北师大版选择性必修第一册Unit2 Success学案(知识点考点汇总及配套习题


Unit 2 Success学案

Section Ⅰ Topic Talk & Lesson 1 .................................................................................. - 1 -

Section Ⅲ Reading & Writing .................................................................................... - 27 -

Section Ⅲ Reading & Writin ...................................................................................... - 53 -

Section Ⅰ Topic Talk & Lesson 1



( )aut

( )lined

( )iastic

( )iative

( )te

( )ment

( )ation

( )ee

( )ory

( )ure

A.g the rules




E.g or showing a lot of

excitement and interest about sb./sth.

F. fact of doing er or of

working together towards a shared aim


H. willingness to work hard and

give your energy and time to a job or an




[答案] 1—5 BAECD 6—10 HFJGI


( ) sense

( ) on

( ) out




( ) one's back on D.赠送;捐赠

( ) away

[答案] 1—5 CABED


1.symbol n.

2.optimistic adj.

3.committed adj.

4.ambitious adj.

5.appreciate vt.

6.hunger n.

7.guilty adj.

8.professor n.












1.In this poem the budding flower means youth.

2.They are cautiously optimistic that the reforms will take place.

3.Only ambitious students get the best marks.

4.The white colour is a symbol of purity.

5.You can't appreciate English poetry unless you understand its rhythm.

6.My uncle entered upon a diplomatic career at the age of thirty-five.

7.Three hundred people in this town are dying of hunger every day.

8.Bob felt guilty that he had not made an attempt to save her.

9.The professor adapted his lecture to his audience.

10.Most of the students of this college live in dormitories.


1.I felt guilty(guilt) about not visiting my parents more often.

2.Thousands are going hungry(hunger) because of the failure of this year's harvest.

3.I put a pillow on the saddle so that I could ride comfortably(comfortable).

4.Every single employee(employ) turned up at the meeting,even people who

usually stayed away.

5.He was determined(determine) to give his family a secure and solid base.

6.The government is committed(commit) to protecting the interests of tenants.

7.The headmaster in our school hopes that we will be more ambitious(ambition)

when we graduate than when we got admitted.

8.He was very appreciative(appreciate) of his colleagues' support during his


9.He's been out of action for 16 months with a serious knee injury(injure).

10.The meeting discussed how to promote cooperation(cooperate) between the

two countries.

1.They spend half of their time dreaming up ways of getting rich and achieving

the success they expect,and the rest of their time thinking about all the things they

will do once they become rich.


2.However,there are people who have turned their backs on their millions and

found other forms of success in their lives.


3.He was tired of being regarded as living a successful life,as a person who had

everything while many people had nothing.


4.They didn't have the chance to learn and get on in life.


5.Jason Harley decided to drop out of this kind of lifestyle,and he discovered

that having only a little money made him free.



become a millionaire成为百万富翁

a symbol of success成功的象征

ultimate goal最终目标

dream up虚构,凭空想出

think about考虑

get the sense of success获得成功感

look for寻

worry about担心

work hard努力工作

become wealthy变得富有

make money赚钱

lose the sense of success失去成功感

turn one's back on不理睬;背弃

other forms of success其他形式的成功

a college professor大学教授

a fortune of two million dollars两百万美元的财产

a small dormitory room小宿舍

second-hand furniture二手家具

take care of照料

grow some vegetables种些蔬菜

charity shops慈善商店

appreciate this change欣赏这种变化

be pleased 很高兴做某事

give up放弃

be tired of厌倦,讨厌


make the choice 决定做……

y away把……钱财都捐赠出去

bring ess给某人带来快乐

live simply过简单生活

be helpful to others帮助别人

millions of people数百万人

die of hunger饿死

have the chance to learn有机会学习

get on发迹;出人头地

feel very guilty感到很内疚

without doing anything什么都不做


more than超过

bank notes钞票

homeless people无家可归的人

a kind of satisfaction一种满足


a well-paid job一份高薪工作

a sense of achievement成就感

come from来自;出生于

true meaning in life生活的真谛

live comfortably生活舒适

have no worries没有烦恼

drop out of this kind of lifestyle放弃这种生活方式

be much happier更快乐

according to one's values按照某人的价值观



Angela Johnson interviews ex-millionaire Jason Harley

For a lot of people,becoming a millionaire is a symbol of success and they set

this as their ultimate spend half of their time dreaming up ways of getting

rich and achieving the success they expect,and the rest of their time thinking about all

the things they will do once they become rich.(1) But do all millionaires get the sense of

success they were looking for

after they achieve their goals?(2) Some continue to

worry about money when they become millionaires — they worked hard to become

wealthy,but then they need to continue making money

so they don't lose the sense of

success they have achieved.(3)However,there are people who have turned their

backs on their millions and found other forms of success in their lives(4).Jason Harley

is one example.

(1)句中they expect为定语从句,修饰先行词success,they will do也是定语从句,修饰先行词things,once they become rich为时间状语从句。

(2)句中they were looking for为定语从句,修饰先行词success,after they achieve

their goals为时间状语从句。


they become millionaires为时间状语从句,they have achieved为定语从句,修饰先行词the sense of success。


Sixteen years ago,Jason was a college professor with a huge six-bedroom house

and a fortune of two million he lives in a small dormitory room with

only second-hand are certainly no signs that Jason is a rich and

successful man(5)!There is a small garden outside with a few fruit trees,which Jason

enjoys taking care of(6).He also grows some vegetables and a few gets

his clothes and a lot of other things from charity shops.


(6)which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词fruit trees。

But Jason appreciates this is pleased to give up the lifestyle of a rich

was tired of being regarded as living a successful life,as a person who had

everything while many people had nothing.(7) He made the choice to give all his

money this,he said,brought him happiness and a sense of success in life.

