


【篇一:新题型 英语概要写作】




praise is like frosting(糖衣)on a cake. a little makes it taste

better and too much will ruin everything. kids need your

encouragement and love it when you recognize their

achievements. just don‘t ruin their trust by leading them to

believe every little thing they do is worthy of praise. when they

grow up, they will find that they can‘t be accepted by society

and probably think it was you who made them so needy of


recently, i had the opportunity to observe a family, 5-year-old

joshua and his parents, in action. they had arrived at my office

about 15 minutes early, and having returned from lunch with a

few minutes to spare, i was talking with my secretary in the

waiting room. as i was collecting my things to walk back to my

office, i was greatly surprised by a series of joshua‘s mother‘s

comments. the kid was playing with some blocks on the floor,

and his mother kept praising him on his progress. ―oh, joshua,

that‘s such a nice stack(堆)of blocks. you are so smart!‖

followed by ―what a great job. i couldn‘t have built that when i

was your age.‖ then his father added, ―that‘s my boy‖, which

nearly caused my secretary to gag(窒息). after all, the kid

was 5 years old, and stacking up a few wooden blocks is not a

great achievement. no wonder he was having problems

following directions in school--no teacher would be able to

give him the amount of attention and praise necessary to keep

the child interested.

what is wrong with praising a child? actually, it may cause a

lot of harm if it is not given properly. praising children in

certain ways may set them up to become praise junkies(成瘾者)--expecting their parents or others to praise them for

almost every act or feeling, rather than developing internal(内在的)measurement for self-respect and feeling of

achievement. try to give praise only when necessary, no more

and no less.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ one possible version:

a certain amount of praise for children is positive but over-praised children will find it difficult to be accepted by society.

recently when i saw how 5-year-old joshua was praised by his

parents for doing an easy thing for his age, i realized his

parents‘ too praise was the cause of his problems in school.

so we should give kids proper praise only when necessary.



in a small village, the parents of a little boy were very

depressed due to his bad temper(脾气). the boy used to get

angry very easily and hurt others with his words. while he

forgot what he spoke in anger, his friends and neighbours

avoided him.

his mother and father tried many ways to make him give up

his anger and develop kindness. unfortunately, all their

attempts failed. finally, the boy‘s father came up with an idea.

one day, his father gave him a huge bag of nails, asking him to

hammer one nail to the fence every time he lost his temper. the

little boy found it funny and accepted what his father had said.

his anger drove him to hammer 30 nails into the fence on the

first day! over the next few days, the little boy found it very

difficult to hammer the nails into the fence and decided to

control his temper.

gradually, the number of nails hammered into the fence was

reduced and the day arrived when he hammered none!

now, his father told him to remove the nails every day as he

had controlled his anger. several days passed and the boy was

able to pull out most of the nails from the fence.

the father appreciated him and asked him, pointing to one of

the holes, ―what do you see there?‖

the boy replied, ―a hole in the fence?‖

he told the boy, ―the nails were your bad temper and they

were hammered into people. you ca n remove the nails but still

see the holes in the fence. the fence never looks the same! it

has scars all over! your bad temper and anger were like that!

use words for good. use them to show your heart!‖



阅读下面短文, 根据其内容写一篇60字左右的内容概要。

over the past few years, there has been a big increase in the

number of people sharing information online. in this article, we

will learn about some positive reasons for people to share

information online.

94% of those surveyed by the new york times said they put a

lot of thought into how the content they are sharing will be

beneficial to others. we often share information with our

friends in the office or at home to educate, entertain, or

pleasantly surprise them. this is also true while sharing

information online. if you look at the facebook wall posts of

your friends, you will realize that most of their updates are

usually famous quotes(引述), entertaining videos, humorous

images, funny jokes, etc.

a lot of people share information online to picture their true

self to the outside world. some people, especially those who

are shy and not comfortable talking about their areas of

interest in the presence of others, find it extremely convenient

to share that information online with others. according to the

study, 78% of the people said they shared information online

because it helps them develop better relationships. today,

people are so busy that they do not have the time to meet each

other personally. a lot of people now ―meet‖ each other online,

rather than in places like restaurants and pubs.

lastly, when we share our thoughts online, we are actively

communicating with a large number of people who are a part

of the world wide web. sharing information will affect the

viewpoint of others, or add to their understanding about the


_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ possible version:

people increasingly share information online for several

positive reasons. most people hope what they share will

benefit others. some people show their true self by sharing

information online. people also do this to keep in touch with

friends and make new friends. quite a few people share their

thoughts online hoping to influence others view points in a

positive way. (59 words)



punishing children is a controversial topic. everybody has

different opinions about how to act to correct a child‘s

behavior. parents, teachers, doctors and specialists such as

psychologists, have disagreements about whether it is good

for a child‘s education to punish him or her.

