



1. superior adj. 更好的, 占优势的; (在级别或重要性上)更高的; n. 上级, 长官; 优胜者

A few years ago it was impossible to find superiorquality coffee in local shops.


We have a relationship infinitely superiorto those of many of our friends.


He always does what his superiors tell him. 他惟上级之命是从。

superiorto sb. /sth. 比……(在品质上)更好; 更胜一筹

superiorto sb. (在级别、重要性或职位上)更高的

superiorin 在……方面优越

优质, 上等品; 高级货品 superiorquality

superiorcourt 高等法院; 上级法院


superior用作形容词时, 本身含有“较”的意思, 故不再有比较级或最高级形式, 用“superiorto”表示“两事物的比较”。


(1)At the meeting, experts stated this method was superiorto others.

(2)He was valued by both his peer and his superiors.

2. take over 接收; 接管; 接替

I’m going to take over the company one day. 我总有一天会接管这家公司。

The state may take over urban or rural land. 国家可以对城乡土地实行征用。

Try not to let negative thoughts take over. 尽量别受消极的想法左右。

take off 脱去(衣服等); (飞机等)起飞; 成功

take on 呈现; 雇用; 承担

take up 拿起; 着手处理; 占据(时间、空间等)

take in 收留; 吸收; 欺骗; 领会; 理解


(1)It’s still far from clear what action the government proposes to take over the affair.

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(2)While reading popular science books, we can take in more basic knowledge.

(3)Our factory will take on twenty more workers next month to increase output.

(4)We tried to find a table for seven, but they were all taken up.

(5)The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.

3. labour n. 劳动(者); 体力劳动 vi. 奋斗; 努力工作

The company wants to keep down labour costs. 公司想保持低劳动成本。

She often does volunteer labour during holidays. 放假时她常参加义务劳动。

We laboured all day in the fields. 我们在田地里辛勤劳动了一整天。

(1) a labour of love 爱做的事情

manual(physical)labour 体力劳动

cheap labour 廉价劳动力

labour force 劳动力

(2) labour to do. . . 艰难地去做……


(1)It is necessary for us to take part in physical/ manual labour. 我们参加体力劳动是十分必要的。

(2)We regard labour as a matter of honour. 我们认为劳动是光荣的事。

(3)The owner of the shop laboured to please his customers. 店主竭尽全力取悦顾客。

3. turn out 关掉; 熄灭; 在场; 使朝外; 结果是

Remember to turn out the lights when you go to bed. 临睡前别忘了关灯。

No one could have foreseen (that) things would turn out this way. 谁都没有预料到事情的结果会这样。

If a writer does not go deep among the masses, he cannot expect to turn out good works.

如果作家不深入众, 就不会写出好作品来。

turn down 关小; 拒绝

turn away 拒绝……入内; 把……打发走

turn up 出现; 露面; 调大

turn to 转向; 变成; 求助于; 翻到(书的某页)

turn over 打翻; 翻身; 移交


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(1)You can’t expect everything to turn out as you wish.

(2)Go down the street and turn to the left, you’ll see the theatre.

(3)Hundreds of people had to be turned away because the stadium was so full that couldn’t even

admit one drop in.

(4)We arranged to meet at 7: 30, but she never turned up.

(5)It remains a question whether we should accept or turn down his proposal.

(6)He has been very lazy but he is going to turn over a new leaf and work hard.

4. division n. 分开; 分隔; 差异; 除(法)

I taught my daughter how to do division at the age of six. 我女儿6岁时, 我就教她怎样做除法。

He worked for a research division of it. 他为它的一个研究部门工作。

The division between the rich and the poor remains. 贫富对立依然存在。

(1)division of / in/ within. . . 某方面的差异/分割

division of. . . between A and B A 和B在某方面的差异/分割

(2)divide v. (使)分开; 分配; 分隔

divide (sth. ) into 分成; 分为; 把……分割成

divide(sth. ) by 除以; 用……除

divide sth. between. . . and. . . 把(时间、精力等)分别用于……


divide 把整体分为若干部分, 常与into搭配

separate 指把原来连在一起或靠近的东西分隔开来, 常与from搭配


(1)There are deep divisions in the party over the war.

