

Book 2 Unit 5

Section A: Spend or Save- The Student’s Dilemma

New words



make sb. think and behave exactly as you want them to, by skillfully

deceiving or influencing them 操纵,控制(某人的思想和行为)

You have the constant feeling you are being manipulated by advertisements.


He was one of those men who like to manipulate people. 他是那种喜欢操纵人的男人。



1 happen in a way that is different from what usu. happens or what you

expect 违反

This celebration of Thanksgiving defies tradition. 这个感恩节庆典仪式没有遵循传统。

people who openly defy the law 公然以身试法的人

children openly defying their teachers 公然违抗他们老师的孩子

2 refuse to obey sb. or sth. 违抗;不服从

Despite the strike vote, a few workers have defied the majority decision

and returned to work. 尽管经过了罢工表决,几个工人还是不顾大多数人的决定,回去上班了。



disagree and cannot both be true in two statements, two pieces of evidence,

two stories, etc. 与…抵触;与…矛盾;违背

The article flatly contradicts their claims. 这篇文章与他们的主张截然相反。

Deborah opened her mouth to contradict her mother’s instructions to clean

her room, but then she quickly closed it again. 黛博拉张开嘴想她妈妈要她打扫房间的指示予以反抗,但随即又闭上了。

Dad just can’t bear to be contradicted. 爸爸只是不能忍受被反驳。



[C, U] a difficult time when there is less trade, business activity, etc.

in a country than usual (经济)衰退,萧条

There is a deep recession in the UK. 英国陷入了严重的经济衰退。

the economic recession of the early 1980s 20世纪80年代初的经济衰退




very great, bad (problems, situation or worries) 严重的;重大的;严峻的

The report expressed grave concern over the technicians’ lack of training.


Matthew’s life is in grave danger. 马修的生活处于严重的危险之中。

I have grave doubts about his ability. 我对他的能力表示极大的怀疑。


[C] the place in the ground where a dead body is buried 坟墓;墓穴

At the head of the grave, there was a small wooden cross. 墓穴上端有一个小的木制十字架。



extremely unkind and unpleasant (behavior or remarks) 不友善的;不好的;恶毒的

Many drivers think that most passengers are very pleasant, although

occasionally they can be nasty. 很多司机认为,虽然偶然会有一些乘客不太友善,但大部分的乘客都很和蔼友好。

This girl appears very sweet, but be careful, there’s a nasty side in

her character. 那个女孩看上去很甜,可是要小心,她的性格中有不友善的一面。



[C] the way your voice sounds, which shows how you are feeling or what

you mean (说话的)语气,口气,腔调

“You must be Annie,” he said in a friendly tone. 他以友好的语气说道:“你一定是安妮。”

There was urgency in his tone. 他的语气中有一种急切感。

Her tone was sharp with anger. 她的语气尖刻,带着气愤。

It was obvious from her tone of voice that she didn’t like me. 从她的语气判断,很明显她不喜欢我。



(fml.) start doing sth. again after stopping or being interrupted, or an

activity or process starts again after a pause (中断之后)继续,重新开始

She hopes to resume her career after the baby is born. 她希望生完孩子后继续工作

The rebels have resumed hostilities against government troops. 叛乱分子继续与政府军为敌。

He will resume training as soon as his injury has healed. 伤势一有好转,2


Peace talks will resume tomorrow. 和平谈判明天重新启动。



[C, U] a description of sth. using words or pictures 描写;描述;描绘

The painter’s depictions of the horror of war won her a worldwide

reputation. 那位画家对战争的恐怖所进行的描绘让她享誉全球。

I disapprove of the depiction of violence on television. 我不赞成在电视上表现暴力。


n. [C]

1 a big difference between two situations, amounts, and groups of people,

etc. 差距;差额;差别

On television, we can see many demonstrations against the ever-growing

gap between the “super rich” and the “struggling middleclass”. 我们在电视上可以看到许多示威活动,抗议“超级富豪”和“挣扎的中产阶级”之间的差距越来越大。

the widening gap between the rich and the poor 贫富之间越来越大的差距

2 a space between two objects or two parts of an object, esp. because sth.

is missing 缺口;开口;裂缝

The neighbors’ dog got into our yard through a gap in the fence. 邻居的狗从篱笆的缺口钻进了我们的院子。



[C] a situation that seems strange because it involves two ideas or

qualities that are very different 自相矛盾(的情况)



[pl.] (at ~ with) if things are at odds with each other, they are different

or opposite when they should be the same (与某物)不一致,相矛盾

Her version of the events was at odds with the police report. 她对事件的说法跟警方的报告不一致。



[C] a way of thinking about sth. (思考问题的)角度,观点,想法

His father's death gave him a whole new perspective on life. 父亲的离世让他对生活有了全新的看法。

The novel is written from a child’s perspective. 这部小说是从一个孩子的角度写的。




1 always behaving in an honest way 正直的;诚实的

He was a good, honest and upright man. 他是一位诚实、正直的好人。

2 standing or sitting straight up 垂直的;笔直的

Katie was still awake, sitting upright staring at the television. 凯蒂还醒着,笔挺地坐在那里,盯着电视看。

