


高二下 Unit 1 What is beauty?

1. Vocabulary:former, lecturer, pliment, look one’s best, keep fit, regardless of, emphasis

fit, current, stretch, ridiculous, endure, considerable, free to do sth….

2. Sentence pattern:

And, to what lengths can or should we go to make ourselves more beautiful?

Sue, perhaps we could start with you….

I think it’s up to everyone to decide what is right for them, but…

Seldom do people think about the real dangers of….

3. Grammar points: Inversion 倒装

Key Vocabulary:

former 以前的,从前的 formerly

the former 前者 the latter 后者

adv. 以前,从前 The pany formerly belonged to an international banking group.

lecturer 讲师 lecture 讲座

pliment v. & n. 赞扬,称赞 pliment on sth./ pliment sb. on sth.

put/place/lay emphasis on sth. 强调…

emphasize v. 强调

fit 大小、尺寸合适;吻合,协调

suit 合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位;衣着打扮等式样、颜、口味等适合

match 多指两样东西或多样同类东西的搭配合适或相配合理

keep fit=keep healthy

current adj. 当前的,现行的;通用的,通行的

current affairs 时事

stretch v. & n. 伸长,伸展,拉伸 stretcher 担架

ridiculous 荒谬的,可笑的

endure v. 忍受,忍耐 <近义词:bear, stand, tolerate, put up with>

considerable 相当多的,相当大的

considerate 体贴的,替人着想的

point n. 目的,意义 there is point doing sth.


v. 指出,指向 point out / point to/ point at

alter v. 改变,变更 alteration n.

horrendous 可怕的

issue n. 重要议题,争议的问题;物

v. 〔报刊〕发行,出版,颁布

look one’s best 看上去最美

regardless of 不管

free to do…随心所欲做…

set out vt. 陈述,阐明; 出发,开始

set out to do sth. 着手做某事

go to great lengths to do…为了达到目的全力以赴做…. at length最终,充分的

go to the length of doing…到….地步,竟然,甚至于…

in order to../ so as to…

in order that/

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start with you 从你开始

thank sb. for ….因为…而感谢…

thanks to =because of= as a result of= due to.. 因为,由于

cosmetic surgery 整容外科手术

cosmetician 化妆师,美容师

up to: ①从事于 I don’t know what he is up to.

②胜任 He is not up to his work.

③适于 The quality of the construction is not up to the standard.

④直到 I haven’t heard from him up to now.

deal with 处理,应付

deal in出售,经营

disorder n. 混乱,无次序

sb. happen to do… 某人碰巧做….

It happens/happened that… 碰巧发生…

perspective n. 视角、观点,远景 in a…..perspective 以….的视角观点来看

in/ out of perspective 合比例/不合比例

be used to doing / be used to do/ used to do…

used to do---否定:used not to…/ usedn’t to didn’t use to…

quaint adj. 离奇的,古古香的

custom 风俗,习俗

habit 个人习惯

tradition 传统

practice 惯例,惯常的做法

judge…from/by…根据…. 来判断

obsession n. 沉迷,迷恋 be obsessed with…对…迷恋


1. 在以never, little, hardly, not only, few, not, seldom等否定副词开头的句子中,采用部分倒装.如不放在句首就不要倒装.<部分倒装>

e.g. Little did he say at the meeting.

Never shall I forget the day when I joined the Army.

2. 为了表达生动,有时把表地点、方位的副词,如 up, down, out, away, in等放在句首,同时把谓语动词全部放在主语之前.若主语为人称代词,主语和谓语动词的位置不变,只将副词放在句首.〔完全倒装〕e.g. Away hurried the boy. Out rushed the girl.


1. Here

A. es Li Ming’s car B. e Li Ming’s car

C. Li Ming’s car e D. Li Ming’s car es

2. Only by practicing a few hours every day be able to master the language.

A. you can B. can you C. you will D. will you

3. from his skin, he must be from Africa.

A. Judging B. Judged C. Being judged D. Having judged

4. the mountainous area very well, the boy was asked to be their paid guide.

A. To know B. Knowing C. Having known D. Known

5. Mr. Johnson, a Mr. White for you since 8 o’clock in the morning.

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A. is waiting B. has been waiting C. has waited D. had been waiting

6. Although we all thought it was not a real bargain, he had decided to buy the apartment at


A. chief B. considerate C. considerable D. high

7. I out for a walk when my father called me yesterday.

A. happen to be B. happened being C. happen being D. happened to be

8. Our English course place great on conversational skills.

A. emphasis B. attention C. interest D. contribution

9. other’s opposition, he insisted on his own decision to take part in the game.

