


Parts of the exam are accompanied by a master recording. In the sample questions that follow,

the material enclosed in brackets is heard by the student and does not appear on-screen.

Section I: Multiple Choice (Listening)

Sample Questions

Directions: You will hear several short conversations or parts of conversations followed

by four choices, designated (A), (B), (C), and (D). Choose the one that continues or

completes the conversation in a logical and culturally appropriate manner. You will have

5 seconds to answer each question.

Note: In this part of the exam, the student may not move back and forth among questions.

1. [(Woman) 我帶你去參觀一下我新買的房子,好不好?

(Man) (A) 你想帶誰去房子?

(B) 對不起,我對買新產品不感興趣。

(C) 好,我們一起去參加觀光團吧!

(D) 什麼時候買的?怎麼沒告訴我?]





(A) 請問你今天想點些什麼菜?

(B) 不好意思,招待不周到。

(C) 您太客氣了,我們都吃得很飽。

(D) 別著急,我一吃完飯就來你家你。]







(A) 你現在跟他到學校來接我。

(B) 吃了晚飯以後早一點回家。

(C) 等你做完功課再說吧!

(D) 馬可明是新來的老師嗎?]


. [(Man)





(A) 老實說,我哪兒都不喜歡去。

(B) 真可惜,你從來沒去過紐約。

(C) 你可不要跟我去那個地方。

(D) 我是本地人,在這兒生的。]



(A) 真的有那麼甜嗎?

(B) 真的有那麼好嗎?

(C) 真的有那麼多嗎?

(D) 真的有那麼香嗎?]





Directions: You will listen to several selections in Chinese. For each selection, you will

be told whether it will be played once or twice. You may take notes as you listen. Your

notes will not be graded. After listening to each selection, you will see questions in

English. For each question, choose the response that is best according to the selection.

You will have 12 seconds to answer each question.

Note: In this part of the exam, the student may move back and forth only among the

questions associated with the current listening selection.

Voice message

[(Narrator) Now you will listen twice to a voice message.

(Woman) 喂,張建,我是王華。我現在在急診室。我媽今天下午在家裏摔了一跤,走不了路。我剛把她帶到醫院來檢查。還好骨沒摔斷,但是醫生要她留在醫院裏觀察一夜,所以我得在這兒陪她。今天晚上不能跟你去看電影了。請明天早上打電話到我家,我跟你一起走路去上學。



Now listen again.


(Narrator) Now answer the questions for this selection.]

6. What is the purpose of the message?

(A) To arrange a medical appointment

(B) To ask for directions to the hospital

(C) To cancel a previous engagement

(D) To recommend a movie

7. What is the speaker’s relationship to Zhang Jian?

(A) His mother

(B) His doctor

(C) His teacher

(D) His schoolmate

8. Where is the speaker calling from?

(A) Home

(B) School

(C) A hospital

(D) A movie theater

9. What does the speaker ask Zhang Jian to do?

(A) Call her in the morning

(B) Visit her in the hospital

(C) Take her mother home

(D) Meet her at the movie theater

School conversation






Now you will listen once to a conversation between two students.





(Woman) 做醫生太辛苦,我要學法律,以後當律師。

(Narrator) Now answer the questions for this selection.]

10. What does the woman ask the man about?

(A) What colleges he is applying to

(B) What he will major in

(C) His opinion of certain schools

(D) His preferred location for attending college

11. The woman expresses a desire to

(A) study medicine

(B) get a part-time job

(C) become a lawyer

(D) attend Nanjing University

12. What is the woman’s reaction to the man’s plans?

(A) She thinks that the school he will attend is better than hers.

(B) She suggests that he study law.

(C) She says that she is envious of his good luck.

(D) She says that she would not make the same career choice.

Section I: Multiple Choice (Reading)

Note: In this part of the exam, the student may move back and forth among all the


Sample Questions

Directions: You will read several selections in Chinese. Each selection is accompanied

by a

number of questions in English. For each question, choose the response that is best

according to

the selection.

Read this e-mail.

送件人: 李玉姍

日期: 2005 年10 月26 日

收件人: 王晶晶

主題: 我的新房子





送件人: 李玉姗

日期: 2005 年10 月26 日

收件人: 王晶晶

主题: 我的新房子





13. What does Yushan like best about her new house?

(A) It has a big backyard.

(B) It has a swimming pool.

(C) She doesn’t have to share a room with her sister.

(D) She can walk to school.

Where in her room did Yushan put her family photo?

