold mountain belts,


such as in the Cascade Range of western North America. The Cascades are made up of lavas and

volcanic materials. Many of the peaks are extinct volcanoes.

5. According to paragraph 3, one cause of mountain formation is the(3)

○effect of climatic change on sea level

○slowing down of volcanic activity

○force of Earth's crustal plates hitting each other

○replacement of sedimentary rock with volcanic rock

Paragraph 5: The weather, in its many forms, is the main agent of erosion. Rain washes away

loose soil and penetrates cracks in the rocks. Carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the rainwater,

forming a weak acid (carbonic acid) that may chemically attack the rocks. The rain seeps

underground and the water may reappear later as springs. These springs are the sources of streams

and rivers, which cut through the rocks and carry away debris from the mountains to the lowlands.

6. Why does the author mention Carbon dioxide in the passage?


○To explain the origin of a chemical that can erode rocks

○To contrast carbon dioxide with carbonic acid

○To give an example of how rainwater penetrates soil

○To argue for the desirability of preventing erosion

7. The word “seeps” in the passage is closest in meaning to (2)

○dries gradually

○flows slowly

○freezes quickly

○warms slightly


Paragraph 6: Under very cold conditions, rocks can be shattered by ice and frost. Glaciers

may form in permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying

with them huge quantities of eroded rock debris. In dry areas the wind is the principal agent

of erosion. It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby

wearing them into yet more sand. Even living things contribute to the formation of landscapes.

Tree roots force their way into cracks in rocks and, in so doing, speed their splitting. In

contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments

together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind.

8. The word them in the passage refers to (2)

○cold areas

○masses of ice


○rock debris

Paragraph 2: Hills and mountains are often regarded as the epitome of permanence, successfully

resisting the destructive forces of nature, but in fact they tend to be relatively short-lived

in geological terms. As a general rule, the higher a mountain is, the more recently it was formed;

for example, the high mountains of the Himalayas are only about 50 million years old. Lower

mountains tend to be older, and are often the eroded relics of much higher mountain chains.

About 400 million years ago, when the present-day continents of North America and Europe were

joined, the Caledonian mountain chain was the same size as the modern Himalayas. Today, however,

the relics of the Caledonian orogeny (mountain-building period) exist as the comparatively low

mountains of Greenland, the northern Appalachians in the United States, the Scottish Highlands,

and the Norwegian coastal plateau.

9. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted

sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out

essential information.(2)

○When they are relatively young, hills and mountains successfully resist the destructive

forces of nature.

○Although they seem permanent, hills and mountains exist for a relatively short period

of geological time.


○Hills and mountains successfully resist the destructive forces of nature, but only for

a short time.

○Hills and mountains resist the destructive forces of nature better than other types of


Paragraph 6: Under very cold conditions, rocks can be shattered by ice and frost. Glaciers

may form in permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying

with them huge quantities of eroded rock debris. █In dry areas the wind is the principal agent

of erosion. █It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby

wearing them into yet more sand. █Even living things contribute to the formation of landscapes.

█Tree roots force their way into cracks in rocks and, in so doing, speed their splitting. In

contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments

together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind.

10. According to paragraph 6, which of the following is both a cause and result of erosion?(4)

○glacial activity

○rock debris

○tree roots


11. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added

to the passage.(1)

Under different climatic conditions, another type of destructive force contributes to


Where would the sentence best fit?

12. Directions: Three of the answer choices below are used in the passage to illustrate

constructive processes and two are used to illustrate destructive processes. Complete the table

by matching appropriate answer choices to the processes they are used to illustrate. This question

is worth 3 points.


● (1)



●(6)● (3)

● (7)

Answer Choices

○Collision of Earth's crustal plates

○Separation of continents

○Wind-driven sand

○Formation of grass roots in soil


○Volcanic activity

○Weather processes


1. ○ 4

This is a Factual Information question asking for specific information that can be found

in paragraph 1. The correct answer is choice 4. Sentence 1 of the paragraph explicitly states

that Earth's landscape changes relatively rapidly compared to Earth's overall age. Choice 1,

on the frequency of landscape changes, is contradicted by the paragraph. Choice 2, that landscape

changes occur only at special times, is also contradicted by the paragraph. Choice 3, the frequency

of landscape changes, is not mentioned.

2. ○ 2

This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is relatively, and it is highlighted

in the passage. The correct answer is choice 2. The sentence in which relatively appears

is comparing Earth's time scale to the human time scale, so "comparatively" is the correct answer.

3. ○ 2


This is an Inference question asking for an inference that can be supported by paragraph

2. The correct answer choice 2, the Himalayas arc higher than the Caledonian mountains. The

paragraph states that younger mountains are general& higher than older mountains. It also states

that the Himalayas are much younger than the Caledonians. Since the Himalayas are the younger

range and Lounger mountain ranges are higher- than older ranges, we can infer that the younger

Himalayas are higher than the older Caledonians.