(7)句中while引导表示对比关系的并列句,第一个分句中who had everything为定语从句,修饰先行词person。

“I don't need a lot of money.I don't want to buy more things.I have enough,”

said Jason.“What I want(8) is to live simply and be helpful to others .A few years ago,I was a millionaire,but I knew millions of people died of hunger every year,and there

were places with no schools and no many people could never go to

didn't have the chance to learn and get on in worried me a lot

and I felt very guilty being a rich man without doing anything.”


Therefore he gave away all his money to er he had more than

two thousand dollars(9),he would give away small bank notes to homeless people in

the streets of local areas.“It was a kind of satisfaction and a real sense of success that

I had never felt before(10),” said Jason.“Sure,many people think that ‘success’

means having millions in the bank or a well-paid job (11).But I think my sense of

achievement comes from helping others and finding true meaning in life (12).”




(12)省略that的宾语从句,其中and连接两个动名词短语作come from的宾语。

Most people believe when they are living comfortably and earning enough

money,they will have no worries.(13) However,most people never feel they have

earned enough(14).Jason Harley decided to drop out of this kind of lifestyle,and he

discovered that having only a little money made him free(15).Are there any things he

misses from his past(16)?“No,I'm much happier now,because I am living

according to my values (17).Success is not measured by how much money you have

but by how you understand the true meaning of life.(18)”

(13)Most people believe后为宾语从句,其中ugh money为时间状语从句。


(15) that引导宾语从句。



(18)句中how much money you have和how you understand the true meaning of





1.Some millionaires do not get the sense of success after they achieve their goals.

A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned.

2.Jason Harley has turned his back on his wealth.

A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned.

3.Jason Harley is pleased to have the lifestyle of a rich man.

A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned.

4.Jason Harley has never felt a kind of satisfaction and a real sense of success.

A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned.

5.Most people will drop out of this kind of lifestyle like Jason Harley soon.

A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned.

[答案] 1—5 AABBC



A.being regarded as living a successful life

B.taking care of

C.being a rich man without doing anything

D.becoming a millionaire

E.helping others and finding true meaning in life

F.having millions in the bank or a well­paid job

1.For a lot of people, is a symbol of success and they set this as their

ultimate goal.

2.There is a small garden outside with a few fruit trees,which Jason

enjoys .

3.Jason was tired of ,as a person who had everything while many people

had nothing.

4.This worried me a lot and I felt very guilty .

5.Sure,many people think that “success” means .

6.But I think my sense of achievement comes from .

[答案] 1—6 DBACFE


Angela Johnson interviews ex-millionaire Jason Harley

◆Set becoming a naire as their ultimate goal.

Most people

◆Spend half of their time

ng up ways of getting rich and the rest of their time

ng about what they will do once they become rich.

Angela Johnson interviews ex-millionaire Jason Harley

◆Worry about when they become millionaires.



◆Continue making money so they don't lose sense of success

they have achieved.

◆He is d to give up the lifestyle of a rich man.

◆He gave all his money away to ies.

Jason Harley

◆He thinks the sense of achievement from helping others and

finding meaning in life.

◆He is happy to live and be helpful to others.










appreciates this change.

's past and present.

gave away all his money.

's belief in life.

lives simply and helps others.

[答案] 1—5 BAECD


1.What do some millionaires usually do after becoming rich?

A.Dream up ways of getting much richer.

B.Try to get the sense of success.

C.Go on making money.

D.Look for their new life goals.

2.How does Jason feel about the lifestyle of a rich man?





3.What does Jason want to do now?

A.To buy more things.

B.To get more education.

C.To become a millionaire again.

D.To help those people in need.

4.What is Jason's opinion of success?

A.Success means having millions in the bank.

B.Success means having a well­paid job.

C.Success means finding true meaning in life.

D.Success means living comfortably and freely.

[答案] 1—4 CADC




1.Some continue to worry about money when they become millionaires—they

worked hard to become wealthy,but then they need to continue making money so they

don't lose the sense of success they have achieved.

2.He is pleased to give up the lifestyle of a rich man.

3.He was tired of being regarded as living a successful life,as a person who had

everything while many people had nothing.


1.This worried me a lot and I felt very guilty being a rich man without doing


2.Therefore he gave away all his money to charities.

3.“It was a kind of satisfaction and a real sense of success that I had never felt

before,” said Jason.

4.I'm much happier now,because I am living according to my values.

[答案] 2

1.determine vt.决定,确定→determined adj.坚定的,坚决的→determination n.决心,毅力

2.discipline n.自制力 vt.惩罚,处罚→disciplined adj.遵守纪律的

3.commit vt.犯(罪/错);承诺;保证→committed adj.坚定的;尽心尽力的→commitment n.投入忠诚,奉献;承诺

4.ambition n.雄心;野心;抱负→ambitious adj.有抱负的,有雄心的

5.appreciate vt.欣赏;赏识→appreciative adj.感激的→appreciation n.欣赏;感激,感谢

6.injure vt.损害;伤害→injury n.伤,损害→injured adj.受伤的

7.cooperate v.合作,协作→cooperation n.合作,协作→cooperative adj.合作的;同心协力的

8.employ vt.雇佣→employee n.雇员→employer n.雇主→employment n.雇佣,就业

9.hunger n.饥饿,饥荒→hungry adj.感到饥饿的;挨饿的

10.guilt n.有罪;对罪行有责任→guilty adj.内疚的,羞愧的

commitment n.承诺;许诺;允诺承担;保证;(对工作或活动的)献身,奉献,投入;已承诺(或同意)的事;不得不做的事

①She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment. 承诺

②A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent commitment.投入

③Women very often have to juggle work with their family commitments.

Words and Phrases

知识要点1 determined adj.坚定的,坚决的

(教材P28) be passionate and determined about what you do



[例] She gave me a determined look—the kind that said she would not change

her mind.



(1)be determined to do sth. 决心做某事(表示状态)

(2)determine vt. 决定;确定;下决心

on/upon(doing)sth. 决定(做)某事determine+

 do sth. 使某人决心做某事 决定……(3)determination n. [U]决定;决心


to do sth. 决心做某事(表动作)

①He determined to learn(learn) Chinese.