(2)The ideal division of labor in the computer age is very clear: The computer should do the work,

and the person should do the thinking.

(3)We can also divide the screen into quarters, sixths, and so on.

(4)England is separated from France by the English Channel.

5. urge n. 强烈的欲望; 冲动 vt. 催促; 力劝; 大力推荐

It is all very well to urge people to give more to charity when they have less, but is it really fair?

这样好倒是好, 当他们自己却没那么多东西的时候, 却敦促人们给慈善机构捐更多东西, 这3 / 22


Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away.

看着一张张脸上那责备的神情, 她突然想赶快溜走。

The authorities urged that every citizen focus attention on the security of food in the early spring.

在早春的时候, 政府敦促每个市民关注食品安全。

(1)urge sb. to do sth. 催促某人做某事

urge/it is urged that. . . (should) do sth.

(2)have an urge to do sth. 渴望做某事


(3)urgent adj. 紧急的; 迫切的

urgency n. 紧急; 催促


(1)Our teacher urges us to study hard with the College Entrance Examination drawing near.

(2)I have an urge to help people out when they’re in trouble.

(3)I make an urgent appeal that measures should be taken to cope with the situation.

(4)There happens to be a particular urgency in this case, and it would help if you could bend the


6. random adj. 随机的; 不可思议的

She opened the book at random and started reading. 她随意翻到一页就看了起来。

The information is processed in a random order. 信息是按随机顺序处理的。

We based our analysis on a random sample of more than 200 males. 我们随机抽取了200多名男性作为样本进行了分析。

(1)at random 胡乱地; 随便地; 任意地

random sample/ selection 随机抽样; 随意采样

(2)randomly adv. 随便地, 任意地; 无目的地, 胡乱地

(3)randomness n. 随意; 无安排; 不可测性


(1)He read a great deal, but at random for pleasure.

(2)These temples are scattered randomly over the mountain.

(3)Einstein declared that randomness rather than lawfulness is the characteristic of natural events.

7. It was at ten o’clock today that the first of all Time Machines began its career. 就是在今天十4 / 22

点钟, 第一台时间机器开始了它的工作。

【句式解构】强调句结构: It is/ was + 被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+ that/ who(强调主语且主语指人)+ 其他部分。

注意: 1. 强调句中去掉it is和that之后, 句子仍然成立。

2. 被强调成分不管是人还是物, 单数还是复数, be动词一律用is/was。

3. 被强调成分为主语时, 仍然保持主格形式。

It was from him, his chemistry teacher, that Paul learned to watch carefully in class.

正是他, 他的化学老师, 让保罗学会了在课堂上认真观察。

It was because of the heavy rain that he came late. 因为下大雨他才来晚的。

Was it last year that the building was completed? 这座大楼是去年建成的吗?


(1)Why was it that you were late for the meeting yesterday?

(2)It is not only blind men who/that make such stupid mistakes.

(3)It was not until I had read your letter that I understood the true state of affairs.

8. on a. . . basis 根据; 以……的方式(基准)

A good parent-children relationship should be set up on the basis of mutual understanding and



Some videos have been banned on the basis that they are too violent.


The theory seems to have no basis in fact.


on the basis of 根据; 基于……

on the basis that 基于

on a daily/day-to-day/weekly/ regular basis 按每天╱每日╱每周一次/定期的标准

form the basis for


basis n. 基础; 根据 多指无形或抽象的事物

base n. /v. 基础; 基地 多指有形或物质的东西

意义较具体, 常指基础或地基

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为……打基础; 构成……的基础

foundation n. 基础; 基地


(1)Our mission was over, and went back to our base.