A. In spite that B. Despite of C. Regardless D. Regardless of

10. To , only by practicing can we improve our spoken English.

A. add up B. take up C. give up D. sum up

11. dangerous weather conditions bee, that all mountain roads were closed.

A. Such, did B. So, did C. Such, was D. So, was

12. Our government has a lot of money the earthquake disaster area.

A. supplied, with B. supplied, to C. supplied, for D. supply to

13. Not a single word since the exam started.

A. she has written B. she wrote C. has she written D. did she write

14. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and

A. the other is white B. another white C. the other white D. another is white

15. She loves staying in the village, who are visiting her there.

A. her friends loves B. her friends too C. her friends as D. so do her friends



1. 为使我们自己更美,我们能够或应该做出多大的努力?

2. 我认为在当今世界里展现出自己最好的一面很重要.

3. 这要由每个人自己去判断合适与否.

4. 我确实认为不论相貌如何,人们都应该对自己感到满意.

5. 人们很少考虑到对外貌的过度追求所产生的真正危险,这些危险来自饮食混乱和整容手术.

6. 既然你是一位历史学家,也许你可以从历史的角度简要地给我们讲讲这个话题.

7. 有许多这样的例子,在不同的社会里人们做了一些可怕的事来使自己看上去更美丽.

8. 我认为,人们为社会所迫在身体上承受如此巨大的痛苦和折磨是很荒谬的.〔ridiculous〕

9. 因此,我认为没有必要讨论所有这些力气古怪的旧习俗.〔quaint〕

10. 以貌取人是愚蠢的,我们应该全面地评价一个人.〔judge〕






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没有意义做…. 做眼睛手术


1. If I were you, I would go to spend my holidays in the south myself.

2. I have rarely seen such beautiful landscape.

3. A lot of presents for him from his wife and his children were inside the box.

4. There is a national flag above the blackboard in every classroom.

5. She made no sound as she came into the dining room.

6. Liu Suola is not only a writer but also a good singer.

7. If you should need more information, please tell me.

8. If Li Ming has asked, I would have been able to help.

9. As soon as the spy had got onto the high way he found a police car followed him.

10. I didn’t get the invitation until the eve of New Year’s Day.

11. He hadn’t spoken to his brother a single word since they quarreled each other.

12. Her speech was so successful that most people were moved to tears.

13. The door couldn’t be opened without using force.

14. He even didn’t mention a word concerning these important matters.


1. Not until he left his home to know how important the family was for him.

A. did he begin B. had he begun C. he began D. he had begun

2. We laugh at jokes, but seldom about how they work.

A. we think B. think we C. we do think D. do we think

3. –Is everyone here? --Not yet. Look, there the rest of our guests!

A. e B. es C. is ing D. are ing

4. At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River , one of the ten largest cities in


A. lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies

C. does lie Chongqing D. does Chongqing lie

5. Only if people of all the countries are untied the existing problems in the world.

A. will we B. we will C. can we D. we can

6. It was announced that only when the fire was under control to return to their homes.

A. the residents would be permitted B. had the residents be permitted

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C. would the residents be permitted D. the residents had been permitted

7. –My room gets very cold at night. --

A. So is mine B. So mien is C. So does min D. So mine does

8. , his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.

A. Strange as might it sound B. As it might sound strange

C. As strange it might sound D. Strange as it might sound

9. Every means to save the wounded man.

A. have tried B. have been tried C. has tried D. has been tried

10. Two months quite a long time. He may fall behind students.

A. is, the others B. are, the others C. is, the other D. are, other

11. Every teacher and every student to the lecture.

A. are weled B. is weled C. are going D. is to join

12. Whether he es or not matter too much.

A. doesn’t B. don’t C. didn’t D. haven’t

13. News of victories pouring in as our army advances,〞 the pany mander said.

A. keep B. keeps C. kept D. have kept

14. Most of the wood to make furniture.

A. were used B. have been used C. was use D. has been used


1. 我们应当特别强调交通安全.〔emphasis〕

2. 你是要继续挑战还是放弃完全取决于你.〔be up to〕

3. 你可以随便看这个图书馆的任何书籍.〔free〕

4. 那片森林延伸数百英里.〔stretch〕

1. 她无法忍受牙疼,只得去看医生.

6. ##至有相当一段距离.〔considerable〕


1. The young man sitting over there is not ffor the position.

2. It’s rto argue about such silly things.

3. The two men would go to great lto make money.

4. Mary usually pay more attention to her athan any other girl in her class.

5. y her expressions, she must have achieved great success in the exam.