②We were determined to win(win) the game.

③I have determined on/upon spending my holiday at home.

④She has the determination(determine)to overcome all the obstacles to succeed.


My sister Lily has determined/is determined to go to Beijing is a

determined girl,so we know that once she has determined upon/on doing something,she will make her dream come true with great determination.

知识要点2 committed adj.坚定的;尽心尽力的

(教材P28) committed and focused


[例] He is regarded as a committed supporter of a radical free-market economics




(1)commit vt. 投入;使承诺;做不好的事

commit (doing) sth. 使某人承诺(做)某事

commit oneself to (doing) sth.答应(做)某事

commit suicide/a crime/murder自杀/犯罪/谋杀

commit sth.

(2)commitment n.




①Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking(take)

out a loan.

②The council has committed large amounts of money to housing projects.

③It is an open question how long that commitment(commit) can last.

知识要点3 enthusiastic adj.热心的,热衷的

(教材P28) enthusiastic and ambitious


[例] She was even less enthusiastic about going to Spain.



(1)be enthusiastic about 对某事热心

be enthusiastic to do sth. 喜欢做某事

(2)enthusiasm n. 热情;热心;热衷的事物


①He is enthusiastic about both study and physical labour.

②And as you can see,the children were really encouraged,and they were also

enthusiastic to read(read) all of these books.

③Without correct leadership,the enthusiasm(enthusiastic) of the masses cannot be



He was a boy of great heart and enthusiasm.My friend was an enthusiastic

musician,who was enthusiastic about composing new songs.

知识要点4 make sense 有意义;解释得通

(教材P106)Yes,that makes a lot of sense.


[例] Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the

sky make sense.




make no sense

in a sense

in no sense





there's no sense in doing sth.做……是没有道理/作用的


①I can't make sense of this poem,but perhaps I will,if I read it again.

②In a sense,his suggestion is very practical.

③Planning so far ahead makes no sense—so many things will change.



make sense的主语常是“物”,而make sense of 的主语常是“人”。


In a sense,the sentence underlined in the passage was couldn't make

sense of last,the teacher told him it didn't make sense,so there is no sense in

analyzing its structure.

知识要点5 injury n.伤,损害

(教材P106) Despite many injuries in his career,he always remained determined

and focused.尽管职业生涯中多次受伤,但他始终保持着决心和专注。

[例] The injury to their key player could be a decisive factor in the game.



(1)do injury

do an injury to sb.

(2)injure v.




injured adj. 受伤的


①Smoking does an injury to health.

②The injured(injure) man mounted his horse with difficulty.


The accident caused serious injury to the injured were soon rushed

to the nearest hospital.

知识要点6 appreciate vt.欣赏;赏识

(教材P31) But Jason appreciates this change.


[例] I appreciate your help very much.



(1)appreciate (one's) doing sth.感激(某人)做某事

I would appreciate 如果……我将不胜感激

(2)appreciation n.





①I really appreciate your thinking(think) highly of my work.

②I would appreciate it if you could give me some advice on how to solve these


③We would appreciate you letting(let)us know of any problems.




(2)appreciate 后面若跟when/if引导的从句作宾语时,从句前应用it作形式宾语。类似用法的动词还有hate,love,like,dislike等。

知识要点7 hunger n.饥饿,饥荒

(教材P31)...I was a millionaire,but I knew millions of people died of hunger every


[例] Around fifty people die of hunger every day in the camp.集中营里每天大约有五十人饿死。


(1)have a hunger for

die of hunger

(2)hunger to do sth.

hunger for/after sth.

(3)hungry adj.







①I don't know about the rest of you,but I'm hungry(hunger).

②She hungered for some contact outside her own circumscribed world.

③New Zealanders are still learning,still have a hunger for answers and are still on

the journey to discovering their own identity.

知识要点8 get on 发迹;出人头地

(教材P31) They didn't have the chance to learn and get on in life.他们没有接受教育和开启新生活的机会。

[例] She is ambitious and eager to get on.



get along/on with

get into

get across

get over

get through

get down to

get away with









①This mistake will get him into difficulties.


②Don't attempt to cheat—you'll never get away with it.


③A smile can help us get through difficult situations and find friends in a world of



④It's impossible to get on/along with him.



Parents in China are eager for their children to get on.But it is not easy for

children to get down to their of them even get into bad habits,which makes

them hard to get along with.

知识要点9 drop out 退出,脱离;辍学

(教材P31)Jason Harley decided to drop out of this kind of lifestyle,and he

discovered that having only a little money made him free.


[例] The window was open,and the pot just dropped out.



drop back/behind

drop in

drop into

drop off


①They would unexpectedly drop in on us.


②The colt was struggling to stay with the pace and started to drop back/behind.


③Struggle as she might,she kept dropping off.


Sentence Patterns

重点句式1 whenever引导让步状语从句





(教材P31)Whenever he had more than two thousand dollars,he would give

away small bank notes to homeless people in the streets of local areas.


句式分析:本句中Whenever he had more than two thousand dollars是让步状语从句,其中Whenever相当于no matter when。

[例1] Whenever we met with difficulties,they came to help us.


[例2] Give us a call whenever you need our service.



(1)“疑问代词 + ever”可引导两种类型的从句,即让步状语从句和名词性从句。引导状语从句时相当于“no matter+疑问代词”。

(2)“no matter+疑问代词”只能引导让步状语从句。


①Whatever happened,he wouldn't say a word.

②Whichever dictionary you (may) take,you will have to pay at least 20 dollars.

③You may invite whoever you like.

重点句式2 make复合宾语结构

(教材P31) Jason Harley decided to drop out of this kind of lifestyle,and he

discovered that having only a little money made him free.


句式分析:句中made him free为make +宾语+形容词(作宾语补足语)的复合宾语结构。

[例1] But I was happy to help because I knew it was to realize our dream of

making black and white people equal.


[例2] The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier,not to make it

more difficult.











(8)make+形式宾语it+形容词或名词(作宾语补足语) +从句(作真正的宾语)


①Most pop singers make music their career.


