



As Internet users become more dependent on the Internet to store information,are people

remembering less? If you know your computer will save information,why store it in your own

personal memory,your brain? Experts are wondering if the Internet is changing what we remember

and how.

In a recent study,Professor Betsy Sparrow conducted some experiments. She and her research team

wanted to know how the Internet is changing memory. In the first experiment,they gave people 40

unimportant facts to type into a computer. The first group of people understood that the computer

would save the information. The second group understood that the computer would not save it. Later,the second group remembered the information better .People in the first group knew they could find

the information again,so they did not try to remember it.

In another experiment,the researchers gave people facts to remember,and told them where to find

the information on the computer. The information was in a specific computer folder (文件夹).Surprisingly,people later remembered the folder location (位置) better than the facts. When

people use the Internet,they do not remember the information. Rather,they remember how to find

it. This is called “transactive memory (交互记忆).”

According to Sparrow,we are not becoming people with poor memories as a result of the

Internet .Instead,computer users are developing stronger transactive memories;that is,people

are learning how to organize huge quantities of information so that they are able to access it at a

later date .This doesn't mean we are becoming either more or less intelligent,but there is no doubt

that the way we use memory is changing.

1. The passage begins with two questions to________.

A.introduce the main topic

B.show the author's attitude

C.describe how to use the Internet

D.explain how to store information

2. What can we learn about the first experiment?

A.The Sparrow's team typed the information into a computer.

B.The two groups remembered the information equally well.

C.The first group did not try to remember the information.

D.The second group did not understand the information.


说明文 词数 298 限时 9分钟

transactive memory,people________.

A.keep the information in mind

B.change the quantity of information

C.organize information like a computer

D.remember how to find the information

is the effect of the Internet according to Sparrow's research?

A.We are using memory differently.

B.We are becoming more intelligent.

C.We have poorer memories than before.

D.We need a better way to access information.



说明文 词数 363 限时 10分钟

Looking at beautiful art can act as a painkiller


The research carried out by the University of Bari in Italy could help clarify hospitals who are

charged with wasting money on art and decoration as it suggests a pleasant environment helps

patients overcome discomfort and pain.

A team headed by Professor Marina de Tommaso at the Neurophysiopathology Pain Unit asked a

group of men and women to pick the 20 paintings they considered most ugly and most beautiful

from a selection of 300 works by artists such as Lenoardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli. They were

then asked to watch either the beautiful paintings, or the ugly paintings, or a blank panel while the

team struck a short laser pulse at their hand, creating a sensation as if they had been hurt by a pin.

The subjects rated the pain as being a third less intense while they were viewing the beautiful

paintings, compared with when considering the ugly paintings or the blank panel.

Electrodes (电极) measuring the brain’s electrical activity also confirmed a reduced response to the

pain when the subject looked at beautiful paintings. While distractions(娱乐), such as music, are

known to reduce pain in hospital, Prof de Tommaso says this is the first result to show that beauty

plays a part. The findings, reported in New Scientist, also go a long way to show that beautiful

surroundings could aid the healing process.

“Hospitals have been designed to be functional, but we think that their aesthetic(审美能力)aspects

should be taken into account too,” said the neurologist. “Beauty obviously offers a distraction that

ugly paintings do not. But at least there is no suggestion that ugly surroundings make the pain worse.

I think these results show that more research is needed into the how a beautiful environment can

reduce suffering.”

Pictures they liked included Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh and Botticellis’ Birth of Venus.

Pictures they found ugly included works by Pablo Picasso, the Italian 20th century artist Anonino

Bueno and Columbian Fernando Botero. “these people were not art experts so some of the pictures

they found ugly would be considered masterpieces by the art world,” said Prof de Tommaso.

1. According to the first paragraph, people didn’t approve

A. hospitals spend money on medical equipment.

B. hospitals decorate their rooms with works of art.

C. hospitals make their environment pleasant to patients.

D. hospitals treat patients with works of art.

2. How did the researchers make the research?

A. By asking the subjects to listen to music.


B. By requiring the subjects to draw paintings.

C. By ordering the subjects to choose which picture is beautiful and ugly.

D. By aching the subjects’ hands while they are watching paintings.

3. According to the research, when designing a hospital, we should consider its

A. convenient facilities

B. functional operating room

C. pleasing environment

D. bright waiting room

4. The best title for the passage may beA. Patients Don’t Like Pictures

B. Arts Can Be Used As a Medicine

C. Ugly Patients Feel Less Pain

D. Beautiful Art Can Ease Pain



说明文 词数 321 限时 9分钟

Parents’ homework help lowers children’s marks

Parents who help their children with homework may actually be bringing down their school

forms of parental involvement,including volunteering at school and observing a

child's class,also fail to help,according to the most recent study on the topic.

The findings challenge a key principle of modern parenting(养育子女) where schools expect them

to act as partners in their children's us generations concentrated on getting children

to school on time,fed,dressed and ready to learn.

Keith Robinson,the author of the study,said,“I really don't know if the public is ready for this

but there are some ways parents can be involved in their kids' education that leads to declines in

their academic of the things that were consistently negative was parents' help with

homework.” Robinson suggested that may be because parents themselves struggle to understand the

tasks.“They may either not remember the material their kids are studying now,or in some cases

never learnt it themselves,but they're still offering advice.”

Robinson assessed parental involvement performance and found one of the most damaging things a

parent could do was to punish their children for poor general,about 20% of parental

involvement was positive,about 45% negative and the rest statistically insignificant.

Common sense suggests it was a good thing for parents to get involved because “children with good

academic success do have involved parents”,admitted he argued that this did not

prove parental involvement was the root cause of that success.“A big surprise was that Asian-American parents whose kids are doing so well in school hardly took a more

reasonable approach,conveying to their children how success at school could improve their lives.”

underlined expression “parental involvement” in Paragraph 1 probably means________.

A. parents' expectation on children's health

B. parents' participation in children's education

C. parents' control over children's life

D. parents' plan for children's future

is the major finding of Robinson's study?

A. Modern parents raise children in a more scientific way.

B. Punishing kids for bad marks is mentally damaging.

C. Parental involvement is not so beneficial as expected.

D. Parents are not able to help with children's homework.


example of AsianAmerican parents implies that parents should________.

A. help children realize the importance of schooling

B. set a specific life goal for their children

C. spend more time improving their own lives

D. take a more active part in school management


说明文 词数 352 限时 7分钟

The Seeds

Once upon a time there were four seeds who were good friends of each other. Taken up by the wind,

they finally landed in a jungle clearing(空地). There they remained, hidden on the ground, hoping

they would be able to grow up and become beautiful trees.

But when the first seed began germinating(发芽), they realized it wouldn’t be such an easy task. In

that clearing lived a group of monkeys, and the smallest monkeys would amuse themselves by

throwing bananas at any plant they noticed was starting to grow. Using this game, the monkeys

learnt how to throw bananas and they also kept the clearing free of vegetation. They threw so many

bananas at that first seed that it was almost split in two. And when it told the other seeds what

happened, they all agreed it would be better to wait for monkeys to leave.

Well, they all thought that, apart from one who thought she should at least attempt it. And when she

tried, she was attacked by bananas, and was left folded over in two. The other seeds got together

and asked her to stop trying, but that little seed was completely determined to become a tree. And

time and again, she would try and try. On each new occasion, the little monkeys had slightly

improved their aim, and so the little seed ended up being doubled over yet again.

But the seed didn’t give up. Every time they attacked her with bananas, she tried even harder, despite

her friends begging her to stop, and telling her to wait until the monkeys left. For a few days she

would manage to avoid the bananas, but then the next day some monkey would hit her, and it would

all start over again.

And then, one day, she didn’t double over. She was hit by a banana, and then another, but none of

them managed to make her break off. She had taken so many blows that slim trunk got thicker and

more resistant until it could withstand the impact of a banana. And there she stayed, growing,

growing and growing.

1. Why did the monkeys attack the seeds?

A. Because they knew the seed would occupy their clearing.

B. Because the seeds produced no bananas.

C. Because they were very aggressive and bored.


D. Because they knew the seed was willing to grow.

2. The underlined word “blows” in the last paragraph probably means

A. insults

B. suggestions

C. hits

D. air

3. Which of the following adjectives can be used to describe the second seed?

A. perseverant

B. timid

C. cooperative

D. ignorant


说明文 词数 341 限时 9分钟

The Mother of Harry Potter --- J.K. Rowling

J.K. Rowling, British author and creator of Harry Potter Fantasy, was born in Yate, near Bristol in

1965, on 31st of July.