(2)His research formed the basis of his new book.

(3)He laid the foundation of his success by study and hard work.

9. fall away (逐渐)减少; 消失

If you take this medicine, all your pains and aches will fall away. 你服下这个药, 一切疼痛就会消失。

The houses fell away as we left the city. 随着我们离城市越来越远, 房屋也逐渐在视线中消失了。

You will fall in love with life because you are no longer tied down by your insecurities, fears

and negative beliefs. 你将爱上生活, 因为你不再被你的不安、害怕、消极的信念所牵制。

It is easy to fall into the habit of getting up late in the morning. 很容易养成早晨晚起床的习惯。

fall ill 生病

fall asleep

fall behind

睡着; 入睡


fall down 倒下; 跌倒; 倒塌

fall over 跌倒

fall in love with. . .爱上……

fall into the habit of. . . 形成……习惯


①He always falls behind when we climb mountain.

②Don’t put that glass on the edge of the table; it might fall off.

③I was unlucky to slip on a banana skin and fall over.

④The pupils of the class fall into four groups.

(2)I am very healthy, and I almost do not fall ill. 我很健康, 几乎没有生病。

(3)Some people fall asleep easily, but then wake up time after time. 有些人很容易睡着, 但是会醒很多次。

10. hatch vi. 孵出; 破壳vt. 使孵出; 策划; (尤指) 密谋

Its eggs hatch after about ten days, and then the baby platypus nurses from its mother like all

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other mammals.

鸭嘴兽的蛋在大约十天后孵化出来, 然后幼鸭嘴兽像其他哺乳动物一样从母亲那里哺乳。

The hen has hatched all her chickens out. 这只母鸡已经孵出了她的全部小鸡。

Which animal can hatch from the egg? 哪种动物可以从蛋里孵出来?

hatch out (使)得出结果; 制定

hatch sth. from sth. 从……中孵出……


(1)No one knows how the new plan will hatch out.

(2)Chickens hatch from the eggs, but eggs are laid by the chickens, arousing endless debate over

each side of the arguments.

11. a handful of一把(的量); 用手抓起的数量; 少数人(或物)

There are only a small handful of animals in the world that can do that! 世界上只有很少的动物可以那样做!

City kids can probably see only a handful of stars. 城里的孩子可能只能看到很少的星星。

Every 90 minutes she’ll rest for 2 minutes and eat on bread or a spoonful of peanut butter.

每隔90分钟她会休息2分钟, 吃面包或一勺花生酱。

The girl carrying a basketful of flowers is walking towards him. 挎着一篮子花的女孩正走向他。

a spoonful of 一勺

a basketful of 一篮

a mouthful of 一口

a houseful of 一屋子


(1)He published nothing except a handful of short novels.

除了为数不多的几篇短篇小说, 他没发表过什么东西。

(2)He put a spoonful of salt into the soup, trying to make it tasty.

他往汤里放了一匙盐, 试图使汤变得可口。

(3)The hungry boy bit a mouthful of bread, and swallowed it quickly.

饥饿的男孩咬了一口面包, 很快就吞了下去。

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(4)When the lecturer came in, he found that there were a houseful of students waiting eagerly for

the speech. 当演讲者进来时, 他发现有一屋子学生在急切地等待演讲。

12. mercy n. 仁慈; 宽恕; 恩惠

Although this was banned in 1982, some countries are still “murdering” these intelligent

creatures without mercy.

尽管这在1982年被禁止, 但一些国家仍然毫不留情地“谋杀”这些聪明的生物。

Having lost the engine’s power, the boat was now at the mercy of the wind.

发动机坏了, 这艘船现在任由大风摆布。

He was such a cruel man that he showed no mercy to others.


They had mercy on their neighbor for he suffered a lot. =They showed mercy to their neighbor

for he suffered a lot.