The chimpanzee stood upright and grasped the bars of its cage. 黑猩猩抓住笼子的铁栅直直地站着。



advise sb. very strongly about what action or attitude they should take


The charity urged everyone involved to take quick action. 该慈善机构敦促每个相关的人迅速采取行动。

I got a note from Moira urging me to get in touch with her. 我收到莫伊拉的一封短信,要我与她保持联系。

I have urged him to keep this information secret. 我要他对这个信息保密。



1 officially stop sth. from continuing, esp. for a short time 暂停;中止

The charity urged everyone involved to take quick action. 该慈善机构敦促每个相关的人迅速采取行动。

Talks between the two countries have now been suspended. 两国间的对话现已中止。

2 make sb. leave their school or job for a short time, esp. because they

have broken the rules (尤指因违规)使…暂时停学(停职)

Dave was suspended from school for a week. 戴夫被停学一个星期。

The two police officers have been suspended until an enquiry is carried

out. 那两名警察被暂时停职。



1 [C] a desire or liking for a particular activity 欲望;爱好

She has an amazing appetite for knowledge. 她有极强的求知欲。

People seem to have an insatiable appetite (= always wanting more of

something) for news of any kind. 人们对任何一种新闻都好像有永不满足的欲望。

2 [C, usu. sing., U] a desire for food 胃口;食欲

She has an amazing appetite for knowledge. 她有极强的求知欲。

Her husband always had a huge appetite for meat. 她的丈夫对肉总是有很大的胃口。




change one’s appearance so that people cannot recognize him 装扮;假扮

Disguised as a priest, the refugee escaped across the border. 假扮成神父的模样,这个难民越境逃走了。

The proposal is a thinly disguised effort to revive price controls of the

1970s. 该提案一眼就可以看出是想恢复20世纪70年代的价格管制。



1 go into a place in large numbers, esp. when you are not wanted (尤指不受欢迎地)大量涌入,蜂拥而至

Every summer, the quiet seaside town is invaded by tourists. 每年夏天,这个安静的海边小镇都有大量游客涌入。

Fans invaded the playing field at half time. 球迷在中场休息时涌入了球场。

The rock singer was so popular that fans invaded his stage during almost

every one of his shows. 这位摇滚歌手是如此受欢迎,以致在他表演每个节目时,歌迷们几乎都会涌上舞台。

2 enter a country, town, or area using military force, in order to take

control of it 武力入侵;侵略;侵占

The Romans invaded Britain 2,000 years ago. 两千年前,古罗马人入侵了英国。



[sing.] the most that can be done 极度;极限;最大可能

Both runners had pushed themselves physically and psychologically to the

utmost. 两个赛跑运动员从体力上和心理上都尽了最大的努力。



[C, U] a breakfast food made from grain and usu. eaten with milk (通常与牛奶一起吃、作为早餐的)谷类食品



[C] a holiday on a large ship 乘船度假



[C, U] a situation in which there is not enough of sth. that people need



You may go ahead with the project; there is no shortage of funds. 你们可以继续进行这个项目,资金并不缺乏。



make a relationship, idea, etc. stronger or more certain 加强,巩固(关系、看法等)

Our union leaders want to cement a good working relationship between the

government and labor unions. 我们的工会领导想加强政府和工会之间良好的工作关系。

Nothing cements a friendship between countries as much as successful trade.


At the company’s celebration, new friendships were made and old ones were

cemented. 在公司的庆祝会上建立了新的友谊,也巩固了旧的关系。


[U] 水泥



receive or obtain sth. from sth. else (从某物中)得到,获得

Medically, we will derive great benefit from this new technique. 从医学的角度来讲,我们将从这一新技术中受益匪浅。

Many students derived enormous satisfaction from the introduction to art

course. 许多学生从这门艺术入门课程中得到了巨大的满足。


develop or come from sth. else 源自;源于

Many words in the English language are derived from Latin. 英语中的很多词来源于拉丁文。

These defensive behavior patterns derive from our subconscious fears. 这些防御行为模式源自于我们潜意识的恐惧。



give a person or other living thing the food and other substances they

need in order to live, grow, and stay healthy 滋养;给…营养

The cream contains vitamin A to nourish the skin. 这种护肤霜含滋养皮肤的维生素A。

Children need plenty of good fresh food to nourish them well. 孩子们需要大量的新鲜食物来很好地滋养他们。



small, but arranged so that everything fits neatly into the space

available 小而紧凑的


The students’ rooms were compact, with a desk, bed, and a built-in closet.




expressed in a way that is very clear and direct 清楚明确的;直截了当的

When you write instructions, you've got to be direct and explicit to make

everything rightly understood. 写说明书时必须清楚明确,一目了然。

The kidnappers gave us explicit instructions not to involve the police.

