
2023年12月17日发(作者:a lot)



Selected Technical Terms in Mechanics of Materials


(version 1.0, September 4, 2011)

This tabulated list of selected technical terms in mechanics of materials is developed

by Changwen Mi to facilitate the students in various engineering majors at the

Southeast University. This file reflects part of our constant efforts in implementing

bilingual teaching of a series of undergraduate and graduate mechanics courses hosted

by the Department of Engineering Mechanics at the Southeast University. We had

made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this file for the

students’ sake. We, however, make no guarantee of the effects of using this file.

Geometric properties of an area 截面几何性质

centroid 形心

centroidal axis 形心轴

first moment of an area 静矩

moment of inertia; second moment of an area 惯性矩

parallel axis theorem 平行移轴定理

products of inertia 惯性积

polar moment of inertia 极惯性矩

radius of gyration 惯性半径

composite area组合截面

principal centroidal axis主形心轴

principal moment of inertia主惯性矩

principal moments of inertia about centroidal axes 主形心惯性矩

Structural members 构件

bar 杆

prismatic bars 等截面直杆

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shaft 轴

column 柱(只受压缩)

thin-walled tubes (闭口)薄壁杆

thin-walled open tubes 开口薄壁杆

pressure vessel 压力容器

beam 梁

neutral surface 中性层

neutral axis 中性轴

simply supported beams 简支梁

cantilever beams 悬臂梁

composite beams 复合梁

overhanging beams 外伸梁

continuous beams 连续梁

fully stressed beams; beams of constant strength 等强度梁beams of variable cross section 变截面梁