②Nobody made us go to bed at a certain time.


③The teacher raised his voice so that he could make himself heard.


④We will soon make our school what your school is now.


⑤Everyone should make it a rule to go to bed early and get up early.人人都应该养成早睡早起的习惯。

⑥They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important and necessary


1.Some continue to worry about money when they become millionaires — they

worked hard to become wealthy,but then they need to continue making money so they

don't lose the sense of success they have achieved.

[分析] 句中but连接表示转折关系的并列句,so连接表示因果关系的并列句,when they become millionaires为when引导的时间状语从句,they have achieved为

省略that/which的定语从句,修饰先行词the sense of success。

[翻译] 有些人在成为百万富翁后仍然担心钱的问题——他们努力工作成为富人,但之后他们需要继续赚钱,这样他们就不会失去已经获得的成功感。

2.He was tired of being regarded as living a successful life,as a person who had

everything while many people had nothing.

[分析] 句中while引导表示对比关系的并列句,第一个分句中who had

everything为定语从句,修饰先行词a person。

[翻译] 他厌倦了被认为是一个拥有一切的人,过着成功的生活,而许多人却一无所有。








全国卷Ⅱ)I was always an enthusiastic reader,and

(2020·sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child.

(2020·全国卷Ⅰ)The language is almost intoxicating (令人陶醉的),an aging writer looking back on an ambitious yet

simpler time.

全国卷Ⅲ)This is often appreciated since at a

Jason appreciates

(2020·this change.

4....I was a millionaire,天津卷)For those who hunger for some peace and

but I knew millions of

(2020·people died of hunger

quiet,sound can now create silence.


1.Whenever I visited him,he was always busy working.

2.The heavy rain made it impossible for us to go out.

3.Next time you are in Guangzhou,please drop in on me.

4.Leonidas' family had been poor,he went hungry(hunger) for years.

5.And what is the key to expressing gratitude and appreciation(appreciate)?

6.The injured(injure) captain,lying in the bow of the boat,said nothing.

housewarming there isn't a lot of food served.

7.There is no sense in worrying(worry) about such a thing.

8.He wants to make sure that schools are committed to providing(provide)

alternative education.

9.There was an expression of fierce determination(determine) on her face.

10.But he said he is willing to be patient and he remains optimistic about the



get on;drop out;make sense;turn one's back on;give away;be tired of

1.She gave away all her furniture when she went abroad.

2.He turned his back on his wife when he became famous.

3.Politics is seen as a man's is very difficult for women to get on.

4.They were tired of the doctor airing his knowledge.

5.I dropped out of high bored me to death.

6.I didn't know what he was talking didn't make sense.


There are certainly no signs Jason is a rich and successful man! However,sixteen years ago,Jason was 2.a college professor with a fortune of two million

he (live) in a small dormitory room with only second-hand

gets his things from charity Jason is pleased give(give) up

the lifestyle of a rich gave away all his money to ies(charity).And this

brought him ess(happy) and a sense of success in er he had more

than two thousand dollars,he would give away small bank notes to ss(home)

people in the streets of local thinks his sense of achievement comes from

helping others and g(find) true meaning in people believe when they

are living tably(comfortable) and earning enough money,they will have no

r,most people never feel they have earned Harley said,“Success is not measured by how much money you have by how you

understand the true meaning of life.”



1.Fighting broke out between the South and the North.

2.Would you mind turning down your radio a little,please?

3.She is washing,cleaning and taking care of the children.

4.Do you object to Li Ping's joining the physics group?

5.My walking stick is the same length as yours.






Swimming is my favourite sport.


Collecting stamps is his hobby.




Playing with fire is dangerous.


Be careful!To play with fire will be dangerous.


(2)在It is no use/no good/useless/worthwhile/dangerous/a waste of time/fun等后需用动名词作真正的主语。

It's no use waiting for him any longer.


It's a waste of time arguing about it.


(3)当句型“There ”表示“不允许、禁止某种行为的发生或存在”时,需


There is no joking about such matters.



①It is a waste of time persuading (persuade) such a person to join us.

②Raising(raise) your hat to a lady is good manners.





喜欢想象禁不住(enjoy,imagine,can't help)




Would you mind opening the window?


(2)英语中有一些动词短语也常跟动名词作宾语。常见的跟动名词作宾语的动词短语有insist on,object to,be good at,lead to,put off,give up,look forward to,feel like,devote to,get used to,pay attention to,be worth等。

He insisted on doing it in his own way.


I have never looked forward to visiting that place.



stop to do sth.停下来去做某事

stop doing sth.停止做某事mean to do sth.想要做某事

mean doing sth.意味着做某事try to do sth.努力/企图做某事

try doing sth.试着做某事

be afraid to do sth.不敢做某事

be afraid of doing sth.害怕发生……remember doing sth.记得做了某事

remember to do sth.记住要去做某事forget doing sth.忘记做了某事

forget to do sth.忘记要去做某事regret doing sth.后悔做了某事

regret to do sth.遗憾要去做某事(4)下列动词可接动名词的主动形式表示被动意义,相当于不定式的被动形式。

need/want/require/deserve doing=need/want/require/deserve to be done

 bike needs

to be repaired.这辆自行车需要修一下。


③Although it started to rain,the farmers went on working(work) in the field.

④He was afraid of being abandoned(abandon) by us.



Your task is cleaning the windows.(Cleaning the windows is your task.)


What I hate most is being laughed at.(Being laughed at is what I hate most.)




a walking stick=a stick for walking=a stick which is used for walking

a washing machine=a machine for washing=a machine which is used for


a reading room=a room for reading=a room which is used for reading

sleeping pills=pills for sleeping=pills which are used for sleeping


⑤Their work is repairing(repair) solids control equipment.

⑥We have a playground,a swimming(swim) pool and two tennis courts.



Her coming to help encouraged all of us.她来帮忙鼓舞了我们。(=That she came

to help encouraged all of us.)