6. Cfashions are more casual than those of the 1980’s.

7. The kind of material is not easy to s.

8. The building plans had to be ato suit the new construction requirements.

9. The great itoday is whether there will be peace or war.

10. All the people there cher on her courage.


1. She is a woman of great .〔beautiful〕

2. The option favours the married man.

3. She paid me a on my paintings.

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4. Mom gave me lots of , such as lipstick, hair conditioner, as my birthday present.

5. Thomas used to be a quite famous ten years ago.

6. Jack and his friends held a party at home and left the room in

7. When you use others’ words, you should use marks.

8. My English has improved when I started my course in the tutorial centre.

9. He found the boredom scarcely

10. For your own , you should buy yourself insurance.


1. 热衷于运动的人总是能保持健康.〔go in for〕

2. 如今,人们过度强调成绩而忽视了实践的重要性.〔emphasis〕

3. 只抱怨而不采取任何行动是没有意义的.〔point〕

4. 她在信中阐述了她反对这项计划的原因.〔set out〕

5. 他不顾父亲的反对,还是去踢球了.〔regardless〕

6. 许多女生赶时髦,竭尽全力减肥.〔go to lengths〕

Lesson 2 More reading

Key vocabulary:

activity n. 活动

lung n. 肺〔Smoking too much can lead to lung cancer.〕

supply vt. supply sth. to sb.= supply sb. with sth. 把….提供给某人

n. 供给 the supply of gas/ power

fit-fitness 健康

intense adj. 剧烈的,严肃紧X的

intensity n. 〔感情、行动等〕激烈,强烈,强度 the intensity of the earthquake

intensify v. 增强….,使….变强烈

moderate adj. 适中的,合理的;有节制的

remend v. 推荐,建议 n. remendation

remend ...for…

remend sth. to sb. = remend sb. sth. 向某人推荐〔介绍〕某物


remend doing…/ remend sb. to do…

remend that sb. do

suitable adj. 合适的,适宜的 --adv. suitably

overdo v. 做得过分

sharp adj. 敏锐的,灵敏的;锋利的,尖的

sharpen v. 削尖,使敏锐

aim at doing 旨在做…,针对…, 目的在于….

aim to do sth. 打算做某事,企图做某事

sum up 总结,概括 To sum up=In conclusion

beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的 be beneficial to sth./sb. 对…有好处

benefit n. 利益,实惠,好处 He has had the benefit of a good education.

v. 使〔某人〕受益 These facilities have benefited the whole village.

benefit from/by….从…中受益

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lead to…导致,造成,通向 lead to doing…

lead sb. to sth. Hard work and proper ways will lead you to success.

1. I don’t know whether you happen , but I’m going to marry Mr. White.

A. to have heard B. to hear C. hearing D. having heard

2. He a student here.

A. is used to B. used to be C. was used to D. used to have been

3. The pany lay great on team spirit, which is very important in the modern society.

A. effect B. emphasis C. faith D. virtue

4. Mr Smith his objections to the scheme.

A. set out B. set about C. set up D. set aside

5. The train as it approached the station.

A. slowed B. pull in C. ran over D. knock down

6. China’s new Traffic Law, in May, has aroused argument nationwide between drivers and


A. promoted B. edited C. remended D. issued

7. What do you think the safe, the hammer, a saw or any others?

A. was used to open B. used to open

C. was used to opening D. used to opening

8. One of the benefits of doing aerobics is the process.

A. to slow down, age B. slowing down, aged

C. to slow down, aging D. slowing down, age

9. Not only away from him, but also his citizenship.

A. everything had he taken B. had everything he taken

C. was everything he taken D. was everything he had taken

10. when she started plaining.

A. Not until he arrived B. No sooner had he arrived

C. Hardly had he arrived D. Scarcely did he arrive

1. The pen I I is on my desk, right under my nose.

A. think, lost B. thought, had lost C. think, had lost D. thought, have lost

2. Several of these washers and dryers are out of order and .

A. need to be repairing B. repairing is require of them

C. require that they be repaired D. need to be repaired

3. It takes a long time to go there by train. It’s by road than by water.

A. quick B. the quickest C. much quick D. quicker

4. She broke a while washing up.

A. glass wine B. wince glass C. glass of wine D. glass for wine

5. You are about to write a poem, aren't you? ---- A poem _____ , _____ ?

A. is about to be written, aren't you B. is about to be writing, isn’t it

C. is about to be writing, aren't you D. is about to be written, isn’t it

6. He doesn't do his homework every day. ---- His homework ______ by him every day.

A. doesn't be done B. aren't done C. don't be done D. isn’t done

7. The question asked by him is hard _____ .

A. to answer B. to be answered C. to be answering D. for answer

8. In warm weather fruit and meat ______ long.

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A. don't keep B. cannot be kept C. are not kept D. are not keeping

9. He received a telegram ___ "Mother Sick."

A. written B. said C. reading D. writing

10. My hair is so long that I must go to a barber's shop and______.

A. have to cut it B. have it cut C. get it to be cut D. to cut it

11. ---- I can't see the blackboard very well. ---- Perhaps you need ______.