the word ―punish‖ means different things to different people.

punishment can be physical or emotional. physical

punishment is when the parent hits, slaps or spanks the child.

on the other hand, emotional punishment is when the parent,

in order to educate the child, doesn‘t let him or her watch tv,

go to play with his or her friends, or do things like that. the

parent doesn‘t teach him or her, but still he or she punishes

the child.

although many surveys and studies have been made about

what the correct way is to raise a child, nobody has the answer

or the truth. i think it will be very difficult to find the answer or

get people to agree.

i think the parents should love their child and give him or her

the best education, but at the same time, they should punish

the child if he or she deserves it. i think if you love your child,

you should be rational when you apply the punishment. it

should be reasonable but strict.

the parents‘ goal is to have in the future a good man or

woman in society, so sometimes you should do what is

necessary to get your child to behave well.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ one possible


people have mixed opinions towards punishment to children.

(要点1)punishment can be physical or emotional, but the way

they are punished is the key problem. (要点2)as a matter of

fact, it is difficult to find the correct way to raise a child. (要点3)proper punishment can be instructive and necessary to

children if it is reasonable and strict. but love and education

are the most important for us to make our kids behave well. (要点4)



one in three of us eat more meals by ourselves than we do

with other people, a new study

showed today.

but before you digest that somewhat depressing figures, there

is some good news ---kind of --- a lot of us are perfectly happy

to eat alone because the computer and tv provide us with

solitary (独居的) entertainment.

perhaps unsurprisingly, half of the uk‘s bachelors eat a meal

alone at least once a day. and even one in four mothers with

families have dinner mostly by themselves according to a

major report on eating trends and social change by the future

foundation. however, eating alone doesn‘t seem to matter

anymore if you can chat away on social networks- in fact it‘s

now both a quick and entertaining affair.

―suppertainment‖ is the phrase being coined for the current

major trend that reflects the number of people who eat in front

of the computer, tv or games. single men are the majority

leading this trend, with 60 percent of them spending meal

times plugged into something. however, 40 percent of mothers

and 30 percent of students also eat meals while being on the

pc or laptop several times a week.

boyd hilton, tv and reviews editor of heat magazine

says: ―setting yourself up in front of the tv

to ?suppertain‘ comes naturally, especially when you‘ve been

on the go all day.

―if i‘m on my own i always tend to make a quick and easy

meal and settle down to watch something entertaining or i‘ll

get on the laptop and catch up with comedies.‖

―i think it‘s such a bonus that healthy, tasty convenience

meals now mean you can relax about eating good food without

having to worry about preparation time.‖

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ one possible version:

a recent study shows that there is a new eating trend in the

uk-one in three of british eat more meals by themselves than

they do with others. most of them are happy to eat alone

because of the solitary entertainment provided by the

computer and tv. the new phrase ― suppertainment‖ is coined

to reflect that the number of people who eat in front of the

computer, tv or game console is trending. if you have been

busy all day. ―suppertainment‖ comes naturally when you set

yourself up in front of the tv.



with global warming and melting ice, it isn‘t easy being a polar

bear anymore. some studies have predicted that polar bears

could die out by the end of the century. the good news is not

all researchers think the bears are absolutely disappearing.

scientists at the american museum of natural history(amnh)

have published a new paper indicating that things might not be

as bad for polar bears as some scientists expect.

to understand the reason for the researchers‘ cautious

optimism, we must first understand the factors that are

threatening the polar bear‘s existence. polar bears consume a

diet of mainly young seals. in order to hunt these seals, polar

bears need to rest at the top of sea ice---the same ice that

is increasingly melting for most of the year thanks to climate

change. in another 50 years, experts expect that the arctic will

be too warm for sea ice to form for half of the year, leaving

polar bears without a reliable food source and in serious

danger of starvation.

unfortunately, not all polar bears have tended to seek food on

land. that said, the researchers expect that necessity would

push more polar bears to hunt on land to avoid starvation. they

also expect that the bears could learn from their fellow bears

how to hunt on land until the practice becomes second nature.


