




1. absorb---be absorbed in sth/doing sth

=be buried in doing sth.

=be engaged in doing sth.(忙于做某事)

Engaged in his study, he has little time to play.

2. achieve---achievement(n)

achieve great success/ high marks

3. acknowledge

It’s acknowledged that…(大家都承认……)

It’s acknowledged that we are supposed to protect our


4. affect---influence(v)

Nothing should affect the relationship between friends.

5. afford---- afford to do sth.

We can not afford to ignore the significance of working hard.承担得起(后果)

With the development of economy, many families can afford

to buy a car.(支付得起)

6. appreciate: ①enjoy: appreciate your life

②thank: We are supposed to appreciate others help.

7. attach: attach great significance to sth.

8. cater: cater to sth/ sb.(迎合、满足)

cater to one’s needs

9. compensate:~for (弥补)

We are always supposed to compensate for the wrong we

did before.

10. contribute: ~to (有助于、促成)

What we are doing now will contribute to our future.

11. convey: ~a symbolic meaning of…

12. count: Every minute counts (有重要性)

It’s the thought that counts.

13. deny: No one can deny the fact that…(否认)

14. devote: devote…to…

①投身于、致力于: We should devote our hearts to our study.

②把……用于: 代替spend time (in) doing sth.

15. overcome: ~difficulty

16. polish: ~up one’s competence in sth.

17. promote: 促进、推进promote economic growth

18. advocate: ~doing sth. (提倡做……)

~leading a green life

19. rid: rid sb. of sth.(帮人摆脱……)

get rid of sth.(处理)

20. underline=stress=emphasize (v)

~the significance of sth.

21. wander: My mind often wanders when I have a class.

22. subscribe: ~to: Many people ~~the view that…

23. submit: ~to: Never should we submit to any difficulty.

24. addict: be addicted to: (可用非谓语动词用法)

Addicted to computer games for a long time, you will lose

appetite for study. Adj.:

1. abundant=enough=sufficient

be abundant in sth. While we are abundant in water, wh have

limited fresh water. 2. accustomed: be accustomed to sth.= be

used to sth. (可用非谓语动词用法)

Accustomed to leading a luxurious life, we are unwilling to

work hard.

3. ambiguous: There is nothing ambiguous that…

4. appropriate=proper: It’s ~for sb. to do sth. (反义词inappropriate)

5. available: be ~for sb.(可获得的)

6. bound: be bound to do sth.(注定会、一定会)

Work hard, and you are bound to succeed.

7. brand: a brand new future

8. capable: be capable of doing sth. (有能力做……)

9. challenging(代替difficult/ tough)

It’s a challenging task.

10. concerned: be ~about

Our parents are always concerned about us wherever we are.

11. considerate: (体贴人的、关心人的)

He is a ~person.

12. conventional=traditional

13. curious: be ~about You are supposed to be curious

about everything in the world.

14. desperate: be ~to do/ be ~for sth.= be eager/dying to

do sth/for sth. (渴望……)

15. dynamic=energetic (充满活力的…..)

The young should be dynamic all the time.

16. fundamental= important=vital=significant

17. harmonious: We are supposed to build up a ~society.

18. essential(代替necessary)

It’s ~for us to take measures to solve the problem.

19. outstanding=excellent: ~performance

20. potential: (潜在的、可能的) ~problems

21. loyal: be loyal to (忠诚于……)

We should be always loyal to our dreams.

22. conscious: be conscious/ aware of sth.

be conscious/ aware that…

23. thorough=complete: have a ~understanding of sth.

24. tremendous= huge: ~pressure


1. appetite: have an appetite for sth.(对……有强烈欲望)

She always has a strong appetite for study.

2. competence:=ability: have competence in doing sth.

3. cooperation: team ~(团队合作)

4. difficulty: have difficulty/ trouble (in) doing sth.

5. effect: have an effect/influence/impact on sb./sth.

6. difference: make a difference(有影响、起作用)

Computer makes a big difference in our development.

7. account: ①take sth. into ~/ take it into ~that…(考虑……)

②account for (是……的说明或原因)

Sth. may account for the phenomenon.

8. approach: (方法、途径) We must find a proper ~to the


9. circumstance: under no circumstances/ by no means/ on

no account/ in no case/

in no way/ at no time (绝不)

Under no circumstances should we waste our time in playing


10. gesture: in a ~to do sth.=in order to do sth.

11. effort: ①in an effort to do sth.(为了努力做……)

In an ~to protect our environment, our government has

taken a lot of measures.

②spare no effort to do sth.(不遗余力做某事)

12. occupation 代替job

13. outcome 代替result

14. phenomenon(单数)-----phenomena(复数)

15. prejudice: have ~for (对……有歧视)

We are not supposed to have ~for those who are disabled.

16. academic burden代替study pressure

17. priority:(首要之事) Considering the severe fact of …, the

top priority of sb. is to do sth.