wide-flange beams 工字梁

web 腹板

flange 翼缘

fixed support; clamped support 固定端

pin support 固定铰支座

roller support 可动铰支座

curved beams 曲梁

truss 桁架

frame 刚架

cross-section 横截面

oblique cross-section

axis 轴线

rigid joint 刚性结点



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Loads 荷载/载荷

force 力

force couple 力偶

moment 力矩

moment of a couple 力偶矩

unit load 单位力

unit couple 单位力偶

concentrated loads 集中力

distributed loads 分布力

intensity of distributed loads 分布力的集度

surface force 面力

body force 体积力

static loads 静载

dynamic loads 动载

allowable loads 许用荷载

reaction 反作用力

internal forces 内力

axial force 轴力

shear force 剪力

Stress, Strain and Deformation 应力应变变形

normal stress 正应力

nominal stress 名义应力

true stress 真实应力

average stress 平均应力

maximum stress 最大应力

minimum stress 最小应力

allowable stress 许用应力

shear stress 剪切应力



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pure shear 纯剪切

normal strain 正应变

nominal strain 名义应变

true strain 真实应变

shear strain 切应变

deformation 变形

displacement 位移

deflection 挠曲

Common Terms in Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 可变形体力学常用术语

mechanics of materials 材料力学

strength of materials 材料力学

mechanics of deformable bodies 变形体力学

strength 强度

stiffness 刚度

stability 稳定性

homogeneity/homogeneous 均质/匀质的

continuity/continuous 连续性/连续的

isotropy/isotropic 各向同性/各向同性的

infinitesimal elastic deformation 微小弹性变形

elasticity 弹性

elastic deformation弹性变形

linearly elastic body线性弹性体

mechanical properties力学性质

plasticity 塑性

elastoplastic materials 弹塑性材料

tension 拉伸

compress 压缩

shearing 剪切

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torsion 扭转

bending 弯曲

buckling 失稳

allowable load method 许用荷载法

allowable stress 许用应力

allowable stress method 许用应力法

method of safety factor 安全系数法

method of discount factor 折扣系数法

factor of safety 安全系数

stress concentration factor 应力集中因数

residual stress / initial stress / prestress 残余应力初应力,预应力stress distribution 应力分布

equation of equilibrium 平衡方程

method of sections 截面法

Other Mechanical Terms 其它力学术语

dimensionless quantities 无量纲量

composite material复合材料

specimen 试件

elastic-perfectly plastic assumption理想弹塑性假设

plastic hinge塑性铰

Axial Loading 轴向荷载

axially loaded bars 拉压杆,轴向承载杆

axial tension 轴向拉伸

axial compression 轴向压缩

axial forces 轴向力

internal forces 内力

method of section 截面法

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diagram of axial forces 轴力图

stress tensor 应力张量

longitudinal 纵向的

transverse 横向的

Saint-Venant’s Principle 圣维南原理

stresses on oblique planes 斜截面上的应力

axial deformation 轴向变形

elongation 伸长量

extensometer 引伸计、伸展仪、伸长计

uniaxial stress 单向应力,单轴应力

normal stress 正应力

sign convention 符号规定

transverse/lateral strain 横向应变

Tension/compression rigidity 拉压刚度 (EA)

stress concentration factor 应力集中系数

Mechanical Behavior of Materials 材料力学行为

gauge length 标记长度

constitutive relations 本构关系(物理方程)

Hooke’s Law 胡克定律

generalized Hook’s law广义胡克定律

stress-strain diagram 应力应变图

Hook’s law of shearing剪切胡克定律

brittle 脆性

brittle materials脆性材料

ductile 韧性

ductile materials塑性材料,韧性材料,延展性材料plastic deformation塑性变形,残余变形

creep 蠕变

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relaxation 松弛

proportional limit 比例极限

elastic modulus; modulus of elasticity 弹性模量

Young’s modulus 杨氏模量

elastic limit 弹性极限

yield stress 屈服应力

yield strength 屈服强度

offset yield stress名义屈服强度

strain hardening 强化,冷作硬化

ultimate strength, strength limit 强度极限

ultimate stress极限应力

low carbon steel 低碳钢

cast iron 铸铁

transversely isotropic 横向同性

necking 颈缩

plastic flow 塑性流动

percent reduction in area 断面收缩率

percent elongation 延伸率

bulk modulus 大块模量,体积模量

Poisson’s ratio 泊松比

Shearing and bearing Stress 剪切和挤压应力

Shear/shearing 剪切

Shear/shearing stress 切应力

bearing 挤压

bearing stress挤压应力

bearing surface 挤压面

single shear 单剪

double shear 双剪



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rod 吊杆

boom 托架

pin 销钉

rivet 铆钉

joints/connectors 连接件

lap joint 搭接

butt joint 对接

pure shear 纯剪切

theorem of conjugate shearing stress 切应力互等定理shear modulus切变模量

ultimate shear stress 剪切极限应力

yield shear stress 剪切屈服应力

Torsion 扭转

torsional moment 扭矩

twisting moment 扭力矩

power & torque 功率与扭矩

torque diagram 扭矩图

angle of twist 扭转角

angle of twist per unit length 单位长度扭转角

torsional rigidity 抗扭刚度,扭曲刚度

section modulus in torsion 抗扭截面系数

slip-lines 滑移线

slip bands 滑移带,剪切带

free torsion 自由扭转

constrained torsion 约束扭转

Bending 弯曲

symmetric bending 对称弯曲



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symmetric longitudinal plane 纵向对称面

transverse loading 横向荷载

shear force 剪力

shear flow 剪流

shear force diagram 剪力图

equation of shear forces 剪力方程

bending moment 弯矩

equation of bending moment 弯矩方程

bending moment diagram 弯矩图

pure bending纯弯曲

Transverse bending 横力弯曲

plane cross-section hypothesis 平面假设

hypothesis of uniaxial stress 单轴应力假设

neutral surface 中性层

neutral axis 中性轴

bending normal stress 弯曲正应力

section modulus 抗弯截面系数

bending shear stress弯曲切应力

constant-strength beam; fully stressed beams 等强度梁

deflection 挠曲,挠度

angle of rotation 转角

slope 斜率

curvature 曲率

radius of curvature 曲率半径

deflection curve 挠曲线

approximate differential equation of deflection 挠曲轴近似微分方程

flexural rigidity 抗弯刚度

method of successive integrations 积分法

boundary condition 边界条件

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continuity condition 连续性条件

symmetry condition 对称性条件

method of superposition 叠加法

linear superposition 线性叠加

superposition of loads 荷载叠加

superposition of rigidized structures 刚化叠加,变形叠加

method of singular/discontinuity function 奇异函数法

boundary values 边界值

moment-area theorems 图乘法

unsymmetric bending 不对称弯曲

shear center弯曲中心

bending strain energy 弯曲应变能

Indeterminate Problems 超静定问题

statically determinate problem 静定问题

statically indeterminate problem 静不定问题,超静定问题degree of static indeterminacy 静不定次,超静定次数