A. to examine your eyes B. to have your eyes examined

C. to have examined your eyes D. to be examined your eyes

12. Good medicine ______ to the mouth.

A. tastes bitter B. tastes bitterly

C. is tasted bitter D. is tasted bitterly

13. --- Where did you get that handsome picture? ---- It was _____ by my father.

A. given for us B. a gift to us C. given to us D. a gift for us

14. ---- How does Alma like her new work? ---- She ______ with the hour.

A. can't satisfy B. isn't satisfied C. doesn't satisfy D. hasn't satisfied

15. ---- I'd like to buy that coat. ---- I'm sorry, _____.

A. it was sold B. it's selling

C. it's been sold D. it had been sold

16. The five-year-old girl by her parents.

A. is looked B. has looked for C. is being looked for D. has been looked


1. 一些学校与其重视语言学习.

2. 他打 来的时候,她恰好不在家.〔happen〕

3. 那片森林延伸数百英里.〔stretch〕

4. 他无法忍受牙疼,只得去看医生.〔endure〕

5. 高强度的足球训练使得运动员们非常疲惫.〔intensity〕

6. 建议你每周做三至四次运动,每次20至40分钟.〔It is suggested that〕

7. 这部电影不仅故事感人,而且音乐也很美.〔not only..but also〕

8. 人们发现气候影响人们的心情.〔It〕

9. 我缓慢地重复着动作从而让老人们能跟得上我的节奏.〔so as to〕

10. 英语被认为是世界上最广泛使用的语言之一.〔widely〕

1. , he wanted to buy his daughter a Christmas gift.

A. Short of money as was he B. Short of money as he was

C. Because he was short of money D. Lack of money as he was

2. that her classmate often make fun of her.

A. So strange is she dressed B. So strangely she is dressed

C. So strangely does she dress D. So strangely she dresses

3. Up into the air.

A. did the arrow go B. the arrow

C. went the arrow D. the arrow goes

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4. On the other side of the street

A. the broken car was B. was the broken car

C. the car was broken D. was the car broken

5. Many a time about it with me.

A. he has talked B. has he talked C. talked he D. can he talk

6. and the lessons begin.

A. In came the teacher B. Came in the teacher

C. Came the teacher in D. In came she

7. More than 60% of the students ____ the countryside.

A. is

A. is

A. lie B. believe C. judgment D. former E. not only

Honesty is a virtue. It is the base which makes people 1 each other. If one lacks honesty,

F. truth G. cheated H. essential I. lack J. goodbye

he will have no friends because nobody likes to be 2 . For example, one of my 3

classmates had many friends at the beginning because he seems very kind and helpful to

everybody. But later on, many of his former friends said 4 to him because they found that

they were always cheated by him. In fact, honesty is 5 important in school, but also

important in almost every field of life. Please imagine if a patient tells a 6 to his or her

doctor, how does the doctor know the 7 ? if a lawyer doesn’t obey the facts, how can

people get a fair 8 ? if a football player cheats in a match, how can people play fairly? So

honesty is indeed very 9 to everybody.


1. The best cartoon film I’ve seen is " and beast.〞

2. The man has gained a lot of from this trade.

3. is one of the most popular exercises among young people.

4. Only then will you begin to reach your optimal level of general .

5. I bought the book on his

6. Exercises can help us get our quicker.

7. After work, we need a kind of balance and exercise.

8. The sun of the tropics made his skin black.

9. Jogging every day makes my grandmothers

10. A good break at noon can let you bee more in the afternoon.


benefit from at a higher rate so as to response aerobic

1. , I won’t let you take part in the club for adults because you are only 14.


aim at remend for lead to supply to sum up

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B. are

B. was

C. is from

C. are

D. are from

D. were

8. Tom is the only one of the students who ____ going to swim this afternoon.



2. Every time I watch the horrible film, I can feel my heart beating .

3. I’ve had no to your letter.

4. Overuse of vehicles "Green house〞

5. Relief workers tried to everyone with food and water after the storm.

6. They opened the window admit air and light.

7. He was the job.

8. Because of illness she didn’t her stay abroad.

9. Any physical activity that makes your pulse get quicker and your breathing get deeper is a

kind of .

10. the final point, the runners dashed out.

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