者给我们发出明确指令, 不许报警。

Always try to be explicit when you talk about money with your family. 与家人谈到金钱时,要尽量直截了当。



repeat an idea or opinion because you agree with it 附和(别人的观点)

Lily and Lucy are twins, and their views often echo each other. 莉莉和露西是一对双胞胎,她们的意见常互相呼应。

The article echoed the NRA’s arguments against gun control. 这篇文章附和了美国全国步协会反对支管控的观点。


if a sound echoes, you hear it again because it was made near sth. such

as a wall or hill (声音)回响;发出回声

Though she has been dead, her sweet, soothing love songs still echo in

Chinese restaurants, shops and taxis worldwide. 虽然她已去世,她那甜美、舒缓的情歌仍然回荡在世界各地的中国餐馆、商店和出租车上。

The sound of an engine echoed back from the thick forest. 茂密的森林里传来引擎的回声。


1 [C] an amount of sth. that you keep so that you can use it when you need

it 储备;储备物

He keeps a stock of medicines in the cupboard. 他在柜子里存了一些药品。

The country has been building up its stock of weapons. 这个国家一直在增加武器储备。

It is now halfway through winter and food stocks are already low. 现在冬天才过了一半,可粮食库存已经不多了。

2 [C, usu. pl.] one of the equal parts into which the value of a company

is divided 股份

They own 20% of the company’s stock. 他们拥有该公司20%的股份。

the trading of stocks and shares 股份和股票交易




throw or drop over a wide area in an irregular way 撒

The flowers fell and scattered on the ground. 这些花掉下来,撒了一地。

Scatter the onions over the fish. 把洋葱撒在鱼上面。



spread over a large area 散布的;分散的

The sky is fascinating with scattered stars. 天空中繁星点点,令人惊异。

Broken glass lay scattered over the floor. 碎玻璃散了一地。

There will be some scattered showers (= short periods of rain) in the

afternoon. 下午将有零星阵雨。

a widely scattered set of islands 分布广泛的岛屿



keep sth. or continue to have sth. 保留;保有;继续拥有

You have the right to retain the goods you bought. 你有权保留你买的这些物品。

To protect public health, the state wants to retain control over food

imports. 为了保护公共健康,这个州想保留对食品进口的控制权。



[U] a feeling of being comfortable, healthy and happy 舒适,健康,幸福

Our health and well-being are determined by numerous daily factors. 我们的健康和福祉是由众多的日常因素决定的。


n. [C]

1 a quality you need to achieve sth. (完成某事的)要素,因素

Investment in new product development is an essential ingredient of

corporate success. 注入资金进行新产品的开发是公司成功的重要因素。

John has all the ingredients of a great player. 约翰具备了一个优秀运动员的所有素质。

2 one of the foods that you use to make a particular food or dish (烹调用的)成分,原料

The food is home-cooked and only fresh ingredients were used. 食物是自制的,只使用了新鲜的食材。

Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl. 把所有原料都放在一个大碗里。

The basic ingredients for concrete are cement, sand and water. 混凝土的基本成分是水泥、沙子和水。




make it difficult for sth. to develop or succeed 阻碍;妨碍;阻止

People are very frustrated that these new policies will hinder rather than

help families. 人们感到十分沮丧,这些新政策将阻碍而不是帮助家庭。

Succeeding in his athlete career has been hindered by a severe injury to

his back. 他背部严重的伤势阻碍了他运动员生涯的成功。

Most of the students are able to consult English dictionaries when they

see unknown words. 大部分学生看到生词都能够查阅英文字典。



(also ~ with) ask for information or advice from sb. who has special

knowledge about a particular subject 咨询;请教

If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay. 如果症状持续的话,马上咨询医生。


n. [C, U]

1 help in the form of ideas, advice, or information, used in a process

or in making a decision (想法、建议或信息的)投入,输入

You should spend most of your time on reading and listening, because input

is the most important way to develop your vocabulary. 你应该花大部分的时间在阅读和听力上,因为输入是扩大你词汇量的最重要的方式。

Farmers contributed most of the input for the survey. 农民为这份调查问卷贡献了大部分的意见。

2 information that is put into a computer (输入计算机的)信息,数据输入

It is the job of a computer programmer to provide the computing system

with all the input of the needed data. 计算机程序员的工作是给计算系统提供所需数据的信息。



[C] a choice you can make in a particular situation 选择;可选择的东西

This was not the only option open to him. 这并非他的唯一选择。

There are a number of options available. 有多种选择。



1 [U] the process of being responsible for managing a business,

organization, or institution 经营过程;管理过程

Health service spends too much on administration. 医疗服务部门在行政方面花费太多。

We’re looking for someone with experience in administration for our toy

manufacturing company. 我们正在为我们的玩具制造公司寻一个有管理经验的人。


2 [C] the government of a country at a particular time (某一时期的)政府

The public welfare problems began under the Reagan Administration but have

been ignored by successive administrations. 公共福利方面的问题从里根政府开始出现,但一直被后来的各届政府所忽视。

the Kennedy Administration 肯尼迪政府



[C] the opinion that you have about yourself 自我;自我意识

The public welfare problems began under the Reagan Administration but have

been ignored by successive administrations. 公共福利方面的问题从里根政府开始出现,但一直被后来的各届政府所忽视。

Richard has the biggest ego (= thinks he is very clever and important)

of anyone I’ve ever met. 理查德是我所见过的最自负的人。

I thought I was well prepared but still received a low grade on my exam.

