






2.1.1 Rock Types 岩石类型

Sedi Sedimentry 沉积岩

clas clastic 碎屑岩

ss sandstone 砂岩

mdst mudstone 泥岩

sh shale 页岩

clyst, clst claystone 粘土岩

sd sand 砂

mSsd medium sandstone 中砂岩

fsst fine sandstone 细砂岩

bldr boulder 卵石

pbl pebble 卵石

grl gravel 砾石

cgl conglomerate 砾岩

gywk graywacke 硬砂岩

cbl cobble 大鹅卵石

ark arkose 长石砂岩

grnl granule 粒砂

brec breccic 角砾岩

bioc bioclastic 生物碎屑岩

vcrs sst very coarse sandstone 极粗砂岩

argl argillite 泥板岩

gyp gypsum 石膏

anhy anhydrite 硬石膏

slt salt 盐岩

flint-lingite 隧石

carbonate 碳酸盐岩

ls limestone 灰岩,石灰岩

dolo dolomite 白云石

dolst dolostone 白云岩

mrls marlstone 泥灰石

coq coquina 贝壳灰岩

biosp biosparte 生物亮晶灰岩

biomi biomicrite 生物微晶灰岩

clcar calcarenite 灰屑岩,钙屑灰岩 clclt calcilutite 泥屑石灰岩

micr micrite 微晶灰岩

clcrd calcirudite 砾屑石灰岩

clslt calcisilitite 粉砂屑石灰岩

grst grainstone 粒状灰岩

oolitic limestone 鲕状灰岩

Igneous Rock 火成岩

intrusive igneous 侵入岩

extrusive igneous 喷出岩

volc colcanic 火山岩

grt granite 花岗岩

dr diorite 闪长岩

grdr grano diorite 花岗闪长岩

qu dr quartz diorite 石英闪长岩

dr po diorite porphyrite 闪长玢岩

syenite 正长岩

gab, gb gabbro 辉长岩

qu po quartz porphyrite 石英玢岩

an andesite 安山岩

bas basalt 玄武岩

arag aragonite 纹石,霞石

Meta Metsmorphic rock 变质岩

phyl phyllite 千枚岩

sl slate 板岩

sch schist 片岩

mbl marble 大理岩

gne gneiss 片麻岩

qtzt quartzite 石英岩

novac novaculite致密石英岩

2.1.2 COL Color, Colour 颜

blk black 黑

brn brown 棕

yel yellow 黄

gy, gry grey 灰

or orange 橙,桔

bl blue 蓝

gn, grn green 绿

wi, wht white 白

pnk pink 粉红

pl purple 紫

lav lavender 浅紫,淡紫

bf buff 浅黄

tn tan 棕黄

choc chocolate 褐

och ochve 褐,黄褐

olv olive 橄榄

crm cream 奶油

mott motted 杂,斑点

vocl varicoloree 杂的

amb amber 琥珀

lt light 淡的

dk, drk dark 暗的

cc color code 颜代码

2.1.3 Hardness 硬度

VHD very hard 非常硬

MHD middle hard 中硬

H hard 硬

SFT soft 软

VSFT very soft 非常软

2.1.4 Roundness 磨圆

sharp angular 尖棱状

angle angular 棱角状

subangle subangular 次棱角状

subrnd subround 次圆状

rnd round 圆状

well round 磨圆好

2.1.5 Grain Size Terminology 颗粒大小术语 (see app. Table)


2.1.6 Sorting 分选

go good 好

f fair 一般

md medium 中等

pr poor 差

c coarsely 粗造

2.1.7 Cementation 胶结,胶结物

cp compact 胶结致密

dns dense 胶结密实

well well 胶结好

lse loose 胶结疏松

sdy are sandy arenaceous 砂质

sdy sandy 砂质

mdy are mudy argillaceous 泥质

ethy earthy 泥质

cly clay 粘土质

cal, calc calcarous 钙质

si siliceous 硅质

lim limy 灰质

kao kaolin 高岭土质

carb carbonaceous 碳质的

qtzc quartzitic 石英质

quartzizose 石英质的

nac nacreous 珍珠质

2.1.8 Accessories of Rock 岩石的次要成分

min mineral 矿物

accessary mineral 次生矿物

qz, qtz quartz 石英

mic, mica micaceous 云母

musc muscovite 白云母