Despite the fact that she had a troubled marriage and has been leading a life for years on social

welfare, she has overcome all her odds and has become a multi-millionaire in less than 5 years since

her first Harry Potter fiction was published. She has also worked as a French teacher in Edinburgh.

The story of Harry Potter came into her mind during her train trip to London in 1990. As she recalled,

it was on a long train journey from Manchester to London, she saw a thin shaman(僧人)who wore

glasses and had black hair seated in the train and smile at her. Once he broke into her life, her

initiation of the creative idea of Harry Potter was born. She took six years to write the book but

unfortunately her manuscript of Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone was rejected by nine

publishers. However, in 1996, it was bought by Bloomsbury. What happened next was a history ---

More than 400 million copies of Harry Potter have been sold across the world in almost all major

languages. Harry Potter is now considered a strong global brand with an estimated worth exceeding

$ 15 billion. Her last four books of Harry Potter series have been regarded as the fastest-selling

books in history.

In 2002, she was charged with plagiarism by Pennsylvania-based author Nancy Stouffer, according


to whom J.K. Rowling took inspiration from her book The Legend of Rah and Muggles and

character Larry Potter. But soon the case was dismissed as she could not support her claims.

Forbes Magazine 2010 has enlisted her in the billionaire list of the world. She is the twelfth richest

in the United Kingdom and her net worth is said to be about $1 billion now. According to Sunday

Time Rich List of 2008, she has a fortune worth $798 million. Telegraph of 2008, kept her among

“100 most powerful in British culture”.

1. Before Harry Potter was published, J·K· Rowling

A. had become a famous writer already

had become a f

B. led her life by depending on social welfare

led her life bC. almost gave herself up because of her divorce

D. she became a multi-millionaire

almost gave heshe became a m

2. How did the story of Harry Potter come into being?

A. J.K. Rowling met a shaman on her way to London.

J.K. Rowling m

B. The train was a good place to inspire J.K. Rowling’s creativity.

C. J.K. Rowling enjoyed her train trip to London very much.

D. J.K. Rowling got some idea from Nancy Stouffer’s book

The train was

J.K. Rowling e

J.K. Rowling g

3. Which of the following statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Harry Potter became well received the first time it was sent to the publisher.

B. Harry Potter has been translated into different languages all around the world.

Harry Potter b

Harry Potter hC. Bloomsbury dared to buy Harry Potter because the company could predict its popularity.

Bloomsbury dar

D. J.K. Rowling is twelfth richest woman in the world and her net worth is said to be about $1

billion now.


J.K. Rowling i

4. What does the underlined word “plagiarism” mean in paragraph four?

A. The reference to other works.

The reference

B. Imitating other people’s way of writing.

Imitating otheC. Using the similar characters from other books.

D. The action of copying people’s works.

Using the simiThe action of


说明文 词数 386 限时 12分钟

The Great Wall

In 220 B.C., under the reign(统治)of Qin Shi Huang, sections of earlier fortifications(防御工事)were joined together to form a united defence system against invasions from the north.

The Great Wall, the only work built by human hands on this planet that can be seen from the moon,

was continuously built from the 3rd century B.C. to the 17th century AD (the Ming Dynasty) on the

northern border of the country as the great military defence project of successive Chinese Empires,

with a total length of more than 20,000 kilometers. The Great Wall begins in the east at Shanhaiguan

in Hebei province and ends at Jiayuguan in Gansu province to the west. Its main body consists of

walls, horse tracks, watch towers, and shelters on the wall, and includes fortresses(堡垒)and passes

along the Wall.

The Great Wall reflects conflicts and exchanges between agricultural civilizations and nomadic(游牧)civilizations in ancient China. It provides significant physical evidence of the far-sighted

political strategic thinking and strong military defence forces of central empires in ancient China. It

is an outstanding example of the excellent military architecture, technology and art of ancient China.

It shows unparalleled significance as the national symbol for the defence of the country.

The Great Wall integrally(完整地)preserves all the material and spiritual elements, and historical

and cultural information that carry its outstanding universal value. The complete route of the Great

Wall over 20,000 kilometers, as well as elements constructed in different historical periods which

make up the complicated defence system of the property, including walls, fortresses, passes and

beacon towers(烽火台), have been preserved to the present day. The building methods of the Great

Wall in different times and places have been integrally maintained. The Great Wall built in the Ming

Dynasty is considered the strongest: on the one hand, the Ming Dynasty is relatively closer to the

present day, compared with other Dynasties before the 14th century; on the other than, a strict system

of job responsibility was carried out in the whole construction process. With workers’ names

carved(雕刻)on the surface of the bricks, any worker who neglected his duty could be traced and


severely punished. However, it is a pity that the visual integrity of the Wall at Badaling has been

impacted negatively by the construction of tourist facilities and a cable car.

1. Chinese people started to build walls to protect themselves from the invasions from the north

_____ .

A. under the reign of Qin Shi Huang

B. in the 3rd century B .

C. in the 17th century B .C.

D. Around 220 B .C.

2. What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. The construction of the Great Wall.

B. The conflicts at the Great Wall.

C. The significance of the Great Wall.

D. The preservation of the Great Wall.

3. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. We can find building materials of different dynasties at the Great Wall.

B. People in different dynasties used the same building methods inherited from the ancient times.

C. The Ming Dynasty established a complicated defence system at the Great Wall, including walls,

fortresses, etc.

D. The tourism development at Badaling has contributed to the protection of the Great Wall.

4. Why were workers required to carve their names on the bricks used for the construction of the

Great Wall during the Ming Dynasty?

A. To help workers neglect their duty.

B. To severely punish the delaying builders.

C. To trace the surface of the Great Wall bricks.

D. To ensure the quality of the Great Wall.



说明文 词数 364 限时 10分钟

Lessons from a Millionaire Taxi Driver

I had just finished a busy two-day business trip in Sydney and was ready to go home. When I got

into my taxi, the taxi driver explained that there were several routes he could take to the airport;

however, he recommended only one of them because of the time of day. I commented that he seemed

to know his business. “Yes, I do”, he said. He then went on to tell me his story --- one of the most

unusual stories I have ever heard.

My taxi driver (I’m embarrassed to admit that I forgot to ask his name) had been driving taxis for

more than 35 years. He lived in a million-dollar house. He had business interests worth at least

another million dollars. I doubted whether the story was true. “If you are doing so well,” I asked,

“why do you still drive taxis?”

“I love driving taxis. I can meet people of various types. Every day is different. I never get bored,

and it has given me a wonderful lifestyle.”

He then further explained that since he had not done so well in school, he dropped out and began

driving a taxi. He liked it so much that he decided to make it his career. At the time, a taxi license

(which now goes for about $300,000) cost nearly $30,000 --- and it took five years of hard saving

until he could get one. He then purchased his first car and was officially in business for himself.

He added that most areas of his life worked better if he had a simple system to follow. For example,

each time he buys a car for his taxi business, he buys a brand-new one. He looks after these cars

carefully until they have 30,000 kilometers on them and then sells them. He has found that this

system dramatically reduces his maintenance costs. Moreover, he had done research on all the major

routes in and around Sydney, so he knew exactly how long it took to get anywhere, depending on

the time of day. Everything that he had learned was carefully written down. This was invaluable

when he began hiring drivers to work for him.

1. The reason why the taxi driver recommended only one route to the writer was that ______

A. the driver wanted to earn more money

B. the driver was very familiar with the road conditions

C. the driver was interested in telling unusual stories

D. the writer enjoyed showing off himself

2. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The taxi driver must have been a very impolite and impatient man.

B. The taxi driver started his business when he was in university.

C. In Australia, one should buy a license for taxi operation.

D. Buying a brand-new car has helped the taxi driver reduce the maintenance costs.


3. What lesson cannot be learned from the taxi driver according to the passage?

A. Diligence contributes to a great extent to one’s success.

B. It is important to adapt yourself to the environment around you.

C. Being humble can make you respected by other people.

D. Finding a suitable system to follow is very important at work.



说明文 词数 598 限时 10分钟

Read the following passages. The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.