Now I need someone to massage my “bruised” ego (= when you feel less

confident than before). 我以为我准备得很好,可考试还是得了低分。现在我需要有人来安慰我受伤的自尊心。



very important and needing to be dealt with immediately 紧急的;急迫的;需迅速处理的

An urgent message from my family told me to come home right away. 我家人给我捎来急信,让我马上回家。

After the two cars collided, the drivers were in urgent need of medical

attention. 这两辆车相撞后,司机们迫切需要医疗救护。

The report called for urgent action to eliminate lead in petrol. 报告呼吁迅速采取行动,消除汽油中的含铅量。




The soldiers were urgently in need of food and medical supplies. Otherwise,

they could only resist for two days. 士兵们迫切需要食物和医疗用品。否则,他们只能抵抗两天。



try to deal with a difficult problem 处理,对付(难题)

The fire was so huge that it took 12 fire engines to tackle the blaze.


There is usually more than one way to tackle a problem. 解决一个问题的方法通常不止一个。




1 (only before noun) concerned with or relating to the law 法律的;与法律有关的

the legal system 法律体系

a long legal battle 漫长的法律争讼

2 allowed, ordered, or approved by law 法律允许的;合法的;法律规定的

What the company has done is perfectly legal. 公司所做的一切是完全合法的。

In many European countries, carrying an identity card is a legal

requirement. 在许多欧洲国家,携带身份证是法律所要求的。

When the police stopped him in his car, he had twice the legal limit of

alcohol in his bloodstream. 当警察拦住了他的车时,他血液中的酒精含量是法定限度的两倍。



having a lot of waves and being not smooth to sail on 波浪起伏的;波浪滔滔的

The small boat bobbed about on the choppy water. 小船在波浪起伏的水面上颠簸。

Phrases and expressions

refer to

mention or speak about sb. or sth. 提到;谈到

Although she didn't mention any names, everyone knew who she was reffering

to. 尽管她没有提到任何人的名字,但大家都知道她指的是谁。

do one’s utmost

try as hard as possible 竭尽全力(做某事)

Beth was certain that she could rely on Tom in an emergency because he

would do his utmost to help her. 贝丝肯定在紧急情况下她可以依靠汤姆,因为他会竭尽全力帮助她。

no shortage of

no lacking 不缺少;不缺乏

There's no shortage of ideas when it comes to improving the education of

children. 说到改善儿童教育,并不缺乏想法。

derive sth. from sth.

get sth., esp. an advantage or a pleasant feeling, from sth. 得到,获得(优势或愉快的感受)

Many words in the English language are derived from Latin. 英语中的很多词来源于拉丁文。


put off

delay doing sth. or arrange to do sth. at a later time or date, esp. because

there is a problem or you do not want to do it now 推迟某事;使某事延期

Women who put off having a baby often make the best mothers. 推迟要孩子的妇女经常是最好的母亲。

The association has put the event off until October. 该协会已经把活动推迟到10月份。

take in

understand and remember new facts and information 领会;理解;记住

It was an interesting exhibition, but there was too much to take in all

at once. 这是一个有趣的展览,但要一下子记住所有的东西太多了。

take stock (of sth.)

think carefully about the things that have happened in a situation in order

to decide what to do next (对形势)作出估计(判断)

We had to take stock of our position before we could decide what to do

next. 我们在决定下一步做什么之前,必须对我们的处境作出判断。

While he was in the hospital, Jeremy took stock of his life. 住院期间,杰里米对自己的生活进行了反思。

consult with sb.

discuss sth. with sb. 与某人商量

The policy not to consult with employees of a particular grade runs

contrary to good industrial practices. 不能与某一等级的员工进行磋商的政策,与良好的劳资关系背道而驰。

on track

in a situation that is likely to lead to success 在(可能通向成功的)轨迹上

Everything is running according to our plan, so we're still on track for

10% growth. 一切都在按照我们的计划进行,所以我们仍有可能达到10%的增长率。

get into trouble

be in a situation with a lot of problems 处于困境

get in one’s way

block a road or one’s path so that they can’t move forward easily 挡着某人的路


Section B: A $3,000 Dictionary

New words



[C] (BrE catalogue) a complete list of things that you can look at, buy,

or use, e.g. in a library or at an art show 商品目录;购物指南

Many people buy clothes and shoes from online or mail order catalogs, but

I prefer traditional stores. 很多人从网上或通过邮购商品目录买衣服和鞋子,但我更喜欢传统的商店。

an online catalog 网上购物指南

This catalog contains a choice of over 220 products from 29 countries.