biot biotite 黑云母

srct sericite 绢云母

fld feldspar 长石

orth orthpclase 正长石

plag plagioclase 斜长石

gab gabbro 辉长石

py pyrite 黄铁矿

lmt limonite 褐铁矿

mag magnetite 磁铁矿

calc calcite 方解石

dol dolomite 白云石

gyp gypsum 石膏

anhy anhydite 无水石膏

sa salt 盐

asph asphalt 沥青

bit bitumen 沥青

gil gilsomite 天然沥青

flnt flint 黑燧石,电石

cht chert 黑硅石

chk chalk 白垩

fos fossils 化石

micfo microfossil 微化石

macfo macrofossil 大化石

pl fos plant fossil 植物化石

vrtb vertebrate 脊椎动物

ancient life 古生物

fau fauna 动物

flo flora 植物

spo, spr spore 孢子,孢粉

tri trilobite 三叶虫

cor coral 珊瑚

shl shell 贝壳

amm ammonite 菊石

alg algae 藻类

diat diatoms 硅藻

char charophyte 轮藻类

grap graptolite 笔石类

ost ostracod 介形虫(节肢动物)

para paraparchites 介形虫

cono conodont 牙形虫

crin crinoid 海百合

Tent Tentaculities 竹节石属

moll mollusc 软体动物

Ech Echinoid 海胆类(棘皮动物) Bry Bryozoa 苔藓动物门

Ceph Cephalipod 头足纲(软体类) Belm Belmnifera 箭石属(头足类) Brach Brachinopoda 腕足类(动物门) Cyp

Cypridopsis 斗星介属(介形类)

foram foraminifera 有孔虫类

Endo Endothgra 内卷虫属(有孔虫类)

Glob Globigerina 抱球虫属(有孔虫类)

Gast Gasttropod 腹足纲(软体动物)

Fus Fusulinicl 纺锤蜓

2.1.9 Depositional Distinguishing Feature 沉积识别


sedimentary structure 沉积构造

bdd beded 层状的

bndd banded 层状的

band band 夹层

xlam crosslaminated 交错层理

xbdd crossbeded 交错层

intbdd interbeded 互层的,夹层的

crnk crinkled 褶皱

cont contact 接触,界面

unconf unconformity 不整合

conf conformity 整合

crev crevive 裂隙

conc concretion 结核,含有物

nod nodules 结核。团块

ves vesicular 多孔状

lumpy lumpy 块状

conch conchoidal 贝壳状

gran granular 颗粒状

slky silky 丝状

gl glassy 玻璃状

fib fibrous 纤维状

glblr globular 球状

xl crystal 结晶

xln crystalline 结晶体

2.1.10 Others 其它

porosity 孔隙

gd good 15% 好

fair 10~15% 中等

poor 5~10% 较差

trace less 5% 微小

fissibity 解理,可劈性

clvg clesvage 解理,劈理

crystal or grain size 晶体形状与颗粒大小

texture 结构

lstr lustre 光泽

silky 丝绢光泽

swelling properties 膨胀度,膨胀性

solubiling 吸水性

accessory mineral 次生矿

2.1.11 Examination for Hydrocarbon Shows 油气显示


hydrocarbon indication 油气显示

oil show description 油气显示描述

fluorescence observation 荧光观察

dir fluo direct fluorescence 湿照

sample fluorescence 干照

cut fluo cutting fluorescence 滴照

solvent fluorescence 浸泡照射

no fluo no fluorescence 无荧光显示

micro trace 显示相当微弱

trace 微弱

present 有,中等

important 强

very important 很强

bri bright 明亮



2.2.1Noncarbonate , clastic 非碳酸盐岩,碎屑岩

If the representative samples from the siever have been

selected and the percentage of the various constituents have

been estimated, then the logical order of the sample description




1, ROCK TYPE 岩性,岩石类别

2, COLOR 颜

3, HARDNESS 硬度(硬化作用)