18. profit: make a profit (赚取利润、得到好处)

Never should we make a profit at the cost of destroying the


19. vain: in ~(白费力气、徒劳无功) …, our efforts will be in



approximately (大约)




about=regarding= concerning


Some useful phrases:

1. make sense: (行得通、有意义) What we do makes sense.

2. develop a habit of…

3. be addicted to= be drunk with(沉溺于……) (能否用非谓语动词用法?)

4. take sth. for granted/ take it for granted that… (认为……是理所当然的)

Many young people take it for granted that their parents

should help them do everything.

5. lay great emphasis on sth. (重视……)

6. have no alternative but to acknowledge sth.(别无选择只有承认……)

7. have access to sth.(有使用或见到……的权利)

Students must have access to good resources.(学生必须有好


8. when it comes to sth. (当提到……)

When it comes to money, many people show great interest

in it.

9. may as well do sth.(不妨做某事)

You may as well take the following measures when you come

across the problem.

10. raise public awareness of sth.

Sentence patterns:

1. Nothing is more important than …没有什么比。。。更重要

2. sb./sth. is the +最高级+(n.) that I have ever met/ seen/

known. 。。。


3. We can not/ never emphasize the importance of (doing)sth … too much.

We can never attach too much importance to(doing)sth ….


4. Only when we 。。。。。can we…. 只有当我们。。。时候,我们才能。。。。。

Eg。Only when we devote ourselves to study can we achieve

great success.


Only when we have a healthy body can we do what we want.


5. As the saying goes 正如谚语所说

There is a saying that goes,

As a proverb says,

Eg。As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way.


There is a saying that goes, “failure is the mother of success.”


As a proverb says, no pains, no gains.


6. It is widely acknowledged that … 众所公认,

7. It is obvious/ apparent/ clear that … 显而易见

…, whic h is obvious. 。。。是显而易见的。

8. Why ……….? The reasons are not far to seek. / The reasons

are as follows.

To start with,……… Furthermore, …………. Last but not

least, ………


9. When(ever) it comes to…每当谈论到/涉及到…

10. Doing sth/ To do sth is by no means an easy thing. 做什么事绝不是件容易的事。

11. There is no denying that….不可否认的…

We can not deny the fact that…..

12. There is no doubt that…毫无疑问…

13. By doing sth, we can … 通过做什么,我们能…

14. sb do/does feel/think…某人的确认为…

15. The more……the more……(越……越……)

16. Compared with A , B……(与A比较,B……)

17. be of benefit to/ beneficial to/ make for/ contribute to/

do good to (对……有好处)

18. It is a pity that ……(形式主语it)(很遗憾…….)

19. The reason why……is that……(……的原因是……)

20. A is to B what C is to D(A对于B就像C对于D)

21. take it for granted that……认为。。。是理所当然的

22. Hardly/ Scarcely/ Barely had + 主语+其他。。when… 一。。就

No sooner had +主语+其他…than.. 刚一…就…

23. Those who… 那些。。。的人

24. There is no one but longs to go to college.没有人不渴望上大学

25. So/ Such…that…如此。。。以致。。。(倒装

26. …,as is often the case。。。。经常/通常是这样

27. 观点性文章的固定模板

Opinions are divided on this matter/ issue. 60% of the

students are against it, thinking that…….. The reasons are as plain

as the nose on your face. For one thing,…… For

anot her thing……在这个问题上人们的观点不同。有60%学生反对,他们认为。。。理由再清楚不过了。一方面。。。,另一方面。。。

However, 40% of them are in favour of it, holding the view

that….. On the one hand, ….. On the other hand, .. .然而40%的人支持,他们认为。。。。一方面。。。,另一方面。。。. .

As far as I’m concerned, I do believe …… Firstly, secondly,

Last but not least, …As the saying goes,……….就我而言,我确信…..

首先,…….其次……,最后但同样重要的是……… 正如谚语所说………

28. We have reasons to believe that 我们有理由相信

29. play a more and more important role 起越来越重要的作用

30. It goes without saying that 不用说, 毫无疑问

31. Among +n , I like …… in particular. 在……之中, 我尤其喜欢。。。

32.It can be easily proved that….. …..很容易被证明

33.As sb. has / have pointed out, ……..is becoming worse

and worse


34.主句, in which case+从句在。。。的情况下

35.we have a long way to go in doing sth。在…….我们还有

很长的路要走It is sb’s duty/responsibility/ to do 做……是某人的责任

36. It is estimated/ reported / believed that ……据估计/ 据报道/ 人们相信

37. It is (high)time that sb should do sth 到了某人该做某事的时候

38. There is no point in doing sth 做某事毫无意义

What we should do urgently is that ……我们迫切要做的事应该是…….

39. One thing I know for sure is that 我肯定的一件事是…

40. 。。。,which will no doubt be beneficial to 。。。这一点毫无疑问对…有益

41. as 引导倒装的让步状语从句

Eg。Young as he is , he has won so much respect from the

people around.


42. 省略if 的倒装的虚拟语气

Eg Had I seen the film, I would have told it to you.