Jane's being careless caused so much trouble.简这么粗心惹来了不少麻烦。(=That Jane was careless caused so much trouble.)








I hate talking with such people.


Being careless is not a good habit.



I don't remember having met him before.


Thank you for having taken so much trouble to help.




having written


being written

having been written



I appreciate being given this opportunity.



I am very pleased at your having been honoured with a medal.



Excuse me for being late.



⑦I'm sorry for not having kept(keep) my promise.

⑧He was afraid of being left(leave) at home.


1.My sister insisted on going(go) to school in spite of her bad cough.

2.Most students hate being given(give) lessons on line.

3.You may drink,smoke,be overweight and still reduce your risk of dying

(die)early by running.

4.I quickly lower myself,ducking my head to avoid looking (look) directly into

his eyes.

5.Travelling(travel) along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding


6.I didn't mean to eat (eat)anything but the ice cream looked so good that I

couldn't help trying it.

7.I still remember visiting (visit) a friend who'd lived here for five years.

8.Fast food is full of fat and salt;by eating (eat) more fast food people will get

more salt.

9.But unlike her school friends,16­year­old Sarah is not spending half­term


10.Ignoring(ignore) the difference between the two research findings will be one

of the worst.


Every time I mention (take) an exam at home,my parents can't help

ting(predict) the result of the exam,at the risk of g(ruin) the harmonious

it is difficult to avoid g(talk) the topic at s are busy

g(work) to support the devote their heart and soul to (give)

us a comfortable ys,parents and children have difficulty in

icating(communicate) with each s suggest we should try

have(have) a chat with them and achieve our on(ambitious).Otherwise,we

would feel (guilt).

Section Ⅲ Reading & Writing



( )ntial

( )tion

( )m

( )

( )onship

( )her

( )ct

( )e

( )ic

( )ity




D. quantity of goods that is produced



G. official written agreement



J. greatest or highest degree of sth.

[答案] 1—5 CDEAB 6—10 HGJFI


( )...to

( ) down to sth.

( ) in

( ) oneself to sth.

( ) sb./

[答案] 1—5 CDAEB


1.devote vt.

2.motivating adj.

3.limit vt.& n.

4.convince vt.

5.ruin vt.

6.skip vt.

7.defensive adj.

8.countless adj.

9.hire vt.

10.enormous adj.

11.length n.

12.injured adj.

13.outstanding adj.

14.average adj.


15.normal adj.




















1.I want to devote more time to my family.

2.This price is his minimum;he refuses to lower it any further.






3.He must limit the number of cigarettes he smokes.

4.Robert's expression had obviously convinced her of his innocence.

5.The storm ruined our wheat.

6.He skipped lightly up the stairs.

7.No ordinary families can afford to hire servants.

8.There was nothing special about the meal;it was average.

9.She braced herself to lead a normal life.

10.Her late husband was an outstanding scientist.


1.The oil companies have lost their power over oil price and oil


2.He is a very influential(influence) man in the government.

3.If their luck holds,they could still win the championship(champion).

4.It's normally(normal)much warmer than this in July.

5.He's writing a history of the town for a local publisher(publish).

6.Accomplishing goals is a major motivating(motivate) factor for anyone.

7.They asked for academic(academy) freedom.

8.The enemy has strengthened their defensive(defend) position.

9.I didn't realize the intensity(intense) of people's feelings on this issue.

10.I've told you countless(count) times.

11.The length(long) of a paragraph depends on the information it conveys.

12.Several people were seriously injured(injure).

1.Why do Olympic athletes push themselves to the limits?


2.He was worried that I had no longer become fun to train with and that I was in

danger of being left with only a world championship medal and no one to share it



3.It boils down to this:I was born with an enormous amount of drive and



4.Call it unhealthy if you want,but that is the way I roll,no matter what it is I'm

applying myself to.


5.Doing what we do as athletes sets us apart because we are willing to do that

extra little bit that might take us to the top.



push the limit把某人推到极限

ruin family holiday破坏家庭假日

skip night out晚上不出去玩

give up放弃

be worried about担心

no longer不再

in danger of处于……的危险

a world championshipmedal世界冠军奖牌


become angry or defensive变得愤怒或戒备

deep down在内心深处

element n.基本部分;要素

workout n.训练,锻炼

mental intensity精神上高度集中

push the limit and extreme挑战极限

a professional athlete一名职业运动员

on a day-to-day basis每天

be so selfish这么自私

sacrifice n.牺牲

countless birthday parties无数的生日聚会

search for寻

hire a car租车

in downtown Johannesburg在约翰内斯堡市中心

drive through the “no-go” areas开车穿过 “禁入”区

do a group ride进行团体骑行

triathlete n.铁人三项运动员

boil down to sth.要点是;归结为

an enormous amount of drive大量的干劲

stay in待在家里

get ahead on class work在功课上领先

rather than而不是

on one's own独自

swim 100 lengths of the pool游100个来回

a rugby club橄榄球俱乐部

apply oneself to sth.使(自己)致力于;使(注意力等)专注于

be no different没有什么不同

an Olympic champion奥运冠军

set 使某人从……中突显出来

reach the winner's platform到达胜利者的平台

had better最好

be totally committed to完全致力于

in the words of用……的话来说

mean getting injured意味着受伤

prefer 宁愿……

be average平庸

set 使某人与众不同

be willing 愿意做……

a balanced way平衡的方式

normal adj.正常的,平常的

strive for greatness追求伟大



Why do Olympic athletes push themselves to the limits?As one of the Olympic

athletes,I miss birthday parties,ruin family holidays and skip nights out,but there is

a very good reason for giving up so much.(1) “We're worried about you,” said my

friend from across the was worried that I had no longer become fun to train

with and that I was in danger of being left with only a world championship medal and

no one to share it with.(2)



I could have become angry or 't they know how hard it is to be at

the top in sport(3)?Don't they know what it takes to get there(4)?However,deep

down I knew elements of what he was saying were right(5).I was always tired and

every workout had a mental intensity that seemed too much for most to handle.(6) I

was pushing the limits and extremes beyond what most thought were healthy(7).