The common adjectives describing induration are:


dense hard medium-hard soft spongy


friable compact brittle slatey


4, GRAIN SIZE 颗粒大小

see to figure 2,1.5 (见图表2,1,5)


The only five general classes are considered and defined as



sharp angular subangular rounded wellrounded 尖棱状棱角状次棱角状磨圆状好的磨圆状

6, SORTING 分选作用

7, LUSTER 光泽

The common used terms of the luster are: 关于光泽一般常使用的词组有:

coated pitted frosted deeply etched frosty silky 覆盖物坑状物霜状表面深度侵蚀霜状的丝绢光泽

oily vitreous glassy shiny translucent earthy 油脂光泽透明的玻璃的发亮的半透明的泥土状

waxy sooty velety soapy resinous



calcite dolomite sulfates iron oxides silica pyrite clays silts 方解石白云石硫酸盐氧化铁硅质黄铁矿粘土粉砂




The structure of sandstone refers to: 砂岩的构造一般是指:

laminations fractures fractures patterns banding nodular 纹理裂缝裂缝形式条纹结核状

The common structures of shales and siltstone are: 页岩和粉砂岩的构造是指:

massive lumpy platy laminated foliated fissile


splintery flakey


The common but minor constituents of sandstones are:


biotite muscovite glauconite pyrite barite siderite chert 黑云母白云母海绿石黄铁矿重晶石菱铁矿黑隧石

coals solid hydrocarbons fossils



gypsum anhydrite chert iron oxides noduies pellets of barite


pyrite mud oolites coal concretionary materials 黄铁矿泥浆鲕状岩煤固结材料

2.2.2 Carbonate碳酸盐岩

After the lithology of the samples have been selected , the

description of the carbonate can be do in the following order:


1, COLOR 颜

The normal colors of limestones and dolomites are: gray,

white, buff, brown


2, GRAIN SIZE 颗粒大小


Fragments can be described in the same as sand grains:碎屑可和砂岩一样进行描述

sharp angular subangular rounded globular spheroidal 尖棱角棱角状次棱角状圆状球形扁球形

Oolites may be classed as: spheroidal, spherical, elliptical,

irregular, flattened



see to the figure 2.3.4 (参见表2。3。4)


The structure feature of carbonate include: 碳酸盐岩构造特征包括:

stylolites fractures microfractures laminae banding crinkling


concretions whorls brecciation



2.2.3 Hydrocarbon Show Description 油气显示描述

Hydrocarbon show description should be written in the

following order:


1, free oil in mud 泥浆中的游离油

2, odor 油味,气味

3, visible staining-color and percentage 可视染情况:颜和所占百分比

4, fluorescence: rate, color, intensity and percentage


5, cut: rate, color, intensity and natural color


2.2.4 Examples 描述范例

Sst: at 3185m. gy-wh . v hd . 70% cse gr . 20% m gr. 10% f gr.


ireg shaped ctgs. Tr calc, no foss. No vis por. No fluo 砂岩:井深:3185米,灰-白,含70%的粗砂,20%的中砂,10%的细砂。