For each of them there are four choices marked A. B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best

according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


“Aggression” means a mixture of three features: injury (real or symbolic), intent(意图), and

emotion. Having a toe trodden upon may or may not make you the object of aggression: it all

depends on the emotion and intent of a man inside the boot. One recurring question is the exact

nature of the motivation. If the answers to this and similar questions were known, better solutions

might be offered. Instead, the expects continue to offer contradictory opinions. It has been suggested

that competitive sports decrease aggression. But many have suggested that such sports may cause

it. Similar conflicting opinions have been offered about violence on film and television. How do we

begin to make sense of rival views? One way is by looking at how the ideas developed historically.

When Freud first considered human aggression, he suggested that it originated from the blocking of

a pleasure-seeking drive. He later changed his mind, suggesting that the aggressive drive was

something independent of the blocking of pleasure, and that aggression was inherent part of human

conditions. These two very different views have formed the basis of contemporary thinking on the

nature of aggression. F reud’s earlier idea, that it originated from the blocking of a pleasure drive,

led to the frustration theory. It suggested that interference with any pleasure including, or rewarding

activity, once this had begun, would produce a state of frustration, which would then evoke anger.

The frustration theory has stimulated much research on both human and animals. But its limitations

in explaining all human aggression are now very apparent. If you are frustrated, for example, by

someone turning up to an appointment on time, anger is indeed a likely outcome. Bur so other

reactions: anxiety and nervousness, trying to find the missing person, or making light of the situation

by joking.

Freud’s later idea—that there is a separate aggressive drive—influenced a totally different set of

ideas. Most important among these is the notion that the act of violence can release a tense which

has previously built up in someone. Ideas of this sort not only have a long history, but also have a

intuitive appeal because of the feeling of relief that often follows an emotional act, such as an

aggressive outburst. The later Freud saw aggression as a drive building up spontaneously(自发地)

until the act occurred, which then reduced the tension. This embodies a profoundly pessimistic belief

about human nature. It led Freud to comment that it is fruitless to try to eliminate human violence,

but we can only provide safe outlets for it.

One extension of the frustration approach is my own discrepancy theory, which I originally put

forward to explain the animal fighting. Animal fight in response to sudden pain or novelty or

frustration. All three situations can be thought of in terms of animal finding a large discrepancy

between events and what is expecting on the basis of its past experience. When this happens, either


fear or aggression is likely to occur, though many traditional factors will determine which of the

two takes place in a given situation. On this view, aggression occurs because the animal compares

events in its environment with its expectations built up from the past experiences.

The same idea can be extended to human aggression. We are likely to become angry when our

expectations, wishes, beliefs or attitudes are not fulfilled by what we experience. One very clear

example occurs after a person has lost a marriage partner, close relative or friend. There is distress,

and attempts to escape, at first. These are replaced later by aggression.

1. The author of the passage believes that if we know the nature of aggression

A. we may find better ways to deal with human violence

B. we may better understand people’s intent and emotion

C. we may have a clear view of its historical development

D. experts may stop arguing about violence on film and television

2. Freud thought later on that human aggression was caused by

A. the blocking of a pleasure drive

B. an inherent aggressive drive

C. frustration, anger and anxiety

D. unexpected failures

3. Freud’s later idea is pessimistic because it implies that

A. it’s impossible to eliminate human violence

B. it’s impossible to find safe outlets for violence

C. man will never understand the nature of aggression

D. man will never find ways to reduce tension

4. The author’s own theory is influenced by

A. Freud’s earlier idea

B. Freud’s later idea

C. research on animals

D. studies on frustration



说明文 词数 348 限时 8分钟

History of Dance Masks --- Topeng Dance

Topeng dance(印度尼西亚面具舞)is a type of storytelling or drama dance from Indonesia

accompanied with music. Dancers wear masks and bright costumes(戏服)that represent characters

in the play.

Topeng dance appeared in the 15th century. It originated from tribal(部落的)dances held in the

honor of ancestors, where dancers with masks were playing roles of messengers of gods. In the

beginning, popular themes of Topeng dance were nature and ancestral spirits. Later themes became

wider, including the adventures, important historic moments, etc.

Topeng dance is usually performed at odalan, a temple anniversary celebration. It begins with

characters not related to the story on the stage, all wearing masks. Then, main characters of noble(贵族)background wearing masks turn up. Their masks cover their whole faces and they do not talk at

all. They express their characters and story only through the dance and movement. All the

storytelling is done by characters of servants and ordinary people that wear half-masks that do not

cover the mouth so they could talk. They are each telling their view of the story and lead the audience

through it. Besides the main, strictly defined story, dancers make jokes and gossip for laughter.

Why do performers wear masks when dancing? Masks are the one that define a character. Characters

of noble backgrounds wear beautiful white or golden masks. They do not talk all through the

performance. Characters of others wear masks of ordinary characters, animals or gods. Strong

characters have masks painted in red. Shapes of masks are defined by different local traditions. For

example, masks in Central Java are triangular in shape.

In the Topeng dance, the whole play is played by four to five actors that play all characters, even

the female ones. One actor plays many roles in one play with different masks. An actor can have

about 40 Topeng masks that are only his. It is believed that there is a special kind of bond between

the actor and his mask that allows him to bring new life to it. It is also believed that when the actor

puts his mask on, he is connected to the spirit.

1. The underlined pronoun “They” in paragraph three refers to ______

A. characters of noble background

B. characters of servants and ordinary people

C. the director of the Topeng dance

D. some major messengers of gods

2. A character of noble background in Topeng dance often wears ______

A. masks that cover half of his face, which enables him to talk

B. white or golden masks that cover his whole face


C. red masks with special shapes defined by different local traditions

D. colorful masks featuring ordinary characters, animals or gods

3. Which of the following statements about Topeng dance is true?

A. Nowadays, Topeng dances are often performed in honor of ancestors.

B. Topeng dance performers related to the story turn up first on the stage.

C. Based on masks, the audience can basically know the identity of a character.

D. In Topeng dance, each character belongs to a fixed performer.


说明文 词数 356 限时 9分钟

China’s Successful Reforestation Program

After major flooding in 1998, China introduced the Natural Forest Conservation Program, a logging

ban to help stop erosion and rapid runoff. A recent study in Science Advances of 10 years of satellite

data has found significant recovery in some Chinese forests.

But it’s not all good news. Andrés Viña, one of the authors of the paper, says this reforestation is

probably shifting deforestation elsewhere.

China has carried out two national programs. One is the Grain to Green program intended to

reconvert agricultural fields in steep slopes into forests. And the other is the Natural Forest

Conservation program which is, in a sense, a logging ban to prevent deforestation and also to

increase the aerial(空中的)forests. In Sichuan province, the program seems to be working very well

in the sense that there is much forest recovery.

Viña’s research revealed that many of China’s forests had in fact experienced re-growth over the

last 10 to 15 years as a result of China’s reforestation programs. About 1.6 percent of China exceeded

a net gain(净利润)in forest cover, with a large gain covering around 61,000 square miles in central


Moreover, China is now trying elsewhere to get the wood it needs. China has become one of the

leading timber(木材)importers in the world. Southeast Asia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Africa, northern

Eurasia, Russia are now supplying all the gap left by this program. However, in a sense, we are

sacrificing high biodiversity places to support relatively poor biodiversity forests in China. Actually,

the deforestation issue is a global problem. The entire globe needs to contribute to a solution.

In my opinion, China should launch a sustainable timber production certification system. A lot of

imported timber is used to produce furniture, for example. But then it is exported again to countries

like the US and countries in Europe, etc. So, indirectly, we are contributing to this export of

deforestation. What we do in one place will have influences beyond that particular place. Thinking


of China as a vacuum(吸尘器), it’s a win for China, but how much climate change relief this

program is giving is still a question mark.

1. Why did China decide to introduce the Natural Forest Conservation Program?

A. There was almost no wood available in the country.

B. The serious deforestation caused a major flood.

C. Logging was banned throughout the whole country.

D. China was probably shifting deforestation elsewhere.

2. Which of the following is not the action taken by China to protect forests?

A. Change agricultural fields in steep slopes into forests.

B. Ban people from cutting down trees at will in the forest.

C. Import much more wood from foreign countries.

D. Export the concept of forestation to other foreign countries.

3. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph five mean?