[C] a part of sth. that you notice because it seems important, interesting,

or typical 特点;特征;特

Striped tails are a common feature of many animals. 尾巴上有条纹是很多动物的共同特征。

Air bags are a standard feature in new cars. 气囊是新车的标准配置。

An important feature of Van Gogh’s paintings is their bright colors. 凡高的油画作品的一个重要特是彩鲜亮。

The hotel’s only redeeming features (= things that make it acceptable)

were that it was cheap and near the city center. 这家酒店唯一可取之处就是便宜并且靠近市中心。



(often passive) give sb. the official right to do or have sth. 给(某人)权利;(某人)有资格

Full-time employees are entitled to health insurance. 全职雇员有资格享受医疗保险。

They are entitled to first class travel. 他们有权享受一流的旅行。

If you fail the exam three times, you are not entitled to try passing it

any more. 如果你三次考试都不及格,你就没有资格再尝试通过考试了。

There are 23 Clubs throughout the U.S., and your membership entitles you

to enjoy all of them. 在美国各地有23个俱乐部,您的会员资格让你有权享受它们中的任何一个。



(also ~ out) search or examine a place, area or situation to get


information about it 侦查;搜索

American companies are keen to scout out business opportunities in Vietnam.




officially make a statement, give an order, warning, etc. 发表(声明);颁布,发出(命令、警告等)

Silva issued a statement denying any knowledge of the affair. 西尔瓦发表声明,宣称对此事一无所知。

A warning issued by the Surgeon General prompted many Americans into

giving up cigarettes. 卫生局局长发出的警告促使许多美国人放弃了抽烟。


[C] a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, esp.

a social or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people


In many countries, abortion is a highly controversial issue. 在许多国家,堕胎是一个很有争议的话题。

One of the key issues which are being addressed by the union is to give

employees more paid vacation days than they currently have. 工会提出的关键议题之一是要给员工比目前的带薪休假更多的天数。



pass sth. through a filter to remove particular things contained in it


The ozone layer filters harmful UV rays from the sun. 臭氧层过滤阳光中有害的紫外线。

In order for the exotic fish in the aquarium to stay healthy, the water

in the tank is constantly filtered. 为了使鱼缸里这些外国的奇异鱼类保持健康,鱼缸里的水在不断过滤。



[C] (mainly journalism) an attempt to find out the truth about an issue,

problem, or accident, made by an official group or by a newspaper, TV,

etc. 探索;探查;调查

The police are working on a probe into the cause of the fire. 警方正在对火灾的原因进行调查。

During their official probe, the reporters found proof of bad moral

practices within the company. 在正式调查期间,记者们发现了那家公司内部道德行径败坏的证明。




used to emphasize that sth. is very heavy, large, etc. (某物)之重/之大等(用于强调)

The sheer size of the country makes achieving good communications an

important goal. 该国幅员辽阔,所以建立良好的通讯是其重要的目标。



[C] a short description that gives important details about a person, a

group of people, or a place 人物简介;(某地方的)概况

Workers and managers have made a lot of improvements to change the profile

of their company. 工人和管理人员对改变公司的形象已作出了很大的改进。

My job profile is very plain because, so far, I’ve only had one job at

a fast food restaurant. 我的工作简历很简单,因为到目前为止我只在一家快餐店工作过。



give a plan, piece of writing, etc. to sb. in authority for them to consider

or approve 呈交,递交,呈递(计划等)

All applications must be submitted by Monday. 所有申请必须在星期一之前递交。

From the newspaper report, we know that South Africa has submitted an

application to host the World Cup. 我们从报纸的报导得知,南非已递交申办世界杯的申请。



[C] a big company, or a group of companies acting together as a single

organization 大型公司;大企业;企业集团

One of the important elements of today’s global economy is large

multinational corporations. 现今全球经济的重要元素之一是大型跨国公司。

He works for a large American corporation. 他在一家美国大公司工作。

The Siemens Corporation is a large German business. 西门子公司是德国的一家大型企业。



[C] one of a series of regular payments that you make until you have paid

all the money you owe 分期付款的一期

Bank of China offers installment payment service for car buyers. 中国银行为购车者提供分期付款服务。

They let me pay for the washing machine by monthly installments. 他们让我按月分期支付洗衣机的欠款。




1 (infml.) dull and disappointing 平淡的;枯燥乏味的

I wanted a more exciting job, and I thought that teaching was too tame

for me. 我想要一个更令人兴奋的工作,我认为教书太平淡了。

This was a tame film compared with those she had made previously. 与她以前制作的影片相比,这是一部很乏味的电影。

2 (animals or birds) no longer wild but calm and staying near people

because of being trained (动物)驯化的,(由人)驯养的

The deer never became tame; they would run away if you approached them.