(5)该句为省略that的宾语从句,其中what he was saying作介词of的宾语。

(6)and连接表示顺承关系的并列句,第二个分句中 handle为定语从句,修饰先行词a mental intensity。


These are the fears I face as a professional athlete on a day-to-day basis

(8).Who am I doing this for?How much is too much?Why am I doing this?How

can I be so selfish?What are the sacrificesfor?


I think of countless birthday parties and nights out I have missed,ruining a

family holiday in France because of the endless search for a swimming pool to train in,almost missing my brother's wedding because I was too busy hiring a car in

downtown Johannesburg and driving through the “no-go” areas in order to do a

group ride with the local triathletes .(9)The list is endless.

(9)I have missed为定语从句,修饰先行词nights out;because引导原因状语从句。


It boils down to this:I was born with an enormous amount of drive and

a small girl,I would stay in at lunch time just to get ahead on

class work rather than go out and play;I would get the bus on my own at ten years

old and go to swim 100 lengths of the pool while other kids played pool games(10);I

was the only girl in a rugby club of 250 boys.I have always lived my life to

it unhealthy if you want,but that is the way I roll,no matter what it is I'm

applying myself to. (11)

(11)句中if you want为条件状语从句;I roll为定语从句,修饰先行词way;no

matter what引导让步状语从句。

Being a professional athlete is no different .If you want to be an Olympic

champion,it's all about that little extra thing you have done in your preparation that

will set you apart fromyour competitors. (12)

(12)if引导条件状语从句,hat强调主语,you have done in your preparation为定语从句,修饰先行词thing。

Can this be overdone? if your dream is to be the best and reach

the winner's platform (13),you had better be totally committed to your the

words of the British triathlete Alistair Brownlee,even if it means getting injured (14),“I'd prefer to have three or four outstanding years of winning stuff than having ten

years of being average.”


(14)even if引导让步状语从句。

Doing what we do as athletes sets us apart because we are willing to do that extra

little bit that might take us to the top.(15) It is certainly not a balanced way to live and

it is certainly not normal but those words are generally not used for anyone who is

striving for greatness (16).

(15)what we do as athletes为宾语从句,because引导原因状语从句,其中that

might take us to the top为定语从句,修饰先行词that extra little bit。





1.The writer often has many nights out with her friends.

A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned.

2.The writer takes part in the sport mainly for her health.

A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned.

3.The writer didn't want to attend her brother's wedding.

A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned.

4.The writer always wants to live her life to extremes.

A.Right. B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned.

5.The writer will drop out of sport in the near future.


[答案] 1—5 BBBAC



A.to get ahead on class work

B.to be the best and reach the winner's platform

C.to share it with

D.to be at the top in sport

E.to do that extra little bit

F.to be an Olympic champion

1.He was worried that I had no longer become fun to train with and that I was in

danger of being left with only a world championship medal and no one .

2.Don't they know how hard it is ?

3.From a small girl,I would stay in at lunch time just rather than go out

and play.

B.Wrong. C.Not mentioned.

4.If you want ,it's all about that little extra thing you have done in your

preparation that will set you apart from your competitors.

5.But if your dream is ,you had better be totally committed to your sport.

6.Doing what we do as athletes sets us apart because we are willing

that might take us to the top.

[答案] 1—6 CDAFBE


The situation the writer faces

◆ay parties

Things she gives up as an

Olympic athlete

◆family holidays

◆nights out

◆no longer fun to train with her

◆in danger of being left with only a world

Her friends' worries and

her reactions

3.championship medal and no one to share it with

◆deep down she knew

4.elements of what he was saying were right

◆She was always tired and every workout had a

The fears she faces on a


-to-day basis

◆She was pushing the limits and es beyond what

most thought were healthy.

◆From a small girl,she would stay in at lunch time just to

The list of things she has


ahead on class work.

◆She would get the bus on her own at ten years old and go

to swim 100 s of the pool.

◆She was the only girl in a club of 250 boys.






writer's reactions.








writer's questions.

things the writer missed.

friends' worries about the writer.

total commitment to your sport.

way to strive for greatness.

writer's drive and determination.

importance of that little extra thing.

[答案] 1—5 DABCG 6—8 HEF


1.What made her friends worried about the writer?

A.Pushing herself to the limits.

B.Missing birthday parties.

C.Ruining family holidays.

D.Becoming dull to train with her.

2.What is the writer's attitude to her friends' worries in her heart?





3.Why did the writer take her brother's wedding for example?

A.To prove she missed countless birthday parties.

B.To prove she missed countless nights out.

C.To prove she often ruined family holidays.

D.To prove she had to face countless fears in life.

4.What should you do in order to be an Olympic champion?

A.Stay in at lunch time just to get ahead on class work.

B.Get the bus on your own at a young age.

C.Make your dream different from other competitors.

D.Do that extra little bit that makes you outstanding.

[答案] 1—4 ADCD




1.I could have become angry or defensive.

2.However,deep down I knew elements of what he was saying were right.

3.Who am I doing this for?


1.He was worried that I had no longer become fun to train with and that I was in

danger of being left with only a world championship medal and no one to share it with.

2.I was born with an enormous amount of drive and determination.

3.Being a professional athlete is no different.