A. China has stopped massive logging and is causing deforestation in foreign countries.

B. Never should China take advantage of foreign natural resources.

C. Many animals have been killed or become extinct due to China’s logging ban.

D. The deforestation issue in China has been a problem confusing many experts.

4. Which of the following is the author’s attitude towards China’s Forest Conversation Program?

A. He is in favor of China’s attempts to shift deforestation to foreign countries.

B. China should stop importing wood from foreign countries at once.

C. Globally speaking, China’s efforts have made little difference in forestation.

D. China has made significant progress in the recovery of forests.



说明文 词数 332 限时 7分钟

A letter to Edward, a columnist


A letter to Edward

Dear Mr. Expert,

I have found a “Seek Help” section in your column in the newspaper, so I am writing to ask for your


I grew up in an unhappy home. I always promise myself that I’d get out as soon as possible. Now,

at age 20, I have a good job and a nice house, and I’m really proud of the independence I’ve achieved.

Here’s the problem: several of my friends who still live with their parents wish they had places like

mine so much so that they have made mine theirs.

It started out with a couple of them spending the weekends with me. But now they seem to take it

for granted that they can show up any time they like. They bring boyfriends over, talk on the phone

and stay out forever.

I enjoy having my friends here sometimes --- it makes the place feel comfortable and warm but this

is my home, not a party house. I was old enough to move out on my own, so why can’t I seem to

ask my friends to respect my privacy?

Best wishes,


Edward’s reply to Joan

Dear Joan,

If your family didn’t pay attention to your needs when you were a child, you probably have trouble

letting others know your needs now.

And if you’ve gathered your friends around you to rebuild a happy family atmosphere you may fear

that saying no will bring back the kind of conflict you grew up with --- or destroy the nice

atmosphere you now enjoy. You need to understand that in true friendship it’s okay to put your own

needs first from time to time.

Try to express your true feelings. If you don’t like something, find a way to tell your friends your

idea, either directly or indirectly. For example, you can say “I really love your company but I also

need some privacy. So please call before you come over.”

Best wishes,


1. Edward is probably a(an) .

A. Joan’s father

B. a column writer

C. a physician


D. Joan’s class teacher

2. We can infer from the first letter that

A. Joan lives away from her parents

B. Joan accepts her friends’ frequent visit

C. Joan loves the boyfriends her friends bring over

D. Joan considers her friends more important than her privacy

3. According to Mr. Expert, why can’t Joan tell her friends her feelings?

A. She does not put her needs first.

B. She can’t be aware of what bully means.

C. She does not understand true friendship.

D. Her family experience stops her from doing so.

4. The second letter suggests that Mr. Expert

A. is worried about Joan’s problem

B. warns Joan not to quarrel with her friends

C. advises Joan on how to refuse people

D. encourages Joan to be more aggressive


说明文 词数 446 限时 10分钟

The Best Food for Healthy Shiny Hair

Healthy, shiny hair is an attainable goal for many people. What you eat can bring luster (光泽) and

strength back to your hair. A balanced diet filled with so-called super foods like certain fruits and

oils treat your hair from the inside out.


The omega-3 fatty acids in eggs, walnuts, and fatty fish like salmon help make hair shiny. These

oils can also be obtained through some vegetable oils or or flaxseed (亚麻籽) oil, but are found in

higher amounts in oily fish and eggs. The protein in these foods also helps hair grow strong and

healthy. Also found in eggs are B12 and biotin, both of which are essential for healthy skin, nails,

and hair.


Avocados (牛油果) contain high amounts of vitamin E. Only 2 ounce of a medium-size avocado


contains 8 percent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin E. If you don’t like to actually eat

avocado, you can make an avocado mask to put on your hair. Mash one ripe avocado with 2 tbsp

(汤匙) yogurt, one raw egg, half tsp (茶匙) of rosemary oil and 1 tsp jojoba oil. Work it into your

scalp and hair and leave on for 20 minutes before washing it out with shampoo. Vitamin E helps to

keep your hair color bright and prevents split ends.

Coconut Oil

The medium-chain fatty acids in coconut oil are used differently by your body than other saturated

fats (饱和脂肪酸). An added benefit of coconut oil is its ability to make your hair shiny and healthy.

Use coconut oil to cook your chicken or seafood, add it to your salad, or put it directly on your hair

as a mask. Rub it into your scalp and let it sit for up to 30 minutes before you wash it out. Coconut

oil’s anti-fungal agents (抗真菌剂) also help protect against and treat dandruff (头皮屑) and other

scalp problems.

Vitamin C Fruits

Fruits high in vitamin C, such as oranges, peaches, pineapples, strawberries, and kiwi – help

maintain healthy hair. Diets deficient in vitamin C can lead to dry or brittle hair. The antioxidants in

these fruits also fight against free-radical damage from the environment to protect your hair against

pollutants. Make sure to eat lots of fruits high in vitamin C. You can also apply the juices of these

fruits directly to your hair by mixing it into your shampoo. Use the juice peaches, strawberries, or

kiwis –--- or a mix of all three –--- and add it to your shampoo and use as normal. Only do this in

small amounts to make sure the contents are fresh at all times.

ing to the passage, eggs contain a lot of essential nutrients needed by healthy hair except

A. biotin

B. flaxseed oil

C. B12

D. omega-3 fatty acids

of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Avocados are rich in Vitamin E, which helps keep your hair brightly coloured.

B. Oranges are rich in Vitamin C, which protects your hair from pollutants.

C. To have healthy shiny hair, you can either eat super foods or apply them to your hair.

D. Coconut oil is high in saturated fats and sugar, which can help treat scalp problems.

which section of a website is the passage most likely to be found?

A. Beauty and skin care.

B. Life and society.


C. Food around the world.

D. News abroad.


说明文 词数 399 限时 12分钟

Does Travel Broaden the Mind?

One often hears it said that travel broadens the mind: if you stay in your own country the whole

time, your ideas remain narrow; whereas if you travel abroad you see new customs, eat new foods,

do new things, and come back home with a broader mind.

But does this always happen? An acquaintance of mine who lives in England and had never been

outside it until last summer decided to go over to France for a trip. When he returned, I asked him

how he liked it. "Terrible," was his answer. "I couldn't get a nice cup of tea anywhere. Thank

goodness I'm back."I asked him whether he hadn't had any good food while he was there. "Oh, of

course not! And when I asked for marmalade, they brought strawberry jam. And do you know, they

insisted that it was marmalade? The trouble is that they don't know English." I thought it useless to

explain that we borrowed the word 'marmalade' from French, and that it means, in that language,

any kind of jam. Obviously travel had not broadened his mind. He had gone to France determined

to live there exactly as if he was in England, and had judged it entirely from his own English


This does not happen only to Englishmen in France: all nationalities, in all foreign countries, can be

found judging what they see, hear, taste and smell according to their own habits and customs. In

fact, it is easier to be broad-minded about foreign habits and customs, if one's acquaintance with

these things is limited to books and American smiles tolerantly over the absence of central

heating in most English homes when he is himself comfortably seated in his armchair in his centrally

heated house in Chicago; the English man reads about the sanitary arrangements in a certain tropical

country, and the inhabitants of the latter read about London fogs, and each side manages to be

detached (客观的) and broad-minded. But actual physical contact with things one is unaccustomed

to is much more difficult to bear philosophically.

Perhaps the ideal would be that travel could succeed in making people tolerant of the habits and

customs of others without abandoning their own. The criterion for judging a foreigner could be:

Does he try to be polite and considerate to others? Instead of: Is he like me?

1. What do people generally think about travel?

A. The farther one goes, the more there is to discover.

B. The less travelled the road is, the more interesting the travel will be.

C. The more miles one travels, the more joy he will have.


D. The more one travels, the broader his mind will be.

2. The example of the writer’s friend is given to illustrate that ______________.

A. travel doesn’t necessarily broaden one’s eyes

B. travel always makes people narrow-minded and ignorant

C. when traveling, it is natural to lose control of yourself

D. when traveling, it is important to learn a foreign language well

3. What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. It is easier to accept what is foreign if one reads extensively.