他们对邻居表示同情, 他受的苦难太多了。

show mercy to sb. 怜悯某人

have mercy on

at the mercy of

without mercy


任凭……的摆布; 在……的支配中

残忍地, 毫无同情心地


(1)He will be generous and merciful to those who are weaker than himself.

(2)So pitifully did she plead that the Baron grew calm and decided to have mercy on her.

(3)They showed little mercy to the enemies.

(4)The policemen shot the crocodile without mercy.

(5)The boat was at the mercy of the rapid river.

13. possession n. 个人财产; 拥有; 控制

The sea is home to life, not human beings’ possessions.

海洋是生命的家园, 而不是人类的财产。

The company that Tom is in possession of was once in the possession of his uncle.


On her father’s death, she came into possession of a vast fortune. 父亲死后, 她继承了一大笔8 / 22


We didn’t take possession of the car until a few days after the auction. 拍卖会过后几天, 我们才真正拿到了那辆车。

be in possession of sth. 拥有/占有某物

be in the possession of sb. /be in one’s possession

have possession of 拥有


为某人所有; 归某人所有

come into possession of

get/take possession of 占领; 夺取


(1) He is in possession of the house. = The house is in the possession of him.

(2)He took possession of a lot of jewels from Mr White.

(3)He had come into possession of a large fortune.

(4)Does the young man standing there have possession of the company?

14. arrest n. 逮捕; 拘留; 中止 vt. 逮捕; 拘留; 阻止

A $5 million reward has been announced for information leading to the arrest of those

responsible for the murder. 一项500万美元的悬赏已经公布, 以获得逮捕那些对这起谋杀事件负责的人的信息。

He is said to be under arrest for spreading online rumors. 据说他由于传播网络谣言被捕了。

An unusual painting arrested his attention. 一幅异乎寻常的画引起了他的注意。

He was arrested for faking some famous paintings. 他由于伪造一些名画而被逮捕。

arrest sb. for sth.

get arrested






arrest one’s attention

be under arrest

make an arrest


(1)She was arrested for drug-related offences. 她因涉嫌犯罪而被捕。

(2)You shouldn’t do things like that. You could get arrested! 你不应该做那样的事。你会被捕的!

(3)The bright colours of the flowers arrested the girl’s attention. 花的艳丽彩引起了那姑娘的9 / 22


(4)You’re under arrest. You’re here to assist my investigation. 你已经被捕了, 你来这里是协助我办案的。

14. disabled adj. 有残疾的; 丧失能力的

One of my dreams is to work in Africa and continue to help the disabled after I resign from my


我的梦想之一就是在非洲工作, 在我退休后继续帮助残疾人。

It produces a deafening sound so painful that it temporarily disables a person.


Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability.

一些职务需要15到24岁的学生, 或达到29岁的残疾人。

【划重点】“the + 形容词”表一类人

“the + 形容词”表示性质或特征相同的一类人, 如: the disabled残疾人, the deaf 聋人, the

dead 死者, 和the blind 盲人……此时, 谓语动词通常用复数形式。如:

The rich are not always happier than the poor. 富人不一定总比穷人幸福。


(1)We didn’t abandon the baby with disability and decided to bring her up.

(2)I strongly advise that a special elevator be provided for the disabled.

(3)This kind of disease disables thousands of people every year.

(4)The disabled are (be) well taken care of by the government.

15. deserve vt. 值得; 应得; 应受

There are many selfless people like Uncle Li around us, and they well deserve our respect.

我们身边有很多像李叔叔这样无私的人, 他们非常值得我们尊重。

Does Kilimanjaro deserve its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the

atmosphere of peace? 乞力马扎罗山是一座拥挤的山, 挤满了成的游客, 破坏了它宁静的气氛, 它应得这样的声誉吗?

