



Ⅰ. Grammar Exercises

Fill in the blanks in the following passages with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. After more than 150 years of colonial rule, Hong Kong reverted to China on July 1, 1997. By

that time, it ______ (grow) from a barren rock to one of the most modern and prosperous cities in

the world, and the population ______ (increase) from a few hundred to six million. After 1997,

many of the people who ______ (migrate) overseas earlier ______ (begin) to return, as they

______ (find) that things were not so bad after all.

2. Recently, I returned to my old neighborhood to look for my childhood friend. I found that she

______ (move) out long ago. Some neighbors told me that she ______ (marry) a rich old man

from America, but others said that she ______ (join) the sisterhood and ______ (go) to serve in

India. Someone even said that she ______ (die). I hope that I can find her again some day.

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

3. Global economic growth ______ (take) its toll on the environment, and Hong Kong's

pollution is certainly the worst I ______ (see). The warning bells ______ (ring) and the air

pollution index (API) readings keep increasing in Hong Kong. Strict policies and fines ______ (be

put) in place, and it is well-known that the removal of lead from petrol and the use of

energy-efficient technology can also greatly reduce the problems. But why ______ the situation

______ (not improve)? Can't the government do more to fight pollution? It may be our

fault. Many environmental measures ______ (be set), but only a few people support them. How

can the air improve without our support? The government should strictly punish people who

throw rubbish on the streets or in the sea. Industries which ______ (pollute) our rivers and oceans

must be hit with heavy fines.

4. Under Article 23 of the Basic Law, Hong Kong is required to pass laws against acts of treason,

secession, sedition, subversion and the theft of state secrets. There ______ long ______ (be)

concerns that the laws will restrict freedoms and be used to clamp down on dissent. Officials

both in Hong Kong and on the mainland ______ (seek) to play down the fears, while insisting that

the time ______ (come) for the national security laws to be enacted. The government is expected

to release a consultation paper soon, perhaps as early as next month.

Ⅱ. TEM-4 Exercises

1. It's wonderful that you ______ have achieved so much in these years.A. may B.

can C. should D. would

2. He ______ hardly say anything more, since you know about it.A. don't need to B.

needn't C. needs D. need

3. You ______ the look on his face when he won the prize.A. would have seen

seeing B. should have seen C. must see D.

can be

4. Some people think the stock market will crash, but ______.A. I wonder if it

happens B. I am afraid it wouldn't happen C. I doubt if it will

happen D. I doubt if it does happen

5. "Whatever has happened to George?" "I don't know. He ______ lost."A. can have got B.

may have got C. might get D. could get

6. He has no idea what the book is about. He ______ read the book.A. couldn't B.

couldn't have C. mightn't have D. shouldn't have

7. New studies show that two of Saturn's rings ______ longer than the 4.5 billion years since the

birth of the Solar System.A. could have lasted B. should have lasted C.

must be lasting D. would have lasted

8. Take the telescope with you in case you ______ it in your expedition.A. will need B.

would need C. should need D. could need

9. Need he come at once? —Yes, he ______.A. must B. must not C. need D. may

10. Please answer the phone. It ______ be by your father. If it is, would you tell him that I want to

see him?A. will B. should C. would D. could

11. We'll never give in whatever they ______ say or do.A. may B.

will C. shall D. should

12. With all this work on hand, he ______ to the cinema last night.A. mustn't go gone B.

wouldn't go C. oughtn't go D. shouldn't have

13. Eveyone ______ the cake because there wasn't even a small piece left.A. must like liked B.

must have liked C. must have been liking D. had

14. I wish to recollect where I met her, ______?A. would I B. may l C. may

not I D. can I

15. I ______ think he will ______ dare the risk.A. not/× B. do/not C.

×/not D. don't/×

16. If reading is to accomplish anything more than passing time, it ______ be active.A. may

not B. must C. might D. is not

17. You ______ your seats today if you want to go to the game.A. had better to

reserve B. had to better reserve C. had better

reserve D. had to reserve better

18. I ______ the operation unless it is absolutely necessary.A. would rather not

have B. would not rather had C. rather would not have D.

rather not would have

19. Many scientists ______ their own eyes and ears than the theories of the ancients.A. would

rather to believe B. rather would believe C. would rather

believe D. will rather believe

20. To travel from England to Scotland you ______ a passport.A. haven't got B. mustn't

have C. needn't D. don't need

Ⅲ. Key Words of TEM-4

1. object article substance category

object n.

(1) a material thing

Every object in the universe pulls on every other object.

(2) a person or thing that people have a particular feeling about

The hook's lead character is both an object of desire and an object of pity.

(3) a goal or aim

Our object is to further cement trade relations.

no object used to say that something is not important or worth worrying about

When they lake a vacation, money is no object.

object v. to disagree, to present an opposing argument

Would you object if I turn off the radio?

She objected to his advocacy of large schools; she strongly insisted on the idea

of small ones.

It was objected that this severe measure might hint people's feelings.

article n.

(1) a piece of writing that is included in a magazine, newspaper, etc.

Concern about excessive Internet use isn't new. As far back as 1995, articles in

medical journals generated interest in the subject.