B. It is easier to be understand foreign customs if one reads lots of books.

C. It is easier to tolerate foreign customs when one has no physical contact with them.

D. It is easier to apply what you’ve learned from books to practice if you are broad-minded.

4. Which of the following about custom does the writer most probably favor?

A. Worship others’ and suspect ours.

B. Respect others’ and maintain ours.

C. Promote others’ and improve ours.

D. Reject others’ and doubt ours.



说明文 词数 372 限时 10分钟

Beautiful but Deadly

In ancient times, to eat an olive (橄榄) was to touch the gods. The Greeks believed it was Athena,

goddess of wisdom and war, who gave mankind the gods’ fruit. They applied olive oil to their bodies.

The Romans, too, strongly wanted the precious crop for themselves. Civilizations have changed but

not our appetites. We modern people consume olive oil for the sake of our health. But while the

olive may be good for body and soul, it turns out it isn't so good for the land.

Environmentalists warn that mankind’s love for olives may be dangerously misplaced. Yes, few

things are quite so pleasant as a drive along the coasts of Portugal or Greece, where the land is rich

with olive groves, leaves shining in the wind. In recent decades, a growing number of farmers are

mass-producing the once rare tree. All around the Mediterranean, huge olive plantations are sucking

the soil dry, exhausting nutrients, producing near-deserts and endangering local animal and plant

life. If the trend continues, predicts Richard Perkins of the Worldwide Fund for Nature, "the future

will be a poisoned environment."

The problem grows from a very modern root: European Union subsidies (补贴). Olive grants make

up 7 percent--or $2 billion--of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy. Because the system rewards

farmers on the basis of how much they produce, they are stimulated to overplant. The environmental

impact is proving disastrous. In Spanish Andalusia, so many olives have been planted that topsoil

now just blows away ----80 millions tons a year. Pollution is also extending, due to the heavy use

of fertilizers and insecticides, while traditional woodlands and fields give way throughout the region.

Little relief is in sight. EU Agricultural ministers recognized the growing problem as early as in

1998. But proposals to cancel the subsidy system have gone nowhere, and recently Mediterranean

growers successfully persuade EU to put off any talk of reforms. Meanwhile, olives continue their

attack. How ironic (讽刺的)! The very symbol of Greek and Roman civilization, now a destroyer.

1. How did ancient Greeks use olives?

A. They offered olives to their gods or goddesses.

B. They rubbed olive oil on their skin.

C. They consumed olives during afternoon tea.

D. They decorated their houses with olive branches.

2. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the author’s description of olive trees?

A. Olive trees contain a kind of poisonous element.

B. Olive trees have made a destructive impact on the environment.

C. The more olive trees are planted, the more money European farmers will make.

D. In Spanish Andalusia, you now see olive trees where there were woodlands and fields.


3. Overplanting olive trees is directly due to

A. a European Union agricultural policy

B. Mediterranean farmers’ ignorance

C. humans’ misplaced love for olives

D. the increasing demand for olive oil



说明文 词数 252 限时 8分钟

Welcome to the Tangier Island Guide

Welcome to the

Tangier Island Guide

Tangier Island: A Chesapeake Bay Island

Tangier Island Bed and Breakfasts, Tangier Island Transportation, Tangier Island Cruises, Sunset

Tours, Eco Tours, Restaurants, History, Photos, Videos, and more.

Tangier Island is on the Chesapeake Bayside of the Eastern Shore of Virginia and is situated 12

miles into the Chesapeake Bay.

The Chesapeake Bay, its people, nature and wildlife at its best.

Enjoy historic & educational water tours, kayaking, fishing, bird-watching, crab shanty tours, and


Make reservations early for this year as lodging tends to fill up early. Great time to come to Tangier

(See Below)

Tangier Island Information ---- Click Here

Life on the Chesapeake Bay according to a Tangier Island waterman, "It is not an easy way of life.

In fact, it is a true labor of love.

Commercial fishing and crabbing for the Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab is physical and demanding,

but it is the love for the Chesapeake Bay, its wildlife, and its beauty that makes it worth all the aches

and pains we live with each day".

Rain or Shine, Tangier Island awaits you!

A great time,

For the young and the young

Tangier Golf Cart and Bike RentalsYear Round: Quality Electric and Gas Golf Carts as well as Bikes

for Adults and Children. Ask about our Seasonal Accommodations: Guaranteed Customer

Contact Tommy or Claudine Eskridge at the Four Brothers Crab House & Ice Cream Deck. Tele:

757 891 2999


Tangier Island

1. The main intention of the passage is to ___________.

introduce youn

A. attract more people to sign up for the tour

B. describe the hardships the islanders experience

C. publicize the ecological environment of the Island


D. introduce young people to some specialities and activities on the Island

describe the hpublicize the

Highly-recommeattract more p2. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

A. The location of the Island.

B. Activities to be enjoyed on the Island.

C. Means of transport available to tourists.

D. Highly-recommended sightseeing location oActivities to

3. The passage can be most probably found in a(n) _________.

A. textbook

B. official website

C. guidebook

D. business magazine

official websiguidebook




说明文 词数 305 限时 10分钟

Welcome to Louise’s Restaurant

Welcome To

Louise’s Restaurant

972 Kennesaw Avenue

Marietta, Georgia 30060

Telephone 770 427-9127



Snake Skin Salad, smoked snake skin slices

over green salad with lemon dressing ------ 7.75


Fries Ants. Delicious deep flied ants ------8.95

Fried Brains, delicious flied lambs brains ---- 12.95

Egg- a thousand year old ! A true delicacy ----95.00


B.B.Q. Snake, Cobra served with rice -----25.00


Chocolate Ants, ants covered in dark chocolate ----6.00

Honey coated Termites, served with ice cream ----6.00

Would you like some chicken's feet? How about frog legs? Well, you can't say no to a thousand-year-old egg! It's a delicacy (美味) that people pay a lot of money for, believe it or not. People all

over the world eat about everything from elephants' trunks to monkeys' brains.

Snakes and eels are delicacies in most parts of the world. In France and England, fish shops sell eels

that are alive. In Asia, there are special restaurants for snakes. Everything on the menu is snake:

snake soup, snake appetizers, snake main course, and snake desserts! When you go to the restaurant

the snakes are alive. You choose the snakes you want to eat. Then the waiter kills the snakes before

your very eyes!

Insects like termites, ants, and bees are delicacies to many people. In Africa, people fight over

termite nests. They eat the termites alive and say they taste like pineapple. In India, people make

the ants into a paste and eat them with curry. In Bom'eo, people mix the ants with rice. They say it

gives the rice a special flavor. In Australia, the native people drink ants. They mash them in water

and say the drink tastes like lemonade! And bees are delicious when you fry them. You can't stop

eating them!

paragraph 2, the underlined phrase "before your very eyes!" probably means

A. the rudeness of the waiter


B. the incredible feeling of you

C. your delight upon seeing the snakes

D. your shock and embarrassment

ing to the passage, all over the world people eat

A. only frog legs

B. just about everything

C. only legs, brains, and eggs

D. snakes and eels, elephant's trunks to monkey's brains

can conclude from the passage that snakes are delicacies because

A. they look scary

B. they are only served as appetizers

C. they are not found in fish shops or restaurants

D. in most parts of the world it's not common for people to eat snakes

ing to the Menu above, we can tell Louise's Restaurant is a special restaurant serving

A. insects

B. snakes

C. animal brains

D. all of the above



说明文 词数 810 限时 12分钟

Celebrities and Their Influence

Now, in an age where we have more contact with celebrity gossip than we have ever had, we are

faced with a question: what are the effects that superstars have on our youth?

Based on a recent Newsweek poll (民意调查), 77% of Americans believe that celebrities have too

much of an influence on young girls. This effect is especially obvious in their appearance and

attitudes. With celebrities creating impossible standards of beauty, more and more young adults are

feeling 'less confident, more angry, and more dissatisfied' with their looks. Based on a poll, 40% of

nine and ten-year-olds had tried losing weight and at age thirteen; 53% of girls were unhappy with

their image. Now, this cannot all be blamed on the media, but with celebrities becoming thinner and

thinner, much self-confidence is lost and images of television stars or models have been connected

to body displeasure. Stars need to pay attention to their image because of the unpleasant fact that it

causes young fans to strive to be unhealthily thin. It is estimated that eating disorders affect more

than five million Americans a year, with disorders usually beginning in the teens or as early as eight.

Celebrities should stay at a safe weight to insure their health and the effects their weight has in

influencing their younger viewers.