You deserve to pay attention to this kind of syndromes. 你应该关注这类症状。

What deserves to be mentioned most is the theme of the Reading day—Reading Chinese Classics

and Inheriting Chinese Culture. 最值得提到的就是阅读日的主题——阅读中国经典, 继承中国文化。

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deserve consideration/attention/praise 值得考虑/注意/赞扬

deserve to do sth.


deserve doing=deserve to be done



(1)表示“很值得”, 用well修饰deserve。

(2)后接动名词时, 动名词用主动形式表示被动意义, 相当于接不定式的被动形式。有此类用法的词还有: need, want, require等。


①Maria is constantly making efforts; she deserves to achieve the goal of entering the key


②All teachers deserve recognizing/to be recognized for the contributions they make in our

classrooms and in our country.

③Your suggestion deserves consideration/ considering /to be considered.

④You deserve to make full use of your free time to improve your English. →Your free time

deserves to be made use of to improve your English.

16. tune n. 曲调; 曲子 vt. 调音; 调节; 调频道

It is a hit program on CCTV 3, where a lot of classic Chinese poems are chanted in beautiful

tunes. 它是CCTV 3的一档成功节目, 在节目中, 很多古典汉语诗歌用优美的曲调来吟诵。

After a short time, a violin goes out of tune, and sounds awful. 过了一会儿, 小提琴就会走调儿, 而且声音难听。

It was just an ordinary voice, but he sang in tune. 他只是嗓音一般, 但唱得很合调。

Today, his change of direction seems more in tune with the times.

今天, 他方向的改变似乎更与时代合拍。


out of tune

in tune

走调; 不协调; (对某事)没有兴趣

一致; 合调子

in tune with

out of tune with

(与……)一致; (与……)协调

(与……)不一致; (与……)不协调

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(1)He sings terribly, out of tune now and then, but I still have to applaud.

他唱得真不怎么样, 经常走调, 不过我还得鼓掌叫好。

(2)The government seemed to be in tune with the public.


(3)The melody of the song is amazing, with many moving tunes.

这首歌的旋律令人惊叹, 有很多动人的曲调。

17. contract vt. 感染(疾病); 与……订立合同(或契约)n. 合同; 契约

Many dangerous diseases which are rare in China are quite commonly contracted in Tanzania.


Under the contract, he will have to resign if the sales go down. 词汇复现

依据本合同, 如果销售下滑他将不得不辞职。

The director wanted the girl; however, she was under contract to Warner Brothers.

导演想要这个女孩, 但是那时她已经签约华纳兄弟公司。


contract with 承包; 与……订有合约



under the contract

(be) under contract to


(1)Under the contract, all goods should be finished in two days.

根据本合同, 所有货物应该在两天内完成。

(2)You can contract with us to deliver your cargo.

你们可以和我们签订合同, 由我们负责运输你们的货物。

(3)I am glad to know that you are under contract to a big company.


18. grant vt. 同意; 准许 n. 拨款

It will be my pleasure to be their guide and grant them an unforgettable and worthwhile trip.

我很高兴担任他们的向导, 并给予他们一次难忘而又值得的旅行。

Another contributing factor is that Chinese students take parents’ financial support for granted.


(2019•江苏高考)Human beings took it for granted that their brains held all the solutions.

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(1) grant sb. sth.

(2)take sth. for granted

take it for granted that


(1)I took it for granted that he would help us.


(2) Nowadays kids always wanted expensive gifts and took it for granted.

现在, 孩子们总是想要获得贵重的礼物, 并认为这是理所当然的。

(3)He promised to grant us a new chance to apply for the post.


19. pray vi&vt. 企盼; 祈祷

All I could do was to pray every night for spring and for happier times to come as soon as


我能做的只有夜夜祈祷, 希望春天和更幸福的时光早日降临。

It is customary to paste spring couplets on the door and cut-papers on the windows to pray for

good luck.

在门上贴春联, 在窗户上贴剪纸以祈祷好运, 这是一种传统。

I’m praying that the epidemic will disappear soon and everything will return to normal.

但愿疫情很快就会消失, 一切恢复正常。


pray for

pray that

恳求, 请求






(1)That’s why I pray for the end of the epidemic every day, and I believe it’ll soon come.