Choices 1 and 4 are incorrect because that explicitly contradict the passage. The height

of the Himalayas is an indication of their age, and the Himalayas are about the same height

that the Caledonians were 400 million years ago. Choice 3 is incorrect because nothing there

is nothing in the paragraph about "uniform height."

4. ○ 3

This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is relics, and it is highlighted in

the passage. Choice 3 is the correct answer. The 1.e1ic.s of the Caledonian range are what is

left of them. "Remains" means what is left of something, so it is the correct answer.

5. ○ 3

This is a Factual Information question asking for specific information that can be found

in paragraph 3. The correct answer is choice 3, mountains are formed by crustal plates hitting

each other. The paragraph states that mountains are formed in three ways: by, crustal plates

hitting each other, by earthquakes, and by volcanoes. Choices 1,2, and 4 are not among these

causes of mountain formation, so they are therefore incorrect.

6. ○ 1

This is a Rhetorical Purpose question. It asks why the author mentions "carbon dioxide"

in the passage. This term is highlighted in the passage. The correct answer is choice 1; carbon

dioxide is mentioned to explain the origin of a chemical that can erode rocks. The author is

describing a particular cause of erosion, and the starting point of that process is carbon dioxide.

7. ○ 2

This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is seeps, and it is highlighted in

the passage. Choice 2, "Rows slowly," is the correct answer. The sentence is describing the

way in which rain moves underground from Earth's surface. It cannot do this by "drying" (choice

1), "freezing" (choice 3), or "warming"(choice 4).

8. ○ 2


This is a Reference question. The word being tested is them, and it is highlighted in the

passage. Choice 2, "masses of ice" is the correct answer. This is a simple pronoun-referent

item. The word tlze11z refers to the glaciers that are carrying eroded rock. Notice that in

this case, a whole series of words separates the pronoun from its referent.

9. ○ 2

This is a Sentence Simplification question. As with all of these items, a singlesentence

in the passage is highlighted:

Hills and mountains are often regarded as the epitome of permanence: successfully resisting

the destructive forces of nature, but in fact they tend to be relatively short-lived in geological


The correct answer is choice 2. That choice contains all of the essential information in

the highlighted sentence. it omits the information in the second clause of the highlighted sentence

("successfully resisting the destructive forces of nature") because that information is not

essential to the meaning. Choices 1, 3, and 1 are all incorrect because they change the meaning

of the highlighted sentence. Choice 1 adds information on the age of a mountain that is not

mentioned in the highlighted sentence. Choice 3 introduces information about how long mountains

resist forces of nature in absolute terms; the highlighted sentence says that the resistance

is relatively short in geological terms, which is an entirely different meaning. Choice 4 compares

mountains to other land forms. The highlighted sentence does not make any such comparison.

10. ○ 4

This is a Factual Information question asking for specific information that can be found

in paragraph 6. The correct answer is choice 4, "sand." Sentences 3 and 4 of that paragraph

describe erosion in dry areas. Sand is carried by wind and bombards rock; this bombardment breaks

down the rock, and, as a result, more sand is created. Thus sand is both the cause and the result

of erosion, so choice 4 is correct. Glacial activity (choice 1) and tree roots (choice 3) are

both mentioned only as causes of erosion. Rock debris (choice 2) is mentioned only as a result

of erosion.

11. ○ 1

This is an Insert Text question. You can see the four black squares in paragraph 6 that

represent the possible answer choices here.

Under very cold conditions, rocks can be shattered by ice and frost. Glaciers may form in

permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying with


them huge quantities of eroded rock debris. ■ In dry areas the wind is the principal agent

of erosion. ■ It carries fine particles of sand, which bombard exposed rock surfaces, thereby

wearing them into yet more sand. ■ Even living things contribute to the formation of landscapes.

■ Tree roots force their way into cracks in rocks and, in so doing, speed their splitting.

In contrast, the roots of grasses and other small plants may help to hold loose soil fragments

together, thereby helping to prevent erosion by the wind.

The sentence provided, "Under different climatic conditions, another type of destructive

force contributes to erosion,'' is best inserted at square 1.

Square 1 is correct because the inserted sentence is a transitional sentence, moving the

discussion away from one set of climatic conditions (cold) to another set of climatic conditions

(dryness). It is at square 1 that the transition between topics takes place.

Squares 2, 3, and 4 all precede sentences that provide details of dry climatic conditions.

No transition is taking place at any of those places, so the inserted sentence is not needed.

12.○Constructive processes: 1, 5, 6

○Destructive processes: 3, 7

This is a Fill in a Table question. It is completed correctly below. The correct choices

for the "constructive processes” column are 1, 5, and 6. Choices 3 and 7 are the correct choices

for the "destructive processes" column. Choices 2 and 4 should not be used in either column.












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