According to the latest Kaiser Family Foundation survey, most parents feel that their children are

being exposed to too much improper content in the media. Where does this concern come from?

With television shows today including violence and adult language, children are exposed to

unsuitable matter for their ages. Since many parents work and are not always at home, kids have

access to shows, movies, and the internet blogs that can tell them things that should be left for

parents to explain. There is no possible way to end this media madness, but experts say that

‘attentive parents, strong teachers and nice friends are an excellent counterbalance (平衡力)’ to pop

culture garbage. Stars need to be more aware of their images because some are allowing younger

fans content that many parents do not want their child to see.

1. According to the passage, which of the followings are NOT influences superstars have on young


A. Eating disorders.

B. Poor academic performance.

C. Low self-esteem.

D. Negative attitude towards themselves.

2. What are parents worried about according to the latest survey?

A. Children being too much crazy about the celebrities.

B. Celebrities leading children away from their real life.


C. TV providing children with access to what isn’t suitable for them.

D. Their being too busy to enjoy the leisurely time with their children.

3..What can be concluded from the passage?

A. Children should be told what nice friends are like.

B. Parents should be informed of what pop culture garbage is.

C. School authorities should cut students off from the Internet.

D. Celebrities should become positive role models for young people.



说明文 词数 365 限时 10分钟

Combination Hair

There are many different types of hair. There are thick types and there are fine types of hair. There

are curly ones and straight-falling ones. Some hair types are more prone to the accumulation of

sebum (the natural oils that our skin secretes) than others, while some hair types are just naturally

dry. There are various ways of taking care of hair according to its various types.

But what if your hair happens to be a combinationtype of hair? What if your hair is very oily near

the scalp (头皮) but has the tendency to be dry to the point of brittleness as the strands reach the

ends? How do you take care of hair like that?

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to care for the combination type of hair. With the appropriate

use of the right products, you can prevent damage to your hair, protect it, and keep it healthy and

even enhance its beauty.

It all starts with the proper washing of the hair. In shampooing, never use hot water to wet your hair.

Hair strands are vulnerable to extreme heat and hot water will only damage it. Instead, just use warm


Be choosy with the products that you use for your hair. If you have the combination type hair, avoid

using shampoos formulated for oily hair. It might worsen the conditionof the dry tips of your

locks(一撮). Instead, choose shampoos specially made for normalhair. Do not use too much

shampoo to wash your hair. Apply the shampoo directly on the scalp and just let the suds flow to

the ends of your hair. Never apply the shampoo directly to the tips because the shampoo will wash

off the oil that your hair tips need so much. If you must, just scoop some suds from the top of your

head and use it to wash your hair’s tips. Never overclean your hair ends and be careful in handling

them. Rinsethe shampoo off carefully and thoroughly until it is not slippery any longer.

1. What should you use to wet your hair?

A. hot water

B. warm water

C. cold water

D. cool water

2. According to the passage, what is the correct order to wash your hair?

① Rinse the shampoo off carefully and thoroughly.

② Wet your hair.

③ Apply the shampoo on the scalp.

④ Let the suds flow to the ends of your hair.

A. ①②③④


B. ②③④①

C. ④①②③

D. ④③②①

3. Which of the following statements is true?

A. You should use as much shampoo as possible.

B. Never apply the shampoo directly on the scalp.

C. Your hair tips need oil.

D. Be sure to over-clean the ends of your hair.

4. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. How to wash your hair.

B. How to use shampoos.

C. How to make your hair look beautiful.

D. How to care for the combination type of hair.



说明文 词数 251 限时 10分钟

Body Language

Do you know before you even open your mouth in an interview, the rest of your body has already

spoken volumes?

More Than Words

One problem with body language is that it may not convey what you really feel. For example,

keeping your hands stiffly by your side or stuck in your pockets can give the impression that you’re

insecure—whether you are or not.

On the contrary, strong and effective body language can help establish an immediate rapport with

your audience, showing confidence in your message. Ronald Reagan could carry himself perfectly

even on the back of a horse on his farm. He had an air of confidence, optimism and power.

The Eyes Have It

People want to feel special. They want to feel as though you are speaking to them directly or that

they are the most important person in the room during your conversation. Breaking eye contact is

surely a way to break the connection.

Don’t let anything come between you and your listeners. Crossing your arms, standing behind a

chair, or talking to someone from behind a computer monitor are all examples of blocking, which

prevents a real connection from taking place.

Animate Yourself

When you’re speaking, let your hands do some of the talking. Great speakers use hand gestures

more than average. They move around the room, pointing to a slide instead of reading from it,

placing their hands on someone’s shoulders instead of keeping their distance. Don’t animate your

slides—animate your body!

1. The underlined word “convey” in the second paragraph means “_____.”

A. express

B. catch

C. carry

D. hide

2. The writer mentions Ronald Reagan in this passage in order to tell us that

A. Ronald Reagan was a great president of America

B. Ronald Reagan was a famous person in the world

C. Ronald Reagan was good at using body language

D. Ronald Reagan was a handsome gentleman


3. When you give a lecture you’d better

A. refer to your notes every now and then

B. keep eye contact with the audience all along

C. deal with the topic with the help of your slides

D. fix your eyes on the most important person

4. From this passage we can learn that

A. body language gives wrong messages

B. it is impolite to look straight at someone when speaking

C. it is very helpful to use body language when speaking

D. you’d better keep a distance with the audience when speaking



说明文 词数 353 限时 8分钟

Travelling with Young Children

Traveling with small children has a lot of challenges. From the near constant complaining about

being uncomfortable and thirsty to the never-ending need to see every bathroom along the way, it is

a wonder that anyone survives. But, everyone does it because family holidays are fun. They are

supposed to be fun right?

Too often what could be great memories are overshadowed by the stress of just keeping the kids

from killing each other. I am not going to tell you that I can make a long car or plane trip pleasant

or instruct you to happily sing songs in the front seat to spread your joy around. That is all crazy

talk. What you can do is try a few things that might make the portion of your holiday you spend

confined in a small space with your offspring bearable.

Load your Phone. Before you leave, go the app store and load up your iPhone with kids’ games.

There are a ton of free games that will keep your kids busy for hours. Even if you have to spend

$1.99, it's worth it. As a backup, toss a couple movies on there too. I am telling you, the thrill of

even holding a parent's phone is a thrill for a kid; having it loaded with activities is even better. By

the way, bring headphones unless you like hearing the SpongeBob game lyrics for hours.

Make surprise bags for the children. Take little brown bags or whatever is handy and put in a little

inexpensive toy or game, stickers, a little coloring book and crayons. Make one for each hour you

will be in the car or plane and pass them out accordingly. Hopefully, it will keep them occupied for

about twenty minutes of each hour.

The most important of all travel tips is to take it easy on yourself. The more upset you get, the worse

your child will behave. They sense stress and it gets them stressed out too. Finally, and this is really

important, when you arrive at your destination pour yourself a big glass of wine. You earned it.

1. Why is travelling with children a headache to parents?

A. Because children get along badly with their parents.

B. Because children are active and restless during travelling.

C. Because children make a lot of trouble on purpose.

D. Because there are many activities children can’t attend.

2. The second paragraph mainly tells parents that _________.

A. with enough preparations, they will definitely enjoy their travelling

B. they should lend an ear and share happiness with your children

C. they can do something to make the trip as tolerable as possible


D. they should stop young children from talking nonsense

with enough prthey should le

3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a travel tip?

A. Prepare some little surprises.

B. Download Games apps in advance.

C. Bring some crayons and colored pencils.

D. Try to have them join in your conversation

Prepare some lBring some cra

4. The best title for this passage is “__________.”

A. How to travel with children.

B. How to make your children happy.

C. How to make your travel unforgettable.

D. How to drive away boredom during the trip

How to make yo



I love my Blackberry—it’s my little connection to the larger world that can go anywhere with me. I

also love my laptop, as it holds all of my writing and thoughts. Despite this love of technology, I

know that there are times when I need to move away from these devices and truly communicate

with others.

On occasion, I teach a course called “History Matters” for a group of higher education managers.

My goals for the class include a full discussion of historical themes and ideas. Because I want

students to thoroughly study the material and exchange their ideas with each other in the classroom,

I have a rule—no laptops, iPads, phones, etc. When students were told my rule in advance of the


说明文 词数 384 限时 9分钟

class, some of them were not happy.