In India, tame elephants are used for transportation. 在印度,驯服的大象用于运输。



[C] a chemical substance in food that is necessary for good health 维生素;维他命



(usu. before noun) not real or not made of natural things 人造的;人工的;假的

Smart phones bring many young people an artificial sense of being

connected with the world. 智能型手机给很多年轻人带来一种与世界相连的虚假感。

High import taxes give their goods an artificial advantage in the market.


Many people like artificial flowers. 很多人都喜欢假花。



[C] 钓竿;杆;棒



[C] a long gun which you hold up to your shoulder to shoot ;步



[C] the long thin part of a plant, from which leaves, flowers, or fruit

grow (植物的)茎,根,柄




[C] (BrE) a piece of furniture like a large cupboard that you hang clothes

in 衣柜;衣橱



[C] a small electronic machine that can add, multiply, etc. 计算器



[C] (old-fashioned) sth. unimportant or not valuable 琐碎的事;无价值的东西

We should focus on the important issues. There’s no point in arguing over

trifles. 我们应该关注重要的问题,为琐碎的事争吵毫无意义。



[C, U] the amount of goods or work produced by a person, machine, factory,

etc. 产量;产品

Our business is doing well; our company’s output is up 30 percent from

last year. 我们的生意做得很好,公司的产量比去年提高了30%。

Scientists say that global warming is caused by the world’s output of

carbon dioxide. 科学家指出,全球变暖是由全世界排放出的二氧化碳总量引起的。



[C] an amount of money that is collected and kept for a particular purpose


A fund was set up to save the old cathedral. 人们设立了基金来挽救那座古老的大教堂。



continuing, or continuing to develop 继续进行的;不断发展的

Our union’s salary negotiations with management are still ongoing. 我们工会与管理层的工资谈判仍在进行中。

Their ongoing search for a new director has been unsuccessful so far

because they couldn’t find a satisfactory candidate. 他们不断寻新董事,至今仍未到,因为他们无法到一个满意的候选人。

ongoing negotiations 还在进行的谈判




[sing.] (technical) the original amount of money that is lent to sb., not

including any of the interest 本金

pay principal with interest 还本付息

To invest in stocks is risky because sometimes people lose principle. 投资股票具有风险,因为人们有时会失去本金。


(only before noun) most important 最重要的;首要的;主要的

His principal reason for making the journey was to visit his family. 他那次旅行的首要目的是探望家人。

Teaching is her principal source of income. 教书是她的主要收入来源。



[C] a punishment for breaking a law, rule, or legal agreement (因违反法律、规则或合约受到的)惩罚,处罚

Withdrawing the money early will result in a 10 percent penalty. 提前支取这笔钱将被处以10%的罚金。

No littering! Penalty $500. 禁止乱扔垃圾! 违者500美元。

The penalty for a first offense is a $500.00 fine. 初犯将处以五百美金的。

When caught by the police, drug dealers face severe penalties. 被警察逮捕时,贩子面临严厉的处罚。

If he is convicted, he could receive the death penalty (= be killed as

a punishment). 一旦定罪,他可能会被判处死刑。



1 [C] (fml.) a form of punishment that can be used if sb. disobeys a rule

or law 处罚;惩罚

Becoming expelled from university for cheating on an exam is one of the

harshest sanctions. 因考试作弊被驱逐出大学是最严厉的处罚之一。

2 (~s) [pl.] official orders or laws stopping trade, communication, etc.

with another country, as a way of forcing its leaders to make political

changes (对某国的)制裁

Under the Kennedy Administration, a resolution was made by the US to impose

harsh economic sanctions on Cuba. 肯尼迪政府时期,美国做出了一项对古巴实施严厉的经济制裁的决议。

the threat of trade sanctions 贸易制裁的威胁

The UN Security Council may impose economic sanctions. 联合国安理会可能会实施经济制裁。

Any talk about lifting sanctions (= ending them) is premature. 现时就谈取消制裁为时过早。




force people to accept a rule, punishment, tax, etc. 强制推行;强制实行

The government imposed a ban on the sale of ivory. 政府禁止出售象牙。

The court can impose a fine for parking your car in the red zone (no parking

zone) in front of city hall. 若将车停放在市政厅前的禁止停车区,法庭可以强制执行。



(in ~ with) (fml.) in a way that follows a rule, system, or sb.’s wishes


Use this product only in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


Article 47 may only be used in accordance with international law. 第47条只能按照国际法来执行。


n. [U]

1 (fml.) the extreme and worrying seriousness of a situation (局势的)严重性

The penalties should be proportionate to the gravity of the offence. 罚应当罪。

2 (technical) the force that causes sth. to fall to the ground or to be

attracted to another planet 重力;引力

When he saw the apple fall from the tree to the ground, Newton realized

it happened from the force of gravity. 当牛顿看到苹果从树上掉到地上时,他意识到这是因为地球的引力。

I could not hide from her the gravity of the situation we were facing.