(A) On the wall facing the door

(B) On top of the wardrobe

(C) Next to the couch

(D) On the desk


15. To whom is the e-mail addressed?

(A) A friend

(B) A cousin

(C) An uncle

(D) A classmate

16. Where is Yushan’s teddy bear?

(A) On the bed

(B) On the couch

(C) Next to the mirror

(D) On top of the computer

Read this public sign.



17. Where would the sign most likely appear?

(A) In a department store

(B) In a park

(C) At a newsstand

(D) In a library

18. What is the purpose of the sign?

(A) To give directions to a particular location

(B) To advertise a new product

(C) To request cooperation from the users of a service

(D) To post the penalty for violating a regulation

Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions

1—D 2—C 3—C 4—D 5—A 6—C 7—D 8—C

11—C 12—D 13—C 14—A 15—B 16—C 17—D 18—C

9—A 10—B

Section II: Free Response (Writing)

Note: In this part of the exam, the student may not move back and forth among questions.

Sample Questions

Directions: You will be asked to write in Chinese in a variety of ways. In each case, you

will be asked to write for a specific purpose and to a specific person. You should write in

as complete and as culturally appropriate a manner as possible, taking into account the

purpose and the person described.

Story Narration

The four pictures present a story. Imagine you are writing the story to a friend. Narrate a

complete story as suggested by the pictures. Give your story a beginning, a middle, and an end.

Personal Letter

Imagine you received a letter from a pen pal at a Chinese sister school. The letter asks

about your school subjects. Write a reply in letter format. First, write about your school

subjects in general. Then choose ONE school subject and describe either what you like or

what you dislike about this school subject. Justify your opinion with specific examples.

E-Mail Response

Read this e-mail from a friend and then type a response.

送件人: 王明華

主題: 申請美國大學





送件人: 王明华

主题: 申请美国大学


Relay Telephone Message

Imagine you are sharing an apartment with some Chinese friends. You arrive home one

day and listen to a message on the answering machine. The message is for one of those

friends. You will listen twice to the message. Then relay the message, including the

important details, by typing an e-mail to your friend.

[(Woman) 喂,麗麗不在家嗎?我是小文,是麗麗的同學。麗麗:這個星期六我過生日,想請你晚上七點來參加我的生日晚會。我現在住在學院路光明園十二號,你可以坐十八路公共汽車到光明園站下車,下車後往南走五十多米就到了。請你一定要來哦。謝謝!

Now listen again.

(Woman) 喂,麗麗不在家嗎?我是小文,是麗麗的同學。麗麗:這個星期六我過生日,想請你晚上七點來參加我的生日晚會。我現在住在學院路光明園十二號,你可以坐十八路公共汽車到光明園站下車,下車後往南走五十多米就到了。請你一定要來哦。謝謝!


Now type an e-mail to your friend.]


Section II: Free Response (Speaking)

Note: In this part of the exam, the student may not move back and forth among questions.

Sample Questions

Directions: You will participate in a simulated conversation. Each time it is your

turn to speak, you will have 20 seconds to record. You should respond as fully and

as appropriately as possible.


You will have a conversation with Huang Lihua, an interviewer, about your application

for a scholarship to study in China.

[(Woman) 請你談談你是怎麽開始對中國感興趣的。

(20 seconds)

(Woman) 如果能去中國留學,你想選修什麼樣的課程?你為什麼要選修這些課程呢?

(20 seconds)

(Woman) 你想到中國哪個城市去留學?為什麼你要選這個城市呢?

(20 seconds)

(Woman) 假如你能去中國留學,學校會安排你參加一些課外的文化活動。你對中國文化的哪個方面最感興趣?

(20 seconds)

(Woman) 去中國留學跟你將來的就業計劃有什麼關係?

(20 seconds)

(Woman) 關於這個去中國留學的項目,你有什麼問題嗎?

(20 seconds)]

Directions: You will be asked to speak in Chinese on different topics. In each case,

imagine you are making an oral presentation to your Chinese class. First, you will

read and hear the topic for your presentation. You will have 4 minutes to prepare

your presentation. Then you will have 2 minutes to record your presentation. Your

presentation should be as complete as possible.

Cultural Presentation

Choose ONE Chinese food that is associated with a particular holiday (moon cake, zongzi,


In your presentation, describe this food and explain its significance.

Event Plan

You have the opportunity to plan a tour of your community for a Chinese student. In your

presentation, describe the advantages and disadvantages of different options. Also explain

what you would do and why.

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标签:中國   申请   申請   房间   留學   房間
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