Most students assumed that my reasons for this rule include unpleasant experiences in the past with

students misusing technology. There’s a bit of truth to that. Others assumed that I am anti-technology.

There’s no truth in that at all. I love technology and try to keep up with it so that I can relate to my


The real reason why I ask students to leave technology at the door is that I think there are very few

places in which we can have deep conversations and truly engage complex ideas. Interruptions by

technology often break concentration and allow for too much dependence on outside information

for ideas. I want students to dig deep within themselves for inspiration and ideas. I want them to

push each other to think differently and make connections between the course material and the class


I’ve been teaching my history class in this way for many years and the evaluations reflect students’

satisfaction with the environment that I create. Students realize that with deep conversation and

challenges, they learn at a level that helps them keep the course material beyond the classroom.

I’m not saying that I won’t ever change my mind about the use of technology in my history class,

but until I hear a really good reason for the change, I will stick to my plan. A few hours of

technology-free dialogue is just too sweet to give up.

1. Some of the students in the history class were unhappy with

A. the course material

B. others’ misuse of technology

C. the discussion topics

D. the author’s class regulations

2. The underlined word “engage” in Paragraph 4 probably means

A. explore

B. accept

C. change

D. reject

3. According to the author, the use of technology in the classroom may

A. keep students from developing independent thinking

B. encourage students to have in-depth conversations

C. help students better understand complex themes

D. affect students’ concentration on course evaluations


4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that the author

A. is quite determined to change his teaching plan

B. is considering using technology in his history class

C. will give up applying technology to his class soon

D. values technology-free dialogues in his class



说明文 词数 330 限时 10分钟

Is Trump Sending Messages with His Handshakes?

As President of the United States, Donald Trump shakes a lot of look Trump

took office, many world leaders, and even American politicians, have discovered they need to be

ready for an unusual handshake from the U.S. president. If you shake Trump’s hand, you might get

pulled off your feet.

Trump spent 19 seconds shaking the hand of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in February. News

media photographs showed the prime minister looking relieved when Trump finally let go of his

later, Trump shook hands with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ---- twice. Each

time, Trudeau moved in close to Trump as if to prevent Trump from pulling him off balance. Trudeau

also placed his left hand high on Trump’s shoulder, apparently to control the March,

Trump made news by not shaking hands with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. On video, Merkel

could be heard saying to Trump “they want a handshake.” But Trump did not answer and did not

offer his late May, the new French President Emmanuel Macron met with Trump in Brussels,

reporters reacted to Macron’s handshake with Trump, including Steve Holland of

the Reuters news agency. The reporter tweeted: “Trump and Macron weregrippinghands hard,” and

“Trump just seems to want his hand back.”

Patti Wood, who teaches business leaders to connect better with their employees and clients, thinks

that Trump is testing the people he meets by shaking hands. “Sometimes you can catch him smiling,

or evensmirking, as he puts the other person off center. So it’s a game, and he’s playing this game,

and he feels like: ‘okay, I want to win this game.’”So trying to win the handshake seems to be

Trump’s way of showing he has more power than the person he is shaking hands with.

Trump’s handshakes are unusual for many world leaders because he tends to

A. hold on too long

B. squeeze too hard

C. stand too close

D. extend a sweaty hand

was Donald Trump unwilling to shake hands with?

A. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

B. French President Emmanuel Macron

C. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe

D. German Chancellor Angela Merkel


ing to Patti Wood, Trump shakes hands in such a way in order to show

A. his sincerity

B. his communication skills

C. his full respect

D. his superiority and status



说明文 词数 284 限时 11分钟

Hair Care

Whether the hair is long or short, it must be regularly brushed and regularly washed. For oily hair,

especially if the owner lives in a town, it may be necessary to wash the head every four to five days.

Those with a dry hair can usually go a little longer, but this is a matter for the individual to decide.

If a woman is not able to go to a hairdresser very often, it is important that she chooses a style she

can easily manage for herself, and this nearly always means that the first cut must be very standard.

The same applies to permanent waving(烫发). Ideally, this should be carried out three or four times

a years, so that the hair never gets out of hand.

One thing should be remembered though, that is, whatever you apply to the head can have some

effect upon the skin and therefore anything strong should be used with care. Or you may use milder

products. As for style, this must be studied according to what is the latest fashion and also to suit

the individual at different times of her life.

Young people who have spots or skin troubles on their face, should take special care so that the hair

is both clean and does not come into contact with the affected piece of skin. Hair is very difficult to

keep completely clean and therefore anyone running their hands through their hair and afterwards

touching their face, or letting their hair fall over their faces, might spread infection(感染) from one

place to another. Good hair does a lot to the effect of a face, so if you want to look charming, please

start with your hair.

1. According to the text, the most basic thing to do with hair care is

A. to go to hairdresser's very often

B. to choose milder products for the hair

C. to wash and brush the hair regularly

D. to keep the hair away from the skin trouble

2. "Those with a dry hair can usually go a little longer…" means if your hair is dry

A. you can walk longer

B. your hair can grow longer

C. you don't have to wash it so often

D. you can grow taller

3. The best hairstyle can be achieved by

A. having the hair done three or four times a year

B. following the latest fashion to suit one's age


C. not combing the hair with hand

D. not applying anything strong to the head

4. To prevent the hair from infecting the skin, we'd better

A. keep the hair completely clean

B. wash the hair daily

C. have hair cut four times a year

D. avoid combing the hair with our hands


说明文 词数 504 限时 9分钟

The BestWay to See Singapore. See More for Less!

City Sightseeing

$33/A, $23/C, FREE/T

24 hrs of Unlimited Touring— 9 am to 6 pm

Duration: 1 Day (unlimited rides)

Attractions: Civic District, Orchard Road, Botanic Gardens, Little India,Chinatown & more along

the City & Heritage routes

It is easy to enjoy Singapore with the City Sightseeing open-top touring system. Spot aninteresting

place or sight? Simply hop off and walk around and you can continue the tour later by

hopping on the next bus. With 1 bus arriving every 20 minutes, the City Sightseeing system links

you to major sights, attractions and hotels!

* Guests Helpline: 6338-6877


$33/A, $23/C, $2/T

Daily: 9:30 am— 5:30 pm

Duration: 60 minutes

Ride the original DUCK! Hop on this amphibious(两栖的) craft for a sightseeing tour which covers

both land and sea!

* Free bus transfer; most popular tour; 1st and original DUCK; unique land & sea adventure

* For More Information, call 6338-6859

Night Safari(旅行)

$49/A, $33/C, FREE/T

Tour Time: 6:00 pm— 10:00 pm

Duration: 4 hours


Observe the night activities of the 1,000 over nocturnal(夜行的) animals in the Night Safari – the

world’s first wildlife night park, for an adventureyou’ll never forget.

* Free & Easy with 2-way bus transfer

* For More Information, call 6338-6826


$53/A, $37/C, FREE/T

Open Hours: Daily 9:00 am — 9:00 pm

Duration: 30 minutes

Feast your eyes on Singapore’s magnificent cityscape from a height of165m on the world’s largest

observation wheel. Get your cameras readyas you experience a 360-degree panoramic view of the

city and the Marina Bay area.

* Free bus transfer; free river transfer

* For More Information, call 6338-3311

☆ A— adult, C — children (3-12), T— toddler (2 & below)

way is most suitable for Mary, who can just spare one day to travel around Singapore?

A. Night Safari.


C. City Sightseeing.

D. Flyer.

2. If David and his 9-year-old son are both animal lovers, they had better dial ___________ for more

information beforetheir tour.

A. 6338-6877

B. 6338-6859

C. 6338-3311

D. 6338-6826

3. Mr. Smith is going to take his wife, his 13-year-old daughter and his 1-year-old son to visit

Singapore at their ownleisurely pace, he should get at least ___________ ready.

A. $89

B. $99

C. $91

D. $101


organization in Singapore is most likely to issue the information above?