这就是为什么我每天都祈祷疫情结束的原因, 我相信它很快就会来临。

(2)I pray that you can adjust your state and succeed in the final exam.

但愿你可以调整状态, 在期末考试中获得胜利。

20. Not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital, but people in neighboring countries are helped

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as well.

不仅坦桑尼亚人被这所医院帮助, 邻近国家的人也得到了帮助。


本句是一个部分倒装句。not only位于第一个分句句首, 则该分句部分倒装; 后一个分句, 即but后面不用倒装。

Not only should we keep a healthy diet, but we should also balance our studies and relaxation.

我们不仅要健康饮食, 我们也应该平衡我们的学习和放松。

Not only will we enjoy a large meal, but we will also set fireworks, having fun with each other.

我们不仅可以享用一大顿美餐, 也可以放烟花, 玩得不亦乐乎。

Not only can music make you happy, excited, but it also can make you upset or calm.

音乐不仅让你高兴、激动, 也会让你难过或冷静。


除了not only之外, never, seldom, rarely, little,

hardly, scarcely, no sooner, no longer, nowhere 等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首, 则其后要用部分倒装, 把助动词置于主语之前。

Little does he realize how important this meeting is.



(1)Never will we worry about getting fake notes or having no change.


(2)Not only did I learn to communicate with strangers, I also picked up some extracurricular


我不仅学会了与陌生人交流, 我也学了一些课外知识。

(3)(2020•全国Ⅰ卷) She teaches us not only how to gain knowledge but also how to be a good


她不仅教我们如何获得知识, 也教我们如何成为一个好人。


21. consultation n. 咨询; 咨询会

A national network of medical treatment coordination has also been formed to provide technical

support through online consultation. 建立全国医疗救治协作网络, 通过远程会诊方式提供技14 / 22


As I am planning to have further education in Britain soon, I want to consult you about IELTS.

由于我正计划到英国深造, 因此我向你咨询一下关于雅思的情况。

I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposals.



(1)in consultation with



vt. &vi. 协商; 咨询; 请教

consult with sb.



n. 顾问, 咨询师


①A personal diet plan is devised after a consultation with a nutritionist.

②His work as a consultant consisted in advising foreign companies on the siting of new factories.

(2)In case of any difficulty, you must consult with the masses.

如果碰到困难, 你应当和众商量。

22. relay vt. 转发; 转播 n. 接力赛; 接班的人

What I want to tell you is this: you have won the relay race.

我想告诉你们的是这么一件事: 你们接力赛赢了。

China has successfully launched a satellite which is used mainly to relay television programmes.

中国成功发射一颗卫星, 这颗卫星将主要用来转播电视节目。

Do remember to relay to him that he has passed the interview. 一定记着转达他: 他已经通过了面试。


relay race


转告某事; 转播某事

转达给……; 转发给……

relay something

relay to


(1)The broadcasting station will relay the news of the President’s death.


(2)Our class won the girls’ relay race in our school’s sports meeting.

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(3)I forgot to relay to him that the meeting had been put off.


23. Now that I understand how important my mother’s work is, I’ve decided to become a

volunteer myself to help people in other lands. 既然我了解我母亲的工作多么的重要, 我已经决定我自己也成为一名志愿者帮助其他地方的人。


本句是一个复合句。how important my mother’s work is为宾语从句; 句中Now that引导原因状语从句, 意为“既然”。

(2020•全国Ⅰ卷) Now that you’ve listed your strengths, list your imperfections.

既然你已经列完你的强项, 那么就列出你的不足之处。

Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be independent of your parents’ help.

既然你已是个大学生了, 就应当学着独立, 不靠父母的帮助。

I have already realised how important environmental protection is.



(1)既然你已经毕业了, 你应该知道一份工作的重要性。

Now that you have graduated, you should know how important to find a job is.