redundancy 冗余,多余

redundant restraint 多余约束

basic determinate system 基本静定系

force method 力法

equation of deformation compatibility 变形协调方程

complementary equation 补充方程

thermal stress 热应力

coefficient of thermal expansion 线胀系数

assembly stress 装配应力

residual stress 残余应力

thermal strain 热应变

eigenstrain 特征应变

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Stress States 应力状态

state of stress 应力状态

damage mechanisms 破坏机制

stress state of a point 一点应力状态

transformation of stresses 应力变换

principal stresses 主应力

principal axes 主轴,主方向

stress circle 应力圆

Mohr’s Circle 莫尔圆

state of biaxial stress 二向应力状态

state of plane stress 平面应力状态

state of triaxial stress 三轴(复杂)应力状态

triaxial stress 三向应力

experimental stress analysis 实验应力分析

volumetric strain energy density 体积应变能密度

distortional strain energy density 畸变能密度

volumetric strain 体应变

decomposition of stress tensor 应力张量分解

transformation of strain 应变变换

Strength Theory 强度理论

strength condition 强度条件

equivalent stress 相当应力

maximum tensile stress theory最大拉应力理论

maximum tensile strain theory最大拉应变理论

maximum shear stress theory最大切应力理论

maximum distortion energy theory 最大畸变能理论Mohr theory of failure莫尔强度理论

measurements of strain 应变测量



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strain gauge 应变计

strain rosette 应变花

three-element rectangular rosette 三轴直角应变花

three-element delta rosette 三轴等角应变花

full bridge 全桥接线法

half bridge 半桥接法

bridge balancing 电桥平衡

compensating block 补偿块

Combined Loadings 组合荷载

eccentric tension 偏心拉伸

eccentric compression 偏心压缩

core of cross-sections 截面核心

Stability of Columns 压杆稳定

buckling 屈曲

stability condition 稳定条件

Euler’s formula 欧拉公式

critical load 临界压力

critical stress 临界应力

equivalent length相当长度,有效长度

coefficient of equivalent length 长度因数

slenderness ratio (压杆的)柔度或长细比

long columns 大柔度杆

intermediate columns 中柔度杆

short columns小柔度杆

safety factor of stability稳定安全因数

discount factor of stability 折扣安全因数

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Energy Methods 能量方法

strain energy 应变能

strain energy density 应变能密度

modulus of resilience 回弹模量

modulus of toughness 韧度模量

principle of work and energy 功能互等定理

Castigliano’s theorem 卡氏定理

reciprocal theorem of displacement; Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem位移互等定理

method of dummy, method of virtual forces 虚力法

method of unit dummy load 单位力法

Dynamic Loading 冲击荷载

impact load 冲击荷载

dynamic load 动荷载

constant acceleration 等加速

constant rotation 等角速转动

horizontal impact 水平冲击

vertical impact 竖直冲击

statically equivalent load 静力等效荷载

dynamic load factor 动荷系数

Cyclic Loading and Fatigue 交变荷载及疲劳

cyclic/alternate load 交变荷载

cyclic stress交变应力,循环应力

fatigue failure 疲劳失效

stress amplitude应力幅

stress scope 应力范围

cycle characteristics 循环特征

symmetric cycling 对称循环

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unsymmetric cycling 非对称循环

pulse cycling 脉冲循环

fatigue life疲劳寿命

stress-life diagram应力-寿命曲线,S-N曲线

endurance limit 疲劳极限

fatigue strength 疲劳强度

surface roughness 表面粗糙度

surface strength 表面强度

equal-amplitude fatigue 等幅疲劳

fatigue strength condition 疲劳强度条件

fatigue factor of safety 疲劳安全因数

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标签:应力   荷载   应变   方程   变形   模量
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