Ls: at 4255m. wh-gy. M hd . ireg shaped ctgs. 90% of ctgs

show v dri- yel/

gld fluo. Abnt free oil in mud as globs 2mm in dia 石灰岩:井



2.2.5Terms and Phases in Discussion of Lithology Description


standard log form 标准录井格式

the standard well log 标准录井图

the conventional strip log 常规条状录井图

stratigraphic column section 岩层柱状剖面图

cross section 横剖面图

vertical scale 垂直比例

expended scales 扩展比例

symbols , legends 岩性符号,图例

lithologic description 岩性描述 basic geologic work 基本的地质工作

written description 手绘描述

rock examination 岩石检验

rock analysis 岩石分析

rock and mineral identification 岩石和矿物鉴定

routine examination 常规检验

test with dilute HCl 用稀释的盐酸检验

treatment with acid 与酸反应

dilute acid 稀释盐酸

dot dilute hydrochloric acid 稀释的热盐酸

the effervescence test 起泡试验

degree of effervescence 起泡程度

degree of reaction 反应程度

immediately and sharply 立即,剧烈

quickly 快速的

slowly 慢的

acid polish, the etched surface 溶蚀面

nature of residue 残余物本质

the untreated rock fragment 未反应的岩石碎片

insoluable residue 非溶解残余物

lack of reaction with acid 与酸不反应

the soluble matrix 溶解性岩石骨架物质

hardness 硬度

scratching the rock fragment surface 划岩石随片表面

distinguishing different lithic type 区分不同岩性类型 thin section

examination 薄片检验

grain-matrix relationship 颗粒骨架关系

grain-cement relationship 颗粒胶结关系

methods of logging 录井的方法

interpreative system 解释系统

different rock types 不同岩石类别

lithologic characteristics 岩性特征

drilling cutting 钻井岩屑

quality of samples 岩样的质量

percentage system 百分比系统

porosity estimates 孔隙度估计

scaning sample 扫描岩样

lithologic breaks 岩性中断

the standard order of description 岩性描述的标准顺序 rock

compoents 岩石组份

grain size 颗粒大小

size grade 粒级

shape of grain 颗粒形状

evidence of wear 磨蚀痕迹

distribution of grains 颗粒分布

detection and evaluation of porosity 孔隙度的检测与评价 the

volume of the void space in the rock 岩石中有效空间的体积

the capacity of a rock for transmitting a fluid 岩石传输流体的能力

effective porosity 有效孔隙度

qualitative estimates of the pore size 孔隙大小的定量估计 size

of vugs 裂缝大小

the description of hydrocarbon 烃类的描述

a decision factor 决定因素

obvious shows 明显显示

positive indications of hydrocarbons in cuttings 钻屑中烃类存在的正标志

strength of odor 气味强度

oil odor, condensate odor 油味,凝析油味

on a fresh broken surface 新鲜断面

oil-bearing rock fragments 含油岩碎片

examination of hydrocarbon fluorescence 烃类物质荧光检测

mineral fluorescence 矿物荧光

hydrocarbon fluorescence 烃类荧光

the intensity range 强度范围

oil fluorescence 含油荧光

extremely weak 极弱

very weak 非常弱

weak, fair, strong 弱,一般,强

problems in interpreting drilling cuttings 钻屑解释中存在的问题

true cuttings 真实岩屑

fresh cutting 新鲜岩屑

flaky shape 块状

freshness of appearance 新鲜断面

cavings 坍塌物

re-circulation 再循环物

other contaminations 其他污染物

lost circulation materials 堵漏材料

obviously foreign materials 明显的外部物质

cement fragments 水泥碎片

rock dust 岩石粉尘

powdered rock 粉末状岩石

sample lag correction error 岩屑迟后校正有误

foreign oil contamination 外部油品污染

pipe dope 钻杆丝扣油

grease 润滑油