(2)既然我已经明白持之以恒的重要性, 我已经决定无论遇到什么困难我都会继续努力。

Now that I understand how important persistence is, I have decided to carry on whatever

difficulty I meet.

24. accuse vt. 控告; 控诉; 谴责

The government was accused of incompetence. 政府被指责无能。

Your neighbours may accuse you of playing the piano at midnight. 你的邻居可能会谴责你半夜弹钢琴。

(1)the accused 被告

(2)accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人犯某罪; 指责某人做某事

【划重点】“v. +sb. +of sth. ”结构短语

(1)remind sb. of sth.


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(2)cure sb. of sth. 治好某人某种疾病

(3)inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事

(4)rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物

(5)warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事


(1)They accused their government of betraying the interests of the people.

(2)The worker witnessed to having seen the accused near the scene of the crime.

(3)Please keep us informed of how you are getting with the work.

25. priority n. 优先; 优先权; 优先事项; 首要的事

The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system. 政府优先致力于税制改革。

Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority. 清洗供水系统是他们的首要任务。

Nowadays the priority for travelling is shifted from shopping to food and scenery. 现在旅行的重点从购物转移到享用食物和欣赏风景。

give priority to 优先考虑; 认为优先

top priority 最优先的

first priority 最优先; 绝对优先权

a high/low priority 重点/非重点项目

take/have priority over 优先考虑


are more likely to give priority to child care and education policies.

research for a new vaccine will take priority over all other medical research.

a parent is her first priority. 为人父母是她的首要任务。

continues to recommend that health workers be given high/top priority for early

vaccination. 世卫组织继续建议优先考虑卫生工作者的早期疫苗接种。

26. finance n. 资金; 财政; 金融vt. 提供资金

Finance for education comes from taxpayers. 教育经费来自纳税人。

He took a job to finance his stay in Germany. 他了一份工作以赚钱支付在德国的费用。

A United States delegation is in Japan seeking finance for a major scientific project. 一个美国代表团正在日本为一个重大科研项目寻求资助。

(1)finance for 用于……的资金

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government/public/personal finances 政府/公共/个人财力

international finance

(2)finance sth.




fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons.

building project will be financed by the government.

majored in finance at university and is now working in a bank. 他在大学时主修金融, 现在在一家银行工作。

27. desert n. 沙漠; 荒漠 v. 遗弃; 舍弃, 离弃 adj. 沙漠的; 荒凉的

The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter. 只有乘直升机才能进入那遥远的荒漠地区。

Desert plants are adapted to cope with extreme heat. 沙漠植物适于耐酷热。

The man was deserted by his parents when he was only a child. 那个男人在很小的时候就被父母抛弃了。

(2)deserted adj. 荒芜的; 被遗弃的


(1)It is one of the rare places in the world where the desert meets the sea. (沙漠)

(2)The villages had been deserted. (遗弃)

(3)Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable. (开小差)

28. acquire vt. 获得; 购得

It took him a long time to acquire the skills he needed to become a good dancer.


Her grandfather guided her to acquire a love for her homeland. 她的祖父引导她产生爱国之情。

(1)acquire knowledge/skill/ reputation 获得知识、技能、声誉

acquire a taste for 喜欢上……

(2)acquired adj. 后天的; 已获得的


my opinion, the knowledge acquired from travel is more valuable than that from any

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influential reference book.

en seek out regularities and rules in acquiring language.

3.I have recently acquired a taste for olives. 我最近开始喜欢吃橄榄了。

29. come to a conclusion 得出结论

They’ll kind of argue something through and then come to a conclusion.

他们总是会争辩一番, 然后得出一个结论。

More tests should be conducted before we can come to a conclusion.

我们需要做更多的实验, 然后才能得出结论。

draw a conclusion 得出结论

reach a decision 得出结论



arrive at a conclusion

jump to conclusions

conclude from 从中得出结论


(1)Finally, we analyzed the questionnaire, discussed the results of the survey and came to a


(2)We must arrive at a conclusion on what to do.