____________________________________________________________________________________ one possible version:

with global warming and melting ice, some scientists think

that polar bears could die out by the end of the century.

however, other scientists think that polar bears could die out

by the end of the century. however, other scientists don‘t think

so. they have found polar bars have found alternative food

sources and they can survive by hunting animals on land

instead of your seals. the researchers expect all polar bears

learn how to hunt on land to avoid starvation.



child raising is probably one of the most difficult jobs for

people to do all over the world. since babies do not come with

child raising manuals(指南), couples, especially future mothers,

have to learn from their mothers, aunts, mothers-in-law, or any

other relative who is close to them. as children grow up,

parents have to find reasonable ways in order to help their

children, advise them, punish them, lead them to achievements,

and teach them. sometimes children under ten may behave

inappropriately. for example, they learn to say offensive words

and they show no respect to their relatives. i think parents in

these cases should punish their children in a reasonable way.

children must know those kinds of attitudes are not good at all.

there are many aspects which influence parents in this hard

job, for example, the culture in which they live, the economic

situation in their society, and the religious environment.

one group consists of people who don‘t have economical

resources or education. in this group, people get married when

they are teenagers. their children are taken to their

grandparents‘ homes, so the job of child raising is done by

grandparents instead of the real parents. if the grandparents

are on the sidewalks selling newspapers, cigarettes, or

magazines, the children will


what you dont know about marriage

in this funny, casual talk from tedx, writer jenna mccarthy

shares surprising research on how marriages (especially

happy marriages) really my opinion, marriage is more

than just a ring on your finger ,it’s a bond between two people

that should grow over time and add value to your life.

is marriage indispensable to persons of the right age?after

watching the speech,my answer is absolutely yes.

responsibilities always comes with rights during marriage in

which,i think,the benefit play a dominant role. marriage is an

intimate and enduring relationship that grows over time and

makes you a better person. also,marriage is linked to health

and economic benefits. according to the video,married

individuals tend to have better physicalhealth, psychological

well-being, and a lower mortality risk. financially, married men

tend to earnmore, and married women are less likely to fall into

poverty. marriage is also linked to greater wealth accumulation.

marriage is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively

lasts until death, but in practice is increasingly cut short by

may wander how to maintain a happy marriage?the

speech given some answers to some of all, you

should clear why marriage matters to you and why you are

wiling to spend the rest of your life making the relationship a

’more,the central point of the suggestions given

by jenna mccarthy,eg. keeping yourself more attractive and

thinner than your husband, focusing on the positives/praise-worthy moments ,is cherish, giving and ,divorce

is contagious contagious. so we have to be intentional to place

ourselves in the company of those who are striving to make

marriage better.

building a strong and intimate marriage starts from within

yourself, and then becomes a bond between you and your

partner that lasts a conclude,i agree highly with the

speaker’s viewpoint: whether youre in it or youre searching for

it, marriage is an institution worth pursuing and protecting.

【篇三:大学生英语作文:on patriotism(论爱国主义)】

on patriotism

in the past year 2010, there were two impressive events

related with patriotism happening on this soil: the “6.5” holy

war and the parade resulted from the conflict between china

and japan on diaoyu island. the former one took place on june

5th in the name of the “holy patriotism”, thus being called “6.5”

holy war. it was a war without smoke, a fight on the virtual

internet; for some so-called patriots hacked most websites

associated with south korea and used photo editing software

to twist the images of some korean stars as an insult. this

caused a great sensation in the country. but the latter one is

much fiercer and more actual, with the angry students

smashed the windows of japanese shops inside the country

and robbed all the goods away, left the desperate shopkeepers

in an appalling situation. the hatred toward japan which

accumulated for years exploded at one moment when the

diaoyu island event was at dispute, and the whole country was

flooded with such cruel “patriotism”.

i dare to say that i cannot approve this kind of “patriotism”. if

patriotism is a sort of synonym for “violence” and “blindness”,

i am quite disappointed. from my point of view, a real patriot

must be calm and rational in mind, and decisive and wise in

action. it is not right to get rid of every foreign impact, or bear

a nameless grudge on all foreign nations.

a real patriot wants his own country to have a better future, not

to make the situation worse. look at what the insensible

students did during the conflict in japan. they did no good for

this country. instead the country suffered from the cataract of

savagery. and the hidden wounds lasted foe a long time.

from the two examples above, we come to a conclusion that

keeping rational is the most important. no matter what heinous

thing happens, it does no harm to think twice before leap.

what comes to next is that patriotism is based on a clear

knowledge of one’s own country. both the flaws and the

virtues are acknowledged by him and he never looks down

upon the motherland because of its faults, nor dose he in

praise of everything ignoring the dark side. when some oafish

persons insult his country, he will try every means to defend it,

never feeling ashamed by this. on a deeper extent, patriotism

lays in one’s good expectations toward his country. he tries to

make wishes into reality and devotes all his life to serving his

dear country and the people who live in it. we often regard the

outstanding talents who rejected the high salaries overseas

and came back to work for our country as patriots, such as the

excellent mathematician hua luogeng.

to summarize, patriotism encompasses rationality, calmness,

consciousness, and self-devotion. it is not an excuse for

ferocity or violence. it is a cause which all of us shall pursue

and persist.

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