(2) a particular kind of object

As this article is fragile, please case it into durable packaging.

For many people it is an article of faith that the economy will improve soon.

A lot of people pretend to be cowboys, but he's the genuine article.

(3) a separate part of a legal document that deals with a single subject

We express our strong opposition to the willful interpretation of this article by a

local Japanese court.

substance n.

(1) a material of a particular kind

We can distinguish one kind of substance from another by its properties.

Cream and butter contain pretty much the same substances, so why cream

should sour much faster has been a mystery.

(2) a drug whose use is illegal

He had a history of substance abuse.

(3) the quality of being meaningful, important, or the quality of being true

The hook lacks substance.

These rumors are without substance.

(4) essential nature; essence.

They disregarded the substance of his teaching.

(5) material possessions; wealth

She married a man of substance.

category n. a specifically defined division in a system of classification; a class

Each of you probably know, some of you may be in this category yourself,

people who can eat like crazy and still not gain weight.

There are several different optimization techniques that fall into this

may seem rather a strange ______ to use as money, but in countries where the food

of the people is mainly vegetable, it is often an absolute necessity.A. object B. article C.

substance D. category

2. elaborate complex refined ambitious

elaborate a. made or done with great care or with much detail

Today, corporations hardly ever introduce major new products without

conducting elaborate market research.

They made elaborate preparations for his visit.

The wedding dress' design was very elaborate and took many weeks to make.

elaborate v. to give more details about something

The WHO World Health Report will further elaborate on this definition.

A spokesman declined to elaborate on a statement released late yesterday.

elaboration n.

The third part makes a specific elaboration of the reforming Pension System of

the Blair government.

complex a. not easy to understand or explain, not simple

This project involves a lot of complex technical problems.

The situation is **plex than you realize.

The house's wiring is complex.

complex n.

(1) a whole structure (as a building) made up of related structures

Plans for a multi-**plex in the neighborhood of the Venetian await government


The new **plex has everything needed for many different activities.

(2) a **posed of interconnected or interwoven parts

This idea is **plex of our suggestions.

(3) an emotional problem that causes someone to worry too much about


She has a complex about her appearance.

This was the famed **plex stage where the boy wants to possess his mother and

sees his father as a rival for his attentions.

refined a.

(1) free of unwanted substances

Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the

pollution control and energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a

more refined raw material.

(2) improved to be more precise or exact

She has become more refined in her painting technique.

(3) free from coarseness or vulgarity; polite

Refined table manners, though less popular than before in current social life are

still a must on certain occasions.

refine v. to reduce to a pure state; purify

Petrol is refined from the crude oil we take out of the ground.

ambitious (1) having ambition; having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous

Americans are more ambitious than people in other countries.

He was very ambitious for his children but not for himself.

(2) not easily done or achieved, requiring or showing ambition

Although some of the more ambitious programs require new investments in

servers and networks to support collaborative software, most DL courses can run on existing or

minimally upgraded systems.

ambition n. an eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power

Her ambition is the presidency.

Their parents are ambitious and the children are part of the parents' ambitions.

ambitiously ad.

She ambitiously worked her way to the plan is carefully prepared and

full of details, so it is a very ______ one.A. complex B. refined C. ambitious D.


3. original primitive initial elementary

original a.

(1) happening or existing first or at the beginning

The city is now ten times its original size.

The food tastes better, and the garden handily fulfills its original purpose, cost


By the 1990s less than half of the earth's original rain forests remained, and

they continues to disappear at an alarming rate every year.

(2) not like others; new and different, able to think of new and creative things

The concept is very original.

The car has a highly original design.

She has a very original and creative mind.

He is admired as an original **poser.

originate v. to bring into being; create

The superstition is supposed to have originated in ancient times, when mirrors

were considered to be tools of the gods.

origin n. the point at which **es into existence

This word also has its origins in Greek mythology.

We cannot escape our origins, however hard we try.

primitive a.

(1) belonging to a society in which people live in a very simple way, usually

without industries or a writing system

All music, whether it is the pulsation of primitive tribal drums or **plex

coordination of voices, has this feature; it is based upon the power of sound to stir our senses and


Primitive humans needed to he able to react like this to escape from dangerous


(2) very simple and basic, or characterized by crudity; unsophisticated

The residents of these shelters often live in desperate and primitive conditions

with little more than a roof over their heads.

Primitive battery and engine technology doomed early efforts.

initial a. occurring at the beginning of something, early, first

The symptoms are mild in the initial stages of the disease.

Her initial reaction was to say no, but she eventually agreed to help.

initially ad. soon after the beginning of a process or situation, rather than in the middle

or at the end of it, at first; originally

The MBA may open doors **mand a higher salary initially, but the impact of a

degree washes out after five years.

It turned out that the situation was not as serious as we had initially believed.

elementary a. basic and simple

This is an elementary book for learners of English.

He is lacking even the most elementary notions of gh in one or

two of the more remote countries people still keep the early money for future use on ceremonial

occasions such as weddings and funerals, examples of ______ money will soon be found only in

museums.A. original B. primitive C. initial D. elementary

4. attendance assistance rescue defense

attendance n.