(3)It can be easy to jump to conclusions when you hear parents argue.

(4)What do you conclude from the evidence?

30. dedicate vt. 把……奉献给

She dedicated her first book to her father. 她将她的第一本书献给了她父亲。

I like to work with people who are honest and dedicated to their work. 我喜欢与一些诚实并对工作投入的人合作。

She dedicates herself to her work. 她献身于自己的工作。

A memorial stone was dedicated to those who were killed in the war. 为阵亡将士纪念碑举行了落成典礼。

(1) dedicate oneself/sth. to sth. / to doing sth. 把……奉献给

dedicate sth. to sb. /sth. 为(建筑物等)举行落成典礼

(2)dedication n. 奉献; 献身

(3) dedicated adj. 专用的; 专注的; 献身的

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(4)dedicator n. 献身者; 奉献者


(1)He dedicated himself body and soul to the education of young people. (献身)

(2)He dedicated the book to his friend. (献给)

(3)The new church will be dedicated on Sunday. (落成典礼)

(4)He’s quite dedicated to his students. (尽心尽力的)

31. attend to 关怀; 照料; 处理

My mother was very ill; I had to attend to her. 我妈妈病得很重, 我必须照顾她。

I have some urgent businesses to attend to. 我有一些急事要处理。

If you don’t attend to the lecture, you won’t understand. 如果你不用心听讲, 你就不会懂。

attend a meeting/a lecture/school 参加会议/听讲座/上学

attend (on/upon) sb. 照顾某人; 伺候某人

attend to 处理; 对付; 接待(顾客); 专心; 注意


(1)The patients are well attended in the hospital. (照顾; 护理)

(2)You know, my uncle Li Ming is going to the city where you live to attend an international

meeting. (出席; 参加)

(3)He took a short leave of absence to attend to personal business. (处理)

9. Do you agree that there is no point studying something that you like but you are not very good


学习你喜欢但不擅长的东西没有意义, 你同意这个观点吗?

【句式解构】there is no point (in) doing做……是没有意义的

There is absolutely no point doing something if you are not having fun doing it.

如果做的事情没有乐趣, 就完全没有必要做它。

There is no point doing such a silly thing.



(1)There is no point (毫无意义)in us going ahead without your knowledge and involvement.

(2) If we have finished our work, there is no point in staying any longer(再待下去).


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32. employer n. 雇主; 老板

No one wants to employ somebody who bad-mouths their former employer. 没有人愿意雇用说前雇主坏话的人。

He had been sent to Rome by his employer. 他被雇主派到罗马去了。

(1)employee n. 雇员; 从业员工

(2)employment n. 使用; 职业; 雇用

(3) unemployment n. 失业; 失业率

(4)employ vt. 使用, 采用; 雇用

受雇于; 从事于 be employed in


(1)The employee and the employer have agreed on the following terms of contract.

(2)The figures represent a general decline in employment.

(3)More females than males are employed in the factory.

33. With my proficiency in Chinese calligraphy, I could also conduct classes for your visitors to

help them learn more about this beautiful aspect of Chinese culture. 由于我精通中国书法, 我也可以为你们的访客开设课程, 帮助他们更多地了解中国文化美丽的一面。

【句式解构】with短语作状语, 常表示原因、伴随等。

有时候, with构成复合结构作状语。with短语或with的复合结构作状语可以扩展成某种状语从句。

With these words, they left the library. 说着话, 他们离开了图书馆。

I slept with the window open. 我开着窗户睡觉。

He came back with a smile on his face. 他面带微笑回来了。

With better equipment, we could have finished the job even sooner. 要是设备好些, 我们完成这项工作还要快些。


(1) Don’t speak with your mouth full.

(2) He stood before his teacher with his head down.

(3)I won’t be able to go on holiday with my mother being ill.

(4)I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash.

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