A. Education Commission.

B. Health Department.

C. Transportation Bureau.

D. Tourism Bureau.



说明文 词数 434 限时 9分钟

Using the Mind to Fight Disease


Using the Mind to Fight Diseases

Psychology has a new application in the field of medicine. Many doctors, together with their patients,

are looking for alternative methods of treatment of physical problems. In large hospitals, modern

therapy seems to focus on the physical disease. Patients may feel they are treated like broken

machines. Some doctors have recognized this as a problem. They are now using psychological

therapy, in which the patient is working with the doctors against the disease with the help of

medicine. The patient does not wait for the medicine and treatment to cure him or her, but instead

the patient joins in the fight.

The doctor knows that a disease affects a patient's body physically. The body of the patient changes

because of the disease. He is not only physically affected, but also has an emotional response to the

disease. Because his mind is affected, his attitude and behavior change. The medical treatment might

cure the patient's physical problems, but the patient's mind must fight the emotional ones. For

example, the studies of one doctor, Carl Simonton, have shown that a typical cancer patient has

predictable attitudes. She typically feels depressed, upset, and angry. Her constant depression makes

her acts unfriendly toward her family, friends, doctors, and nurses. Such attitudes and behaviors

prevent recovery. Therefore, a doctor's treatment must help the patient change that. Simonton's

method emphasizes treatment of the “whole” patient.

The attitude of a cancer patient receiving radiation therapy, an X-ray treatment, can become more

positive. The physician who is following Simonton's psychological treatment plan suggests that the

patient imagine that he or she can see the tumor in the body. In the mental picture, the patient "sees"

a powerful beam of radiation like a million bullets of energy. The patient imagines the beam hitting

the tumor cells and causing them to shrink. For another cancer patient, Dr. Simonton asks him to

imagine the medicine going from the stomach into the bloodstream and to the cancer cells. The

patient imagines that the medicine is like an army fighting the diseased cells and sees the cancer

cells gradually dying and his blood carry away the dead cells. Both the medical therapy and the

patient's positive attitude fight the disease.

Doctors are not certain why this mental therapy works. However, this use of psychology does help

some patients because their attitudes about themselves change. They become more confident

because they use the power within their own minds to help stop the disease. Many professional

medical groups have accepted the medical use of psychology and that psychology has important

applications in medicine.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. How to use the mind against disease.


B. How modern therapy focuses on the disease.

C. Responses from the medical world.

D. How suggestion therapy benefits adults and children.

2. How does psychological therapy work?

A. The patient waits for the medicine and treatment to cure him.

B. The doctor uses medical treatment to cure the patient's problems.

C. The doctor, the medicine, and the patient work together to fight disease.

D. The patient uses his mind to cure himself.

3. What can we learn from the studies of Carl Simonton?

A. The medical treatment can cure the patient's mental disease.

B. The treatment of a patient by treating the body and the mind is necessary.

C. The mental treatment is more important than medical treatment.

D. Few patients have emotional response to the disease.

4. The use of psychological therapy is helpful to some patients in that

A. the medical effect is better with psychological therapy than without it

B. the patients can see a powerful beam of radiation hitting their tumor cells

C. the patients' attitudes towards themselves have changed

D. the patients are easy to accept the methods the doctors use to treat them



说明文 词数 371 限时 9分钟

Your Hairstyle Could Reveal Your Personality

Your hair can actually send a message to those around you. People can, to a great extent, judge what

your personality is.

Researchers have found that a woman’s hair color can actually reveal her personality. Women with

darker hairs are often perceived as more thoughtful and enigmatic, which can contribute to their

mysterious appeal. Red-haired women are often branded as “fiery” and are typically considered as

fun-loving and wild. If you have blonde hair, then you will probably be a man magnet --- men are

typically more drawn to women with golden tones in their hair, despite often pegging them to be

less intelligent. Women who remain gray are considered confident and appear unwilling to follow

societal standards of beauty. Gray-haired women may also be thought of as older than they actually

are. Wild hair colors do not occur naturally, and people with wild-colored hair, such as pink or blue,

tend to be a rebel who prefers a free spirit.

Your hair-part can also tell others what type of person you are. Shorter hairstyles show confidence

because they make it seem as though the wearer has nothing to hide. Short styles are also deemed

more professionally, and women that wear them are often taken more seriously. Women with long

hair are more carefree and youthful. However, older women who maintain longer hair can

sometimes be seen as childish. Long hair can be seen as a shield of sorts that means a lack of maturity

or toughness. Women who part their hair down the center tend to be well-organized and responsible.

Jagged center parts are slightly softer and signal a more easygoing attitude. Women with side parts

are typically sympathetic and compassionate. They care very deeply for their loved ones and make

them a large part of their lives. These are other signs you have incredible empathy. Curly-haired

women are perceived as less serious than those with wavy or straight styles, as others will interpret

them as more fun-loving and wild. Check out these tips for how to style frizzy hair. If your style is

super-complicated and takes a lot of time to create, this can signal that you expect much of yourself,

and sometimes you tend to be self-critical.

1. The underlined word “appeal” in the second paragraph probably means

A. attraction

B. request

C. persuasion

D. hatred

2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Women with gray hairs tend to be energetic.

B. Women with wild hair colors look forward to a free life.


C. Women with red colors give people a sense of mystery.

D. Wild colors are widely accepted by women in the world.

3. What can we infer from the passage?

A. It is not suitable for an old woman to have long gray hair.

B. Confident people often choose long hair with bright colors.

C. Sympathetic professionals prefer to part their hair down.

D. People often regard women with straight red hairs as fun makers.

4. What is the best title for this passage?

A. Your Hair-part Tells Your Stories.

B. Change Your Personality by Changing Your Hairstyle.

C. Hair Color Matters When A Person Is Judged.

D. Your Hairstyle Can Reveal Your Personality.


说明文 词数 368 限时 10分钟

Why Do White Races Have Multiple Colors of Hair?

The human species started in Africa. To protect ourselves from the harsh and direct sunlight, we

evolved with higher levels of melanin in our bodies. This causes darker skin. Dark hair is also a

favorable evolution --- less light can pass through dark hair than light, protecting the skin.

Over time as the human race migrated, mutation(变异)continued. In the branch that became “white”,

mutations that produced paler skin and lighter hair occurred. This was an advantageous mutation

because these humans were living in areas with less direct sunlight, so needed to take advantage of

the small amounts they were exposed to (we need sunlight to produce vitamin D). Through natural

and self-selection, the genes for paler skin and blonde hair survived. Other mutations for lighter hair

colors (lighter brown, red) remained for similar reasons.

The reason why other races did not evolve blonde hair is as follows: First, they were not given an

environmental advantage, so did not increase chances of survival and reproduction. Second, the

genes for darker hair colors are dominant over genes for lighter hair color. Without selective

pressures (the environment advantage) to encourage this mutation, any spontaneous hair color

mutations would be lost in future generations without other recessive genes to allow it to be


Look at it this way --- a few hot blondes randomly showed up in early northern human populations.


They used to be healthy, dark-haired humans with a hidden blonde gene. Eventually those dark-haired babies married each other, hidden blonde genes met up, and blonde babies appeared. Blonde

babies were just as healthy as dark-haired babies, so the genes became more common.

Let’s say the same few blondes showed up in southern human populations. They would burn in the

sun and not be able to survive in those conditions. Some dark-haired humans might bang them

because they were just lying there ... but they were not ideal mates as they were unhealthy in that

environment and could not survive as well. A few babies may have been born with hidden blonde

genes, but if a second generation blonde baby was born, they would also struggle to survive in that

environment. As a result, blonde genes did not explode.

1. What is the major function of “melanin” in our bodies?

A. It prevents us from skin cancer caused by the direct sunlight.

B. It helps people to evolve throughout the human history.

C. It helps people with the mutation process during migration.

D. It makes our body darker to protect us from sunlight.

2. What can we infer from the passage?

A. People with pale skin can survive better in places with direct sunlight,

B. People’s genes mutate with the change of the environment.

C. All vitamins are produced with the help of sunlight exposure.

D. Without the environmental advantage, the gene of blonde hairs can never be expressed.

3. Why is there less blonde-haired population in southern places?

A. Southern people do not have the genes of blonde hair.

B. People with blonde hair can hardly survive in southern places.

C. Immigration has quickened the mutation process.

D. Blonde hair can hardly attract ideal mates in southern places.

4. What is this passage mainly about?

A. Why difference races have different colors in skin and hair.

B. Why most Africans have been dark in color since ancient.

C. How evolution matters in the history of human civilization.

D. The differences between the northern and southern people in hair color.


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