[C, U] (pl. crises) a situation in which there are a lot of problems that

must be dealt with quickly so that the situation does not get worse or

more dangerous 危机;紧要关头

He tends to panic very quickly and doesn’t seem to be very good at crisis

management. 他遇事易恐慌,好像不大擅长危机管理。

The country now faces an economic crisis. 该国目前正面临经济危机。



1 [C] an idea of what you think sth. should be like 构想;设想;念头

The president outlined his vision for the future of the country. 总统勾画了他对国家未来的设想。

He had a clear vision of how he hoped the company would develop. 他对19


2 [U] the ability to see 视力

She suffered temporary loss of vision after being struck on the head. 她头部受撞击以后遭受暂时性失明。

Tears blurred her vision (= made it difficult for her to see). 泪水模糊了她的视线。



1 (fml.) having the ability to work and make decisions by yourself without

any help from anyone else 有自主能力的;自主的

An autonomous person makes his own decisions rather than being influenced

by someone else. 一个有自主能力的人会自己作决定,而不会受别人的影响。

2 (a place or organization) free to govern or control itself (地方或机构)自治的

an autonomous region/state/republic 自治地区/州/共和国

Galicia is an autonomous region of Spain. 加利西亚是西班牙的一个自治区。



raise and then lower your shoulders in order to show that you do not know

sth. or do not care about sth. 耸肩(表示不知道或不在乎)

When he tried to talk to me, I just shrugged my shoulders and ignored him.




1 (fml.) make sth. impossible or prevent it from happening 使不可能;阻止

Price may prohibit customers who aren’t keen on this sort of food. 价格因素可能将并不钟爱这种美食的顾客拒之门外。

One of the policies regulated by the company is to prohibit pets from

entering the company. 这个公司制定的其中一个政策是禁止带宠物进入该公司。

2 (usu. passive) say that an action is illegal or not allowed 禁止

Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory. 工厂内严禁吸烟。



1 invent an untrue story, excuse, etc. 编造(虚假情况、借口等)

If the media can manufacture stories like this, who are we supposed to

believe? 如果媒体能编造这样的故事,我们还能相信谁呢?

It is illegal for the police to manufacture evidence. 警方制造证据是非法的。

2 use machines to make goods or materials, usu. in large numbers or amounts



The company manufactures aircraft parts. 该公司生产飞机零部件。



damage sth. badly so that it no longer works or is no longer effective


Industry is being crippled by high interest rates and low consumer

purchase power. 工业因为高利率和消费者的低购买力而受到重创。



without enough money to pay what you owe 倒闭的;破产的

The firm went bankrupt before it completed building the new housing

project. 该公司在完成新建住房项目之前破产了。

Mr. Trent lost his house after he was bankrupt. 特伦特先生破产以后,失去了房子。



[C] a mixture of different things that combine together well (不同事物的)融合

The sauce uses a blend of different ingredients, including many herbs and

spices. 这个调味汁使用了不同成分的调料,包括许多草药和香料。

The English team is composed of good players, with a nice blend of

experience and youthful energy. 英格兰队由优秀的运动员组成,既有很好的经验又有青春的活力。



1 disappear or stop existing, or make sth. do this, esp. a feeling (使)消失;(使)破灭

A few clouds formed briefly before dissolving again. 几朵云彩聚积了一会儿,又消散了。

Her enthusiasm dissolved his shyness. 她的热情消除了他的羞怯。

2 if a substance dissolves in liquid or if you dissolve it, it becomes

mixed with the liquid and disappears (使)溶解

Keep stirring the tea until the sugar has dissolved. 一直搅拌到糖溶解掉。

Before you take it, please dissolve the tablet in water first. 服药以前,请先把药片溶于水中。



separate one person, group, or thing from other people or things 孤立;21


The US has sought to isolate the country both economically and politically.




happening only once or existing only in one place 孤立的

Police say that last week’s protest was an isolated incident. 警方说上周的抗议只是个别事件。

The town was isolated by the floods. 洪水将这个镇与外界隔绝了。



[C, U] a feeling you have that sb. is probably guilty of doing sth. wrong

or dishonest 怀疑;嫌疑

Police suspicions were confirmed when the stolen property was found in

his flat. 失窃物品在他公寓里到时,警方的怀疑得到了证实。

I can’t say for certain who used and broke my laptop, but I certainly

have my suspicions. 我不能确定是谁用坏了我的笔记本电脑,可是我肯定有我的怀疑对象。

I wondered how I could leave early without arousing anyone’s suspicions.




deal with a problem or improve a bad situation 补救;纠正;改善

To remedy the problem of unsafe drinking water, the water must be carefully

filtered and chemically treated. 要解决不安全的饮用水问题,一定要对水进行仔细过滤和化学处理。


[C] a way of dealing with a problem or making a situation better 补救法

The problems in our schools do not have a simple remedy. 我们学校的问题没有简单的解决办法。



[C, U] a way of doing sth., esp. the correct or usual way (尤指正确的或通常的做事)步骤,手续

What’s the procedure for applying for a visa? 申请签证需要怎样的手续?