[答案] 2、3

1.influence n.影响;影响力 vt.影响;对……起作用→influential adj.有影响力的→influencer n.影响者;有影响力的人

2.devote vt.把……奉献给;专心致力于→devoted adj.忠诚的;全心全意的→devotion n.奉献;忠诚;热心

3.produce vt.&vi.生产;产生;出产→production n.生产;产量

4.publish vt.&vi.出版→publisher n.出版商→publication n.出版;发行

5.motivate vt.成为……的动机;激发;诱发→motivating adj.起激励作用的;激发(人)的→motivation n.动机;动力;诱因

6.limit vt.& n.限制,限定→limited adj.有限的

7.convince vt.使确信;使信服→convinced adj.相信的,确信的→convincing adj.令人信服的

8.defend vt.保护;保卫;为……辩护→defence n.防御;保卫→defensive adj.戒备的,自卫的

9.intense adj.强烈的,剧烈的;激烈的;紧张的→intensity n.强度;强烈

10.count n.总数 vt.点……的数目,计算→countless adj.无数的,数不尽的→counter n.柜台;计数器

11.long adj.长的;冗长的→length n.长度→lengthen vt.加长

12.normal adj.正常的,平常的→abnormal adj.反常的;不规则的

average adj.平庸的,普通的;平均的n.平均水平;平均数

①An average of 1,500 persons pass here every day.

②Underground water reserves are below average.

③40 hours is a fairly average working week for most people.

④A very average director made very average movies.

知识要点1 devote vt.把……奉献给;专心致力于

(教材P107)For more than 50 years,he has devoted his life to


[例] A great person is someone who devotes his/her life to helping others.



( (doing) sth. 把……献给(做)某事





devote oneself to=be devoted to献身于;专心致力于

(2)devoted adj.

(3)devotion n.


①He is determined to devote his life to science.

②He married well and happily and was a devoted(devote) father and husband.

③Neighbors devoted their spare time to helping(help) others.


He could only devote two hours a day to work on the project,but his devotion to

duty is worth respecting.

知识要点2 limit vt.& n.限制,限定

(教材P108)...such as making to-do lists and limiting time on social networking and

other distractions.


[例] There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.我们能忍受的疼痛是有限度的。




(1)set a limit to=put a limit on 限制;对……加以限制

to the limit

within limits


limit (doing) sth.

(3)limited adj.

be limited to


①There is a limit to one's life,but no limit to serving(serve) the people.

②We must limit the expense to 10 pounds.

③Families are limited(limit) to four free tickets each.

知识要点3 convince vt.使确信;使信服

(教材P35)...you've convinced me to read this book!


[例] Her arguments didn't convince everyone,but changes were made.



(1)convince sth.

convince ...

convince do sth.

(2)convincing adj.

(3)convinced adj.

be convinced of

be convinced (that) ...


①We've been trying to convince him to give(give) up the plan.

②What she said convinced me that I was mistaken.

③His speech was so convincing(convince) that everyone present believed what he















④I am quite convinced of her experience in it.

⑤I'm not completely convinced(convince) that he knew the importance of



Jim tried to convince his parents of his words sounded convincing to

them,so they were convinced that his son had made great progress.

知识要点4 ruin vt.糟蹋;毁坏

(教材P36) As one of the Olympic athletes,I miss birthday parties,ruin family

holidays and skip nights out,but there is a very good reason for giving up so much.


[例] That one mistake ruined his chances of getting the job.正是这个错误断送了他得到那份工作的机会。


(1)ruin oneself

ruin one's health/fame

(2)in ruins

bring ruin

fall/go/come into/to ruin


①If you're addicted to computer games,you'll ruin yourself(you).

②Many factories fell into ruin after the European debt crisis.

③The houses on the seaward side of the road were all in ruins(ruin).


The earthquake ruined this that the whole area was in ruins.The disaster

brought him to ruin.

知识要点5 countless adj.无数的,数不尽的

(教材P36) I think of countless birthday parties and nights out I


[例] She offered him emotional and practical support in countless ways.








count v.

count on doing sth.

count on sth./sb.

count on do sth.

count down

count in


①If I got into trouble,I could always count on Rose.

②When the game gets started,you can count me in.

③Don't count on other people to help(help) you out of trouble.

知识要点6 apply oneself to sth.努力;专心致志于某事

(教材P37)Call it unhealthy if you want,but that is the way I roll,no matter what it

is I'm applying myself to.


[例] If you apply yourself to the job,you'll soon finish it.



(1)apply to sb./sth.

be applied to sth.

(2)apply (to sb.) for sth.

apply to do sth.

(3)application n.

applicant n.
















①In order to know whether his plan was practical,he applied for a study to his

company about it.

②Yao Ming applied himself closely to the study of English when he was in


③In this way they can better apply theory to practice.

④You will pass your exams if you apply yourself to your study.

=You will pass your exams if you are applied to your study.



The applicants who want to apply for the position should hand in their


知识要点7 set sb./使与众不同

(教材P37) If you want to be an Olympic champion,it's all about that little extra

thing you have done in your preparation that will set you apart from your competitors.


[例] Her bright red scarf sets her apart from the other girls.




set from


fall apart







①Apart from the construction mentioned above,you have also learned the

following phrases.

②Let's take the machine apart and see what's wrong with it.


③They are so much alike that I can't tell them apart.


知识要点8 average adj.平庸的,普通的;平均的n.平均水平;平均数

(教材P37) I'd prefer to have three or four outstanding years of winning stuff than

having ten years of being average.我宁愿有三到四年出的获胜经历,也不愿有十年平庸的经历。

[例] The greenhouse effect gives the earth's surface the average temperature of

15 ℃.



(1)on (the) average

above (the) average

below (the) average




①On average,boys like playing football better than girls.

②He is working hard and his grades are above the average in his class.

③The average of 3,8 and 10 is (be) 7.

④An average of ten students haven't passed the exam in each class.


“the ”作主语,谓语动词用单数;而“an average of+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用复数。

Sentence Patterns

重点句式1 while表转折

(教材P36) I would get the bus on my own at ten years old and go to swim 100

lengths of the pool while other kids played pool games.



[例1] There're plenty of rain in the southeast,while there's little in the northeast.







[例2] While Tom's very good at science,his brother is absolutely hopeless.








①While I admit his good points,I can see his shortcomings.

②We can surely overcome these difficulties while we are closely united.

③While I was waiting at the bus stop,three buses went by in the opposite



重点句式2 强调句型

(教材P37) If you want to be an Olympic champion,it's all about that little

extra thing you have done in your preparation that will set you apart from your




[例1] It was on Monday night that all this happened.