fuel oil 燃料油


2.3.1 Application of Geology Concepts 地质概念的应用

geological factor 地质因素

early exploration 早期勘探

surface exploration 地面勘探

subsurface exploration 地下勘探

predrilling exploration 钻前勘探

geophysical exploration 地球物理勘探

geochemical exploration 地球化学勘探

seismograph 地震仪

the seismic method 地震勘探法

the gravimeter method 重力勘探法

the magnetometer 磁力勘探法

ERSAT Earth Resource Satellite 地球资源卫星

exploration application 勘探应用

basin evaluation 盆地评价

wildcat wells 区域范围内预探井

2.3.2 Depositional Environment 沉积环境

depositional basin 沉积盆地

sedimentary environment 沉积环境

depositional environment 沉积环境

recent depositional environment 近代沉积环境

interpretation of environment 环境解释

environment color 环境颜

post-depositional history of the sediments 沉积物的后沉积历史 geological history 地质历史

history of deposit 沉积历史

depositional sequence 沉积序列

geochemical environment 地球化学环境

the significant indicators of environment of deposition 沉积环境的明显标志

diagnostic fossile 特征化石

internal structure of fossils 化石的内部结构

sedimentary structures 沉积构造

syngenetic structure 同生构造

compacting 压实作用

cementation 胶结作用

sorting 分选作用

oxidation 氧化作用

continental aeolian 陆相风成

deltaic 三角洲

aeolian 风成三角洲

alluvial 冲击三角洲

transitional deltaic 海陆过渡三角洲沉积相

coastal interdeltaic 三角洲滨海沉积相

deltaic plain 三角洲平原

prodeltaic plain 前三角洲平原

marine 海相沉积

normal marine 正常海相

slope 大陆坡

shelf 大陆架

offshore area 浅海地区

deep ocean areas 深海地区

deep 深海

2.3.3 Geological Structures 地质构造

earth movement 地壳运动

crustal movement of the earth 地壳运动

contour map 等高线图,构造图

the structural arrangement 构造排列

old shoreline 古岸线

pinchout 地层尖灭

truncation of beds 地层截断

sand trend 砂层趋势

strata / beds 岩层,地层

fold 褶皱

anticline 背斜

syncline 向斜

symme trical anticline 对称背斜

plunging asymme trical anticline 不对称倾伏背斜

plunging syncline 倾伏向斜

fault 断层

normal fault 正断层

reverse fault 逆断层

thrust fault 逆掩断层

lateral fault 平移断层

rotational fault 旋转断层

upthrust fault 仰冲断层

unconformity 不整合

discon conformity 假整合

angular unconformity 角度不整合

salt dome 盐丘

dome with deep salt core 具有盐核的穹隆

vitrinite 镜质体

geological profile 地质剖面

outcrops 露头

unweathered outcrops 未经风化的露头

cuttings 岩屑

core 岩心

2.3.4 Origin & Migration of Petroleum 油气的成因与运移

a source of oil and gas 油气源

sedimentary rocks 沉积岩

in the absence of oxygen 缺氧的环境

source rocks 生油岩

organic matter 有机物质

land-delivered organic matter 陆生有机物

living organisms 有机生物

the marine life 海洋生物

the microscope and plant life 微生物,植物

sediment / deposit 沉积物

clastic material 碎屑物

chemical precipitates 化学沉积物

source of petroleum 油母质

proteins 蛋白质

organic carbon 有机碳

the organic carbon content 有机碳的含量

kerogen 干烙根

humus 腐殖质

peat 泥碳

heavy hydrocarbon 重烃

saturated hydrocarbon 饱和烃

unsaturated hydrocarbon 非饱和烃

nonhydrocarbon compounds 非烃类化合物

origin of petroleum 石油的成因

origin of gas 天然气的成因

maturation of petroleum 石油的成熟度

formation temperature 地层温度

geological age(maturity) 地质年龄(成熟度)