This is standard procedure for getting rid of toxic waste. 这是清除毒物的标准步骤。

All schools have disciplinary procedures students must follow. 所有的学校都有学生必须遵循的纪律程序。




1 very strict or extreme 非常严格的;严厉的

The negotiations will be a severe test of his abilities. 谈判将是对他的能力的严峻考验。

2 very bad or very serious 很严重的

She’s suffering from severe depression. 她患有严重的抑郁症。

His injuries were so severe that he had to be hospitalized for a long time.


The storm caused severe damage to the village. 这场暴风雨对这个村庄造成了严重的破坏。



[C] an idea or opinion that is wrong, esp. about yourself (尤其对自己的)幻觉,幻想

Many people suffer from the illusion that money will buy them happiness.


“I hate to shatter your illusions and your dreams, but it’s time to face

reality,” he said. 他说: “我不想打破你的幻想和梦想,但现在该面对现实了。”

It was unlikely that he would be satisfied with the illusion of power;

what he wanted is the real thing. 他不可能满足于对权利的幻想,他想要的是真实的东西。



make sb. feel very surprised or shocked (使某人)惊愕,震惊

What staggered us was the sheer size of her salary. 令我们感到惊愕的是她的薪水如此之高。


walk or move unsteadily, almost falling over 蹒跚;摇摇晃晃地走

I got out of bed and staggered to the window. 我从床上起来,摇摇晃晃地走到窗边。



unbelievably 令人极其震惊地;难以置信地

I brought you a picture of the staggeringly beautiful landscape we saw

on our trip through the Grand Canyon. 我给你带来了一张绝美的风景照,是我们在旅行中穿越大峡谷时看见的风景。

Phrases and expressions


be/feel entitled to (do) sth.

be given the right to do or have sth. 使某人有权利做某事;使某人有资格做某事

Full-time employees are entitled to health insurance. 全职雇员有资格享受医疗保险。

urge sb. to do sth.

strongly suggest that sb. do sth. 催促(某人)做某事;力劝(某人)做某事

filter out

remove words, information, etc. that is not needed or wanted 滤除(不需要的文字、信息等)

in despair

feeling that you have no hope at all 绝望地

She killed herself in despair. 她在绝望中结束了自己的生命。

He was in the depths of despair over the death of his wife. 他为他妻子的死亡而陷入了绝望的深渊。

let sb./sth. down

not do sth. that sb. trusts or expects you to do 使失望;辜负(别人的信任或期望)

I’m counting on you to support me; don’t let me down. 我指望你支持我呢,别让我失望!

shrug off

treat sth. as unimportant and not worry about it 对…满不在乎;对…不屑一顾

We can’t just shrug these objections off; we need to do something about

them. 我们不能不理会这些反对意见,我们需要对此做点什么。

lose interest in

stop being interested in 对…失去兴趣

Ben has lost his interest in learning French. 本已失去学习法语的兴趣。

Apparently, Linda had lost interest in what I said. 很明显,琳达对我说的话失去了兴趣。

tear at

pull violently at sb. or sth. 撕扯

The children were screaming and tearing at each other’s hair. 孩子们尖叫着,互相抓扯着对方的头发。

out of the question

definitely not possible or not allowed 不可能;不允许


You can’t wear that old shirt to work; it’s out of the question. 你不能穿那件旧衬衫去上班, 这绝对不行。

care about

be interested in sth. and feel strongly that it is important 在乎;在意

The only thing he seems to care about is money. 他好像只在乎钱。

The Disneyland organization seems to care a bit too much about hair. 迪士尼乐园的组织似乎太在乎头发了。

bring sb./sth. into

cause sb. or sth. to be in a particular situation 使处于(某种情形)

I love my job because my work brought me into contact with a lot of very

interesting people. 我爱我的工作,因为这个工作能让我接触到许多很有意思的人。

Most of the land has now been brought into cultivation. 大部分土地现在都被用于耕种。

suffer from

experience sth. very unpleasant or painful 经受,承受,蒙受(非常不愉快或痛苦的事)

The region continues to suffer from serious pollution. 这个地区依然遭受着严重的污染。

access to

the right to enter a place, use sth., see sb., etc. 进入权;使用权;接触的机会

Access to up-to-date information is important to our success. 能有机会了解到最新的信息对我们的成功至关重要。

Only 40% of 5-year-olds have access to pre-school education. 只有40%的5岁儿童有机会受到学前教育。


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