Were it to rain tomorrow, we would put off the sports



Should you come here tomorrow, I would treat you a film.


43. Nothing in the world can delight me so much as doing


Eg Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having

hamburgers in fast-food restaurants. 世上没有什么比到快餐店吃汉堡更令我高兴。

44.In a gesture to do sth. , there are at least three things we

can do every day.

Eg In a gesture to keep healthy, there are at least three things

we can do every day.


45. Despite many obvious advantages of sth. , it is not

without its problem.

Eg. Despite many obvious advantages of bicycle, it is not

without its problem.


46. A large number of people tend to live under the illusion

that …… Obviously, they seem to fail to take into account the

basic fact that ……许多人存在这样的误解,…. 显然,他们忽视了这一基本事实。

47. It is hard to imagine ……很难想象

48. There is a growing tendency for sb. to do 做。。。的人正成为增加的趋势

49.An advantage of (doing)sth is that 。。。的优点是。。。

50. On no account/ Under no circumstances can we 我们绝对不能

51. Sth alone is not enough to do ….单靠什么是不足已…

52. Sth is/are a good start towards a better future.


53. As a matter of fact, it is counts. 事实上?。。。才是最重要。

54. That is to say, …= That is, …= Namely, …那就是(说)…;亦即…

55. On the contrary, 相反

56. In other words,换言之?

57. What is more serious is that ……. 更严重的是?

58. If one can really put the three points into action(practice),


59. For these reasons, I think that。。。。。由于这些理由?我认为

60. We can, therefore, come to the conclusion that。。。。。


61. In conclusion, 。。。。。总而言之

62. If we can do as mentioned above, there is no doubt




63. Therefore, we should realize that。。。。所以?我们应该意识到


1. Considering the severe fact of global warming, the top

priority of all nations is to reduce CO2 emission and use

renewable energy. (环保)

2. Success is not that easy to get. You have to be patient

enough to wait; you have to be smart enough to learn, and you

have to be brave enough to challenge yourself. But one thing is

certain, you have to be loyal to your dream and try your best.


3. What counts is not what you say but what you do. (行动)

What we say should correspond to what we do. (言行一致)

4. I would appreciate it very much if you can take my advice

into consideration/account. 感激

5. It’s high time that the government should take effective

measures to stop such things from happening again. (措施)

6. Just as the old saying goes, diligence leads to success while

laziness results in failure.

As a proverb goes, “Where there is a will,there is a


7. There are several reasons accounting for the phenomenon

reflected in the picture. (现象)

8. 人们普遍认为知识能改变命运。

It is universally acknowledged that knowledge can change

one’s own fate. (观点)

9. Compared with A,B....To begin with,… in the second

place,… last but not least,…Compared with cars,bicycles have

several advantages besides being affordable.(比较)

what has been mentioned above,we can come to the

conclusion that examination is necessary,however its method

should be improved. (结论)

11. Pressure cannot be avoided. What counts is how to deal

with it properly, and above all, how

to turn it into pleasure or challenge. Only in this way can you

get rid of pressure. (压力)12. Living in an environment full of

fierce competition, we, a generation born in the 90s, are

faced with more problems in entering higher schools and

getting employed. …They worry we care too much about

ourselves and are unwilling to cooperate with others, which

makes it hard for us to achieve success in whatever we do.

Besides, they consider us as lacking in perseverance

(determination), and this is what it takes to do any job well.

Without it, we may easily give up in time of difficulty. They are

also concerned that we are so eager to win instant fame that we

follow fashion blindly, which in turn will ruin our values and future.(竞争心态)13. In my view, the following might the first

place, why not promote the public’s

awareness of preserving the public places through various

activities concerning morality?

Secondly,… In addition,…On top of that,…(措施)

14. Living in a ever increasingly fast-paced world, we are

faced with greater competition, so

we must take advantage of every opportunity to develop

ourselves. (竞争)

15. Under the environment of fierce competition, the only

way we can imagine to handle stress

is to get tougher by making greater efforts. (竞争)

16. We are supposed to be cautious about what we say

because careless remarks are likely to

hurt others’ feelings. (人际关系)

17. What we do should always live up to the expectation of

our parents. (人际关系)

18. Ego has an enormous appetite, the more you feed it, the

hungrier it gets. (句型)

Future lies in our hands, the better we treat our earth, the

brighter our future will be.

19. Attitude is a mental state relative to what we believe and

affects our entire lives. (态度)

20. I am convinced that a kind of harmonious society is

approaching. (观点)

21. We should keep it in mind that …is to us what water is to

fish. As long as we put into it, our

efforts will pay off one day.

22. Faced with …, we might as well choose a green traveling


23. More than a few people subscribe to the view that…(同位语从句)

24. We are supposed to polish up our competence in study.

25. Supposing (If ) we don’t take any effective measures to

improve the situation, what a terrible

consequence will be is more than we can imagine. (能否联系虚拟条件从句)

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