depth of bural 埋藏深度

basin position 盆地位置

occuurrence of petroleum 石油的产状

salinity 矿化度

sulfur content 含硫量

crude oil gravity 原油的比重

refractive index 折射率

flash and burn point 闪光点和燃点

cloud and pour point 浊点和倾点

coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数

density 密度

odor 气味

optical activity 旋光性

wax content 含蜡量

under normal hydrostatic pressure 一般流体静压力下

movement of water 原生水的运动

natural driving force 自然驱动力

overlying sediment 上覆沉积物

migration 油气的运移

primary migration 初次运移

secondery migration 二次运移

2.3.5 Petroleum Accumulation 石油的聚集

petroleum reservoir 石油储集层

reservoir rocks 储集岩

sandstone reservoir 砂岩储集层

carbonate reservoir 碳酸盐岩储集层

sufficient thickness 有效的厚度

good reservoir porosity and permeable 良好的储层孔隙度和渗透率

porosity 孔隙度

permeablity 渗透率

sufficient areal extent and pore space 足够的面积和孔隙空间

solution channels 溶洞

fracturing 裂隙

the porosity characteristic of rocks 岩石的孔隙特征

the intergranular porosity of sandstone 砂岩的粒间孔隙

interparticle (颗粒和晶体间的)粒间孔隙

intraparticle (颗粒溶解引起的)粒间孔隙

the pore space of rock formation 岩层孔隙空间

reservoir pressure 储层压力

formation pressure 地层压力

the hydrostatic pressure 流体静压力

the hydrostatical pressure gradient 静水压力梯度

trap 圈闭

basic reservoir traps 储集层基本圈闭

fault traps 断层圈闭

anticline traps 背斜圈闭

stratigraphic traps 地层圈闭

lenticular traps 透镜体圈闭

hydrocarbon traps 烃类圈闭

potential hydrocarbon traps 潜在的烃类圈闭

thrust traps 逆掩断层圈闭

hydrodynamic traps(moving liquid) 水动力圈闭

updip termination of porosity 上倾尖灭

change in lithology 岩性变化

convergence 地层敛合

erosion 侵蚀

faulting 断层

piercement 刺穿

onlap 超覆

arched upper surface 上表层隆起

folded 褶皱

differential thickness 不同厚度

differential porosity 不同孔隙度

anticline reservoir structure 背斜储层结构

impermeable cover 非渗透性盖层

shale and evaporites 页岩和蒸发岩

2.3.6 Oilfield Fluid 油田流体

reservoir fluid 储集层流体

reservoir water 储层水

water saturation 含水饱和度

concentration of dissolved solids 溶解固体的浓度composition of dissolved solids 溶解固体的成份saltwater 盐水

freshwater 淡水

connate intertital water 原生孔隙水

subsurface water sample 地下水样

subsurface liquid 地下流体

mobile liquid 流性流体

viscous liquid 粘性流体

fluid distribution 流体分布

reservoir oil and gas 储层油气

oil zone 油层

gas zone 气层

water zone 水层

oil-water contact 油水接触面

gas-to-oil contact 油气接触面

gas cap 气顶

gas-to-oil transition zone 油气过渡带

oil /gas ratio 油气比

crude oil 原油

the liquid oil 石油液体

solution gas 溶解气

free gas 游离气

natural gas 天然气

LNG liquid natural gas 液化天然气

undersaturated 欠饱和状态

undersaturated oil 欠饱和原油

supersaturated 超饱和

composition of petroleum 石油成份

molecular size 分子大小

molecular type 分子类型

carbon 碳

hydrogen 氢

sulfur 硫

nitrogen 氮

oxygen 氧

hydrocarbon 碳烃化合物

saturated hydrocarbon 饱和烃

unsaturated hydrocarbon 非饱和烃naphthenes 环烷烃

dry gas 干气

wet gas 湿气

methane 甲烷

ethane 乙烷

propone 丙烷

n-butane 异丁烷

iso-butane 正丁烷

pentane 戊烷

hexane 己烷

heptane 庚烷

octane 辛烷

nonane 壬烷

decane 癸烷

olefins 烯烃

ethylene 乙烯

propylene 丙烯

butylene 丁烯

aromatics 芳香烃

paraffins 石蜡组烃

benzene 苯

toluene 甲苯

xylene 二甲苯

wax 蜡


natural gasoline 天然汽油

gasoline 汽油

kerosene 煤油

gas-oil , diesel 柴油

lubricating oil 润滑油

fuel oil 燃料油

residuum 残余油

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