(1) the act of being present at a place, attending

Thanks for your attendance and patience for listening.

(2) the number of people present at an event, meeting, etc.

Rain played a big part in the air show's drop in attendance.

Attendance is down so far this season.

(3) a record of how often a person goes to classes, meetings, etc.

The teacher takes attendance every day.

in attendance (1) present at an event, meeting, etc.

A number of celebrities were in attendance.

(2) caring for or helping someone who is giving birth or getting medical


Who was in attendance at the birth?

assistance n. the act of helping or assisting someone

Hardly can anyone achieve success in his career without the assistance of his

colleagues and partners.

I'll be happy to provide you with whatever assistance you may need.

Nobody came to her assistance.

assist v. help or support

He asked us to assist him in carrying through their plan.

These tools can then assist you with problem resolution.

rescue v. & n. to save (someone or something) from danger or harm

A fireman rescued three children from the burning building.

A big rescue operation has been launched for a traveler missing in the North


come to one's rescue

The kids tried to keep each other's spirits up, always clinging to the hope that

someone **e to their rescue.

defense n.

(1) defending something from attack, protecting yourself, your country, etc.

In two thousand six, Defense Secretary Robert Gates advised President George

W. Bush to base a missile defense system in Europe.

They fought in defense of their country.

Doctors can only hope that a person's defense system is strong enough to fight

the disease.

(2) something that is used to protect yourself, your country, etc.

The city's defenses were not strong enough to keep out the invaders.

(3) speaking in support of someone who is being criticized or accused of a


He spoke up in his own defense.

But his defense lawyer asked the jury to decide if citizens have the right to

criticize public officials.

It's a valid defense, and I think we should be able to win the case.

came/jumped to one's defense

Mr. Qian denied the charges, his Caltech colleagues came to his defense, and

the university hired a lawyer to assist came to my ______ with a check of $200 to pay

my room rate, after I phoned him that my wallet had been stolen.A. attendance B.

assistance C. rescue D. defense

5. put aside put across put forth put off

put aside (1) to save or keep (something, such as money) to be used at a later time

She's been putting aside some money for a vacation.

Can you put a few minutes aside for a short meeting?

(2) to stop worrying or thinking about (something)

On Friday, April fourteenth, he agreed to put this work aside for a while.

put across (1) to cause (something) to be clearly understood

A good speaker knows how to quickly put himself across to his audience.

Do you give him a fair opportunity to put across his views?

She has had trouble putting her message across to voters.

(2) put oneself across as something; to cause oneself to appear to be a particular

type of person

He tries to put himself across as a nice guy.

put forth (1) to suggest (an idea, plan, etc.) for people to think about or consider

The scientist put forth the new theory of evolution.

It is in your own interests that we put forth such a proposal.

(2) to use (something, such as energy) for a particular purpose

The government urged the nation to put forth every effort to check war.

Parenting is never easy, especially when we actually put forth energy to do it.

(3) to produce or send out (something) by growing

The trees are starting to put forth new leaves.

put off (1) to decide that (something) will happen at a later time, postpone

In that case, we'll have to put off the sports meet till next Saturday.

We put off the conference in order to better cope with the tense situation.

Jobs was diagnosed with a rare form of pancreatic cancer in 2003, though he

put off treatment until mid-2004.

(2) to cause someone to wait

She finally called him after putting him off all week.

(3) to cause (someone) to dislike something

The mere smell of garlic put him off his supper.

I was put off by his speaker was very good at ______ his ideas

during the discussion.A. putting aside B. putting across C. putting back D.

putting off

Ⅳ. Working with Words and Expressions

object article substance category elaborate complex

refined ambitious ambitiously original primitive initial

elementary initially attendance assistance rescue defense

assist put aside put across put forth put off

1. His shyness is the result of an inferiority ______.

2. ______ education is compulsory in almost every country in the world.

3. When people say unkind things about her husband, she jumped to his ______.

4. Well, I am ______. I do hope that my career in secretary will lead me eventually into


5. Museum ______ in the city have been increasing in recent years.

6. For example, the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada is not included in the tallest building ______

because it is a communication tower.

7. This point is self-evident and needs no ______.

8. Partnerships between public and private organizations aim to ______ with everything from

securing financing to writing a business plan.

9. Uniforms also give rise to some practical problems. Though they are long-lasting, often their

______ expense is greater than the cost of civilian clothes.

10. Festival organizers asked visitors to ______ their worries and laugh, cry, clap, dance and hug.

11. But, apart from his affiliations with the FBI, Disney was more or less the genuine ______. He

was very definitely on the side of ordinary Americans.

12. People thinking about the ______ of language for the first time usually arrive at the conclusion

that it developed gradually as a system of grunts, hisses and cries and must have been a very

simple affair in the beginning.

13. The rise of E-business also ______ higher requirements for new generation network

forbiddance system.

14. We treat our children as ______ whose appearance and achievements are something we can be

proud of, rather than serve their best interests.

15. Let us ______ personal advantage so that we can feel the pain and see the promise of America.

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