[例2] It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins

to look sick.

只有当这种病毒发展成艾 滋病时,人才会显出病态。


(1)强调句型的一般陈述句结构为:It + be + 被强调部分+

(2)强调句型的一般疑问句结构为:Is/Was it+被强调部分+?

(3)强调句型的特殊疑问句结构为:疑问词+ is/was ?(强调句型的特殊疑问句只能强调特殊疑问词。)

(的强调句式:It+ be+ not until+被强调部分+


①It was because we were late that caused him to serve dinner an hour later than


②How was it that they discovered the entrance to the underground palace?

③It was in the small house which was built with stones by his father that he spent

his childhood.





1.He was worried that I had no longer become fun to train with and that I was in

danger of being left with only a world championship medal and no one to share it with.

[分析] 句中He was worried 后是and连接两个that引导的宾语从句,动名词短语being left with only a world championship medal作in danger of的宾语。

[翻译] 他担心和我一起训练不再是一件愉悦的事情,担心我处于只剩下世界冠军的奖牌而无人可以分享的危险境地。

2.I think of countless birthday parties and nights out I have missed,ruining a

family holiday in France because of the endless search for a swimming pool to train in,almost missing my brother's wedding because I was too busy hiring a car in downtown

Johannesburg and driving through the “no­go” areas in order to do a group ride with

the local triathletes.

[分析] 句中I have missed为省略了关系代词that的定语从句,修饰先行词birthday parties and nights out,because引导原因状语从句,in order to do a group ride

with the local triathletes为目的状语从句。

[翻译] 我想起我错过的无数的生日聚会和深夜外出;毁掉了在法国的家庭假日,因为无休止地寻一个训练的游泳池;几乎错过我哥哥的婚礼,因为我在约翰内斯堡市中心忙着租车,且开车穿过“禁入”区以便和当地的铁人三项运动员


3.Doing what we do as athletes sets us apart because we are willing to do that

extra little bit that might take us to the top.

[分析]句中的what we do是宾语从句,作doing的宾语;because引导原因状语从句;that might take us to the top是that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a little bit。

[翻译] 作为运动员,我们所做的事情是与众不同的,因为我们愿意多做一点,这可能会让我们达到顶峰。


more than 50 years,he has

devoted his life to


(2020·北京卷)For the past five years,Paula

Smith,a historian of science,has devoted

herself to re-creating long-forgotten techniques.

(2020·全国卷Ⅱ)He says it's not easy to

convince people that nutria fur is green,but he

has no doubt about it.

,you've convinced me to read

this book!

one of the Olympic athletes,I

miss birthday parties,ruin family

holidays and skip nights out,but

there is a very good reason for

giving up so much.

(2020·全国卷Ⅱ)Who hasn't received an email

so annoying that it ruined an entire day?

北京卷)Over time,the bags fall apart into

4.I think of countless birthday

(2020·parties and nights out I have

countless tiny pieces,and fish can accidentally


5.I'd prefer to have three or four

outstanding years of winning stuff

than having ten years of being


eat some of them.

(2020·江苏卷)Then,on two separate morning

visits to the scientists' lab,each man walked for

an hour at an average speed that,in theory

should allow his body to rely mainly on fat for



1.It was the boy who had been in prison that stole the money.

2.The trouble is that these restrictions have remained while other things have


3.I have twenty novels and countless(count) magazine stories to my credit.

4.The town walls were built as a defence(defend) against enemy attacks.

5.He was convinced(convince) that doctors and dentists knew best.

6.The expenses should be limited to what you can really afford.

7.All his spare time has been devoted to learning(learn) English over the radio.

8.Faulks has applied himself(him) to this task with considerable energy.

9.This will set you apart and gain you immediate respect and credibility.

10.On average,a platypus eats as much food as half of its own weight every day.


apply oneself to;apart from;stay in;boil down to;;on average

1.I stayed in and looked through Tom's old stuff.

2.He applied himself to the task with diligence.

3.On average each report requires two months to prepare.

4.I have personally been devoted to this cause for many years.

5.The advice we gave him boiled down to this:he should take care of his health.

6.Apart from some spelling mistakes,the composition is fairly good.


As an Olympic athlete,I miss birthday parties,ruin family holidays and skip nights

friend was worried that I had no longer become fun train(train) with and

that I was in danger of left(leave) with only a world championship medal and no

one to share it down I knew ts(element) of what he was saying were

right.I was pushing the limits and extremes beyond what most thought were healthy.

This is because I born(bear) with an enormous amount of drive and

ination(determine).Being a professional athlete is no you want to

be Olympic champion,it's all about that little extra thing you have done in your

preparation that will set you apart your we do as

athletes sets us apart because we are willing to do that extra little bit that might take us

to the is certainly not a ed(balance) way to live and it is certainly not

normal but those words are lly(general) not used for anyone who is striving

for greatness.



1.We've bought a new washing machine.

2.I saw a girl climbing up the was carrying a heavy backpack.

3.The car is dirty.

4.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

5.The computer is the most important invention of the 20th century.

6.I find snakes fascinating.










I'll return in a day or two.

2.表示“同一”,相当于“the same”。

The children are of an age.


He wants to be a doctor.

A dog is a faithful animal.


Yesterday I bought a cost me 30 yuan.


We have meals three times a day.

6.用于专有名词前表示类似的一个或某一个,相当于“a certain”。

A is asking to see you.


There was a heavy rain yesterday.

He gave us a big surprise.


He wanted to try a second time.


We have a warm winter this year.

This evening I had a big supper.


have a swim

once in a while

in a hurry

at a time


①They found an apartment in America where they lived only half a year.

②I really enjoyed my stay in Xi''s indeed worth a second visit.



I have bought a book is very useful.


Close the window,please.

3.用于表示世界上独一无二的事物前,如:the sun。

4.用于表示方位的名词之前,如:in the east。

5.用于序数词或形容词的最高级前,如:the first,the most interesting。


The more,the better.

all of a sudden

as a result (of)

as a whole

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